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Viagra with heart failure


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I had a series of heart attacks back in 2003 and as a result have reduced ejection fraction of only 52%. I have been here in Thailand for 9 of those 10 years and have had a sucsesful sex life until this year. I am 62 years old and could always maintain an erection until this year. My wife is 45 and still up to the task if only I could perform better, I loose it about half way through.

I have never taken or considered taking Viagra until now as I have heard of some people having a heart attack as a side effect. Reading on the internet today, it seems like people with my condition, Viagra could be of use. It has even been tried as a treatment for people with heart failure. I plan on going to a cardiologist here in Chiang Mai in the comming weeks and persue this option.

My question to fellow guys here on Thia Visa, has any one with heart failure tried using Viagra and what was the outcome?? Any bad side effects??


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There is an alternative available here in Thailand ... it's called Redkawa and I think Greenkawa is available for women.

My step-daughters boyfriend was trying to get a market for i some time agot and gave me a box. I gave them all away except for one tablet. apparently everyone said it worked. I. tried half a tablet one evening ... result my wife said never ever take that again!!

May I suggest both of you watch a porn film whilst making love .. it might just tip the balance ... good luck

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Cialis will probably be more what you need.

The more you fail at the task, the more you lose confidence and almost expect it to happen. Been there, done that. An easy, relaxed approach helps ok, my wife got me through my crisis of nerves when we first got together, ok now.

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There is an alternative available here in Thailand ... it's called Redkawa and I think Greenkawa is available for women.

My step-daughters boyfriend was trying to get a market for i some time agot and gave me a box. I gave them all away except for one tablet. apparently everyone said it worked. I. tried half a tablet one evening ... result my wife said never ever take that again!!

May I suggest both of you watch a porn film whilst making love .. it might just tip the balance ... good luck

Red Kawa is not an alternative but just another name for the identical Viagra ingredient "Sildenafil Citrate"!

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Cialis will probably be more what you need.

The more you fail at the task, the more you lose confidence and almost expect it to happen. Been there, done that. An easy, relaxed approach helps ok, my wife got me through my crisis of nerves when we first got together, ok now.

Cialis (Tadalafil) possesses similar caveats for a heart patient like Viagra. being a heart patient myself, five years ago open heart surgery (4 coronary and 1 aorta bypass) i strongly recommend the OP to contact a cardiologist, get all necessary tests done and follow any advice the "good doctor" will provide.

by the way... my personal experience is "Viagra = most important invention besides the wheel!"


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My game plan is to see a cardiologist first before taking the first pill under his supervision. What I read somewhere, people with heart failure have a 50% of living 5 years. I have now made it to 10 years with no problems and I do not want to start now with side effects. If no sex is what I have to look forward to, so be it.

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My game plan is to see a cardiologist first before taking the first pill under his supervision. What I read somewhere, people with heart failure have a 50% of living 5 years. I have now made it to 10 years with no problems and I do not want to start now with side effects. If no sex is what I have to look forward to, so be it.

relax! yesterday evening i talked to the surgeon who "overhauled my pump" five years ago. his opinion that "50% ejection fraction equals heart failure" was "utter BS!"

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As yet had no need to try it out, I had a triple bypass also an I.C.D fitted 4yrs ago, on my last visit to the GP I asked THE question, no problem go ahead and enjoy encounters was the reply, for the sake of an extra couple of years on your life and who knows how many special moments with your lady ask the specialist, don`t take any chances with your life, we that have had bypass etc ARE living on borrowed time and we have to except and enjoy what we have been given.

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The originator of this thread needs to check with a cardiologist.

The combination of certain cardiac medications and Viagra can indeed prove to be fatal.

Absolutely agree. A cardiologist familiar with your medications and cardiac history will be best placed to advise.

I would add, do not take any ED drugs or herbs except under cardiologist's advice. (People sometimes assume that because something is "herbal" it is side effect free. Not the case. )

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Read about cardiac "ejection fraction" and find out what the numbers really mean !

Hint ! Anything above 50% is "normal" smile.png


unfortunately a misleading hint my friend for which i too fell a couple of years ago. most cardiologists have taken already the "normal" 50-60% as 100% into consideration and calculate the percentage based on "normal".

a couple of weeks after my surgery in Germany i was told "echocardiogram shows 30% efficiency". back in Thailand my local cardiologist, after "echoing" me three years after surgery, said "50%" and i thought "wow! real improvement!"

but after checking the details and making a comparison it turned out that both values were exactly the same. it all depends what basis is used for the percentage calculation. the German used "60=60%", the Thai used "60=100%".

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unfortunately a misleading hint my friend for which i too fell a couple of years ago. most cardiologists have taken already the "normal" 50-60% as 100% into consideration and calculate the percentage based on "normal".

Read about cardiac "ejection fraction" and find out what the numbers really mean !

Hint ! Anything above 50% is "normal" xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp


a couple of weeks after my surgery in Germany i was told "echocardiogram shows 30% efficiency". back in Thailand my local cardiologist, after "echoing" me three years after surgery, said "50%" and i thought "wow! real improvement!"

but after checking the details and making a comparison it turned out that both values were exactly the same. it all depends what basis is used for the percentage calculation. the German used "60=60%", the Thai used "60=100%".

Read about cardiac "ejection fraction" and find out what the numbers really mean !

Hint ! Anything above 50% is "normal" xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.4tUibSscbZ.webp


unfortunately a misleading hint my friend for which i too fell a couple of years ago. most cardiologists have taken already the "normal" 50-60% as 100% into consideration and calculate the percentage based on "normal".

a couple of weeks after my surgery in Germany i was told "echocardiogram shows 30% efficiency". back in Thailand my local cardiologist, after "echoing" me three years after surgery, said "50%" and i thought "wow! real improvement!"

but after checking the details and making a comparison it turned out that both values were exactly the same. it all depends what basis is used for the percentage calculation. the German used "60=60%", the Thai used "60=100%".

For those interested here is how the EF is calculated . Note the calculations are usually done by the machine utilising pre-programmed algorithms.

The process is dependent on the skill of the ultrasonographer.


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For those interested here is how the EF is calculated . Note the calculations are usually done by the machine utilising pre-programmed algorithms.

the machine does not speak or explain anything to a patient. important is how the cardiologist presents the result to the patient. in my case the Thai cardiologist did the right thing telling me my efficiency is only 50% of normal. the German cardiologist obviously presented me with a machine result which is for a non-medic totally misleading.

i'm a physicist and know my maths. next time somebody tells me that the value "30 out of 60" can be called "30%" i'll answer with this stamp:


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I am not quite sure what your German Dr. was saying ! And why attempt to re -calculate the machines result ?

In my language an EF of 30% would indicate a very serious problem !

The machines are pretty much standard around the world!

what part of "30 out of 60 does not equal 30% but 50%" is it you don't understand?

my "international machine reading" is 30 which is 60% based on value 50 or 50% based on value 60. presenting the machine calculation as an efficiency percentage is plain wrong!

summary: Thai 1 : German 0

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Wos Vitagro then.? facepalm.gif .........laugh.png

it did.

ten years ago on of my "round" birthdays a bunch of old friends from a dozen countries came to Thailand to celebrate with me. for many of them it was their first trip to Thailand. they all received a 'tiny fistful' of blues and of course i had to listen to the usual "don't need them".

a week later, when everybody was flying back to their home countries there were quite some demands "awesome! where can i get them? i want to take some with me."


and now i'm waiting for a serious reprimand from Sheryl for handing out dangerous medication without prescription. my only defense is "time period for statute of limitations applies."

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