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My Planned estimated monthly budget for Thailand


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Funny, I was just comparing estimated vs actuals on my budget. From a monthly baseline of expenses, I usually run over my budget by anywhere from 25% to 125%. Shock and horror for someone who is only bringing in 100% of their budget as income. Luckily, my monthly budget is much lower than my monthly income, so I've got plenty of wiggle room in case something happens and I need extra dosh. You never know when you are going to have unexpected expenses and need to have some savings to deal with them. Just something for the OP to think about in being realistic on setting you budget.

Edited by Loptr
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My impression is that 40K baht in Chiang Mai is enough to live a pretty comfortable life, though no luxuries.

Personally I cant live for tless than 100K in Bangkok.

You should know better than to start " I can spend less than you" thread on TV....all cheap charlies have just wet their 3 day unwashed underpants......thumbsup.gif

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I guess when you talk about writing, it must still be for a uk company, writing over here will obviously require a work visa.

Work visa??!! I wouldn't even waste time thinking about it!!

It's not like he's going to an office everyday so who's going to know he's working??

Anyway, back on topic; yes, in theory his numbers add up well but in practice, the OP's admission of his partiality to the attractions of Angeles City, "a good drink" every other night and a "real blow out" on weekends leads me to believe that farang000999 may very well have had a point when he called the guy a "train wreck waiting to happen".

Obviously, I don't know the OP and everyone's different but if he has any doubts whatsoever about his ability to remain disciplined, he should double that budget.

Having the fun he alludes to works very well on standard holidays - even extended ones, too - but when the booze, laughs, pool frolicks and pussy is right there at the end of a short taxi ride, sitting in that condo working will require a level of self-control that - let's face it - most men who enjoy mongering around the likes of Angeles City don't possess in abundance.

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And for the girl of my dreams? well, there'll be a bit left in the pot for any of that carry on. I've still got a minimum of £206 left for anything like that.

£51.50 a week to woo the Lucky girl of your dreams.

Cheap Charliecheesy.gif


Not everyone has to buy women.

Call me old fashioned but the girl of your dreams is going to want to go out for dinner, the cinema, usual stuff and that cost's money.

Unless she really is the girl of the dreams who wants to spend every spare minute in her wonderfully stimulating boyfriends arms.

Or is the girl of your dreams a 10-2er? No drink and a quick bunk up from the local club.


Call me modern but the girl of my dreams would work and would want to pay her way. Splashing too much cash, especially around a poor Thai girl will only encourage her to stay with you, even if she is not interested.

Granted this suits some.


You are talking about a poor Thai girl and buying women! No one else!

Is this the voice of experience?

I was talking about chivalry, romance and respect.

I don't think the OP has to worry about a poor girl sticking around when he has only £51.50 a week to spare, she will soon get fed up buying him 30 baht noodles.


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I keep looking at this. His 900 quid is about 44,000 baht. With all of the "additions" the OP is adding, there is no way. Period.

I agree a guy could get by fine on that for living expenses including a few beers and even saving a little, but with a penchant for partying and bar girls, no way.

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no mention of travelling around expenses and contingency fund for health issues that may occur ,inc health insurance .

no motorcy expenses .

and no mention of a pension fund ! how will you live 20-30 years hence ?

most BGs end up on the scrap heap and so will you

Edited by giggles
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You want to have a social life you better up your beer and food budget as you will be expected to pick up the tab for your lady friends.

You going to walk everywhere or take girls home in a tuk tuk? A scooter will set you back 1000 pounds plus gas, insurance etc. You won't last long before you get one.

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I do not, and never have taken on the mantle of 'grammar police' on any of the boards / blogs I post on. I accept that it is the substance of the comment that counts rather than the grammatical detail, and as pointed out, for many posters English is not their first language.

However, since you are obviously a natural English speaker, and you profess to be a professional writer, I would have expected a higher standard from you. The only other times I've commented on spelling or grammar anywhere is when the writer of an article is a professional journalist / writer and they've been sloppy. As professionals, they should know how to write correctly, as should you.

To be honest, I couldn't give a tinker's cuss how you spell; I'm just surprised at you, supposedly a professional writer, making a very basic spelling mistake.

yes Miss..!!!!....may I humbly suggest your request the offending poster to write out his post again 1000 times in penance for his sin...tongue.png

As regards his professional writing skills, at 75 quid a day, what are your expecting Percy Shelly or Lord Byron ? tongue.png

At 75 quid more like Pete Shelley and Screaming Lord Sutch....biggrin.png

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I mean, slog away for 40 odd years so one can attempt to cram a lifetime of real living into the 10-20 years between stopping work and kicking the bucket ??!! Assuming one isn't already seriously ill by the time retirement comes around?

<deleted> to that. Wage slavery's a freakin' crock.

Lots of people operate on the "fringes of the workforce" - it's fabulous.

I work from home here in BKK pretty much when I like and have the freedom to go out and party if I like, take the time to travel if I like and still put some by for a rainy day.

It seems that quite often it's the people who have slogged for years saving up in order to one day stop slogging that get p'd off and patronising when it's suggested that doing a 40 year constant slog before moving to a place where you can live happily isn't a requirement. It's true though, it's not. On top of this, if you acquire and hone skills that can be performed from anywhere, in this age there is nothing to stop you earning just as much as you would working onsite back home in xyz in a traditional manner.

OP it sounds like you work for yourself from home, and make enough doing so to live in your home country - take the plunge, your min budget of 44k is fine if you are careful. Just keep enough stashed away for your ticket home (and be insured)

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Yawn, some green eyed monsters on here. None of you know my situation, the topic is about being self sufficient as mentioned in the opening post. I'm a chemical engineer by trade, worked all over the world, most recently in south africa and dont have any money worries whatsoever but it doesnt hurt to be prudent. Wherever i go i like to be self sufficient hence the reason for posting. I also mentioned that the £900 was minimum when in fact i'll be expecting nearly double that. Didnt realise there were so many bitter old farts in Thailand. Carry on lads.

For those with constructive advice, cheers, taken on board. Have just secued a lease on a nice house on the outskirts of chiang mai. PAID 18000 per month reduced from 21000 as payed the lot up front. That will save on my rent and free up some money. Looking forward to the trip.


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Well as you seem to enjoy posting your personal financial info on a web board I guess finances are not your major concern.

Now you'll just have to become savvy from the under-50-working-under-the-radar crowd how one can stay long term in Thailand on a succession of tourist visas.

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