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My thai gf is obsessed with her mobile phone and its annoying me


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the mobile gadget addiction has hit hard in thailand. I see families in resaurants who don't talk - only gaze at their mobiles. You really shouldn't take it personal as some would like you to believe.

I see this too often and find it to be pathetic behavior. Entire families who sit there and don't say a word to each other.

I don't use a mobile and my partner has one but seldom uses it except for when she has ads on-line and is trying to sell things. Her family doesn't even have her number. When the cousins come to visit they have those buds in their ears and are on the mobiles talking for hours at a time. It's like they are there physically but in another world.

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My current thai lady girl friend is annoying me with her mobile phone obsession. I speculate that at birth she had a 2nd umbilical cord attached to a Samsung. She can’t stop looking at the thing, playing with it and taking calls all the time from her friends.

The following is quoted from a website I was reading on the internet and I think its accurate:

The 'mobile phone addiction' doesn't only have Thai girls under it's spell. Most girls under 30 are infected with this disease...especially Asian ones. For the most part I think that generation have limited social skills when out in public and use the iphones as security blankets so they don't have to engage in any eye contact with other bland mortals of the world. They'd be in rehab if you took their phones away from them for a day.

My gf is aged in her early 20’s and is a solid 8 out of 10 in the looks and body department. Thus, I suppose I must persist with the relationship and accept that there are pro’s and con’s to all relationships. Its just hard because I know that I'm a perfect person and all that...

Do you have any experiences yourself with this problem?

This post is useless without pics...


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my first mobile was about that size, and a 2 min call cost as much as a meal at a resturant

My first "mobile" the company kindly gave me was one of those f@kcing "bricks" as they were affectionately called and yes use it for anything than company calls due to the cost, some one in accounting was trying to cut your testicles off with a pair of blunt scissors LOL

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My girl had three phones,, guess what she used them for,,, but i boom boom only you and get money from the others,, after buying me a 1baht gold chain for my birthday i took off,, good luck fellas,, keep sending the money for my next gold chain.

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My gf is aged in her early 20’s and is a solid 8 out of 10 in the looks and body department.

It might be because you don't score equally.

Then again you are in a better position to judge that.

"....and use the iphones as security blankets so they don't have to engage in any eye contact with other bland mortals of the world"

I think this is a very valid point.

And I apply it too sometimes........reading some news on my phone is more interesting than looking at dismal faces or people with angry/disapproving/annoyed looks just because

they happen to cross my line of sight.

Also, I understand people, particularly Thai people, don't like to be 'stared' at. So, what am I supposed to look at then in a crowded MRT?

Often it seems Thai people consider half a second already 'staring'.

Are you kidding? Thai people don't like to be stared at?

They are ALWAYS staring at me. I HATE it with a passion. It is so rude to stare. I feel half the time like a monkey at the zoo.

I know they are curious about Western behavior, but it is rude and super annoying!!

Do unto others.....does that really apply in this country??

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My gf is aged in her early 20s and is a solid 8 out of 10 in the looks and body department.

It might be because you don't score equally.

Then again you are in a better position to judge that.

"....and use the iphones as security blankets so they don't have to engage in any eye contact with other bland mortals of the world"

I think this is a very valid point.

And I apply it too sometimes........reading some news on my phone is more interesting than looking at dismal faces or people with angry/disapproving/annoyed looks just because

they happen to cross my line of sight.

Also, I understand people, particularly Thai people, don't like to be 'stared' at. So, what am I supposed to look at then in a crowded MRT?

Often it seems Thai people consider half a second already 'staring'.

Are you kidding? Thai people don't like to be stared at?

They are ALWAYS staring at me. I HATE it with a passion. It is so rude to stare. I feel half the time like a monkey at the zoo.

I know they are curious about Western behavior, but it is rude and super annoying!!

Do unto others.....does that really apply in this country??

Maybe they are staring cos they are wondering how the monkey got out the zoo

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Technology addiction is being a problem all over the world. It's not just a Thailand problem. So much so that treatment are now being setup for internet addiction.


As for the OP, I have to agree with the others. The GF's pre-occupation with her mobile demonstrates a fundamental lack of respect for you, whether she's an techno junkie or not. Dump her.

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My favorite restaurant in Phuket Town is has, as the bulk of its patrons, 20 something female students. I have, on numerous occasions seen six or so girls sit at a table together during the whole dining experience start to finish with out so much as a word spoken between them. Every sole is glued to their tablet or glaxy for the entire duration of dinner.

Frankly hilarious to watch...but disturbing on so many levels...

In my youth you were nobody unless you could smoke,and always had a packet of cigarettes on you,it's peer pressure. Now you are nobody unless several of your mates contact you ten times a day,to talk boring repetitious stuff about what trivia has been happening in your day,it's all pathetic really,and sad there is obviously a huge market for manipulating the simple minded with Social media web sites,that add nothing to their lives,of any worth.

As Phronesis stated "disturbing on so many levels" getting tangled up with people you don't know,being a major danger.

Edited by MAJIC
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It is of the hand/mouth oral afflictions, that stem from our breastfeeding and needs and urges. Cigarettes and drinks are in this same oral comfort zone. Picking the nose, primping the hair,etc.

With the options of withdrawal from circumstance, and instant gratification, the Thai female-mind-set is geared perfect for this wireless generation, and it will spawn much ignorance and misjudgments.

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Many years ago when I was in my late teens, I would spends hours on the phone talking crap to my friends.You could speak as long as you wanted if it was a local call for a set small fee. My siblings were just the same. What I wonder today is how some of these people can afford to be on the phone for such lenghty periods, especially the kids whose income must surely be limited.

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show her this video

Think you mean show the OP the video eh......thumbsup.gif

LOL...darn accurate. I like how people pay all that money to go to a movie and then sit there and text. Moronic. Looking at all these idiots missing out on real life and conversation makes me think that the NSA is correct. People will actually pay for these communication devices that make it easier for agencies to track them. Not only that, they are sending out beacon singles (texting) continuously. Lets go back to smoke signals and flags....eh?

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I know its just dreaming, but what if there was a worldwide boycott on texting for just 8 hours, how would that influence the telecommunications industry.. ! Perhaps a consumer strategy to lower the price of iphones...haha. And everyone would get back to enjoying the company of their girl. Thinking outside the box... The masses would prevail.

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I think she is on the phone keeping in touch with her other sponsors and looking for new ones. She is certainly taking care of her income, that you are only part of. She is doing it in Thai so she is not concerned that you will know what is being said. Much of the time it is sponsors/income related but some of the time she is chatting with some of her bargirl friends learning new tricks to 'increase' her income. She is a 'business lady' and she is a work-a-holic. Take my advise and Pay-as-you-go. DON"T make any large investments that you will cry about as it all goes south.

I have been there, and done that, AND seen many friends, over 30 years time who experienced financial loss because they were 'too willing' to spend 'to much' in the early stages. I also have a lesser number of friends who have found long lived happiness with Thai women, most of these women being 'solid 8' on the inside and not always noticeable on the outside.

GO SLOW, my friend.......... AND just pay as you go...........

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Not necessarily from gold, if one would use such solution, need to find a more Thai girl friendly version in kitschy colours, funny shapes and a lot of bling bling to it ;-)

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I think it's an age thing, not about gender. In my gym, most of the younger Thai guys do their set, then focus on their phone (when they're not busy talking with their friends). 75% phone time, 25% doing what they should be doing to get the most out of the expensive gym membership. No doubt about what has their attention the most.

I don't get it. Leave the f... phone in your gym lockers.

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Between the phones and the braces on the teeth .....

The dumbing down of society! wai2.gif

biggrin.png , the brace on teeth thing bah.gif , it looks so ridiculous, to me looks like they have been eating spinach and forgot to clean their teeth. laugh.png

BUT, somebody thought it up as a nice little earner and it is thumbsup.gif .

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