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Staff says cash got stolen


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Yes we reported police and just knew that even mu CCTV was long broken, said they could do nothing

Maybe its time to fix the CCTV and handle the large amounts of cash yourself. How many months salary did they get? I am sure its awfully tempting when there is noone looking over your shoulder while your handling 6 months of salary and plenty of other jobs readily available.

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Yes we reported police and just knew that even mu CCTV was long broken, said they could do nothing

Maybe its time to fix the CCTV and handle the large amounts of cash yourself. How many months salary did they get? I am sure its awfully tempting when there is noone looking over your shoulder while your handling 6 months of salary and plenty of other jobs readily available.

Well it's my 2nd week :) could not do much, still in the process of settling down and this problem woke me up :) am a programmer no much clue about business hassles but now I am trying learn and get in to the world am not so familiar of :)

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Yes we reported police and just knew that even mu CCTV was long broken, said they could do nothing

Maybe its time to fix the CCTV and handle the large amounts of cash yourself. How many months salary did they get? I am sure its awfully tempting when there is noone looking over your shoulder while your handling 6 months of salary and plenty of other jobs readily available.

If Noone had been watching it probably would not have happend.

Is Noone hot as well? If I were rich, all may staff would be hot young gals.

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On reflection giving her the oportunity to repay the money at a low rate could be considered as an unauthorised deduction of salary. You have no choice but to fire her and supervise anyone new very closely.

this morning we went to speak to her but she won't just talk as she start to as soon as she we drop in so we are still trying out if she got something to tell us
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What was her story? No one else in office? Money just sitting on the table? How long before it was noticed missing?

looks like she's been here for long but my in-laws got no much trust, still I got no clue why they would allow her to handle..
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Delay payroll for a while and tell everyone that it is because of the stolen money. Not sure when but will pay at later date. Make sure everyone knows who is responsible so they put pressure on them and perhaps something turns up. Also, offer a reward and a paid hoilday to anyone who can get the money returned.

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Delay payroll for a while and tell everyone that it is because of the stolen money. Not sure when but will pay at later date. Make sure everyone knows who is responsible so they put pressure on them and perhaps something turns up. Also, offer a reward and a paid hoilday to anyone who can get the money returned.

I do not advise this. It is a sure way to end up in Labour Court....and you will lose..and lose even more face than you already will lose if you do not handle this.

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Go to the ATM give your father in law the money he lost, give the girl involved a raise because she showed the system is not working.

Then got to the police and tell them you are sorry because you were working without a work permit. whistling.gif

Edited by FritsSikkink
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She was the only one responsible and am here working only since week a go and now my father in-law is getting little upset

mate although I do not agree with it do what thais do, tell her she is responsible for it, she collected it, she had it in her possesion therefore she has to pay it back to you. This is exactly what happens with thais, they lose the money they replace it. This way it stops them taking it themselves, makes it hard when they are innocent but you dont leave a few hundred thousand baht just lying around while you go to the loo then claim it was stolen. Have to admit it sounds very fishy and there is a chance that she is the one that now has it, make her pay it back.

Sounds like her position includes a 'cashier' role.

Did you get any form of security from her before she started work one week ago? I assume you know that it's very common for pretty much every Thai business to insist on a cash deposit, a land title document, a written guarantee from a respected person who can come up with the money as security if things go wrong.

What checks did you do in terms of her past history etc?

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She was the only one responsible and am here working only since week a go and now my father in-law is getting little upset

mate although I do not agree with it do what thais do, tell her she is responsible for it, she collected it, she had it in her possesion therefore she has to pay it back to you. This is exactly what happens with thais, they lose the money they replace it. This way it stops them taking it themselves, makes it hard when they are innocent but you dont leave a few hundred thousand baht just lying around while you go to the loo then claim it was stolen. Have to admit it sounds very fishy and there is a chance that she is the one that now has it, make her pay it back.

This is the only sensible solution. At the very least, she was incredibly careless and irresponsible. At worst, she took it herself (or had an accomplice). But the problem is if she has not been warned that she is financially liable in cases such as this, you may be SOL. Besides, doubtful she has that kind of money laying around and willing to reimburse. She'd probably quit first.

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Well it's my father in-laws business, me & my wife are given to handle it couple days a go and this thing happened right from the start huh

So, running the business was your responsibility, and you delegated the responsibility of collecting cash to an underling, who conveniently loses the cash by going to the toilet. Tissue-thin excuse IMO.

People think delegation makes them a big shot, and the cost of that adulation, in your case, is several hundred thousand baht. You the man!

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It's your FIL's fault. He put you in charge and you have virtually admitted that you would have trouble managing a piss-up in this proverbial brewery (not having a clue about business processes).

Luckily, it's his money so he has only himself to blame.

I suggest he fires you and employs somebody with the savvy to recognise that the week's takings of 200k Baht should not be left in the care of an underling without ensuring their trustworthiness, and getting them to guarantee their honesty by giving a cash surety and all the other usual "honesty and integrity guarantees" that is SOP in Thailand.

Sorry Buddy, but unless you get on the fast track to learning about business process control in general, and the dangers of doing business in Thailand in particular, you're ripe to be raped, plucked, picked again.

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At the end of the month when salaries are due just tell the staff the money was stolen, Im sure they'll understand.

Yesterday we talked to her again and she wants to repay like 3000 b a month and that's gonna take like 6 years for her to pay back. But some thinks she should be removed
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At the end of the month when salaries are due just tell the staff the money was stolen, Im sure they'll understand.[/quote

Yesterday we talked to her again and she wants to repay like 3000 b a month and that's gonna take like 6 years for her to pay back. But some thinks she should be removed

Why did she offer to pay it back at all?

Looks like she's got a pretty cheap (interest free) loan of 200k for 6 years if you ask me. Assuming she remains for 6 years months days that is. coffee1.gif

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