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Finger-waving tourist receives Phuket lesson

Lite Beer

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thanks for your comments really taken on board,

here goes........ my fluid writing , and bouncer in pre school!! (like your bike bet you look great in chaps!!!)

as for who went to hospital think about that, well i have, and hospital to me sounds ok , living with being a coward no chance.

be polite in thailand as for anywhere else in the world, respect there rules and religion, i get all this ,

but really be yourself, not a door matt.

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I dare say this is how it happened, they were crossing the road, the motorbike sped past to close,they then only looked back when the guy screamed and stuck his finger up, with out a scream of some sort,why would they look back??? just saying, i could be wrong.

how about the passenger sitting side saddle as is quite common, then giving the driver a tap on the shoulder to let him know they hap been insulted by a naughty farang.

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ps I like that "Asian" men bit, maybe that's is a new policy, blame the Asian looking men. Can't be having people thinking that Thais would do such a thing can we? coffee1.gif

This may surprise you, but Thai's are asian! if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, than is is pretty sure a duck. bottom line, if you are going to give the finger to someone, be prepared to back it up!

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Try waving your middle finger in the Singapore and you will be put in gaol.

The 2 Asian looking men might have been from another asian country. Not necessarily Thailand. They could have been Japanese

Try waving your middle finger in the USA - you will be SHOT! :) I am so tired of the anti-Thai Brigade you see all too often on here. I wonder why they stay, I have wondered that before, but they are still here - or are they? What would they do if they were given the finger by a 'stranger guest' in their own home? ALL Farangs should remember - they are guests in this country and behave accordingly.

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Try waving your middle finger in the Singapore and you will be put in gaol.

The 2 Asian looking men might have been from another asian country. Not necessarily Thailand. They could have been Japanese

Try waving your middle finger in the USA - you will be SHOT! smile.png I am so tired of the anti-Thai Brigade you see all too often on here. I wonder why they stay, I have wondered that before, but they are still here - or are they? What would they do if they were given the finger by a 'stranger guest' in their own home? ALL Farangs should remember - they are guests in this country and behave accordingly.

Thank you, all the Thai-bashing does indeed get boring. I am sure most of the haters are not more than an hour from the next airport; easy enough to leave.

You'd risk getting beaten up in Germany for showing the finger, too.

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Try waving your middle finger in the Singapore and you will be put in gaol.

The 2 Asian looking men might have been from another asian country. Not necessarily Thailand. They could have been Japanese

Try waving your middle finger in the USA - you will be SHOT! :) I am so tired of the anti-Thai Brigade you see all too often on here. I wonder why they stay, I have wondered that before, but they are still here - or are they? What would they do if they were given the finger by a 'stranger guest' in their own home? ALL Farangs should remember - they are guests in this country and behave accordingly.

If we are "guests" in this country why don't we leave our shoes at the airport?

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Another fine example of "Thainess" . . . keep it up Thailand.

Try flipping off a couple of young, bullet-proof Aussie lads in Melbourne and see what happens! Or for that matter, just about anywhere in the world. This has nothing to do with "Thainess"

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I am a martial artist/instructor and can take good care of myself, but i never get the opportunities others get, because i am very humble and always bow down and say sorry to stupid acts of others....coffee1.gif

He's right, most people who get a beating have invited it themselves.

I also (was) a martial arts instructor, the man and his wife were almost run down by this (speeding) motor bike, the bike rider deserved a bit more than just the finger, seems to me that if you are a falang who dose not KOW TOW to any and all thai's regardless of their actions then you invite the beating, stabing,shooting,,,

I don't ask for a fight or confrontation, but I do and will defend myself, wife, family, friends, and others when there is a need, I do not think the man invited the beating, yes he did flip his finger, as would many others.

where is the cctv evidence and the bike riders charged speeding, dangerous driving, and assult?

Thailand wants tourists dollars but do not enforce the laws of the land, Mayanmar will take a lot of tourist dollars from thailand and until they understand this then the beat-ing go on.whistling.gif

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Maybe one can put it down to the crappy weather today, many bored posters..i don't know, but i have never seen before such an over the top disgusting collection of posts in reaction to such a trivial matter.

<deleted> take a look at the pic of the "victim"..this was before he went away for a couple of stitches..he's hardly heading for ICU is he.
A couple of "asians" passed a guy at high speed crossing the road, the guy wrongly IMO,flipped the bird and the two took offence and came back and gave him a minor touch up.
An extremely minor event that could have happened under the exact same circumstances anywhere in the world and not even got a mention in the news in most countries, has shown the worst of the worst of TV posters through the full spectrum from useful advice on how not to have this happen to you , to all the keyboard tough guys telling everyone to have the balls to fight to the death nearly after such a minor non event, and the worst of all the obvious really intensive racial hatred displayed against Thais in general and also against Germans to a lessor degree.
I'm constantly amazed by what i've seen and heard in 20 years living in Thailand, but never as much as i am after perusing this thread.
Sure does give an indication ofsome of the types of people who now live here. sad.png

Probably the best post in the thread.

I think the thing that has stirred so much backlash is the reporter's glee that the German got taught a lesson.

The fact of the matter is that this could have happened anywhere in the world. Road rage happens everywhere. The only blame to be dealt out here is for the reporter for thinking that mocking the victim of a crime, even if partially self-provoked, is the job of a journalist and his editor for running the story as is.

Thank you...and yes the reporting of it was a bit gleeful but none the less it is a storm in a teacup...

Also heard from another source that the guys on the bike were only teenagers....makes the 'victim' look more foolish even..slapped around by a couple of kids after flipping them the bird...rolleyes.gif

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Thailand wants tourists dollars but do not enforce the laws of the land, Mayanmar will take a lot of tourist dollars from thailand and until they understand this then the beat-ing go on.whistling.gif

Arrivals Thailand January - June 2013: 12,7 Million (+10%).

Arrivals Myanmar 2012: just over a Million wink.png

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FYI= Asia customs are very much diffrent from western countries from of the extra knowledge will help you like

Throwing a cup of coffee to a taxi driver will end up hack to death as this very humiliating in Thai or any Asia culture espesicially in Japanese culture where pride is very improtant for them.

Show middle finger means fxxk you and this also a taboo here in asia where men pride cannot accepted it,so it's gesture to fight and this provocation have consequences.

Throwing object above Thais head is no-no way might end up in big trouble or rubbing some hair which we not close to them for Thai people head consider sacred.

Feet pointing also sometimes might be careful wehn we sit in public places or cross over foods place on the floor some Thai culture they eat on the floor so us might noting when we walk cross over some foods but for them also no-no..

Remove shoes when in temple or someone house is must when we wear shoes in someone house show disrespect the owner.

Dollar bills in Baht, we cannot step in it as have the picture of His Majesty

Thai people may be friendly but certain things if we cross the line might end up in Kamikaze situation .

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If he had just used the zebra crossing all of this could have been avoided...


No, you have got it wrong. Zebra crossings in Thailand are actually authorised killing zones where motorists are allowed to mow down pedestrians. The security guards can often be seen at Tesco and the like, stopping pedestrians from crossing if traffic is coming. Presumably to save them having to clean up the mess.

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Zebra crossing in South East Asia = aiming device to ensure that pedestrians have no chance to escapebiggrin.png

Just last week I was about to cross the road. I had the green light and stepped into the road. Almost got wiped out by a bus that had run the red light. Stupid mistake, especially after almost 20 years in these parts of the world....

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I notice no one come to his aid , just sat on the side lines & watched.

Come to his aid for what?

Because he was basically ''bitch slapped"" for acting like a jerk?

Take a look at the guy...blood and smashed bones everywhere ,black eyes, teeth lying on the road, ears near torn off.....,...severe life threatening injuries are so obvious, he was beaten to within an inch of his life, facepalm.gif and according to a news outlet ,by a couple of teenagers to boot...

If he was in fact being beaten to a pulp,near to death by a group of men with weapons etc, then maybe someone would help [but i really doubt that as well as most intelligent people have enough sense to stay away from such situations ]

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If he had just used the zebra crossing all of this could have been avoided...


No, you have got it wrong. Zebra crossings in Thailand are actually authorised killing zones where motorists are allowed to mow down pedestrians. The security guards can often be seen at Tesco and the like, stopping pedestrians from crossing if traffic is coming. Presumably to save them having to clean up the mess.

Just for you Sirius...

i·ro·ny Noun

The expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.


noun. taunt - sarcasm

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I am shocked!! It was only two against one!!

Unbelievable!! xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.png alt=blink.png width=20 height=20>

Yes, in most western countries if some doofus gave some guys on a motorbike the finger they would either (1) wave cheerfully and thank the jerk for his instructive communication because everyone in the country would be mindful of the importance of supporting tourism or (2) they would return and one would pummel the moron while his friend held everyone's outer garments but refrained from participating.

I wonder if some of you are visiting the planet for the first time.

The situation would rarely, if ever, arise in the west because road users there are educated and know how to ride / drive and are generally courteous enough to give way to pedestrians crossing the road. Time and time again in Thailand I see mopeds blazing through areas where people are crossing, giving zero regard to them...even when others, i.e. Farangs, have stopped to let them cross, e.g. at a zebra crossing. Uneducated fools with no regard for anyone but themselves.

p.s. The Farang was still stupid to give the bird but if he / his wife had just nearly been killed, I can understand why he did.

Not trying to be funny here, but in most countries in the world it is illegal to cross the road in places otherwise authorized for that purpose. If the German couple were on a crossing, then that would be another matter. IMO, both parties were wrong with what happened here (with the facts available).

I agree whole-heartedly with your PS. It seems there are a lot of people on here that don't realize what giving the bird to someone here is. Its a bit like sitting in a bar with your feet on a table pointing directly at someone at the next table.

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The article seems to insinuate that the thing that was wrong here was the fingerwaving in retaliation for the almost being killed or injured by dangerous driving. The dangerous driving was, by implication, overlooked.

What are foreigners supposed to do in such circumstances? Wai?

"What are foreigners supposed to do in such circumstances?"

Jam a stick in the spokes and walk briskly away - they don't come back and beat sh!t out of you then.

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I am shocked!! It was only two against one!!

Unbelievable!! xblink.png.pagespeed.ic.AQgCnSOpp_.png alt=blink.png width=20 height=20>

Yes, in most western countries if some doofus gave some guys on a motorbike the finger they would either (1) wave cheerfully and thank the jerk for his instructive communication because everyone in the country would be mindful of the importance of supporting tourism or (2) they would return and one would pummel the moron while his friend held everyone's outer garments but refrained from participating.

I wonder if some of you are visiting the planet for the first time.

The situation would rarely, if ever, arise in the west because road users there are educated and know how to ride / drive and are generally courteous enough to give way to pedestrians crossing the road. Time and time again in Thailand I see mopeds blazing through areas where people are crossing, giving zero regard to them...even when others, i.e. Farangs, have stopped to let them cross, e.g. at a zebra crossing. Uneducated fools with no regard for anyone but themselves.

p.s. The Farang was still stupid to give the bird but if he / his wife had just nearly been killed, I can understand why he did.

Not trying to be funny here, but in most countries in the world it is illegal to cross the road in places otherwise authorized for that purpose. If the German couple were on a crossing, then that would be another matter. IMO, both parties were wrong with what happened here (with the facts available).

I agree whole-heartedly with your PS. It seems there are a lot of people on here that don't realize what giving the bird to someone here is. Its a bit like sitting in a bar with your feet on a table pointing directly at someone at the next table.

"sitting in a bar with your feet on a table pointing directly at someone at the next table" also does not deserve violent attack. It is a sick society that accepts such a response from a non-violent slight - especially a misunderstood one!

Violence is and should never be an accepted response to anything other than violence (as in self defence) - any state that accepts violence as a response or a reprisal is low. It is not a cultural thing either, Thai culture is non-violent as is the state religion. Violence should be stamped on hard by the authorities - followed up, pushed by leaders (especially in the tourist police, TAT and local Governance), and dealt with publically and severely. Thailand is becoming more and more violent - and the seeming acceptance of this by the state is sickening - and should be of major concern to all people here in Thailand that spout on about loving the country!

Western media/governments should make much more of statistics of violence against tourists in tourist destinations - publish them online for the world to see year in year out. It may even save some of those unpaid medical bills if so many tourists in Phuket were not bludgeoned into unconsciousness by local mobs!

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ps I like that "Asian" men bit, maybe that's is a new policy, blame the Asian looking men. Can't be having people thinking that Thais would do such a thing can we? coffee1.gif

This may surprise you, but Thai's are asian! if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, than is is pretty sure a duck. bottom line, if you are going to give the finger to someone, be prepared to back it up!

This may surprise you but Asians are people! So maybe he should have said "two people on a bike" or "Two mammals on a bike".

Nothing argument - unless there is some evidence as to the contrary, it is safe to assume they are mammal, humans, Asians and Thai (as this is by far the most likely) - so "Thai" would be more descriptive, no?

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