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Why do the poorest people have the most dogs?


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cause, like everyone else, they like dogs? and probably cant afford vet care, and probably lacking major education for acceptable (to you) practices for pets... so if it really bothers, then maybe offerring to take in a few for the operation, shots and a shot of ivermectin might help...

I agree with their liking dogs or even taking pity on them

I know it will probably get flamed as an opinion but,

I have noticed in my life a lot of folks I would describe as having big hearts.

These folks tend to not do well financially but they are always the first to help those they

feel need help.

They feed stray dogs, they donate to charity boxes even when they barely get by themselves.

I know folks like this & while a logical mind will say, "No wonder your poor"

I guess another might think in many ways these folks are rich in spirit/heart.

Yeah I know not logical but I have noticed it in quite a few folks. I do not think ill

of it. I just notice it.

Edited by mania
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The cat at the farm is de-sexed.

There was a government program locally which did it for free at the Wat maybe 2 years ago.

Nice cat ... but no balls to do anything though!

Thats than why your presence is happily accepted !! The alphamale.

benalibina ... I know what you mean ... but this is the bit that most don't understand.

I live in a household of Adults and kids ... and various dogs and a cat.

The top dog is MissFarmGirl's Father ...

post-104736-0-90692500-1377080429_thumb. post-104736-0-50628500-1377080566_thumb.

Ex-Navy, lost his lower leg to an IUD

He's the top dog in these parts ...

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FROM MY OBSERVATIONS ALL THE NEIGHBORS THROW OUT THEIR FOOD SCRAPS that just about keeps them alive.but as they snooze under cars they get run over when the car moves and suffer broken limbs a lot and hobble around with dangling legs

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anyway this country is an aryan developed country going back more than a thousand years and the aryan tribes always liked dogs part of their extended family ,so all some thai people are doing is respecting their past and respecting other species rites to live on this planet

Edited by humbug
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I haven't actually experienced poorer people in my area, having more dogs. In fact, not sure how I could tell, some people have bigger homes, but may not have a lot of income these days, so who knows? As in, older, retired people. I might have a smaller home, but much more regular income?

Anyway, what about this: The nice guy always finishes last.

Ever heard that saying? Maybe some of the most empathetic people, tend to gather the most pets??

And those are the last people to have gathered a lot of money, especially if they had to do it, in unethical/dishonest ways.

If you are concerned, please help them (i.e. the animals) out. Take them for neutering and vaccinations, and then THANK those people for taking care of those less capable than ourselves ..

How can you ever find fault with someone who wants to help care for an animal? Unless they are just an abusive/hoarder type, or breeding for money? Whatever they are doing "wrong" they just don't know better, probably treat their grandparents in the same way. HELP them!!

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Thailand should introduce a dog licence and use the income to round up and put down strays, I would volunteer in our areas. Strays are a health risk, especially to kids as they crap all over. In packs they are a danger as well, then there is the rabies risk not to mention the noise they make. The only good thing about thai dogs is that they are not that large or aggressive. Imagine what it will be like when aggressive pit bulls and staffs get mixed into the gene pool. Sounds unlikely? round us we have a few as well as a st Bernard and huskies. Now the fashion is for tiny handbag dogs, the next one might be for large nasty types. The dog problem needs sorting but as with so many other problems here, driving tests are another, nobody can be bothered to make improvements.

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you see what happens, my mom didnt have enough dogs so the rich people stole all her children

Cambodian woman convicted of human trafficking
The Nation August 24, 2013 1:00 am
A Cambodian woman was convicted of begging by the Criminal Court yesterday and for forcing young children in Bangkok to beg on the streets.
The court convicted Piab, 33, of human trafficking, illegal entry and residing illegally in the country.

The court handed down an eight-year human-trafficking conviction and added another eight months for the two other offences. However, because of her confession, the jail term was commuted to four years and four months.

Piab was arrested on February 27 in front of the Sports Authority of Thailand's headquarters while holding a six-month-old baby in her arms. There were a few Cambodian children sitting nearby. All of them were begging for money from passers-by. In the four bowls used by the children to beg, police found change amounting to Bt808.
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Thailand should introduce a dog licence and use the income to round up and put down strays, I would volunteer in our areas. Strays are a health risk, especially to kids as they crap all over. In packs they are a danger as well, then there is the rabies risk not to mention the noise they make. The only good thing about thai dogs is that they are not that large or aggressive. Imagine what it will be like when aggressive pit bulls and staffs get mixed into the gene pool. Sounds unlikely? round us we have a few as well as a st Bernard and huskies. Now the fashion is for tiny handbag dogs, the next one might be for large nasty types. The dog problem needs sorting but as with so many other problems here, driving tests are another, nobody can be bothered to make improvements.

I empathise with your view but:

1. Few would buy a licence.

2. They don't put down animals in Thailand.

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i think its done on purpose to piss others off ..the most complaints re noise in western world is by working people complaining about noise generated by slackers ... if i have dog probs i get rid of them ..and i dont give a flying fxxk if i have offended any of u ...saw a young girl recently lose control of her bike because of a dog ...it chases everything and the thai owner just stares blankly ....i think i will make a little meat ball supper for that fxxker

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The answer is in the question: they are poor because they spend the money into unprofitable dogs etc.

What do they spend the money on exactly? Perhaps grooming. diamond collars, fillet mignon for the pooch, whilst they eat sticky rice? Absurd.

Edited by giddyup
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I live in a generally well to do area now, but there are 3 "shacks" who seem to be squatting on the land they are on. All the dogs in the neighborhood are well behaved, each house having one or two, except those belonging to the squatters. Not only do they have no less than 50 dogs, but they turn them loose on the streets to terrorize everyone in the neighborhood, ripping through garbage, crapping everywhere, howling 24/7, and chasing every bike that drives by, and every person walking by.

Today I go out and there are a handful of little newborn puppies running around in front of one of the shacks, and I'm thinking, what is wrong with these people? This is the 3rd place I've lived in Thailand were the poorest in the area had all the dogs from hell. These people literally live in shacks and look like they belong in a refugee camp, but they raise packs of street dogs and let them breed. I don't get it. My Thai partner says it's a karma thing, but I don't buy that. All the other Thais around us only have one or two dogs at most.

Assuming there is a real reason other than they are pet hoarders, does anyone know why those who can hardly feed themselves always have an army of wild dogs?

Without any disrespect intended towards them, poor people tend to have a poor mindset by all means which makes them irresponsible individuals in general.

More dogs but dont have the means to feed them.

More kids but dont have the stability to raise them well etc...

Some people are just hopeless.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

I agree, and that's the world over, not just Thailand.

So true. I worked with several charities aiding poor families in the USA years ago. A typical scenario: family in a shack out in the country, a big brood of kids and at least as many or more dogs. They often didn't have money for food, water, electricity or rent; but always had cigarettes and the dogs were well-fed. Never could get my head around it. rolleyes.gif

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Dogs (and lights) are to the older generation what mobile phones or skois are to the youngsters. They're a sign of class among the poor. Having many lights around your home shows you can afford to waste electricity, having many dogs shows you can afford to waste food.

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Dogs (and lights) are to the older generation what mobile phones or skois are to the youngsters. They're a sign of class among the poor. Having many lights around your home shows you can afford to waste electricity, having many dogs shows you can afford to waste food.

But the reality is that they COULDN'T afford to waste it. Electrical bills went unpaid, and kids went hungry.

Skewed logic at best.

But I get your point--many of my "poor" Thai students who can't pay their tuition fees, text me about the problem via their 28,000-Baht iPhones. rolleyes.gif

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cause, like everyone else, they like dogs? and probably cant afford vet care, and probably lacking major education for acceptable (to you) practices for pets... so if it really bothers, then maybe offerring to take in a few for the operation, shots and a shot of ivermectin might help...

We could take a few, but I think they have over 50 now with the new pups. It's some bizarre dysfunction I think, like pet hoarding.

My grumpy old Thai neighbor says he's going poisoning them and is at the poor house every day fighting with them about the mess the dogs make. It's funny to watch him get worked up. He's your typical old Chinese / Thai man who is grumpy 24/7. Two of the poor shacks built a fence around their property and then lock the dogs out at night when they sleep. Day time comes, gate is open and the dogs are let in. But that's like 50 or so dogs on our street every night making noise and ripping stuff up, it's insane. If I didn't know better I would think they were running a bootleg dog shelter.

Lick clockwork, one of the dogs crawls through a neighbors fence around dawn and gets stuck. The dog lets out the most God awful howl you have ever heard in your life, and he does it until someone, usually the wife of the grumpy old man, gets up and helps him out of the fence and beats it with a stick. The dog keeps going back, keeps getting stuck, and keeps getting beat. I have a feeling that one is going to be the first one to go and I'm surprised he's lasted this long with all the horrible noise it makes when it gets stuck.

I guess it could be worse, they could be hoarding pigs.

Sisyphus ?! sad.png

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