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This Takes The Biscuit.


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We have about 12 rai of land about 45KM from where we live.

We bought it for something, but soon after found something even better for our needs and closer. So we put the land up for sale. We got the land cheap at 60K / rai and the true valuation because it has good road to it, all year water and electricity there, makes it around 90K / rai. So we thought, nice bit of quick profit.

We have taken a few buyers up to see it, and today someone called to go up and view it. When the wife got up there with the buyer, they saw that someone was growing rice on it. We paid money to have the land cleared and tidied to make it an very attractive sell, and this guy just squatted his rice on there without asking permission from us.

The wife and MIL asked a few people around the nearby village who was growing on our land? and apparently it is some local guy who looks for good land that is not planted and plants on it, he has done about 50 rai in the area with our land and has is doing this all over the place. He never asks permission and is making millions baht a year.

With all the money he makes you would think that he would have the decency to start using to buy land for himself instead of taking the piss. I get the feeling many locals are intimidated by him. I say rent a tractor and rip it all up.

Anyway, i simply told the missus, contact the buyer and tell them the rice is included free in the sale, should get a nice bonus of about 180K baht from the 12 rai. If it doesn't sell by harvest time, I will pay the biggest, and ugliest villain I can find with a tractor to harvest it on a 50/50 split. then use the money to fence the land off. I know just the chaps as well. I doubt this guy will mess with them. they are a bit of a mob.

Edited by klubex99
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It might not be important, but selling the rice you (or a potential buyer) might NOT have the right to do. Even it's gown on your land and you are in possession of it, legally you would not be the owner of the plants. So best not to make any formal deal about this.

Edited by Morakot
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We have about 12 rai of land about 45KM from where we live.


We bought it for something, but soon after found something even better for our needs and closer. So we put the land up for sale. We got the land cheap at 60K / rai and the true valuation because it has good road to it, all year water and electricity there, makes it around 90K / rai. So we thought, nice bit of quick profit.


We have taken a few buyers up to see it, and today someone called to go up and view it. When the wife got up there with the buyer, they saw that someone was growing rice on it. We paid money to have the land cleared and tidied to make it an very attractive sell, and this guy just squatted his rice on there without asking permission from us.


The wife and MIL asked a few people around the nearby village who was growing on our land? and apparently it is some local guy who looks for good land that is not planted and plants on it, he has done about 50 rai in the area with our land and has is doing this all over the place. He never asks permission and is making millions baht a year.


With all the money he makes you would think that he would have the decency to start using to buy land for himself instead of taking the piss. I get the feeling many locals are intimidated by him. I say rent a tractor and rip it all up.


Anyway, i simply told the missus, contact the buyer and tell them the rice is included free in the sale, should get a nice bonus of about 180K baht from the 12 rai. If it doesn't sell by harvest time, I will pay the biggest, and ugliest villain I can find with a tractor to harvest it on a 50/50 split. then use the money to fence the land off. I know just the chaps as well. I doubt this guy will mess with them. they are a bit of a mob.



I think that perhaps you should research rice cultivation in Thailand a bit more. The average yield per rai is about 475 kilograms, so if you were able to sell all your rice to the government at the pledge price of ฿15 per kilogram (doubtful) you would net ฿85,500 and that's before you paid the labourers to harvest it. The reason this squatter has not bought any land is because he can't aford it.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think that perhaps you should research rice cultivation in Thailand a bit more. The average yield per rai is about 475 kilograms, so if you were able to sell all your rice to the government at the pledge price of ฿15 per kilogram (doubtful) you would net ฿85,500 and that's before you paid the labourers to harvest it. The reason this squatter has not bought any land is because he can't aford it.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well whatever. I thought it was about a ton per rai, but I wouldn't really know. maybe I was thinking ton per acre. But a bonus for the buyer anyway. But if these stories are true and this guy is planting illegally on possibly over 100 rai, then I think he can afford to buy a bit each year.

The MIL also works in the local government agricultural office. She is finding out our rights. MIL is the most angry.... lol.

My wife has managed to chase down the guy's wife's mobile number and is going to call her.

This should be interesting.

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Fair go to the opportunistic rice planter. If only one of the landowners finds out, he is still making a decent, tax free income whilst providing a commodity. Why would he kill that goose by spending money and buying his own land? Maybe he's not Thai and can't own land and totally blagging what passes for a 'system' in LOS.

Depending on how high up the local agriculture office totem pole the OP's wife is, she may find there's someone in the same office, or the land office that's getting a tidy bung from the gypsy rice planter. Just a thought.

Edited by NanLaew
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Well we have an update.

The MIL said that if we wait too long he has full claim to the rice, but can be taken to court and land owner may get something out of it (hardly worth it for 12 rai's worth) or if we act now we have 50% claim to it.

The missus just got off the phone to his wife, and she said that they thought that the owners lived in BKK and the land looked very nice with water etc... So they planted the whole 48 rai there. Which doesn't sound right to me, because the people we bought it off still own the other 36 rai and they live in the next village to this guy, they do have most of the family and co owners of the land living down in BKK but the parents are up here.

Anyway, his wife has asked us to come and gin khao tomorrow at their house. The wife and MIL will go there. Don't know what's on their mind, but we told her the land is for sale and that is that. Whatever deal gets agreed with us will be applied to the new buyers. I think that is the best way to do it.

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Fair go to the opportunistic rice planter. If only one of the landowners finds out, he is still making a decent, tax free income whilst providing a commodity. Why would he kill that goose by spending money and buying his own land? Maybe he's not Thai and can't own land and totally blagging what passes for a 'system' in LOS.

Depending on how high up the local agriculture office totem pole the OP's wife is, she may find there's someone in the same office, or the land office that's getting a tidy bung from the gypsy rice planter. Just a thought.

Now that I have calmed down a bit, I spent the last half an hour thinking that it is quite an innovative idea if you invest in a tractor and harvester, you could hunt down as much land as you wanted and plant it, spread out all over the place, who knows how endless your empire could become. Maybe 30% will hit you up for 50/50, but you still got to reap the benefits from 70%.

Like PoorSucker said earlier, maybe you could be planting on a lot of that land for 10 years and have a right on it.

Its a low start up semi risky business with huge potentials from many directions.

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I'm no expert (there are guys here who are) but I believe you can take these onto you own land and disseminate accordingly:

Army Worms; Aster Leafhopper; crayfish; Rice Leafminer; Rice Water Weevil; Tadpole Shrimp; certain weeds that choke out growth.

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If he grows rice on it for ten years, he can legally claim the land.

Just in-case you didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ...


Yes I know what he said. We only bought the land in Feb. Up till 2 years ago the owner was farming it. Then she split it up and gave it to her kids and they are the ones who live in BKK (well the ones we bought our bit off anyway), because they had to come up from BKK to do the transfer at the land office.

There was a lot of over-growth on the land (2 years worth) that we cleared and made it look nice and pretty again. Then this guy pounced on it. This is his first year squatting. i can assure everyone of that.

I know Thailand is a crazy place, but there is no way land is being sold to another person via all the legal channels, only to find out a squatter has a claim on it afterwards, don't you think that would show up at the land office? That is fairytale stuff. If that loophole does exist i can assure everyone, the guy would have to be on it for 10 years+ and also have his claim registered.

The land office would not allow the sale if there was a squatter owning it. And equally the squatter can't turn up after the sale and say.... 'hey, i have farmed that land 12 years' so it is mine. It doesn't work like that... not even here.

No matter how many backhanders and bungs are going around in the land office.... It just doesn't work like that. Corruption is rife, but there is still a legal system in place, that won't have been paid off.


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We have about 12 rai of land about 45KM from where we live.

We bought it for something, but soon after found something even better for our needs and closer. So we put the land up for sale. We got the land cheap at 60K / rai and the true valuation because it has good road to it, all year water and electricity there, makes it around 90K / rai. So we thought, nice bit of quick profit.

We have taken a few buyers up to see it, and today someone called to go up and view it. When the wife got up there with the buyer, they saw that someone was growing rice on it. We paid money to have the land cleared and tidied to make it an very attractive sell, and this guy just squatted his rice on there without asking permission from us.

The wife and MIL asked a few people around the nearby village who was growing on our land? and apparently it is some local guy who looks for good land that is not planted and plants on it, he has done about 50 rai in the area with our land and has is doing this all over the place. He never asks permission and is making millions baht a year.

With all the money he makes you would think that he would have the decency to start using to buy land for himself instead of taking the piss. I get the feeling many locals are intimidated by him. I say rent a tractor and rip it all up.

Anyway, i simply told the missus, contact the buyer and tell them the rice is included free in the sale, should get a nice bonus of about 180K baht from the 12 rai. If it doesn't sell by harvest time, I will pay the biggest, and ugliest villain I can find with a tractor to harvest it on a 50/50 split. then use the money to fence the land off. I know just the chaps as well. I doubt this guy will mess with them. they are a bit of a mob.

I think that perhaps you should research rice cultivation in Thailand a bit more. The average yield per rai is about 475 kilograms, so if you were able to sell all your rice to the government at the pledge price of ฿15 per kilogram (doubtful) you would net ฿85,500 and that's before you paid the labourers to harvest it. The reason this squatter has not bought any land is because he can't aford it.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

no the reason the squatter plants the land is if he dos it long enough uncontested he gets the land rights. either way, h also gets the rice. pretty damn smart if you ask me

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Make an appointment with the local village headman or whoever has authority in that area. Ideally get squatter to go too at same time.

Draw up a document saying he is using and occupying the land illegally. Reach agreement in presence of headman about rice and add that to the document.

Signed by your wife, Mr Squatter, headman and 2 witnesses.

Also get standard rental form with official stamp to say he is "renting" at 5BT a year or whatever and get him to sign

That does away with any squatters rights and can be passed on to purchaser if they have to deal with him.

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I had three rai in Hua Hin and before I sold it I found a guy selling fire wood from his tail gate, it was my wood. I found a guy selling produce from the back of his truck and the last visit I found a guy who had cut the fence and living in a homes dr tent. My wife always says I am lucky to be alive because I kicked each and every one off the land on sight although I did have to get one down from a tree. Happiest day was the day we sold that land.

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If he grows rice on it for ten years, he can legally claim the land.

Just in-case you didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ....

Yes I know what he said.

klubex99 ... apologies.

My wording could be mis-read thus clumsy on my behalf.

Not directed at you (per se) ... but for the wider audience.


Just in-case you anyone didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ....

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What's the big deal? the land id probably more attractive with the rice on it anyway.

Live and let live. Why not make the guy into an ally and have a harvest party when the time comes.

Because it puts off buyers when the land is squatted. Its hardly attractive unless there is a transferable agreement between squatter and new buyer. People don't want to buy land with squatters on it that they can't use till his rice has grown and been harvested.

Read the first post again. Would you buy a house with squatters in it and you would have to wait months before you can get their gear out of it? Or even end up having a squatter possibly mad at you for unsettling them?

It is easy to to say it is no big deal when it is not your problem, if one day it is your problem, then chances are you would be a lot angrier than I am, and I am actually calm about it..... Just think it is a bit cheeky in a 'takes the piss' sort of way.

The wife is over there now with the in-laws to discuss it with him. She will be in communication with the new prospective buyer also to come to an agreement that all is happy with.

We are prepared to be accommodating but If the guy wants to be awkward, then we will rethink our position and probably go for eviction. That land is private property in the eyes of the law and has a sign up saying the land is for sale with phone number, and this guy made no attempt to ask for permission and the law states that he must ask for permission from the owners.

He knows the family that sold us the land, he knows we bought it in Feb and he knows how to contact us. He didn't bother. he is the one in the tricky situation... not us.

We own the land and we own the crops on it, because he made no effort to ask to use the land. That is apparent for all to see. He knows it is not owned by someone in BKK because we called the guy who cleared our land and he told us that the guy is well aware that the land is owned by a woman with farang husband from Korat.

I am waiting for more details anyway. I am calm about it and willing to resolve this in a friendly manner, but I am also prepared to make decisions that are not in his favour if he wants to take the piss.

Nothing 'farang mafia' about it. Just protecting what is ours. If he wants to try to be intimidating, then he can go ahead. I fight fire with fire. But he is messing with the wrong people when it comes to my in-laws. they are not simple village folk, they are city folk and are lets say, very well connected. There won't be any problems for us. Only him.

Edited by klubex99
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If he grows rice on it for ten years, he can legally claim the land.

Just in-case you didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ....

Yes I know what he said.

klubex99 ... apologies.

My wording could be mis-read thus clumsy on my behalf.

Not directed at you (per se) ... but for the wider audience.


Just in-case you anyone didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ....

No worries David.

I understand what you meant now.

I wasn't angry mate ;)

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What's the big deal? the land id probably more attractive with the rice on it anyway.

Live and let live. Why not make the guy into an ally and have a harvest party when the time comes.

I am calm about it and willing to resolve this in a friendly manner...

Sounds like it, good on 'ya.

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I think the funniest thing is that you think this poor farmer is making millions.

I like the idea about creating a contract in front of the village head. You could get him to pay rent for the months that the rice was growing but that wouldn't be much more than 10k baht or so.

You could flood the field and destroy the crops or burn them.

You could hire a harvest crew to come in and harvest a week early.

make sure that you have paperwork that shows that your wife bought the land with her own money, because if this does become a legal battle, (If I understand the law right ) you are not legally allowed to give your wife money to buy land.

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I think the funniest thing is that you think this poor farmer is making millions.

I like the idea about creating a contract in front of the village head. You could get him to pay rent for the months that the rice was growing but that wouldn't be much more than 10k baht or so.

You could flood the field and destroy the crops or burn them.

You could hire a harvest crew to come in and harvest a week early.

make sure that you have paperwork that shows that your wife bought the land with her own money, because if this does become a legal battle, (If I understand the law right ) you are not legally allowed to give your wife money to buy land.

Obviously not coffee1.gif

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I'd rather support the poor farmer who isn't doing anything illegal than a greedy foreigner who's trying to make a quick buck and sell his land for 50% more. The farmer could also point at that it was you who financed the land and not your wife. That is not legal.

Anyway I truly believe it was you who financed to purchase of the land since you are talking about how it is YOUR land. That act itself is illegal.

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I'd rather support the poor farmer who isn't doing anything illegal than a greedy foreigner who's trying to make a quick buck and sell his land for 50% more. The farmer could also point at that it was you who financed the land and not your wife. That is not legal.

Anyway I truly believe it was you who financed to purchase of the land since you are talking about how it is YOUR land. That act itself is illegal.

John, you obviously haven't a clue about the legalities of land purchase in Thailand, nor the Cultural intricacies involved, nor the market dynamics involved in buying or selling land ... either here (in Thailand) or western nations.

Nor have any clue about Farming practices in Thailand.

Just in case that all went WOOSH ... I'll dumb it down for you ... *

'poor farmer' ... cheesy.gif

EDIT ... * ... I removed the smilie that looked very similar to this ... jerk.gif.

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If he grows rice on it for ten years, he can legally claim the land.


Just in-case you didn't read this little gem ... read the post from PoorSucker again ...


Only if he can prove he did. Which would be almost impossible.

Op, here's what you do. If you enjoy a cold beer, sit down and have 1 sabai sabai, then let your wife and her mum go round and sort it out the Thai way.

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