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Pattaya: Swedish murder suspect Andreas Ringvall changed his name

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Swedish murder suspect changed his name and moved to small town

PATTAYA: -- The alleged killer of a New Zealand man stabbed to death in Pattaya, Thailand has changed his name to Andreas Karlsson and moved to the small town of Nynashamn.

In August last year, Mr. Robert Hollick, 43, from New Zealand was stabbed to death after a bar fight over a dog in Pattaya, Thailand.

Mr. Robert Hollick

Thai police arrested and charged Swedish man Andreas Ringvall with murder but the Swede was mysteriously allowed to leave the country while on bail last October. He never returned since. The situation has upset Hollick’s family. The New Zealand embassy was also informed of the situation.

Mr. Andreas Ringvall has changed his name to Andreas Karlsson

In June 2013, Thai police requested the extradition of Ringvall from Sweden, or that he is tried for murder in his homeland.

Further investigations have revealed Ringvall has changed his name to Andreas Karlsson, a much more common Swedish surname. He is understood to be living in the small town of Nynashamn, which has a population of 13,000, and he is working there as a labourer.

Speaking to The Dominion Post, Ringvall’s stepfather, Stefan Uddebrant, said he was aware of what had happened in Thailand, but Ringvall refused to talk about it.

He had last spoken to him about five weeks ago and they did not discuss the situation.

“The only person who could answer your questions is him. We don’t know what’s happened. Only him (sic) could answer your questions.”

A phone number for Ringvall went unanswered.

It is unlikely Ringvall will be sent back to Thailand, as no extradition treaty exists between the countries, but it is possible he could be charged in Sweden.

Police Colonel Superintendent Sinard Ajhanwong, of Thailand, said progress was being made on the case, but everything had to be done “officially”.

“Please understand, I’m doing my best in pursuing extradition. We will send the usual legal assistance, the case, to Sweden to trial him. The Nordic liaison officer in Bangkok has been asked to do this, too.”

Swedish National Police Board press secretary Dan Svanell confirmed they had been in contact with their Thai counterparts, but had no further comment to make about the investigation.

Mr Hollick’s mother, Anne Hollick, said she hoped Ringvall would be tried soon, as everything was becoming overwhelming.

“I do feel it will come to a trial because, obviously, he’s still in Sweden and they all know where he is. If he tries to leave, I’m sure they’ll know.”

In January, the Thai ambassador to New Zealand, Noppadon Theppitak, wrote to Ms. Hollick, reassuring her he would look into the matter.

“Though I have every confidence that all efforts are being made by the relevant authorities to see that justice is to be served as it should be, I can assure you that I will also do my best to see that the matter is resolved and justice can be brought to your family as soon as possible.”

A spokesman for Mr. Theppitak said on Thursday July 18 the ambassador had “no comment”.

Source: One News

Source: http://scandasia.com/swedish-murder-suspect-changed-his-name-and-moved-to-small-town/

-- ScandAsia 2013-07-22

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" Swede was mysteriously allowed to leave the country while on bail last October."

mysteriously my eye, I wonder what that cost him, plenty, I bet...


" Swede was mysteriously allowed to leave the country while on bail last October."

mysteriously my eye, I wonder what that cost him, plenty, I bet...

Thaksin syndrome.


Amazing how the Swedish Government have been trying to get Julian Assange over there now...and he hasn't offically even been charged with anything!This guy cold bloodedly stabs a man to death in broad daylight and woh betide the Swedish government starts crapping on about human rights issues and how he'll be treated if they send him back!!!Hypocritical isn't the word..absolute bloody joke more like!!!


I sincerely hope the NZ authorities are applying as much diplomatic pressure as possible against Sweden to get this man brought to justice. If they leave it to the Thai authorities it's unlikely anything will happen in a hurry.

The fact that a fellow Kiwi was killed in a foreign country should be irrelevant to the NZ Government - they should be acting on behalf the deceased NZ Citizen and his family and affording every conceivable assistance in bringing the fugitive to justice.

But knowing the wishy washy, namby pamby, socialist doo gooder, tree hugging, politically correct, "we need to get elected next year so just keep the seat warm, don't want to upset the Swedes 'cause it might hurt the lamb and cheese exports", kind of government that we have......this ain't going to happen any time soon.

Sometimes I wish we had a government like Israel or the US - send a couple of the SAS over there to bring him back to Thailand or NZ for justice, or dish it out summarily on the spot.


....but it is possible he could be charged in Sweden.

Police Colonel Superintendent Sinard Ajhanwong, of Thailand, said progress was being made on the case, but everything had to be done “officially”.

I think not, if the possibility of charging him in Sweden precludes the explanation of his "mysteriously leaving the country while on bail"...


I sincerely hope the NZ authorities are applying as much diplomatic pressure as possible against Sweden to get this man brought to justice. If they leave it to the Thai authorities it's unlikely anything will happen in a hurry.

The fact that a fellow Kiwi was killed in a foreign country should be irrelevant to the NZ Government - they should be acting on behalf the deceased NZ Citizen and his family and affording every conceivable assistance in bringing the fugitive to justice.

But knowing the wishy washy, namby pamby, socialist doo gooder, tree hugging, politically correct, "we need to get elected next year so just keep the seat warm, don't want to upset the Swedes 'cause it might hurt the lamb and cheese exports", kind of government that we have......this ain't going to happen any time soon.

Sometimes I wish we had a government like Israel or the US - send a couple of the SAS over there to bring him back to Thailand or NZ for justice, or dish it out summarily on the spot.

damn right. the tossers that control NZ dont give a toss about individuals. Only appeasing foreign govts and multinationals


A Swedish "prison" cell below. I'm sure he won't be suffering much even if he gets sentenced in Sweden.


Wow, a five star Hotel. I would not mind robbing the bank in Sweden , i can have both ways, If i got away with €1 million good, if i got caught still good..lol.


Sorry for the Family.

It makes one wonder with all these conversations going on with his father. "Someone" knowing the suspect has changed his name, "someone" knowing where he is living, "someone" even calling his phone. Nobody asking 'why' he has changed his name.

If all these someones know so much about him, and he is a suspect in a capital crime, what is the problem? Why aren't the someones the police of any country?

Thailand, Sweden or New Zealand. Didn't we used to have an organisation called interpol?

Or was that just a television series?

You can bet your bottom dollar, if you are working in a foreign country and getting paid, your local tax office will know EXACTLY where you are!!! Seriously. . .

If the Kiwis have a government as caring as the Aussies. There's no chance.

I feel sorry for the family of the victim.

It must be very hard on them.

No wonder people go and do the job themselves sometimes.


In the pictures, Mr. Hollick had the best smile while Mr. Ringval looks like

a crazy dog. Beware of the crazy dog


A Swedish "prison" cell below. I'm sure he won't be suffering much even if he gets sentenced in Sweden.


Wow, a five star Hotel. I would not mind robbing the bank in Sweden , i can have both ways, If i got away with €1 million good, if i got caught still good..lol.

lots of foreigners did just that especially the ruskies about twenty years back ..if they got caught as long as no one was injured received a sentence of roughly ten years ...two to three if u behaved yourself ...the irony was u could apply for citizenship which 99% did and it was more often than not granted ...


A Swedish "prison" cell below. I'm sure he won't be suffering much even if he gets sentenced in Sweden.

The above is a post by stoneyboy.

Stoneyboy, all I thought the "prison" cell you showed is a new

room design of Lumpini Ville. Like partially furnished which is less than 10k amonth for rent!


I sincerely hope the NZ authorities are applying as much diplomatic pressure as possible against Sweden to get this man brought to justice. If they leave it to the Thai authorities it's unlikely anything will happen in a hurry.

The fact that a fellow Kiwi was killed in a foreign country should be irrelevant to the NZ Government - they should be acting on behalf the deceased NZ Citizen and his family and affording every conceivable assistance in bringing the fugitive to justice.

But knowing the wishy washy, namby pamby, socialist doo gooder, tree hugging, politically correct, "we need to get elected next year so just keep the seat warm, don't want to upset the Swedes 'cause it might hurt the lamb and cheese exports", kind of government that we have......this ain't going to happen any time soon.

Sometimes I wish we had a government like Israel or the US - send a couple of the SAS over there to bring him back to Thailand or NZ for justice, or dish it out summarily on the spot.

The SAS are a unit of the British army. They are not for hire. The last phrase in your post persuades me that you do not know this.


I sincerely hope the NZ authorities are applying as much diplomatic pressure as possible against Sweden to get this man brought to justice. If they leave it to the Thai authorities it's unlikely anything will happen in a hurry.

The fact that a fellow Kiwi was killed in a foreign country should be irrelevant to the NZ Government - they should be acting on behalf the deceased NZ Citizen and his family and affording every conceivable assistance in bringing the fugitive to justice.

But knowing the wishy washy, namby pamby, socialist doo gooder, tree hugging, politically correct, "we need to get elected next year so just keep the seat warm, don't want to upset the Swedes 'cause it might hurt the lamb and cheese exports", kind of government that we have......this ain't going to happen any time soon.

Sometimes I wish we had a government like Israel or the US - send a couple of the SAS over there to bring him back to Thailand or NZ for justice, or dish it out summarily on the spot.

The SAS are a unit of the British army. They are not for hire. The last phrase in your post persuades me that you do not know this.

All three phrases in your post convince me that you should probably check your facts before you make an inane and incorrect post. From wiki:

The New Zealand Special Air Service, abbreviated as the NZSAS, was formed on 7 July 1955 and is the special forces unit of the New Zealand Army, closely modelled on the British Special Air Service (SAS). It traces its origins to the Second World War and the famous Long Range Desert Group that a number of New Zealanders served with.

No apology necessary, but check your facts in future huh? coffee1.gif


It is clearest case of corruption you could possibly have. It is clear the officers involved got paid for letting him go. If it was my son, i would have to accept that he got released and all my anger would be aimed at the bastards who released him. It is these scum bags i would be putting pressure on the Thai government to punish. All of them should lose their jobs and get a custodial sentence as a warning to others. Mr Noppadon Theppitak, wrote to Ms. Hollick, reassuring her he would look into the matter. So sort it out Theppitak, make some heads roll. I will hold my breath for you!!!! Arse wipe.


I remember this case when it happened last year, I thought there is no way this guy is ever going to get off. Then the Thai Police let a suspected murderer go? Shame shame shame........useless corrupt Thai Police.


Sorry for the Family.

It makes one wonder with all these conversations going on with his father. "Someone" knowing the suspect has changed his name, "someone" knowing where he is living, "someone" even calling his phone. Nobody asking 'why' he has changed his name.

If all these someones know so much about him, and he is a suspect in a capital crime, what is the problem? Why aren't the someones the police of any country?

Thailand, Sweden or New Zealand. Didn't we used to have an organisation called interpol?

Or was that just a television series?

You can bet your bottom dollar, if you are working in a foreign country and getting paid, your local tax office will know EXACTLY where you are!!! Seriously. . .

If the Kiwis have a government as caring as the Aussies. There's no chance.

I feel sorry for the family of the victim.

It must be very hard on them.

No wonder people go and do the job themselves sometimes.

What a bloody good idea !


I sincerely hope the NZ authorities are applying as much diplomatic pressure as possible against Sweden to get this man brought to justice. If they leave it to the Thai authorities it's unlikely anything will happen in a hurry.

The fact that a fellow Kiwi was killed in a foreign country should be irrelevant to the NZ Government - they should be acting on behalf the deceased NZ Citizen and his family and affording every conceivable assistance in bringing the fugitive to justice.

But knowing the wishy washy, namby pamby, socialist doo gooder, tree hugging, politically correct, "we need to get elected next year so just keep the seat warm, don't want to upset the Swedes 'cause it might hurt the lamb and cheese exports", kind of government that we have......this ain't going to happen any time soon.

Sometimes I wish we had a government like Israel or the US - send a couple of the SAS over there to bring him back to Thailand or NZ for justice, or dish it out summarily on the spot.

The SAS are a unit of the British army. They are not for hire. The last phrase in your post persuades me that you do not know this.

All three phrases in your post convince me that you should probably check your facts before you make an inane and incorrect post. From wiki:

The New Zealand Special Air Service, abbreviated as the NZSAS, was formed on 7 July 1955 and is the special forces unit of the New Zealand Army, closely modelled on the British Special Air Service (SAS). It traces its origins to the Second World War and the famous Long Range Desert Group that a number of New Zealanders served with.

No apology necessary, but check your facts in future huh? coffee1.gif


The origins of the SAS is not in the Long Range Desert Group, but it was brainchild of a 26 yr old David Stirling a Scots Guards Lieut., as he lay in hospital with both legs paralysed, a result of his first parachute jump. Two panels of his chute ripped as he exited the aircraft. Stirling was then a member of No. 8 Commando, a unit of Layforce a commando brigade.

The Long Range Desert Group were a British Reconnaissance and Intelligence gathering unit.

The SAS formed by Stirling , 6 officers and 60 men were orginally known as " L detachment special air service brigade" There was in fact no such a brigade, it was an invention of Brigadier Dudley Clark to mislead the enemy and fool the Italians into thinking that there was a large British airborne force somewhere in the middle east. In sept 1942 they officially became " 1 SAS Regiment" Stirling was taken POW in jan 1943 and released from COLDITZ in april 1945. However his brother his brother Bill Sterling formed 2 SAS in 1943. After the war the SAS was disbanded but through strong lobbying by ex members, was reformed in 1947. They were run down once again but then in 1948 the Malaya emergency started . Col., Mad Mike Calvert veteran of the Burmese CHINDIT's commanded the SAS specialising in deep jungle penetration . Moved to Malaya. The unit was known as The Malayan Scouts (SAS)

There was more to it than this, but this was beginning of the rebuild which was completed in 1952. These troops operated in the jungle with 4 man units as opposed to us normal infantry with , say 8 man patrols, i was in the Taiping/Sungie Siput area of Perak, from time to time we came across the Scouts, but only when they wanted us to see them. lololol.

So as you said.......No apology necessary but check your facts in future huh ? coffee1.gif


He must have paid a shit load to have bail and his passport returned for a speedy exit. What a grub, I remember this story his girfriend was playing with the NZ guys dog & the swede returned with a knife & stabbed him in the neck from a rage of drunkerness .


how much money is needed to be

misteriously released as a murderer

the story comes to mind of those 2 blokes caught up with false allegation of their landlord and ended up hostage taken for 2 years before they could go home


I sincerely hope the NZ authorities are applying as much diplomatic pressure as possible against Sweden to get this man brought to justice. If they leave it to the Thai authorities it's unlikely anything will happen in a hurry.

The fact that a fellow Kiwi was killed in a foreign country should be irrelevant to the NZ Government - they should be acting on behalf the deceased NZ Citizen and his family and affording every conceivable assistance in bringing the fugitive to justice.

But knowing the wishy washy, namby pamby, socialist doo gooder, tree hugging, politically correct, "we need to get elected next year so just keep the seat warm, don't want to upset the Swedes 'cause it might hurt the lamb and cheese exports", kind of government that we have......this ain't going to happen any time soon.

Sometimes I wish we had a government like Israel or the US - send a couple of the SAS over there to bring him back to Thailand or NZ for justice, or dish it out summarily on the spot.

The SAS are a unit of the British army. They are not for hire. The last phrase in your post persuades me that you do not know this.

There is also an Australian SAS and a New Zealand SAS. They are units of their respective countries defence forces. Your post persuades me you do not know this. It's not classified so we won't have to kill you now we've told you.

Lighten up. The point is that some governments will use their armed forces, special forces, and security services to protect and seek justice for their citizens. Others rely on following legal process only, regardless of the speed or manipulations placed on it.

The NZ government need to constantly pressure both the Thai and Swedish government or nothing will happen. Just like I imagine the US did with the Brits and Thais to get Aldhouse extradited for stabbing a former US Marine.


He is not going to jail in Sweden but going to holiday inside the jail, very envy and hope one day Thailand can have these 5 stars jail.

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