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I've found that ladies generally prefer to browse, while men prefer to wolf and gorge.

I think it comes from different evolutionary roles. Women stay in the bush, minding small children and foraging for low-calorie roots, nuts and berries, while men go off hunting game; then eat as much as they can so there's less to carry back,... eat again at home, and then off for the next wildebeeste or rabbit or whatever.


... very subtle ... wai.gif

yes, Neanderthals still walk among us.

TV is testament to that. wai2.gif

Oieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, l am a hansum Neanderthal, all the ladies say so. coffee1.gif

I see you have hung up your club and hunting spear and now sit back sipping soy lattes and reading Cosmopolitan. Good for you, getting in touch with your gentler side. thumbsup.gif

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I've found that ladies generally prefer to browse, while men prefer to wolf and gorge.

I think it comes from different evolutionary roles. Women stay in the bush, minding small children and foraging for low-calorie roots, nuts and berries, while men go off hunting game; then eat as much as they can so there's less to carry back,... eat again at home, and then off for the next wildebeeste or rabbit or whatever.


... very subtle ... wai.gif

yes, Neanderthals still walk among us.

TV is testament to that. wai2.gif

I don;t think people have evolved much in the few thousand years that we (some of us at least) have been civilised, compared to the millions of years previous.


I am quite interested to know what you said to your friend about over ordering and waste . Did you question her choices before or after leaving two of the dishes practically untouched ? I don't date women as I'm married , but we, wife and I, do discuss the meal before ordering . Just asking like .

A few years back (about 10) I had a friend from Oz who was a self made 'Multi',when he started coming to Thailand more and more frequently. He was in his 50's, married in OZ. Then with all his money he became hooked on the 'Kingdom Of Illusions'.

He was the type of bloke who loved entertaining multiple young good looking girls all at the same time.

One night in Pattaya after a night out at 'Hollywood' etc., we returned to the big 'Marine' Restaurant for a feed. He had 5 or 6 girls in tow.

What I witnessed truly disgusted me and made me ponder the way Pattaya was heading. The girls all went ballistic and ordered all the most expensive things on the menu, trying to out do each other I reckon. The table was chokas with food. It would have fed an entire village up north. They smugly sat back and hardly touched a morsel. They were treating him with the utmost contempt, and for some, indifference.

Such behaviour, in my day young days in Thailand, would have been unthinkable! Appalling.

Needless to say the same bloke today in Oz, has done prison time, and is broke and owes money.

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I am quite interested to know what you said to your friend about over ordering and waste . Did you question her choices before or after leaving two of the dishes practically untouched ? I don't date women as I'm married , but we, wife and I, do discuss the meal before ordering . Just asking like .

A few years back (about 10) I had a friend from Oz who was a self made 'Multi',when he started coming to Thailand more and more frequently. He was in his 50's, married in OZ. Then with all his money he became hooked on the 'Kingdom Of Illusions'.

He was the type of bloke who loved entertaining multiple young good looking girls all at the same time.

One night in Pattaya after a night out at 'Hollywood' etc., we returned to the big 'Marine' Restaurant for a feed. He had 5 or 6 girls in tow.

What I witnessed truly disgusted me and made me ponder the way Pattaya was heading. The girls all went ballistic and ordered all the most expensive things on the menu, trying to out do each other I reckon. The table was chokas with food. It would have fed an entire village up north. They smugly sat back and hardly touched a morsel. They were treating him with the utmost contempt, and for some, indifference.

Such behaviour, in my day young days in Thailand, would have been unthinkable! Appalling.

Needless to say the same bloke today in Oz, has done prison time, and is broke and owes money.

I don't know why people say needless things.

I don't think theblether was complaining about the lady in question showing off, or being extravagant with his money - he was complaining about her appetite.

It also depends on how people were brought up. I was brought up with breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in-between-times, we fasted. So I'm quite happy to eat nothing till mealtimes, then hoover up whatever's on the table. Others may be used to a more steady diet through the day.


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I am quite interested to know what you said to your friend about over ordering and waste . Did you question her choices before or after leaving two of the dishes practically untouched ? I don't date women as I'm married , but we, wife and I, do discuss the meal before ordering . Just asking like .

A few years back (about 10) I had a friend from Oz who was a self made 'Multi',when he started coming to Thailand more and more frequently. He was in his 50's, married in OZ. Then with all his money he became hooked on the 'Kingdom Of Illusions'.

He was the type of bloke who loved entertaining multiple young good looking girls all at the same time.

One night in Pattaya after a night out at 'Hollywood' etc., we returned to the big 'Marine' Restaurant for a feed. He had 5 or 6 girls in tow.

What I witnessed truly disgusted me and made me ponder the way Pattaya was heading. The girls all went ballistic and ordered all the most expensive things on the menu, trying to out do each other I reckon. The table was chokas with food. It would have fed an entire village up north. They smugly sat back and hardly touched a morsel. They were treating him with the utmost contempt, and for some, indifference.

Such behaviour, in my day young days in Thailand, would have been unthinkable! Appalling.

Needless to say the same bloke today in Oz, has done prison time, and is broke and owes money.

Not a pretty picture . He sounds like a glutton for punishment .


Farm girl, don't know where the next meal is coming from mentality. It is also a tad childish. whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif>

Not to mention the starving in Africa.

Well yeah...................

attachicon.gifnean.jpeg........thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif>

Look a bit like John travolta.


Obviously not enough cholestoral in the restaurant food.

Some Thai girls only eat what they eat, particularly ones that eat things like insects and yes som dtam everyday and will only eat a little in a restaurant to be polite for their guest/friend.

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Mercedes-girl abroad. 2 hours after recovering from dengue. And Blether is playing the field again!giggle.gif

Eh, it wasn't a romantic date

I've known this lady for a while and I hadn't seen her since April. It is possible to talk to a woman without trying to get into her knickers you know. xdry.png.pagespeed.ic.Kc5N3hfS-T.webp

I figure that if the date was romantically motivated, she would take the doggy-bag.rolleyes.gif Walking away from (quality) food will make her loose face.

She must have been off guard at the time...


I am quite interested to know what you said to your friend about over ordering and waste . Did you question her choices before or after leaving two of the dishes practically untouched ? I don't date women as I'm married , but we, wife and I, do discuss the meal before ordering . Just asking like .

A few years back (about 10) I had a friend from Oz who was a self made 'Multi',when he started coming to Thailand more and more frequently. He was in his 50's, married in OZ. Then with all his money he became hooked on the 'Kingdom Of Illusions'.

He was the type of bloke who loved entertaining multiple young good looking girls all at the same time.

One night in Pattaya after a night out at 'Hollywood' etc., we returned to the big 'Marine' Restaurant for a feed. He had 5 or 6 girls in tow.

What I witnessed truly disgusted me and made me ponder the way Pattaya was heading. The girls all went ballistic and ordered all the most expensive things on the menu, trying to out do each other I reckon. The table was chokas with food. It would have fed an entire village up north. They smugly sat back and hardly touched a morsel. They were treating him with the utmost contempt, and for some, indifference.

Such behaviour, in my day young days in Thailand, would have been unthinkable! Appalling.

Needless to say the same bloke today in Oz, has done prison time, and is broke and owes money.

Very inspiring, cpofc....


Well yeah...................


you beast you!

Mirror Mirror on the wall

who is the most hansum of all

Oh you Mr Transam, there is no doubt

Roger Mirror, over and out!


I'm quite certain if I could meet the person I was at half the age I am now I'd be amazed by how much I ate - That's a characteristic of being young not specific to Thai women.

But I'm also certain that this younger version of GH or most anyone I know would not be so ill mannered as to over order food on someone else's bill and then leave it un touched.

I suggest Bleth you get a bit more choosey over who you take to dinner.

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They never eat much at once. Thats how they are able to eat so many times. It seems that they eat much while they actually dont. They are actually careful about that, as for most of them getting fat means that the world has come to an end. They just eat often.

Besides most of them are slim. Slimmer people have faster metabolism and they are able to eat more while staying slim.

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Remember her behaviour for when she comes out with the 'my mum has no money to buy food' story.

Then recall how ahe's willing to pish your money into the bin.


I'm quite certain if I could meet the person I was at half the age I am now I'd be amazed by how much I ate - That's a characteristic of being young not specific to Thai women.

But I'm also certain that this younger version of GH or most anyone I know would not be so ill mannered as to over order food on someone else's bill and then leave it un touched.

I suggest Bleth you get a bit more choosey over who you take to dinner.

Perhaps he inspires her.


Remember her behaviour for when she comes out with the 'my mum has no money to buy food' story.

Then recall how ahe's willing to pish your money into the bin.

I generally find two people is not enough to eat all the good stuff on the menu that I want to order. It might be difficult for Thais to imagine ordering a meal for only two people. Especially if one of them is a delicate eater.

I imagine theBlether was holding back from hoovering up the rest just for the sake of leaving clean plates. It's not a waste to leave food, if the alternative is over-eating. The waste is in the over-ordering, but that is done before you've seen the size of the portions...



Perhaps he inspires her.

It would not surprise me, I've often observed that bad behaviour from one side of a relationship is often encouraged or even rewarded by the other.


SC offers excuses.

Odd though, I seldom see Thais over ordering and leaving un touched food.

Its perhaps behaviour they save for when they've duped someone they have no respect paying the bill.

But of course we must excuse the 'sweet liitle Thai girl'.


When the Chinese new year comes around we have to go the wife's village for the feast etc and the eating starts right away and i noticed that the ladies can out scoff the men big time we have to walk around the the village to see the family and that is nearly all the houses and you have to try something or they get upset it never stops the grub has been on the mat for hours even the fly's are stuffed i cant wait to escape.

Give me Scotlands New Year you take a lump of coal get in the hoose drink as much as you can the next day you cant remember if you had a fight or you were sick all over the 50" flat screen tv that's what i call a New Year party forget the eating.

In the west we sit down say for a 3 course dinner we have Starter, Main, Desert and that's it the Thai ladies can eat anything in any order it just depends what take away cart is passing by it makes no difference if you have just left the restaurant leaving food on the plate as the blether says" Does ma Heid in "


Well yeah...................


you beast you!

Mirror Mirror on the wall

who is the most hansum of all

Oh you Mr Transam, there is no doubt

Roger Mirror, over and out!

cpofc, I see you are still in the run for the post of the daythumbsup.gif.


I am sure, if the Thai lady in the OP, had been to the very same restaurant, ordering exactly the same food, with a Thai friend, they would have finished all the food on the table. It might have taken an hour or two. But they would have finished it. Down to sucking the claws of the crab and eating the fisheyes!w00t.gif

So either she didn't enjoy the company or the the OP was in too much of a hurry to move on?

But that's just me.


I am sure, if the Thai lady in the OP, had been to the very same restaurant, ordering exactly the same food, with a Thai friend, they would have finished all the food on the table. It might have taken an hour or two. But they would have finished it. Down to sucking the claws of the crab and eating the fisheyes!w00t.gif

So either she didn't enjoy the company or the the OP was in too much of a hurry to move on?

But that's just me.

I am not generalising Thai women and fellow posters.

That's just me


I am sure, if the Thai lady in the OP, had been to the very same restaurant, ordering exactly the same food, with a Thai friend, they would have finished all the food on the table. It might have taken an hour or two. But they would have finished it. Down to sucking the claws of the crab and eating the fisheyes!w00t.gif

So either she didn't enjoy the company or the the OP was in too much of a hurry to move on?

But that's just me.

Or your daily company. coffee1.gif


Oh the humility of it all Blether. At least you have talked about it, this really helps in the recovery process I feel. It's a 7 stage process and you have taken that first step.


Oh the humility of it all Blether. At least you have talked about it, this really helps in the recovery process I feel. It's a 7 stage process and you have taken that first step.

I am weak, I need help.

Scammed out of half a fish and some Larb Moo.

I'll never get over it. coffee1.gif

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