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New Colleseum More Double Pricing


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a touchy subject with many expats - or is it? the expat should be able to provide proof of residency.

the double pricing is clearly aimed at extracting extra baht from tourists... but "expats" without long-term visa also have to pay the tourist premium, and I guess that's what many posters on here perceive as a problem.

yet i remember seeing discounts for residents in many places around the world.

I am a bit sceptical of the economic merits of double pricing. If can be justified by a sound marketing study, i.e. different price elasticity between locals and tourists, the price difference leading to a significantly higher number of local visitors helping to pay off fixed costs, then I would amen the scheme.

But as I said, I am sceptical that the double pricing has a significant influence.

On the other hand, when having guests, discounts for locals can be a real relief - I'm really not keen on paying full price when showing people around places I have seen dozens or times already.

Wouldn't it be nice if these touristy venues honored our Thai DL's and give us a discount.

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a touchy subject with many expats - or is it? the expat should be able to provide proof of residency.

the double pricing is clearly aimed at extracting extra baht from tourists... but "expats" without long-term visa also have to pay the tourist premium, and I guess that's what many posters on here perceive as a problem.

yet i remember seeing discounts for residents in many places around the world.

I am a bit sceptical of the economic merits of double pricing. If can be justified by a sound marketing study, i.e. different price elasticity between locals and tourists, the price difference leading to a significantly higher number of local visitors helping to pay off fixed costs, then I would amen the scheme.

But as I said, I am sceptical that the double pricing has a significant influence.

On the other hand, when having guests, discounts for locals can be a real relief - I'm really not keen on paying full price when showing people around places I have seen dozens or times already.

Wouldn't it be nice if these touristy venues honored our Thai DL's and give us a discount.

a Thai DL is not a proof of residency - it just proves your identity and your address, not your visa status.

I know, I got Thai DLs with just a 30 day visa exempt stamp some time back.

Edited by manarak
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These shows are so useless and uninteresting, I can't understand that people pay for this.

Back to topic, the problem with all these stupid local managers is that they are not smart enough to talk about DISCOUNT FOR THAI instead of HIGHER PRICE FOR FOREIGNERS.

If the highest price was the official price and then they would pretend to give a discount to Thai and offer a cheaper price, I think this marketing way would be more acceptable.

But all these scumbags telling HIGHER PRICE FOR FOREIGNERS make me feel like throw out (on them).

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These cabaret shows are fun thing for many tourists and residents. The production values are high and the girls often stunning. That being said, probably not much need to see them more than once or twice in a lifetime. The coliseum venue is the largest and most elaborate of the shows I gather from what I have read and mainly targets the Chinese group tour market I would imagine. Maybe a good thing as it may take away some of the tour bus gridlock each nite from the northern end of 2nd road.

When I want a good Ladyboy show, Malibu bar is fine or my old standbys the Pook bars.

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a touchy subject with many expats - or is it? the expat should be able to provide proof of residency.

the double pricing is clearly aimed at extracting extra baht from tourists... but "expats" without long-term visa also have to pay the tourist premium, and I guess that's what many posters on here perceive as a problem.

yet i remember seeing discounts for residents in many places around the world.

I am a bit sceptical of the economic merits of double pricing. If can be justified by a sound marketing study, i.e. different price elasticity between locals and tourists, the price difference leading to a significantly higher number of local visitors helping to pay off fixed costs, then I would amen the scheme.

But as I said, I am sceptical that the double pricing has a significant influence.

On the other hand, when having guests, discounts for locals can be a real relief - I'm really not keen on paying full price when showing people around places I have seen dozens or times already.

Wouldn't it be nice if these touristy venues honored our Thai DL's and give us a discount.

a Thai DL is not a proof of residency - it just proves your identity and your address, not your visa status.

I know, I got Thai DLs with just a 30 day visa exempt stamp some time back.

Good point, I have a 5 year license and it does show I am just not your average tourist. We know there are some places that do give expats a break on pricing.

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The lucky tourists get a ladyboy show and experience real Thai culture too.

Scamming visitors. A national past time.

When I point out to my wife a Thai scammer doing a job on some visitors, she always replies, " it's his job."

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I see a ladyboy show for free every time I go for a beer on Sukhumvit. These ridiculous shows are for tourists who rarely see a bloke in a frock, and for some reason find it interesting, so let them waste their 1,000 baht.

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I'd be surprised if the busloads of Asian tourists paid the full price, they would most

probably get a discount due to the arrival numbers.

As would be the case with all the other dual pricing venues.

The tour operators certainly get a discount for organizing groups of people to go to a certain venue. They do not pass that on to their customer. They build the full pricing into their tour price. The busloads of Asians that you refer to are paying the top price. It is called capitalism, and it works.

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Huh, opening night wrinkles?

I was invited to attend the opening night. I went only to be stuffed around for hours because they had issued me seats that did not exist.

There is no acceptable reason for dual pricing. Can you imagine a company in Australia or anywhere for that matter with dual pricing?

You're not in Australia. Obvious I know but often forgotten...

mcyachty is quite correct. There is NO acceptable reason for dual pricing especially since it's based on race.

Racial Discrimination shouldn't be part of our world,

To my understanding, Thai is a nationality, not a race.

Dual pricing is practiced worldwide including my native USA. When I lived in Nevada I could get discounts to shows at casinos and other venues by showing my Nevada drivers license. When I lived in California I got discounts in San Francisco to various venues by showing my California drivers license. Senior discounts are numerous.

In Pattaya I get a senior discount at the cinema at the Avenue, much like stateside, by showing my passport or Thai drivers license.

I agree that racial discrimination is wrong, but to change an entire country during my brief lifetime is something beyond my capacity.

I've found life full of contradictions and try to accept those things i cannot change and move on with enjoying life. Stay safe all and make a positive difference in someone's life.

Actually we can change it a while back I believe it was Asiatique got so much flack after it was posted on a blog site they did dual pricing that it changed. It was done by RIchard Barrows. So yes we can change it and many people hate it.

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...... So yes we can change it and many people hate it.

Many people hate it because many people do not understand it and would flunk Marketing 101. Do you object to senior discounts too?

Discounts my ass.

The entire Thai population pays for everything at discount price and when a foreigner walks up to pay, it's the retail price?

No gouging of tourists going on in Thailand.

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...... So yes we can change it and many people hate it.

Many people hate it because many people do not understand it and would flunk Marketing 101. Do you object to senior discounts too?

Actually I got high marks in marketing I could post my credentials if you would like. I am an accountant but studied marketing too to kill time as its not that hard of a subject. When I was younger I felt its best to study as much as possible to expand my knowledge, i actually still expand my knowledge with keeping up to date with tax laws and such. Its called permanent education but then again I am not a retired senior citizen boasting about what he has done in the past. Now back to the real matter instead of comparing penis size and trying to disqualify by asking for credentials.

I have no problems with discounts that span all resident seniors not just Thai ones. Differentiate between residents and tourists could be acceptable but I am not talking about that. If all residents would get the same discounts based on age I would be all for it.

And obviously the bad publicity was enough for Asiatique to withdraw it, so i guess you flunked marketing as by exposing it they lost too much revenue and got too much bad publicity that it was better not to do it.

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It makes me laugh when people, particularly people who live here, say they will never go somewhere because of a silly issue like this. I would suggest that Thailand is not going to be an enjoyable place to live if things like this upset or anger you so much.

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It makes me laugh when people, particularly people who live here, say they will never go somewhere because of a silly issue like this. I would suggest that Thailand is not going to be an enjoyable place to live if things like this upset or anger you so much.

Thailand is an enjoyable place but like all places its not perfect. We all got different things that tick us off. I do agree with you overall Thailand has a nice place. Unfortunately i have raised with a sense of what is right and wrong (in my view) and this is wrong (others might not have that problem but I seem to have plenty of support else Richard Barrows would not have forced Asiatique to stop that policy)

I could say it always makes me cry when foreigners let themselves be ripped off, but I don't as this is a personal thing, and most people I know dislike this a lot. But then again most people I have know have a similar background as me so its only normal for them to react the same.

I bet that if Thai drink prices and female entertainment would go up if a guy was to old i bet all the posters would be up in arms while I would not care. We all got different priorities.

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I see a ladyboy show for free every time I go for a beer on Sukhumvit. These ridiculous shows are for tourists who rarely see a bloke in a frock, and for some reason find it interesting, so let them waste their 1,000 baht.

Beer bars with ladyboys on Sukhumvit in Pattaya? Are you sure?

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It makes me laugh when people, particularly people who live here, say they will never go somewhere because of a silly issue like this. I would suggest that Thailand is not going to be an enjoyable place to live if things like this upset or anger you so much.

Keep laughing then. Any place in Thailand that involves this kind of double pricing is of no interest to me anyways. I have see almost every part of Thailand and there are MANY places that are beautiful or entertaining with no cost.

Of course years ago when I first moved to Thailand I paid to see the attractions in Bangkok like the King's Palace etc. but as one poster said, if I'm gonna play "tour guide" for my visiting friends, I'm not gonna pay these prices again. They can go on their own.

I would sooner visit Golden Buddha Mountain or the vineyards for FREE then pay for a water-fall or a ladyboy show.

I like one posters idea of lower the cost for Thais rather then making it higher for farangs.

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I see a ladyboy show for free every time I go for a beer on Sukhumvit. These ridiculous shows are for tourists who rarely see a bloke in a frock, and for some reason find it interesting, so let them waste their 1,000 baht.

Beer bars with ladyboys on Sukhumvit in Pattaya? Are you sure?

I have never been to Pattaya. Talking about the real Sukhumvit

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It makes me laugh when people, particularly people who live here, say they will never go somewhere because of a silly issue like this. I would suggest that Thailand is not going to be an enjoyable place to live if things like this upset or anger you so much.

Keep laughing then. Any place in Thailand that involves this kind of double pricing is of no interest to me anyways. I have see almost every part of Thailand and there are MANY places that are beautiful or entertaining with no cost.

Of course years ago when I first moved to Thailand I paid to see the attractions in Bangkok like the King's Palace etc. but as one poster said, if I'm gonna play "tour guide" for my visiting friends, I'm not gonna pay these prices again. They can go on their own.

I would sooner visit Golden Buddha Mountain or the vineyards for FREE then pay for a water-fall or a ladyboy show.

I like one posters idea of lower the cost for Thais rather then making it higher for farangs.

Isn't that what is happening? Thais (locals) get a discount. Seems fair enough to me.

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I love the way farangs on this site can find anything to whine about. Stop kvetching!

If you have a regard for economic justice, don't waste it on a Katoi show -- throw away your iphone and cheap shirts made by slave labor in underdeveloped countries! Campaign for organized labor! Join Human Rights Watch or Amnesty International!

Stop winging about a silly 400 Baht surcharge on a show you probably don't want to see.

Enjoy your canned chicken.

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Maybe any owners here of restaurants and bars should offer a discount for farangs ( even when accompanied by a Thai). I think the Thais would vote with their feet, and refuse to go there ( at least that is what my wife tells me). I guess we have exactly the same option when it comes to having to pay a higher price than a Thai.

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I see a ladyboy show for free every time I go for a beer on Sukhumvit. These ridiculous shows are for tourists who rarely see a bloke in a frock, and for some reason find it interesting, so let them waste their 1,000 baht.

Beer bars with ladyboys on Sukhumvit in Pattaya? Are you sure?

I have never been to Pattaya. Talking about the real Sukhumvit

Aren't they both real? It's the same road after all.

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What I would like to know is if they charge foreign price for Asians or only white people ? If I invite my filipino friend who work here and has the same salary as Thais. Will he get the Thai price ?

If yes then it is a racial thing, if you are white pay double price.

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What I would like to know is if they charge foreign price for Asians or only white people ? If I invite my filipino friend who work here and has the same salary as Thais. Will he get the Thai price ?

If yes then it is a racial thing, if you are white pay double price.

There is the foreign price and the Thai price. Asians pay the foreign price. If your friend from the Philippines can speak Thai he may pass for a Thai as I doubt they take the time to check for Thai Id's.

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Let's be correct when people start bringing Asian people to this discussion.... the Thai's despise the other Asians and see them as lower than them so of course they will get charged more... just saying....whistling.gif

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It's about gouging the farang.

I took two Thai staff to Ocean World and they tried to charge me the farang rate for the Thais.


Nonsense. Thais get a discount, non-Thais pay the full price. I trust you pointed out their error and the situation was rectified. Why is every mistake a scam?

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It's about gouging the farang.

I took two Thai staff to Ocean World and they tried to charge me the farang rate for the Thais.


Nonsense. Thais get a discount, non-Thais pay the full price. I trust you pointed out their error and the situation was rectified. Why is every mistake a scam?

Thais are getting a discount all over Thailand on everything and the Farang get full retail price.

Thanks for clearing that up.

This guys sounds like he just got off the 10baht tuk tuk city tour...

Some farangs are taking it up the a** all day and don't even realize it.

Edited by DiNiro
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It's about gouging the farang.

I took two Thai staff to Ocean World and they tried to charge me the farang rate for the Thais.


Nonsense. Thais get a discount, non-Thais pay the full price. I trust you pointed out their error and the situation was rectified. Why is every mistake a scam?

Thais are getting a discount all over Thailand on everything and the Farang get full retail price.

Thanks for clearing that up.

This guys sounds like he just got off the 10baht tuk tuk city tour...

Some farangs are taking it up the a** all day and don't even realize it.

Actually when "this guy" went to Ocean World he paid the "Thai" price as he had his work permit and tax certificate with him.

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