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ATM Machines and larger withdrawals

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Baht 10,000?? That's usually the on-screen limit.

So go to another option, like "options" or "other," also on-screen. There it asks how much, normally can get up to baht 20,000.

AEON was baht 25,000 but last month dropped down to baht 20,000.

In addition, if you're using an international bank debit card, might need to check the ATM limit from your foreign bank, and if a low limit, ask that it be increased.


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Take your passport to a bank, and withdraw over the counter can get anything upto 250,000 baht

Upto 250.000?

The highest amount I have withdrawn was 21 million. And I walked into a Kasikorn Bank at Siam Paragon and withdrew 1.5 million without pre-warning.

The most I have ever pulled out of an ATM was 200k, it was only a matter of setting the limit over the phone. It took a while because you have to withdraw in 20k chunks...

Edited by Forethat
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Depends whether OP is using Thai or overseas ATM card

Based on my experience:

- single time withdrawal limit at Thai ATMs typically 20,000THB (ie 20 x 1000 THB, reduces to 20 x 500THB if no 1000s available)

- this is often default limit for Thai ATM cards. However, eg.SCB can increase this limit up to 200,000 THB on request (ie 10 withdrawals per day)

- with a Thai bank account you should be able to go to a bank with passport and proof of account and withdraw significantly higher than this subject to availability of funds (yours and theirs!). I have withdrawn 1 million THB in cash with no notice

- international ATM cards will be subject to limits in your own country. Eg in UK, some cards may have a limit of 250GBP. The maximum withdrawal limit in Thailand wil be the equivalent value in THB and so will be subject to forex fluctuations

Edited by bkkbarnstormer
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Take your passport to a bank, and withdraw over the counter can get anything upto 250,000 baht

MrZM, Do you know if it will be cheaper for me to go to a Thai bank, ie Aeon, and use my UK debit card to draw say 20000 Baht. than use their ATM? As we all know ATM don't charge, and my UK bank will charge me app 15 GBP. Sorry if I am hi jacking your thread a little bit OP.

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I don't know of any Thai bank ATMs that have a per withdrawal limit of 10,000b... Usually it's 20,000 or more. AEONs are now maximum 20,000 per withdrawal and no fees from AEON at all.

That said, as someone pointed out above, the ATM video display screens that have preset withdrawal amounts listed sometimes don't list the larger amounts, just the smaller ones, so you have to go deeper into the ATM menu and manually enter the amount you want.

Also, as noted, separate from the Thai bank ATM, the bank that issued your bank card usually also has a daily (and sometimes per transaction) limit on ATM withdrawals. So whatever that limit is operates alongside the per withdrawal amount allowed by any particular Thai bank ATM.

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Take your passport to a bank, and withdraw over the counter can get anything upto 250,000 baht

MrZM, Do you know if it will be cheaper for me to go to a Thai bank, ie Aeon, and use my UK debit card to draw say 20000 Baht. than use their ATM? As we all know ATM don't charge, and my UK bank will charge me app 15 GBP. Sorry if I am hi jacking your thread a little bit OP.

AEON has ATMs but they are not a Thai bank. They are a consumer finance company.

As such, you can't do so-called counter withdrawals at AEON branches... only use their ATMs.

You can do counter withdrawals at regular Thai bank branches, bringing along your passport and bank card. Usually, there's no Thai fee for counter withdrawals, unlike the Thai ATM withdrawal fees.

But, you need to check with your home bank (the one that issued your card) about what if any fees they have for foreign counter withdrawals... as opposed to foreign ATM withdrawals.

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Take your passport to a bank, and withdraw over the counter can get anything upto 250,000 baht

Upto 250.000?

The highest amount I have withdrawn was 21 million. And I walked into a Kasikorn Bank at Siam Paragon and withdrew 1.5 million without pre-warning.

The most I have ever pulled out of an ATM was 200k, it was only a matter of setting the limit over the phone. It took a while because you have to withdraw in 20k chunks...

Presumably MrZM is referring to withdrawing money he has in the bank? Then surely one is entitled to it all? However when I went to KBank I was told unless going to the actual branch the cash is in the limit was 2M/day at any other branch of same bank.

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Baht 10,000??  That's usually the on-screen limit.


So go to another option, like "options" or "other," also on-screen.  There it asks how much, normally can get up to baht 20,000.


AEON was baht 25,000 but last month dropped down to baht 20,000.


In addition, if you're using an international bank debit card, might need to check the ATM limit from your foreign bank, and if a low limit, ask that it be increased.



Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have taken 30,000 baht out at one Aeon branch but last week at a new branch the limit was 20,000 baht.

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Take your passport to a bank, and withdraw over the counter can get anything upto 250,000 baht

MrZM, Do you know if it will be cheaper for me to go to a Thai bank, ie Aeon, and use my UK debit card to draw say 20000 Baht. than use their ATM? As we all know ATM don't charge, and my UK bank will charge me app 15 GBP. Sorry if I am hi jacking your thread a little bit OP.

AEON has ATMs but they are not a Thai bank. They are a consumer finance company.

As such, you can't do so-called counter withdrawals at AEON branches... only use their ATMs.

You can do counter withdrawals at regular Thai bank branches, bringing along your passport and bank card. Usually, there's no Thai fee for counter withdrawals, unlike the Thai ATM withdrawal fees.

But, you need to check with your home bank (the one that issued your card) about what if any fees they have for foreign counter withdrawals... as opposed to foreign ATM withdrawals.

Thanks TallGuy. That's been a great help, I have sent an e-mail to my bank, and await their reply. Thanks again.

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It depends on "Fastcash" or "Withdrawal", which gives you more. Normally the limit per transaction depends on the available notes, because the machines can just count to 25. The actual amount per day is set by you and your bank.

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Withdrawal limit is B20,000 per transaction and two transactions may be made consecutively or any time on the same day. I believe you can ask for the limit to be raised to B25,000 x 2 per day. Just remember that the limits are set for your protection should someone steal your ATM and pin number.

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A handy TIP for everyone:

Never withdraw the maximum amount (or any even thousands) if you don't specifically need the whole lump in 1000 bills. Withdraw 19.900 or 9.900, then you will receive at least the last broken amount in smaller bills. You avoid the extra run to 7-11 to buy 30 baht bubblegum just to change a 1000 bill into smaller money.

This of course requires that you input the withdrawal amount by hand (instead of the quick amounts list), but for 20.000 you would have to do that anyway at most ATMs, so why not withdraw a broken amount and get smaller bills as well.


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10,000thb? never seen one that low...

I take large amounts out all the time here is what I have seen:
K Bank (green)- 20,000 limit
SCB (purple)- 20,000 limit

Pink - 20,000 limit

Light Blue - 20,000

Yellow - 30,000

The Yellow ATMS allow for the biggest withdrawls, at least in Phuket. I assume its for all provinces.

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Bangkok Bank ATM's allow 25k per withdrawal but it is never on screen - you just use menu and key it in. If short of 1k notes it will be 12,500 or 2,500 depending on if 500 or 100 are available.

Banks do limit daily withdrawals by card - often only 50k per day unless you set it higher at your bank. You may want to keep it low as banks are not likely to pay loss for fraud easily.

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which bank do you refer as "yellow"? I just withdraw at Bangkok Bank and that's 25,000 limit + the 150 fee.

The OP was not very clear on his post. Did you mean the highest ATM limit for withdrawing with an ATM card from another country? Or withdrawing with an ATM card from a Thai bank?

yellow is Bank of Ayudhya...

As for the limits, there are always going to be TWO that apply in any ATM situation:

1. the physical limit of that ATM in terms of how many bills it will dispense per transaction.


2. the daily or in some cases per transaction limit associated with the card itself, whether it was issued by a bank inside or outside Thailand, they all have some limit.

If you're card has a $1000 (30,000b+] daily limit but the ATM will only dispense a maximum of 20 1000b bills per transaction, you'd have to do a second transaction in order to max out your card's daily limit.

Or in the reverse example, if your card had a $300 (9000b+) daily limit but the ATM had a maximum of 20,000 baht per withdrawal, your card's bank probably would not accept the attempt at a higher withdrawal amount, and you'd have to choose a lower amount from the ATM.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Withdrawal limit is B20,000 per transaction

Correct if the machine has ฿1,000 notes (there is a 20 note limit so if they only have 500s then it's ฿10,000)

and two transactions may be made consecutively or any time on the same day.

Wrong. You can make as many transactions as you like until you reach your daly withdrawal limit, and you can change that limit.

Although if you use a different banks ATM there may be restrictions.

I believe you can ask for the limit to be raised to B25,000 x 2 per day.

That doesn't work as the ATM.'s have a 20 note limit

Just remember that the limits are set for your protection should someone steal your ATM and pin number.

good point and that is why I have a second account with no linked card and transfer money into the account with the card if I need cash.

My data is for SCB and K bank other banks may have different limits.

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The Bangkok Bank's ATM machines dispense up o 25,000B at one time, however I tried to withdraw 1,000,000B from the counter but their machine only allowed an amount of 999,999!

Another point, with AEON restricting their machines to 20,000B, it will be sometimes cheaper to go to BKB & get 25,000B & pay the 150B fee if you then avoid an extra ATM transaction & hence the extra foreign bank "foreign bank ATM fee".

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I have a metro bank car the daily limit is 300 pounds ,i asked if they would increase it but thats it ,still used with an aeon machine there are no charges for withdrawls and a good exchange rate ,just means you have to visit the machine more often

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Baht 10,000?? That's usually the on-screen limit.

So go to another option, like "options" or "other," also on-screen. There it asks how much, normally can get up to baht 20,000.

AEON was baht 25,000 but last month dropped down to baht 20,000.

In addition, if you're using an international bank debit card, might need to check the ATM limit from your foreign bank, and if a low limit, ask that it be increased.


Yes indeed, so was Bangkok Bank, and also without the 150Thb surcharge, times change, Banks dont.

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Sounds like you are using a foreign plastic card (Visa, Master). The card issuer and your bank sets limits per 24 hour and per month. 10,000 baht sounds like a typical 24-hour Visa-card limit – some cards have 20,000 baht in daily limit, and some “gold” or “platinum” more.

If you use a Thai-bank ATM-card, normally the limit per transaction is 20,000 or 25,000 baht. There will be a daily limit on fx. 100,000 baht – meaning, you can do four 25k transactions in a row with fx. a Bangkok Bank ATM. The 100k limit may have to be opened by your bank.

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There are fees and fees and fees, when it comes to banks...

The Thai banks card 180 baht for MC and 150 baht for VISA card ATM withdrawals when the card comes from outside Thailand.

But people's home country banks often charge their own fees for their own cardholders when those cards are used in any foreign country for purchases and ATM withdrawals... sometimes a flat fee, sometimes a percentage amount, sometimes a combination of the two.

Metro Bank in the UK is a good option for folks there because Metro doesn't charge any foreign currency fee when you use their debit card in a foreign country. Combine that with an AEON ATM in Thailand, and you're going fee-free. There are also a few other UK banks or building societies that don't charge those foreign use fees.

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Depends whether OP is using Thai or overseas ATM card

Based on my experience:

- single time withdrawal limit at Thai ATMs typically 20,000THB (ie 20 x 1000 THB, reduces to 20 x 500THB if no 1000s available)

- this is often default limit for Thai ATM cards. However, eg.SCB can increase this limit up to 200,000 THB on request (ie 10 withdrawals per day)

- with a Thai bank account you should be able to go to a bank with passport and proof of account and withdraw significantly higher than this subject to availability of funds (yours and theirs!). I have withdrawn 1 million THB in cash with no notice

- international ATM cards will be subject to limits in your own country. Eg in UK, some cards may have a limit of 250GBP. The maximum withdrawal limit in Thailand wil be the equivalent value in THB and so will be subject to forex fluctuations

International Cards are not subject what this concerns, as you say to your own country, they are still subject to the 20.000THB/withdrawal. e.g. if I want 50K,with one of my foreign ,each limited to 5000Euro cash withdrawal, not payments, I need to do 2 X 20.000 + 1 X 20.000 Thb, because if I withdraw 10 or 20K the foreign fixed cost remains the same, + Exchange rate + 8 Euro / withdrawal.

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I don't know of any Thai bank ATMs that have a per withdrawal limit of 10,000b... Usually it's 20,000 or more. AEONs are now maximum 20,000 per withdrawal and no fees from AEON at all.

No fees from Aeon?

So they say. Check balance before and after. They got me a few times.

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Here's a topic I haven't looked into for a while.

I used to draw all my money from Ireland using my Irish ATM card.

Then the 150bht charge came in from the Thai side and soon after my Irish bank put a limit

of 100 euros per day in countries they considered risky for froad.America and Thailand being 2 examples.

So I changed to internet banking,transferring from AIB to KRUNG THAI.

I usually send 1000 euros for a 15 euro fee.

20,000bht(500 euros) for 150bht is a better deal............right?....but only if the exchange rate

is the same......right?

Does anybody know how the exchange rates compare for ATM withdrawals from foreign banks and internet banking.

If they were the same I would try to have my limit raised for my ATM transfers and go back to that method.

The only other snag I see is that there is only KRUNG THAIand THAI MILITERY BANK ATM'S IN TOWN.

Could I also do over the counter withdrawls with my foreign

My old ATM card is now a debit card,if that helps

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Kasikorn did have a 20000 baht limit, but since system upgrade , about 6 months ago, I'm not sure, simply because now my Australian Bank's saving card is now, for some strange reason,(though I suspect incompetent programming), now registers as a Master Card, I am limited to 10000Baht. Had a talk to the local branch mangler...oops manager, and you can guess where that got me, totally incompetent, useless fools, it's no wonder taxi/tuk tuk drivers make more money. Well, lol, on Phuket they do.

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