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never reported 90 days

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Yes that was what I told him, but we were wondering where would they notice? He said he has never been asked for it when leaving the country, nor when the school renews the visa ever 90-days.

His school renews his visa every 90 days ?????? So this means he is on an education 3 month visa ? If so why would he need to do 90 day reporting if he is on 3 month visas. They are every 90 days.

plus if he is on a years extension then his 90 days will be reset every time he leaves and re-enters the country. Has this covered it if it is a years extension ?

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Yes that was what I told him, but we were wondering where would they notice? He said he has never been asked for it when leaving the country, nor when the school renews the visa ever 90-days. 



 His school renews his visa every 90 days ??????   So this means he is on an education 3 month visa ?  If so why would he need to do 90 day reporting if he is on 3 month visas. They are every 90 days.


 plus if he is on a years extension then his 90 days will be reset every time he leaves and re-enters the country. Has this covered it if it is a years extension ?

Not correct. First it is not a visa it is a 90 day extension of stay based upon attending school. With and extension you do not leave the country which means you are in the country more than 90 days which requires a report. Extensions do not reset the 90 day clock.
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90 days extensions are free? Try an Ed-Visa. 1900Bht every 90 days, etc etc

Reading above posts clearly indicate (once more) that the entire Visa- Swamp is alive and well. Local immigration offices and Thai Embassies try to make sense of it all. Having little to go on (Official Immigration Web-Site), they interpret it at their discretion. Hence the 715 possible interpretations of basically a simple matter.

- Must conclude: We live here on extensions of former extensions that were extended before, former extensions will serve as the right to extend past extensions into future extensions. So let's all keep extending our extensions until the day comes, when Farangs receive some sort of solid legal status here.


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I do not see why so many complain about the 90 day report, when I used the Bangkok office I would mail in my report every 90 days, no cost but the cost of postage, most immigration offices have a fee requirement posted of the charges for services, Now that I use the Nakhon Sawan office on my once a month shopping visit I set my shopping date with the 90 report date, usually done in 10-15 minutes in that office.

I know each time I process my 90 days report it is entered into the computer on each visit, and the new 90 report date is stapled on to my passport.

I find the Nakhon Sawan office very professionally staffed and as I always have my paperwork filled out and ready my time at the office is very short, my daughter who did her degree on the job training at the Bangkok immigration office, stated that during her time at the office, many falangs would come to the office with no paperwork done and when she requested it they say filling out their 90 days report was her job responsibility and they would get mad when they had to go back and fill out the forms.


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90 days extensions are free? Try an Ed-Visa. 1900Bht every 90 days, etc etc

Reading above posts clearly indicate (once more) that the entire Visa- Swamp is alive and well. Local immigration offices and Thai Embassies try to make sense of it all. Having little to go on (Official Immigration Web-Site), they interpret it at their discretion. Hence the 715 possible interpretations of basically a simple matter.

- Must conclude: We live here on extensions of former extensions that were extended before, former extensions will serve as the right to extend past extensions into future extensions. So let's all keep extending our extensions until the day comes, when Farangs receive some sort of solid legal status here.


Senseless rant. Confusing reports with extensions, ED visa does not cost 1900 Bt every 90 days, and the foreigner status is can be unfair and complicated, but it is solid.

Edited by paz
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I think a further issue complicating the matter is that *many* schools are paying under the table, they handle extensions for the students, and when tea money is being payed, no one pays much attention to whether there is a 90-days report slip in the PP or not. However these same schools will insist that you must do the 90-day report because they offer a service for about 1000b to take care of the 'hassle' for you, in the event that you suffer from immigration paranoia.

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falang07, on 07 Oct 2013 - 20:44, said:

...which makes perfect sense, why would someone report the address when it is clearly stated on the extension documents provided by the school? It would be a duplicated task.

Not surprising at all... we are in the land of duplicity after all cheesy.gif

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Yes that was what I told him, but we were wondering where would they notice? He said he has never been asked for it when leaving the country, nor when the school renews the visa ever 90-days.

When he leaves the country and reenters the county, the 90 day reporting requirement is reset to the day he reenters the country. If he leaves the country without a re-entry permit, the current visa and extension of visa becomes void. He has to re-enter the country on a new visa entry. Why would they even bother checking for a 90 day notification when exiting? He's not residing in the country when exiting!

The police could notice a failure of the 90 day reporting requirement, if he is stopped, arrested, or detained by the police. They sometimes do this when looking for overstays. At that point he would have to pay the higher fine.

I was told by my local immigration office the fine was 5000 baht, not 4000 baht. Yes, if he voluntarily does a late 90 day reporting, the fine is 2000 baht. I once had forgotten about it, and noticed it 6 months later. I had to pay the 2000 baht.

Many times when doing a 90 day extension of stay by schools, the 90 day reporting could be missed because a batch of passports are processed at the same time. Depends on the imigration officer. I don't know why the school wouldn't automatically do a 90 day report when they're extending the visa every 90 days? They should know of the 90 day reporting requirement. Ultimately, the responsiblity of the 90 day reporting is not on the school, but on him. He'll have to pay.

Many farangs get confused between a 90 day extension of stay and 90 day report of residencial address. The two are not the same!


Well put mate. I have just gone on to a retirement visa as I have a house here and plan on retiring here but currently still work overseas. The rotation that I am on with my current company means I don't have to do the 90 day reporting for just the reason you have explained. The next time I need to report is in 15 months to renew my retirement visa and even then I get a leeway of 30 days before or 30 days after. This was all explained to me at Immigration as I had all my questions for them prepared and took my Thai sister in law with me to ensure nothing got lost in translation.

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Slightly off-topic, but related:

Do many others of us farangs have to chase up their 90 day report receipts that don't seem to arrive in the self-addressed, postage-paid envelops they have EMS'd to Immigration? I'm in the middle of my fourth report receipt chase-up. The envelop is always clearly addressed in English and Thai and EMS'd.

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Like Tywais, I didn't report for over six years when I was teaching. When I quit and applied for a retirement extension was honest with the immigration officer and she just put a new 90 day report slip in my passport with the comment "don't let it happen again", no fine, Nakhon Sawan Office. Been doing mine by mail ever since with no problems, costs less than 50 baht for postage,

Please tell me how you can do your 90 day by mail that would be heaven if I could do that last time I went to the office I sat waiting for 2 hours I live on Koh Samui the office is way to small to cope with the amount of tourists/expats !!!!!!!!!!

Edited by crazykopite
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They don't check for 90 days reports at the airport. He is getting extensions of stay no visa renewals.The school is at fault for not informing him to do the reports.All it will take is for the officer doing his extension to notice there is no report slip in his passport and he would have a problem and need to pay the fine.

The school is at fault for him not knowing the requirements of the visa he's on? Pffffft. Maybe they should have let him know, but he's surely far more at fault than the school for not knowing the details of his own visa.

Edited by happysanook
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If people KNOW they should report - then they should do it - one never knows what the fine could be - they could top the fine up with some unknown fee - also if you get the "wrong official" he could cancel the Non Ed Visa there and then on the spot !! DONT take chances

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Yes that was what I told him, but we were wondering where would they notice? He said he has never been asked for it when leaving the country, nor when the school renews the visa ever 90-days.

Why would he need to report if he is operating on 90 day Ed Visa? Visa renewal does the same job?

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New extensions do not count as a 90 day address report after the first time. Unless you depart the country and return the 90 day address report on a TM.47 form is required for any period of 90 days in Thailand after getting your first extension of stay regardless of how long that extension is.

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New extensions do not count as a 90 day address report after the first time. Unless you depart the country and return the 90 day address report on a TM.47 form is required for any period of 90 days in Thailand after getting your first extension of stay regardless of how long that extension is.

When I do my extensions at Nakhon Sawan, the 90 day report is always due on the same date as my extension no matter when I did my last report. I always fill out a TM47 form and the officer always hands it back to me telling me to use it the next time. When I get the extension a small form, not the bottom of the TM47 form, is stapled in my passport stating when my next 90 day report is due. They have done this since they opened the regional offices a few years ago. I guess that each office has their own procedures but NS has really got their act together and they are very pleasant and efficient in doing it!

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is it such a big job and hard to report the 90 days? I know other Asean countries has same.

If you have a multiple retire visa you report 90 days or if you are shy meet the immigration you just leave the country before 90 days and when you come back, the new period of 90 days start ... that's all. Because I travel near monthly I also not need report the 90 days if I am not here more than 89 days wai.gif

Assume you have a multi re-entry permit?

Yes of course because I travel often, in such case it is easier as each time go apply for re-entry permit and pay (I am not sure 1800 Bath) sometimes they do and sometimes not at airport. Also with this I am n the safe side I never forget. I am also not sure but as I remember it cost ca. 3500 THB so after 2 times already amortized,

Not quite correct. Single re-entry permit is 1,000 baht. Multiple re-entry permit is 3800 baht. After 4 times it is cost effective.

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I always take a multiple re-entry permit during the annual visa extension. Been here for 18yrs but rarely done a 90 day reporting as i invariably travel out of thailand before the reporting is due. Not having to report regularly makes you tend to forget the date.

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Slightly off-topic, but related:

Do many others of us farangs have to chase up their 90 day report receipts that don't seem to arrive in the self-addressed, postage-paid envelops they have EMS'd to Immigration? I'm in the middle of my fourth report receipt chase-up. The envelop is always clearly addressed in English and Thai and EMS'd.

I always do my 90-day report by mail and I've never had a problem receiving the receipt in the stamp addressed envelope (10 baht stamp). I report in Bangkok, so maybe they are more efficient there.

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Yes that was what I told him, but we were wondering where would they notice? He said he has never been asked for it when leaving the country, nor when the school renews the visa ever 90-days.

When he leaves the country and reenters the county, the 90 day reporting requirement is reset to the day he reenters the country. If he leaves the country without a re-entry permit, the current visa and extension of visa becomes void. He has to re-enter the country on a new visa entry. Why would they even bother checking for a 90 day notification when exiting? He's not residing in the country when exiting!

The police could notice a failure of the 90 day reporting requirement, if he is stopped, arrested, or detained by the police. They sometimes do this when looking for overstays. At that point he would have to pay the higher fine.

I was told by my local immigration office the fine was 5000 baht, not 4000 baht. Yes, if he voluntarily does a late 90 day reporting, the fine is 2000 baht. I once had forgotten about it, and noticed it 6 months later. I had to pay the 2000 baht.

Many times when doing a 90 day extension of stay by schools, the 90 day reporting could be missed because a batch of passports are processed at the same time. Depends on the imigration officer. I don't know why the school wouldn't automatically do a 90 day report when they're extending the visa every 90 days? They should know of the 90 day reporting requirement. Ultimately, the responsiblity of the 90 day reporting is not on the school, but on him. He'll have to pay.

Many farangs get confused between a 90 day extension of stay and 90 day report of residencial address. The two are not the same!

As far as I can see, they are the same. Your current address is on the 90 day report. In the 6 years I have been here I have never had to do anything but a 90-day report.

I think you are talking bullshit.

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Been here for 12 years on a non imm type b visa (university professor). Never done a single 90 day reporting. Visa is extended every May 16. I always leave the country in April to visit parents. Immigration never asks at the airport, and at the immigration visa extension they only seem to look at the last entry stamp date. Might get hit with a fine some year, but don't care. It's worth it not to worry about it the past 12 years.

I was here for 26 years before even knowing the thing existed, leaving and re-entering regularly, mostly on one-year non-immigrant visas. Then one time at Swampy I got stopped by Immigration and sent to one of those desks behind the passport booths. I was there informed I should have had a thing called a 90-day report. I said I'd never heard of it, they said, OK, we'll let you go through this time, but in future make sure to make your reports every 90 days.

Wishing to avoid a 2000 baht fine, I've mostly done so since then as it's a small inconvenience for me to go to the nearest immigration office. But when I've left from Swampy ever since, sometimes with a report form, sometimes without, it doesn't make any difference.

So the message is: if you leave from Swampy and making a report is a hassle or expensive to do, forget it. Maybe one day you'll get fined 2000 baht, but the likelihood is low.

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