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Eurasian mix and intelligent children...........


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Not only Eurasians, actually all luk-khrungs are in fact intelligent and smart and highly educated, we will surly see them filling top most jobs in Thailand in few years.

only given when the correct people in the correct positions get their tea money, so the kids are promoted a step further. When they have reached a nice position that earns them 30,000 BHT per month, the investment might have summed up to 5 Million Baht. Otherwise Luk Khrungs will be the new paria class of Thailand. Very regardless of their intelligence, superiorness and school grades. No good job here can be had without prevalent tea ceremonies . .

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I was an English teacher for 13 years here and disagree. Many luuk kreung were spoiled and many were from broken homes. My kids aer aboce average in their class but not geniuses. Obviously their English is well above the rest.

1. I was an English teacher for 13 years

2. My kids aer aboce average

I love your irony and sense of humor!

My keyboard needs new batteries.
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Not only Eurasians, actually all luk-khrungs are in fact intelligent and smart and highly educated, we will surly see them filling top most jobs in Thailand in few years.

only given when the correct people in the correct positions get their tea money, so the kids are promoted a step further. When they have reached a nice position that earns them 30,000 BHT per month, the investment might have summed up to 5 Million Baht. Otherwise Luk Khrungs will be the new paria class of Thailand. Very regardless of their intelligence, superiorness and school grades. No good job here can be had without prevalent tea ceremonies . .

Pure crap.

You don't get out very much do you?

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its without doubt, the mixed race Eurasian, are far more assertive and consequently a pain in the arse.

I have a Thai child who is far more easy going, and generally an easier package than this devil child we have to deal with

But she is genuinely loved by all in the village because she is so different and assertive

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its without doubt, the mixed race Eurasian, are far more assertive and consequently a pain in the arse.

I have a Thai child who is far more easy going, and generally an easier package than this devil child we have to deal with

But she is genuinely loved by all in the village because she is so different and assertive

Just what the power makers here want, easy packages to deal with.

The Eurasians will lead the fight one day.

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Sounds a bit racist to me.

There is absolutely no reason and no proof that Asian in general and Thais in particular are less intelligent than mixed-race children.

What might be true is that in many cases mixed-race children in Thailand get a better education than their Thai friends, simply because many mixed couples have the financial means to send their children to better schools. To conclude from this that these children are more intelligent is in my view wrong.

If you ask an US American, he would probably say that Asian descendents are more intelligent that US Americans, as can be seen by the number of High-School, College and University graduates compared to their quota in population, but again, it probably originates in a different emphasis on the importance of education form their Asian parents.

I don't know that the OP was making the observation on the basis of race. Luk Kreungs may also appear more intelligent because in a multicultural household, they have to learn two languages from the get-go, and deal with what are quite often very different perspectives on problem solving.

Each parent tends think differently (which is also reflected in the languages), so the child's intellect is challenged more than it might be in a more philosophically unified household.

It could be quite typical that one parent respects, fears and obeys (or at least wai's) authority and privilege, while the other questions (or shows contempt) for it; one parent believes that ghosts are all around us the other may well be an agnostic or total atheist - or at least base their reality on science rather than superstition. One avoids conflict at all costs and keeps their opinions to themselves, while the other likes a good rousing argument and says what's on their mind. That is a lot for a kid to make sense of, but they do, because they have to.

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My 5 year old Amer-asian daughter is very intelligent.

She speaks English,Thai and Spanish very well and she too is a human calculator even though Math has yet to be addressed at school.

She is very interested in any science having to do with nature.

I believe this has more to do with the western influence in her up bringing than her mix of genes.

She questions everything and then questions the answers too!

Thais are taught to never ask a question of a teacher or anyone else in authority.

However, I do think mixing the genes is a great Idea too.

In a country where cousins have been marrying cousins forever, I fear the gene pool is small and shallow.

Diversity is a good thing!

Thais and Farangs both seem to agree that most Thai- Farang offspring are very beautiful children and adults too!


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This seems like a dangerous topic. Could teeter into a racism spat, but hopefully it won't. Anyway, here are my thoughts in the question. I teach a good number of Luk Krung kids, and on the surface it may seem that they are more intelligent. But I attribute this to the fact that their English is a usually quite a bit better than the Thai kids. Because of this, I can have more of a conversation with the LK kids. But when you go a little deeper, I have noticed that many of my LK students struggle in many other subjects and often they have been some of my laziest students. I guess what I am trying to say is that due to the fact LK are much better in English, they can come across as very intelligent. Once you take away the language skills, they are very similar to the 100% Thai kids.

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Humm ... Euroasian

Some Aussies, Yanks and the like might debate that ... biggrin.png

O.K . Luk Kruengbiggrin.png

Eurasian is the going term for the mix of caucasian and Asian parents.

It certainly is an accepted word.

If white US, Australian and Newzealand guys and girls have a problem with it, I advise them to remember where there original roots came from.

Europe maybe?

Luk Krueng is an accepted Thai name for Eurasians, like farang for caucasians.

However, both words are not drenched in positive thinking, so to say.

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A couple weeks ago my daughter brought home the results of the yearly Sermpanya IQ test. She placed 1st in Southern Thailand and 7th in Thailand overall. She is Filipina/American. Her mother's beauty and my brains. Happy parents here. I believe it boils down to 50% genes and 50% environment...I make no claims of superior intelligence or lack of it to any particular race or nationality. As a case in point, in my country about 47% are ignorant fools and seem to actually celebrate it. Never dismiss the 53% though...

Edited by bunta71
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Sounds racist to me! You take the average stupid Thai and mix with a little genes from the masterrace, and the the result: A smarter semiasian??sad.png

The implication is that they are smarter than the race of either parent (in general) - so racist against which race?

Personally I think it is about upbringing - I guess a lot of farang-noi have older dads who are more financially independent and have more time to spend with their kids. Thais are generally going to be working long hours and the kids left to fend for themselves a lot of the time - and the culture does that too - kids being basically brought up by older siblings. Add to that better education and parents generally more open minded and worldly - and two languages from infancy - all makes for a smart well adjusted kids (again in general).

This is with Thailand though - go to Japan, S.Korea or even big city China these days and see some really smart kids (those that aren't committing suicide that is - and alarming trend in these countries for kids under a lot of pressure and extra schooling at weekends and evenings is just too much for many!)

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Its very interesting - i would not put it down to purely a racial or genetical advantage however, probably more of an exposure to much more - and a soaking up of what is a rich and lets face it, 2 very diverse cultures!

Thais - as much as we like to bash them, they can be very sharp, they see things that we dont, have certain traits and attention to details that we don't. There are good qualities, patience, politeness, manipulation (ahem)
Merge them with a Western brain and im sure combined you can have quite a balanced and East + West attitude to life, and yes learning 2 languages which are both fundamentally very different before you are 7 years old can only increase once ability and outlook of the world.

However, with every positive comes a negative! Don't get too excited just yet... The ego may be the downfall for such and such, and you haven't even reached teenage years yet!

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Cripes things go off-topic quick round here ....

To the original poster - I have a leuk krung kid, as do many of my friends. I absolutely agree that generally speaking they are smarter than the average Thai child, and also smarter than the average Brit or Ozzie kid (my nationality and many of my friends).

I do not know if this is nature picking the best bits of a dual-gene pool , or, it is the fact the two language exposure and the brain's systems create a relatively more sophisticated child. Certainly, there is much on the Google to support both theories.

They do appear (on the outside) to be slower for the first few years like 2 - 3 but then, things change quick. My child and two close friend's kids were reading in a basic manner by four in BOTH languages (different alphabets and grammer etc), and really speaking both well by five - six. By seven they have the same linguistic abilities as their single language peers in either language, but of course can speak two languages natively. That's impressive stuff - to be seven and have essentially hoisted in twice as much as single language kids. How could learning two linquistical systems not be beneficial and help sharpen all sorts of mental faculties and functions that when combined give you a large part of IQ .. ?

I read something about humans learn most of what the need for life is between the ages of 1 and 5 years so the sooner you start the better it is.

But i think you need more than IQ to be clever and get on in life i have seen TV programs over the years that have followed kids with high IQ or what they call gifted kids and not many of them carry it forward to later life.

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