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Bangkok governor warns of riverside flooding at Oct 15-17 high tide

Lite Beer

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I'm good at ham fisted rhetoric. I go for the throat every time, but now I want to change. I've been given some time to think about my comments by the very gracious patience of the mods here. I love this country and want to remember, and appreciate why I'm here to start with. Lets stop tearing it apart with rhetoric like I've posted and put our backs and shoulders into solving the problems regardless of our legal rights here. We can make a difference.

They definitely do not want any help from us to solve their problems.....

Sure they do, just make sure that they get the credit. It's really as easy as that.

its too late to start brown nosing.......i prefer the old you......biggrin.png

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This from the man that said Bangkok wouldn't flood.

"Bangkok governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra said yesterday the situation in the capital is not a concern and ruled out the possibility of a flood crisis." 28/09/2013

beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu Any less imagination and you would be a corpse. Besides that you are miscraracterizing. Possibility of high water proximal to the river's edge is not what is meant by Bangkok flooding. No elaboration on that is necessary for anyone who has the most miniscule common sense or sense of context to recent history.

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This from the man that said Bangkok wouldn't flood.

"Bangkok governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra said yesterday the situation in the capital is not a concern and ruled out the possibility of a flood crisis." 28/09/2013

beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAu Any less imagination and you would be a corpse. Besides that you are miscraracterizing. Possibility of high water proximal to the river's edge is not what is meant by Bangkok flooding. No elaboration on that is necessary for anyone who has the most miniscule common sense or sense of context to recent history.

mmmmm ... well in a couple of weeks time, and when none of "Bangkok" has been inundated at all, you'll have been proven right.

However, if any part of "Bangkok" does get flooded, can I assume you'll apologize and admit you have no imagination or understanding of current or previous events?

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I'm good at ham fisted rhetoric. I go for the throat every time, but now I want to change. I've been given some time to think about my comments by the very gracious patience of the mods here. I love this country and want to remember, and appreciate why I'm here to start with. Lets stop tearing it apart with rhetoric like I've posted and put our backs and shoulders into solving the problems regardless of our legal rights here. We can make a difference.

They definitely do not want any help from us to solve their problems.....

Sure they do, just make sure that they get the credit. It's really as easy as that.

its too late to start brown nosing.......i prefer the old you......biggrin.png

I'm still me... It's just that the way we're going isn't getting us anywhere.

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"Only 700 meters of the dyke is not finished"

And surprise, surprise, into that "small" hole is exacly where the water is going to flow, making all the finished kilometers of dyke a complete waste of money!sad.png

They had 2 years to get it done, and first now with the waters just outside the city, they are negotiating with the landowners!

Politicians in this country, no matter what color, is a disgrace!

How many sandbags are you going to going to carry to that 700 meter breach of the flood wall to save Bangkok from flooding?

Probably another 350 billion baht for those bagslaugh.png

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OP says river flowing at 3000 cbm sec. Water released by dams 2300 cbm sec. My understanding has been that somewhere between 4500 and 5000 cbm sec is the max flowrate for the Chao Praya. Oooops, does anybody have a calculator ?

And what happened the Monkey Cheeks project, which we heard so much about 2 years ago ?.

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Each new day bring a new slap to the faces of the idiots who thumped his/her chest and said - with conviction - there won't be flooding. Considering the Thai society is so hung up about saving face, these muppets must really have facial skin thicker than rhino hide.

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I'm good at ham fisted rhetoric. I go for the throat every time, but now I want to change. I've been given some time to think about my comments by the very gracious patience of the mods here. I love this country and want to remember, and appreciate why I'm here to start with. Lets stop tearing it apart with rhetoric like I've posted and put our backs and shoulders into solving the problems regardless of our legal rights here. We can make a difference.

They definitely do not want any help from us to solve their problems.....

Sure they do, just make sure that they get the credit. It's really as easy as that.

its too late to start brown nosing.......i prefer the old you......biggrin.png

I'm still me... It's just that the way we're going isn't getting us anywhere.

Feel free to help. I am sure they will be very happy to have your assistance.

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There comes a point, where you need to realize, it's just not good for folks' mental health and personal lives to be perpetually outraged and exasperated at the many ridiculous things here, including the ridiculous things those in charge do, and the often ridiculous news reports on those things.

At some point, for your own sake, you just need to sit back and have a good laugh at the circus that surrounds us.

No one in authority here has the slightest interest in what any of us might think, nor the slightest desire for our involvement or participation.

Once you get those essentials down, the days get to be much sunnier and more pleasant. smile.png

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Just look at the list of banned jobs for farangs in Thailand;

"Engineering work in a civil engineering branch concerning designing and calculation, organization, research, planning, testing, construction supervision or advising excluding specialized...

No specialist's allowed as the Thai's know it all.

Good job we took a different attitude to welcoming engineers to the UK during the industrial revolution.

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There comes a point, where you need to realize, it's just not good for folks' mental health and personal lives to be perpetually outraged and exasperated at the many ridiculous things here, including the ridiculous things those in charge do, and the often ridiculous news reports on those things.

At some point, for your own sake, you just need to sit back and have a good laugh at the circus that surrounds us.

No one in authority here has the slightest interest in what any of us might think, nor the slightest desire for our involvement or participation.

Once you get those essentials down, the days get to be much sunnier and more pleasant. smile.png

You forgot "and stay on high ground." :)

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This is a cut and paste from last major flood and the talk of Bangkok. We all know that they'll let the water rise and overflow the dams up country so as to preserve Bangkok and keep it dry. They will flood out the poor in upper Thailand north of Bangkok. The poor will rally and demonstrate at a key dam site and release the sluice gates in the dead of night until the government with urging and payoff from the Bangkok elite stop the poor and flood them out. Then we'll see more cut and paste. The newspaper offers nothing breaking new.

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A friend mentioned water level is right at the deck of a restaurant near Sang Hee (Krung Thon) Pier. The boats' bow waves make the water sweep across the deck.

This isn't a competition to be first. Lol

And who said that it was? It's a bit of information, that is all. Atypically dissuasive comment for a Rugby boy, that was. Who'da thunk it?

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We know how much water is coming from the north and when it will arrive.

We know when and how high the tides will be.


Why can't the powers that be predict roughly how much higher the river will rise above the current level, and actually tell someone.

That simple information would allow a 'stay or go' decision for riverside dwellers.

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BKK Governor warns 25 communities to brace for Chao Phraya overflow in mid October

BANGKOK, 5 October 2013 (NNT) – Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra is cautioning those living in 25 communities that were outside the water barrier along the Chao Phraya River to brace for possible water overflow from the river due to the upcoming period of high sea level on the 15th and 16th.

After making a visit to the Chao Phraya river section in the capital city, M.R. Sukhumbhand determined that the water level was not worryingly high. However, the high sea level expected on October 15-16 and the discharge of water from the North could result in the water level in the Chao Phraya rising to 2 meters above sea level.

Because of this, the governor was worried for the 25 communities outside the water barrier zone. City Hall officials have been told to prepare the 850 families in the communities to be ready to move their belongings to high ground if water starts to overflow the riverbanks.

In the meantime, Chatuchak district chief Nopphakit Sanyanukit was asking the public to refrain from throwing trash into waterways and canals, because doing so would hinder the flow of water and exacerbate flooding.

-- NNT 2013-10-05 footer_n.gif

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I do believe that the phrase "for possible water overflow from the river" is a euphemism for flooding.

The basic question is how much overflow will there be and how widespread will it be?

It does sound like it isn't critical flooding, at least I hope not.

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OK there is 700 meters unfinished awaiting property owners to agree to let that proceed. Arrive with many many sandbags next week to block the water from flowing to OUTSIDE that area..so sorry you have flooded house, property, but you not allow dike construction....so sorry...

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Hans Brinker would need a pretty big finger to plug a 700 meter wide hole.

Are the obstinate property owners worrying about water not being able to flood out to the river? Apparently, they're not worried about water flooding from the river - on to their properties.

I predicted years ago that, in order for Bkk to have a fighting chance of not getting flooded - they would have to build walls along the entire lower length of the Chao Praya river AND its tributaries. Now we have a nearly completed wall, and can hope (when it's completed) that it will hold - but that's a big hope. Additionally, the wall will have to be continually made higher, because the flood problems will only exacerbate as the years roll by. Also: when you wall water out, you're also walling water in. All in all, a problematic place. I am always amazed at the residents and businesses who continue to invest in such flood-prone regions.

Lemmings jump over cliffs en masse when they have a population crisis. In contrast, Bangkokokians keep developing regions where even a lemming would say, "Jeezo, this place is too soggy. Let's move to higher ground. Let's leave this area to the beavers."

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