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sorry, I've got a house, I cannot remove their food supply and if I leave the house 3 weeks, when I come back I find about 40 to 50 droppings per door-window (7 of them on the ground floor) and more everywhere.

it just looks filthy.

the few months where I had the poison in action were a relief.

@manarak I agree with you, and it is not the first time somebody get rid of this small anymals, I have the same problem, but when you start a discussion on TVabout this problem always you get the same answers like they are harmless etcetera. But anyway for me they are not hygianic and I don't like there shit in my kitchen. Please if you know the stuff to kill this creatures let me know.


I'm horrified that people find the need to kill jinjokes. If they shit in your house then clean it up. You're living in an environment where you can't control all the animals. Accept it!


Feel sorry for the OP, asks for advise on getting rid of geckos, and gets mostly abused, nice guys, but a pity you can't just stick to what an OP asks. Mob of bloody losers.

But luckily your comment saved his day!

If living in a 900m2 house, affording a maid to clean the 'mess' shouldn't be a problem, right?

I guess the best solution is an army of cats. Using poison for anything that bothers you, is for me simply unacceptable. It usually kills so much more than what it actually is intended for, not to mention that you have to live in a poisoned house. I can't believe somebody being cruel against these little cute geckos. Look at them closely and you'll see they always smile at you. It is because of these house geckos/ flat-tailed geckos/ and spiny-tailed geckos that Thailand deserves it's title of being the land of smiles.

I've seen the Tockay Geckos eating the little house geckos, but not sure if that solves you problem. Another natural enemy of the geckos is the Golden Tree Snake. A very common snake, one of the few species of flying snakes (they actually don't fly, but glide). They love to stay near humans, under roofs. Introducing a few into the little holes of your house will definitely solve a part of your problem. And the good thing is, these snakes are not dangerous to humans. This species has very good vision and can detect the movement of the geckos from a fair distance. It even eats Tockays, and mice, so can't think of a better friend for you. In contrary to the army of cats, an army of these snakes will get into every tiny crevice where these geckos hide. Besides that, you don't need to worry about feeding them, which is an advantage over the army of cats. Though feeding a cat too much makes them lazy and only occassionally they might catch something but then only play with it.

At my girlfriend's parents house they do feed the cats every day, but just rice with maybe a little bit of left overs of curries or bones. The cats are very healthy though, because they are true hunters, and eat everything they catch. It always makes me a bit sad when I see one chewing on the bright blue head of a male Blue Crested Lizard, or on a little Striped Tree Squirrel. But far better than poison.

If you take cats, make sure they spend enough time inside the house at prime gecko times.

The tip of turning off the lights is a good one, though I presume you don't leave your lights on when you're away for 3 weeks. Maybe turning the light on outside your house would attract enough insects to make the geckos decide to go hunting on the outer walls instead of your interior.

You might think I'm kidding about the snakes, but I'm quite sure that if you offer one hundred baht for every Golden tree Snake the local school kids bring over to your house, you soon will have a few resident snakes that take care of your problem. They'll move off when prey animals disappear. So you might have to repeat it every now and then. But poison is not a permanent solution either.

To me these little geckos give me the feeling of being on holiday, as I'm from a country where you need to put serious effort in finding any lizards or snakes.

So when seeing geckos or lizards I'm in a warm country with a more pleasant climate than back home.


Jinjoks are just as cute and just as much pest spreading animals, as mice are back in your home country!

No - they don´t just eat insects, but are certainly attracted to many kinds of human food as well. They sit on the cealing and poop down in the sofa or the bed. Sometimes they even jump from the cealing down in the bed, and a couple of times i have found these little creatures under my blanket. Our home is very clean and rarely have any insects, as we always use mosquito nets, so the Jinjoks will probably sooner or later starve to death. They would have a much better life outside our house, but unfortunately they are so scared of people, that they immediately hide behind or under the furnniture, so they are quite impossible to catch or broom out.

I often find, that they like to sit and wait right outside the doors and windows, or in the small cracks between the doors / windows and the frame. And they will immediately run inside the home, as soon as you open a door or window. So knocking on the door or window or moving the doors and windows a little bit, immediately before you open it, will scare most of them away.


If living in a 900m2 house, affording a maid to clean the 'mess' shouldn't be a problem, right?

yeah, "onflipflops", spot on.

No, I don't live in that house, I'm trying to sell it.

So I visit it only every x weeks and have to clean it, so it remains attractive to potential buyers.


When I first came to Thailand I wondered why Thais seem to place covers on anything that doesn't move like toasters, table tops, TV, and stereos.



True story.

Last night after coming back from dinner, I was using the urinal in the toilet and heard a plop noise. I glanced down in the direction from where the noise came and within probably a quarter of a second saw a gecko on the toilet lid just before he leapt onto my foot. The little guy surprised me so much when he landed on my foot, I ended up pissing on myself.

I tried to catch it but since I didn't want to hurt it I failed. It isn't easy to catch and release. If possible, as with spiders, I prefer to catch them and show them the door, unharmed. They can catch my enemy, the mossie, outside.

A few months back the Missus told me to look up at our neighbors wall. A gecko was clung to it that measured at LEAST a foot (12" -- 30 cm.) from end to end. He almost seemed to have an air of authority about him.


Prepare for the flames!

These little chaps are a fact of life here, remove their food supply and they will move on.

Exactly correct. Screen all the windows, keep the doors closed, chink the cracks and clean the dishes every night and you will have no bugs in your house. No bugs = no Geckos. I have lived in condos, and houses here for a decade without geckos in the house.


BTW - there is little evidence that geckos have any effect of your mozzie population..... some studies have shown that they prefer to eat the females but the debate is by no means over on this.


Well, i like the little guys, they cute

Luckily and sadly, i have 8 youngish cats who usually catch, play, kill anything that moves around the house, including the little guys, and dogs tails.(also have 3 dogs)

At times, it's simply not safe to move around the house as anything moving comes under heavy attackbiggrin.png

I think Geckos have passed on the message to others not to come to the house, so i hardly see any.

Moral of the story: Get some cats smile.png

...and if you get cats, your insect screens will end up looking like my previous rented house.

Cats love to leap up on the screen to catch bugs, lizards etc, and it doesn't take long to end up with shredded screens - even the wire ones are not designed to take the weight of a fat cat.


sorry, I've got a house, I cannot remove their food supply and if I leave the house 3 weeks, when I come back I find about 40 to 50 droppings per door-window (7 of them on the ground floor) and more everywhere.

it just looks filthy.

the few months where I had the poison in action were a relief.

Leave a small light (10W) on outside somewhere. Insects will be attracted to the light geckos will congregate around the light. They won't be gone but at least they will be outside!

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

I have a little friendly one beside my computer, he comes out for a bit

of biscuit or cake,then makes his/her way over to the fish tank for a

drink of water.

Why do people always want to kill things,they do more good than harm,

whats a bit of Gecko shit,its always dry shit, just sweep it up,I think really

the OP is frighten of them and feels they are invading HIS space,killing

them not good for Karma,

regards Worgeordie PS any suggestions for a name for him/her,the

gecko not the OP.

I have loads of the little buggers around the house plus a Toby Tookay and either a Terry or a Teresa as well.

I don't have a problem with any of them other than they are not house trained and refuse to sweep their shit up.


Many years ago, in a little Thai village , far ,far away, i spent many a night staring at the ceiling and walls watching my best new friends the jinjoks play. I even had names for most of them according to their personality s . It was either this or go into the next room and watch a Thai soapy and then a Thai comedy show with the family. If amybody can honestly say the Thai television is better entertainment than watching Nigel and Felicity jinjok play then you are indeed weirder than what i am . How could you ever contemplate offing such nice and friendly creatures.


  • Like 1

Many years ago, in a little Thai village , far ,far away, i spent many a night staring at the ceiling and walls watching my best new friends the jinjoks play. I even had names for most of them according to their personality s . It was either this or go into the next room and watch a Thai soapy and then a Thai comedy show with the family. If amybody can honestly say the Thai television is better entertainment than watching Nigel and Felicity jinjok play then you are indeed weirder than what i am . How could you ever contemplate offing such nice and friendly creatures.


Nigel and Felicity jinjok laugh.png


I have a little friendly one beside my computer, he comes out for a bit

of biscuit or cake,then makes his/her way over to the fish tank for a

drink of water.

Why do people always want to kill things,they do more good than harm,

whats a bit of Gecko shit,its always dry shit, just sweep it up,I think really

the OP is frighten of them and feels they are invading HIS space,killing

them not good for Karma,

regards Worgeordie PS any suggestions for a name for him/her,the

gecko not the OP.



who moans about jin joks... ?

never met a Thai who does...

they're excellent lodgers in and around the home.. give me these useful creatures over a dog or cat that craps all over the place anyday.

Thai wife tells me it's very bad luck to kill them, may be why never seen Thais killing them...

My wife hates and kills everyone she sees. Uhhhh, she is Thai.


who moans about jin joks... ?

never met a Thai who does...

they're excellent lodgers in and around the home.. give me these useful creatures over a dog or cat that craps all over the place anyday.

Thai wife tells me it's very bad luck to kill them, may be why never seen Thais killing them...

My wife hates and kills everyone she sees. Uhhhh, she is Thai.

well i've never met your wife... (at least, as far back as i can remember.. wink.png )


I once shot a Jinjok sitting on the sealing with a BB Gun with a plastic bullet. They actually do leave blood stains, so that´s unfortunately not a good solution. Maybe I should try some of this edible rat poison?


Totally harmless, they do poop rather a lot mind, it's mostly mosquitoes that didn't bite you and give you dengue!

Yes definitely poop a lot, so everything in the kitchen is in containers, but I would never get rid of them as we have a bad mossie problem.


Many years ago, in a little Thai village , far ,far away, i spent many a night staring at the ceiling and walls watching my best new friends the jinjoks play. I even had names for most of them according to their personality s . It was either this or go into the next room and watch a Thai soapy and then a Thai comedy show with the family. If amybody can honestly say the Thai television is better entertainment than watching Nigel and Felicity jinjok play then you are indeed weirder than what i am . How could you ever contemplate offing such nice and friendly creatures.


When I was in the village without any farang language tv, I used to watch Thai soaps and try to guess what they were saying. Besides, some of those wimmen are pretty good looking.


Traveling in my youth i really enjoyed the the little guys. When I built my house i at first had a change of heart and didn't want them in the house. Killed a couple and knew that wasn't going to work., yes another softy. I have maybe 50 of the things on the walls outside at any given evening, I enjoy watching them. Inside the house, maybe 5. I can live with that. Anyway, I got to thinking there must be a trap for them and did a Google search. Saw the fly paper thing, but that was it. So I got to thinking about a better gecko trap. We know they hang out by the lights, I have seen that people put a light oil on the floor of their A/C units to keep them out. Once I had one that couldn't get out of my stainless steel kitchen sick. I think he got soap on his feet. Inventors out there-- there is money to be made.


For the lovers of these creatures I assume that you love when they wake you up at night. I don't like to be awaken like this but I don't think you can defy nature. Have to learn to live with being awaken at night. These critters and my wife snoring and smelling like nam prik pla lai all night is wonderful. Don't take me back to civilization I would not know how to handle a full nights sleep. I forgot the bloody neighbors dogs who contribute to the sleepless night.

That little laugh they make? I always think someone told them a good joke.biggrin.png

  • Like 1

For the lovers of these creatures I assume that you love when they wake you up at night. I don't like to be awaken like this but I don't think you can defy nature. Have to learn to live with being awaken at night. These critters and my wife snoring and smelling like nam prik pla lai all night is wonderful. Don't take me back to civilization I would not know how to handle a full nights sleep. I forgot the bloody neighbors dogs who contribute to the sleepless night.

That little laugh they make? I always think someone told them a good joke.biggrin.png

That would be the jin jokers telling the jokes

sorry .......................


Traveling in my youth i really enjoyed the the little guys. When I built my house i at first had a change of heart and didn't want them in the house. Killed a couple and knew that wasn't going to work., yes another softy. I have maybe 50 of the things on the walls outside at any given evening, I enjoy watching them. Inside the house, maybe 5. I can live with that. Anyway, I got to thinking there must be a trap for them and did a Google search. Saw the fly paper thing, but that was it. So I got to thinking about a better gecko trap. We know they hang out by the lights, I have seen that people put a light oil on the floor of their A/C units to keep them out. Once I had one that couldn't get out of my stainless steel kitchen sick. I think he got soap on his feet. Inventors out there-- there is money to be made.

Speaking of better traps, I came across something in Indonesia I'd never heard of. I was looking for contact adhesive to repair some shoes. My Indonesian was about as good then as my Thai is now, so I pointed to the different tins of glue-looking substances.

I asked if the had Bear brand. Nope. Fox brand, nope. Aha, over there, 'Mouse brand' glue!

The entire staff burst into laughter. This stupid farang wanted to fix his shoes with mouse/rat glue?

Turns out that they spread this super-sticky stuff onto a narrow board, and then let the resident rats run onto it, and hey presto, another tar baby. You could hear the squeals a block away.

In the mornings, they take the narrow timber with attached rat and immerse it in a bucket of water.

Maybe one day they will learn to use rat-proof bins and not leave food around.

I haven't seen a rat here in close to two years.

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