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Aus Hon Con in tense talks over Phuket jet-ski incident


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I'm waiting to read the posts that say "Stop bashing Phuket, you don't know what you're talking about because you don't live here. It's a wonderful place and farangs who get into trouble here bring it on themselves." Or the "The same thing and worse happen in your own countries."

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Things like this are good for the tourist trade. What happened to the agreement between the government and the foreign embassies to protect tourist? Is this another case of all talk and no action?coffee1.gif

It is always a case of all talk & no action.

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The jet ski the tuk tuk operators believe the good times will never end they are above the law as far tourist rip off's are concerned it's just one big happy family even when the cops are involved they are all taking in Thai the tourist has'nt a clue whats been said deal done.

Keep smiling .

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Dean must have been a magician to make the Jet Ski "sink to the sea bed", those things are made to be very buoyant. Yet more false accusations and lies by the operators. Please people, listed to what everyone is saying, Do Not rent from these thieves.

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Dean must have been a magician to make the Jet Ski "sink to the sea bed", those things are made to be very buoyant. Yet more false accusations and lies by the operators. Please people, listed to what everyone is saying, Do Not rent from these thieves.

Agreed - they don't sink, they just float - sometimes upside down on the surface. They're full of polystyrene to make sure they don't sink. Or is there a special type of Phuket jet ski?

If everyone who has posted here also emails the address given, that will already be a big show of support for the Hon Con. thumbsup.gif

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Dean must have been a magician to make the Jet Ski "sink to the sea bed", those things are made to be very buoyant. Yet more false accusations and lies by the operators. Please people, listed to what everyone is saying, Do Not rent from these thieves.

Agreed - they don't sink, they just float - sometimes upside down on the surface. They're full of polystyrene to make sure they don't sink. Or is there a special type of Phuket jet ski?

If everyone who has posted here also emails the address given, that will already be a big show of support for the Hon Con. thumbsup.gif

I feel a "We Love Larry" Facebook page coming on. :) :)

The Australians are having a general election next week. Maybe Larry could run for Prime Minister. :) :)

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Tell me how to do it, I will pay for it!

Actually, you wouldn't even have to set up a web site. You can set up a Facebook account where incidents and photos can be placed. The hard part would then be getting it listed on Google, and other search engines, so that it pops up when anyone does a search. Otherwise, simple enough to do.

1) Purchase, download and install a program that hides your IP address.

2) Set up a new email address to use when setting up the Face Book page, using the IP hiding software.

3) "Share" it with all of your friends, and ask them to also share with all of theirs, and so on.

4) Every time there is an article in regards to scams, attacks, murders, etc, against foreigners by Thai, post it.

I have a feeling it wouldn't take long for it to become "viral" and, of course, the Thai government would be looking for ways to shut it down because it gives Thailand a "bad image". lol

PM me - I am happy to get this going!

dont forget to set up a google alert so you get a message anytime an incident hits the news.

I am somehting of a technonitwit! I need it explaining in Baby steps!

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I was going to suggest putting something on youtube as theres more chance of something going viral from youtube. but i went to youtube and put in "jet ski scams phuket" and lots of people have already post clips about the jet ski scams there. you can click on this link and look http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jet+skis+phuket&oq=jet+skis+phuket&gs_l=youtube.12...266.4828.0.7485. or if that doesn't work, go to www.youtube.com and do a search the same as i did

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Unbelievable, the blatant coercion between the jetski mafia and the Phuket government is an embarrassment to Thailand and should be dealt with severely. All under the watch of the DSI, shamefull.

The DSI is not interested as this is not a foreign mafia.

I would think equally shameful would be of the Australian embassy did not get involved if for no other reason than the attitude of the Phuket mayor towards Australian Honorary Consul Larry Cunningham.

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Will we see some BOYCOTT PHUKET as we saw some Boycott Sochi ? I have to congratulate the Hon Con in this mater. Could be an example for the other consuls on the island. Anyway the threat from this lady is absolutely amazing .

It actually wouldn't be too hard for someone with the technical know how to have an Anti-Phuket webpage rank very highly on a google search using some simple SEO techniques. I don't feel the need to personally dissuade people from going, but a boycott campaign will really hit them where it hurts. I am actually surprised it hasn't been done already, given the amount of people who get ripped off there.

Tell me how to do it, I will pay for it!

Actually, you wouldn't even have to set up a web site. You can set up a Facebook account where incidents and photos can be placed. The hard part would then be getting it listed on Google, and other search engines, so that it pops up when anyone does a search. Otherwise, simple enough to do.

1) Purchase, download and install a program that hides your IP address.

2) Set up a new email address to use when setting up the Face Book page, using the IP hiding software.

3) "Share" it with all of your friends, and ask them to also share with all of theirs, and so on.

4) Every time there is an article in regards to scams, attacks, murders, etc, against foreigners by Thai, post it.

I have a feeling it wouldn't take long for it to become "viral" and, of course, the Thai government would be looking for ways to shut it down because it gives Thailand a "bad image". lol

Good points all around, now that I think longer on it, I agree that a facebook page would be best.

As long as the email used to sign up cant be linked back to you it will be the Thai govt. vs facebook if they ever wanted to get rid of the page.... and no chances of fb getting blocked (waitresses in restaurants all over the kingdom would have nothing to do :P).

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Good for the Ozzie consul in refusing to be intimidated by this repulsive gang of thieves all colluding to rip off tourists.

He is actually acting in the best interests of Thailand. Now that the ruling party has botched economic management so badly with unproductive hand outs and growing corruption, the PM is desperation is saying they will have to boost tourism to avert a current account deficit, since exports have slumped. Firing all the corrupt government officials in tourist resorts from the provincial governors down to police station commanders would be a great place to start. But she wants her cake and eat it - allow rip offs, rapes and murders of tourists to go unpunished and hope that bare faced lying will always work to sweep the truth under the carpet and keep the mugs coming.

Than you Arkady, for a well written comment.

I think the reason I still love Thailand after 8 years here, on and off, is because I have never set foot on Phukhet, Samui or in Pattaya, and avoid Bangkok unless I have to go to the Embassy etc.

Have spent my time in Chiang Rai, 4 years, and now Chiang Mai for the last 4 years, and really don't have too many bad experiences to relate. I am careful when I go out for a beer and avoid Karaoke bars like the plague. Have trouble feeling sorry for anyone ripped off by such well known scumbags such as jet-ski touts etc.

I do like the idea of a website telling overseas visitors of the dangers of local scams, probably the best way to get the message to the masses.

Would have to be set up outside of Thailand, of course, and even then it would eventually be blocked for telling the truth.

Man after my own heart.

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Every country should make it law, for travel agents selling any country with repeated scams.to advise the traveller of the risks and not to get involved in certain kinds of activities, i know every country has a page warning about this and that,but truthfully, not many tourists look at them.

Yep, from the Australian Government travel website http://www.smartraveller.gov.au/zw-cgi/view/Advice/Thailand

"Australian travellers continue to report harassment and threats of violence by jet ski operators on beaches across Thailand, and particularly in Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Samui and Koh Phangan."

The warning is there, just need to get people back home to read it before travelling.

Nobody is going to read that. They should give out leaflets to every passenger on every flight to Thailand.

Even if they did that they probably still won't read it, unless it had in big bold letters on the front of the leaflet, SCAM ALERT, BEWARE, BE VERY AWARE!!!!!!

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In the end.it has nothing to do with jetskis or scammers,it has to do with enforcing the law...this is something they are not willing to do, even at the top.reminding the consul,that he has a business here and should be more catious with his words, there is no real law and order,end of story, we can discuss this till we are blue in the face, like water off a ducks back and guess what? tomorrow we will have another story to discuss, groundhog day guys....coffee1.gif

It has everything to do with them and the law.

One is bad the other one is worse.

Take your pick, its all the same in the end.

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Two course of action;

1: Since the locals don't give a ratsarse, the central government and TAT should step in or;

2: Leave Phuket to the mugs who think it is an OK place to spend their time and money.


I choose 2:

I used to think that the central govt/ Bangkok should step in to stop the scams...but then again the Grand Palace in Bangkok is closed today SCAM has been going on for DECADES and has about a zillion complaints to TAT and the government and is all over the internet and in all the guide books and YET it continues day after day after day. IF IF IF they wanted to stop it a few honest cops could observe and arrest the crooks in a few days....or the govt could put up signs around the grand palace WARNING tourists that NO it is not closed and NO there is not some special discount at jewelry stores being offered just today. I am constantly amazed that this particular scam occurs so near to such hallowed Thai grounds as the Grand Palace. It seems disrespectful to the monarchy.

So until such time as the central government cleans up one of thailands longest running and MOST complained about scams at one of the top tourist and local attractions in the entire country I highly doubt that they give a crap about some jet ski scammers in Phuket and Pattaya.

Edited by pomchop
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Every single person reading this very scarey article must, as I will, write a polite but firm letter/email to the blatently corrupt Govenor and his side kick Mrs. Siriporn fully backing Consul Cunningham and pointing out the reality of the never ending abuse of tourists on the island.

When a low life side kick can show such disgrtaceful disrespect to the Austrailian Government Consul it very clearly shows the uttercontempt that they have for every single one of us. This just can not continue. Set up a temporary mail account to protect yourself and fire off mails/letters.

. I believe this is his email??

  • Phuket Provincial Governor's Office.

    Narisorn Road, Muang, Phuket 83000

    Tel 076-222886, 076-354875 | Fax 0-7622-0361 | Hotline : 67927

    | E-mail:

Do we remember this??

Friday, June 14, 2013

PHUKET: A historic meeting between 18 European Union ambassadors and Phuket's Governor today is likely to see a concerted Thai and international effort made to address Phuket's growth and safety issues.??

I will also email the Austrailian embassey in Banhgkok suppporting Mr. Cunningham;

That is a GREAT idea ...I was going to write to support Larry, but this is even better! I will do both!

This is such a frustrating problem ...you would think things like this might tend to happen, more when a place was on the decline, and locals were desperate, yet Thailand and Phuket, keep getting more and more tourism ...no matter what they do, which means they should be/could be making money, growing every year, without resorting to crap like this. I could go on a rant about why this is, but I am sure most of us have an opinion already about that, (and can do without my rant)!

I hope many posters here will also write and complain, or support, as needed. Good post and thanks for passing on the info to make it easy for us!

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Every single person reading this very scarey article must, as I will, write a polite but firm letter/email to the blatently corrupt Govenor and his side kick Mrs. Siriporn fully backing Consul Cunningham and pointing out the reality of the never ending abuse of tourists on the island.

When a low life side kick can show such disgrtaceful disrespect to the Austrailian Government Consul it very clearly shows the uttercontempt that they have for every single one of us. This just can not continue. Set up a temporary mail account to protect yourself and fire off mails/letters.

. I believe this is his email??

  • Phuket Provincial Governor's Office.

    Narisorn Road, Muang, Phuket 83000

    Tel 076-222886, 076-354875 | Fax 0-7622-0361 | Hotline : 67927

    | E-mail:

Do we remember this??

Friday, June 14, 2013

PHUKET: A historic meeting between 18 European Union ambassadors and Phuket's Governor today is likely to see a concerted Thai and international effort made to address Phuket's growth and safety issues.??

I will also email the Austrailian embassey in Banhgkok suppporting Mr. Cunningham;

That is a GREAT idea ...I was going to write to support Larry, but this is even better! I will do both!

This is such a frustrating problem ...you would think things like this might tend to happen, more when a place was on the decline, and locals were desperate, yet Thailand and Phuket, keep getting more and more tourism ...no matter what they do, which means they should be/could be making money, growing every year, without resorting to crap like this. I could go on a rant about why this is, but I am sure most of us have an opinion already about that, (and can do without my rant)!

I hope many posters here will also write and complain, or support, as needed. Good post and thanks for passing on the info to make it easy for us!

Facebook started "The Arab Spring." It helped to topple regimes.

Maybe it can be used to put unofficial sanctions on the Phuket mafia. Eg. jet-skis, tuk-tuks. :) :)

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