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Visit from the police. What was that all about?


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I certain that they were from the 'Gong Bprab Bpraam' or Crime Suppression Division.

I am 'friendly' with (sometimes work for)a Deputy Commander in charge of Northern Isarn and there is a big concern with foreigners in rural areas. There is a nationwide campaign right now to identify(and do background checks if required) on all foreigners. There has been a huge increase in foreigner-related crime.

Why didn't you ask them who they were and what they were doing?

Edited by Neeranam
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Just a quick question, were they pointing at you in the photo?

The two photos they took of me was with one policeman in each.

IF I was paranoid I might think the worst is yet to come when a certain person returns to Thailand but I think if they were out to get me they may find I am not worth a lot.

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Strange that you should mention this. Earlier in the week I had 3 police in uniform stop by to chat. Took a couple photos of the place and I suspect that I was in at least one. Took photos with hand phone camera. Said that they were just on patrol and wanted to stop by to see if I was having any problems with illegal Burmese or aliens. Said they were from Mae Ping Pol Stat and were in one of the maroon and white police pick ups.

Seemed a little odd at the time but nothing threatening.


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Some time ago three came to my door, too, and when I politely refused to produce my passport, and after much cajoling on my part and hemming and hawing on theirs, they finally said something like this:

Many farang here are killed by Thai men. Very embarrassing for Thailand if we can not identify the farang.

Not embarrassing when they are killed, only if they don't know who you are.

EDIT: Because of illiterate spell-checker.

spell checker was probably made in Thailandcheesy.gif

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The police cant extract money from you if you're not doing anything wrong,


Posting from outside Thailand, having never set foot in LOS, eh?

Sent from my tin can via string.

Er, what about demanding 3000 baht for using the wrong toll booth, when you weren't, or turning from the wrong lane, when you didn't, or ....

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I certain that they were from the 'Gong Bprab Bpraam' or Crime Suppression Division.

I am 'friendly' with (sometimes work for)a Deputy Commander in charge of Northern Isarn and there is a big concern with foreigners in rural areas. There is a nationwide campaign right now to identify(and do background checks if required) on all foreigners. There has been a huge increase in foreigner-related crime.

Why didn't you ask them who they were and what they were doing?

I leave stuff like that to 'er indoors. I have seen two of the guys and the Honda down in Klong Lan and if I see them again I will ask as at least one speaks fair English.

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The police cant extract money from you if you're not doing anything wrong,


Posting from outside Thailand, having never set foot in LOS, eh?

Sent from my tin can via string.

Er, what about demanding 3000 baht for using the wrong toll booth, when you weren't, or turning from the wrong lane, when you didn't, or ....

Yeah, obviously visa problem has never been to Thailand.

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I believe that their exists a law requiring Farangs to report to the police station every year. So if you don't go they are entitled to come see you. I may be wrong.

I have had two visits from Nissan reps since I ordered a car, they looked around the house and took photographs. You get used to it.

Nissan reps?

You let people look around your house and take pictures?

Please clarify before I say something I'll regret ....

They are checking if I am worthy of credit. If I want the car, I go through with it. What did you expect me to do, make them sit down on the grass?

Understandable, since their exists nothing like a credit bureau here, though I wouldn't do it. But to each his own.

Did they threaten to kill you if you missed a payment?

Actually there is a credit bureau here. Amex send me a copy of their submissions every year. Fwiw.

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They are checking if I am worthy of credit. If I want the car, I go through with it. What did you expect me to do, make them sit down on the grass?

Understandable, since their exists nothing like a credit bureau here, though I wouldn't do it. But to each his own.

Did they threaten to kill you if you missed a payment?

Actually there is a credit bureau here. Amex send me a copy of their submissions every year. Fwiw.

National Credit Bureau ??


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Sounds like a PI sort of thing to me. I mean, what are they going to do with the picture? Hang it on the wall down there at the station? I don't think so.

Somebody somewhere, and not in Thailand, wants proof of your where abouts. For sure dude, that's all it could be.

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Some time three came to my door, too, and when I politely refused to produce my passport, and after much cajoling on my part and hemming and hawing on theirs, they final said something like this:

Many farang here are killed by Thai men. Very embarrassing for Thailand if we can not identify the farang.

Not embarrassing when they are killed, only if they don't know who you are.

If any of us here actually had a brain we'd head for the airport.

I remember on a Korat forum, the police had gone round to each farang house and demand the missus hold a firearms licence and the farang have a gun as so many were being killed. Nothing else to corroborate this, but seemed true enough.

My MIL and FIL used to stay round here when there was a plot to bump me off and sisters-in-law nagged on and on about me getting a gun.

Honestly, I can't stand the place, stuck with it because I can't get the kids to the UK.

I sympathise with you, they are too busy letting in Eastern Europeans, and other people from abroad and of a certain race they are not interested in genuine British people like yourself.

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Unannounced home inspections, frequent required reporting to immigration offices, photographing of personal possessions,...maybe next you'll be asked to wear a yellow Farang Star.


Bad taste my friend!

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