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Older Men – Attitude and Personality


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Sorry, but IMHO the young ones are just as bad or worse. people ARE people.

Now where are the good folk?

Oh and also, sorry to repeat this cliche but look at the general farang population in Thailand, that may play a part as well.

Edited by infinity11
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I am sure that my 17 year old son thinks that I am moody, grumpy and short tempered. But I can get my arse out of bed at 6 am go and do a full days work than pay for my lazy **** of a son to spend all day in bed then complainn that I don't give him enough money.

The trouble is youngsters have it very easy today and may be there is a bit or resentment that they expect every thing to be given to them on a plate rather that actually go out and work for it.

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But living in Pattaya, which is famous for the dubious 'quality' of expats, I find very few who I wish to spend any time with. Honestly, they just seem to be so ignorant,frequently racist, highly critical of everything , not only in LOS but back in the UK and are frankly, dishonest and very devious and untrustworthy..

Just why it is that ex-tradesmen, artisans, lorry-drivers and the like, think they are God's gift to the skills of running a bar in a country where they don't even speak the rudiments of the language, and have zero experience in the catering or entertainment industry is totally beyond the powers of my grey hairs to comprehend.

Ain't THAT the truth? And they all got nothing much better to do than post complaints in the Pattaya forum. I had a good laugh in the Beach Rd Widening thread over a couple of posts recommending Prozac for them. Unfortunately my posts got deleted as off-topic smile.png, but I think it should be force fed to some o' these old geezers.

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Here in Khon Kaen I think older foreigners behave worse than younger foreigners.

I find the younger generation to be more tolerant and maybe more well travelled (in the modern world), thus they accept more easy other cultures/people.

The most shocking observation here, amazingly enough, are all the racist older (50-80 years age) foreigners I have met in Khon Kaen area.

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When it comes to technology and what is considered appropriate in this day and age, I am never ashamed to take advice from my kids and the younger generations, as I fully realise that what may have been acceptable in my heyday is considered as outdated and archaic today.

From many of your posts, I would say you are failing badly.

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I met an elderly man on the streets of Blackpool, he didn't look happy.sad.png

Conclusion: British men in the agegroup 50-70 are bitter and twisted!coffee1.gif

And about as Thailand related as the OP.

What a load of generic crap Before you condemn someone ...try and walk and walk a mile in their shoes. Better still try and talk with them...something that Farangs never do in Thailand. Just ignore you even when you greet them by saying good morning...or whenever. Seems like a number of Farangs in Thailand do not posess social skills or common courtesy . Maybe they have their own hang ups that they bring with them from their homelands So leave out the British men 50 - 70, !! I find that most aggressive and ignorant do not come from UK.. So guess where?

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As with all things in live .... not everything or everyone is the same. Indeed there are some who don't age well. Not only their bodies become rigid ... but so does their mind and heart ... and you get the stereotypical grumpy old man.

However, some older people are great to be around because they keep an open mind and heart and their spirit does not age. And, indeed, older people can be smarter and wiser because they've logged many more years of experience and have "seen it all" ... but only if they keep their minds opes to new things and are happy to learn from the younger around them also.

One thing I've always admired about older people in general is that they speak their mind. After many years of life they don't suffer fools feel free to express what they're actually feeling and thinking. Of course, some do this better than others.

Unfortunately in the West old people become invisible to the young and are not given respect. In Asia this is different. Although things are changing here, for the most part in Thailand and other Asian countries, the older you get the more resect you get.

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as we get older we are supposed to become calmer more patient and tolerant of others. The reality is we become more impatient, more intolerant and more intolerable to others. The upside is, we dont give a F##K cheesy.gif Works for me

Edited by Mur
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An aching body or just a lower physical energy level could be a large part of the grumpy mental stage, but some physical fit old guys can still be a challenge at times.

We can all have an odd bad day, but I like the idea of being conscious of the old man mood trap and snap out of it when needed.

Being close to your family and allowing and accepting them to make comments like lighten up old man could also help. The feeling of being there for somebody, by actually being a Grandfather or like some having young kids late in life also sound like a great stimulus.

Like many things in live it might come down to self-awareness and education. Interesting enough, of the 3 guys I came across the easy going grandfather is the only one with a college degree, the other 2 have a more blue collar background.

You enjoy working with one of three coworkers. Some would say you have it pretty good. biggrin.png

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I met an elderly man on the streets of Blackpool, he didn't look happy.sad.png

Conclusion: British men in the agegroup 50-70 are bitter and twisted!coffee1.gif

And about as Thailand related as the OP.

What a load of generic crap Before you condemn someone ...try and walk and walk a mile in their shoes. Better still try and talk with them...something that Farangs never do in Thailand. Just ignore you even when you greet them by saying good morning...or whenever. Seems like a number of Farangs in Thailand do not posess social skills or common courtesy . Maybe they have their own hang ups that they bring with them from their homelands So leave out the British men 50 - 70, !! I find that most aggressive and ignorant do not come from UK.. So guess where?

I come for the UK and do find the most aggressive and ignorant I meet in Thailand also came from the UK.

Not to say there aren't plenty of aggressive and ignorant Americans and Australians, it's just they tend not to travel so much outside their home countries.

I have no idea why!

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I think the UK Television comedy series, 'One Foot in the Grave' says it all.

I am 67, and see myslef in some of the OP's observations.

I can't speak for others, but my main problem is that as I get older I no longer have the patience to 'suffer fools gladly'.

OK, I admit some of them may not be fools, but to this blinkered old goat, they certainly seem to be.

I have grown old as an expat in Thailand, so I cannot speak for people in western countries such as the UK, but when I visited England this year I found the young men there to be bright and intelligent and they didn't get on my nerves. My two son-in-laws, both in their thirties, were a pleasure to be with.

But living in Pattaya, which is famous for the dubious 'quality' of expats, I find very few who I wish to spend any time with. Honestly, they just seem to be so ignorant,frequently racist, highly critical of everything , not only in LOS but back in the UK and are frankly, dishonest and very devious and untrustworthy..

Just why it is that ex-tradesmen, artisans, lorry-drivers and the like, think they are God's gift to the skills of running a bar in a country where they don't even speak the rudiments of the language, and have zero experience in the catering or entertainment industry is totally beyond the powers of my grey hairs to comprehend.

But maybe that's because I've got one foot in the grave.smile.png

I'm just 51 but I quite agree, run out of likes so had to say something...

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I will be eighty before Christmas and still manage to get out into the garden/jungle and try to keep the foliage at bay, followed by a beer. Drive up and down the country when forced to. Have a foster son of twelve who has been with us from birth and who I believe has kept me on my toes. It's only my wife who calls me Mr. Grumpy! But that is because she thinks I am still a Spring Chicken, and also when she cannot get her own way. I am fortunate to be still living at this age despite the medical profession's best efforts Am I not entitled to be a bit grumpy now and then? Regarding not listening to the youngsters ideas, I don't think this an old age thing, it's more like a personal trait carried through to old age.

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Here in Khon Kaen I think older foreigners behave worse than younger foreigners.

I find the younger generation to be more tolerant and maybe more well travelled (in the modern world), thus they accept more easy other cultures/people.

The most shocking observation here, amazingly enough, are all the racist older (50-80 years age) foreigners I have met in Khon Kaen area.

Yes, they are always complaining about the foreigners in their home countries but forget that they are the <deleted> here. And whilst here, all they can do is moan and bitch about the people who's country they have come to live in. Go figure ....

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I think the UK Television comedy series, 'One Foot in the Grave' says it all.

I am 67, and see myslef in some of the OP's observations.

I can't speak for others, but my main problem is that as I get older I no longer have the patience to 'suffer fools gladly'.

OK, I admit some of them may not be fools, but to this blinkered old goat, they certainly seem to be.

I have grown old as an expat in Thailand, so I cannot speak for people in western countries such as the UK, but when I visited England this year I found the young men there to be bright and intelligent and they didn't get on my nerves. My two son-in-laws, both in their thirties, were a pleasure to be with.

But living in Pattaya, which is famous for the dubious 'quality' of expats, I find very few who I wish to spend any time with. Honestly, they just seem to be so ignorant,frequently racist, highly critical of everything , not only in LOS but back in the UK and are frankly, dishonest and very devious and untrustworthy..

Just why it is that ex-tradesmen, artisans, lorry-drivers and the like, think they are God's gift to the skills of running a bar in a country where they don't even speak the rudiments of the language, and have zero experience in the catering or entertainment industry is totally beyond the powers of my grey hairs to comprehend.

But maybe that's because I've got one foot in the grave.smile.png

well said.....ok Im not a bloke but as I get older I certainly dont get grumpy but totally impatient especially in the Land of smiles. Intolerant sometimes, but impatient all the time.

Just why it is that ex-tradesmen, artisans, lorry-drivers and the like, think they are God's gift to the skills of running a bar in a country where they don't even speak the rudiments of the language, and have zero experience in the catering or entertainment industry is totally beyond the powers of my grey hairs to comprehend.

oh so true....well having a bar business especially in Pattaya must make them feel like King shit. and of course to a Thai person, if you own a bar u must have a baht or two..so hence the truckie feels like he is just the ants pants.

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I met an elderly man on the streets of Blackpool, he didn't look happy.sad.png

Conclusion: British men in the agegroup 50-70 are bitter and twisted!coffee1.gif

And about as Thailand related as the OP.

What a load of generic crap Before you condemn someone ...try and walk and walk a mile in their shoes. Better still try and talk with them...something that Farangs never do in Thailand. Just ignore you even when you greet them by saying good morning...or whenever. Seems like a number of Farangs in Thailand do not posess social skills or common courtesy . Maybe they have their own hang ups that they bring with them from their homelands So leave out the British men 50 - 70, !! I find that most aggressive and ignorant do not come from UK.. So guess where?

Soi41 was using a device known as satire to highlight his thoughts about the thread content.

Some of us who "liked" the post agreed with, and endorsed the sentiment.

I'm sure his words were not meant to be taken literally.

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I met an elderly man on the streets of Blackpool, he didn't look happy.sad.png

Conclusion: British men in the agegroup 50-70 are bitter and twisted!coffee1.gif

And about as Thailand related as the OP.

What a load of generic crap Before you condemn someone ...try and walk and walk a mile in their shoes. Better still try and talk with them...something that Farangs never do in Thailand. Just ignore you even when you greet them by saying good morning...or whenever. Seems like a number of Farangs in Thailand do not posess social skills or common courtesy . Maybe they have their own hang ups that they bring with them from their homelands So leave out the British men 50 - 70, !! I find that most aggressive and ignorant do not come from UK.. So guess where?

Methinks you have missed the joke somewhat...

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I met an elderly man on the streets of Blackpool, he didn't look happy.sad.png

Conclusion: British men in the agegroup 50-70 are bitter and twisted!coffee1.gif

And about as Thailand related as the OP.

What a load of generic crap Before you condemn someone ...try and walk and walk a mile in their shoes. Better still try and talk with them...something that Farangs never do in Thailand. Just ignore you even when you greet them by saying good morning...or whenever. Seems like a number of Farangs in Thailand do not posess social skills or common courtesy . Maybe they have their own hang ups that they bring with them from their homelands So leave out the British men 50 - 70, !! I find that most aggressive and ignorant do not come from UK.. So guess where?

He was being sarcastic my dear chap.

"I find that most aggressive and ignorant do not come from UK.. So guess where? "

So where in your opinion do they come from?

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I don't know why people have to be that way and treat other people in a grumpy way. Filled up in a filling station in Hang Dong about a week or so ago....I mostly have fun with the attendants because I'm tall and they like to stand next to me - all in good fun...we always share smiles when I fuel up there.

Some other Farang pulled in in a small pick up - got out - probably about my age but mismatched clothes, smallish wrinkled bitter looking guy with a neck chain with 3-4 amulets swinging around like fishing weights & starts barking at the attendants in a gruff way - so gruff that they all shied away - he wanted someone to wash his windshield and was most unpleasant in his approach and demeanor. About that time they were washing my windshield & that of the car behind me happily without being asked. This guy had such an onerous black cloud around him that he actually poisoned the whole immediate area - cutomers and attendants. They shied away.

I was tempted to go ask him if one of those amulets was for protecting @$$holes like himself - but decided that one farang looking bad did not justify another one joining into a possible confrontation.....fortunately I drove away and forgot about this clown but others are stuck with him throughout life - sadly.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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I am 65 and been grumpy most of my life when confronted with situations that defy logic and any rational thought. My mother told me as she grew old that the hardest thing was feeling the same inside (conscious thought) but losing physical abilities. At 65, I fully understand how she felt - rest her soul. I think the hardest thing for me has been the inability to contribute to the field I worked in all my life. But that is the way generations work and you have to be willing to step aside. In too many instances, us 'old people' cling to the leadership positions in our respective fields and/or politics and are bound and determined to die in the office chair. It ain't worth it. Get out and enjoy life and do the things you always wanted to do! Grump or not.

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I agree with you, I think it is all the medication they take for their blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes. That being said I just turned 65 yesterday and I don’t want to hang out with them either. I hang out with mostly younger Thais and have a great time. I go with them camping, hiking and party with them. I ride my bike every morning at 6 to 7 AM I also walk 7 kilometer and work out weight training 3 to 4 days a week. My doctor says my body is that of a 40 year old. I take no medication only vitamins daily. It is all a state of mind not the age. If I don’t take care of myself I will turn out like them and that is scary.

Enjoy Life,


Do you hang out with younger people maybe because you don't want to admit that your old too now? Just asking. With respect.

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I don't know why people have to be that way and treat other people in a grumpy way. Filled up in a filling station in Hang Dong about a week or so ago....I mostly have fun with the attendants because I'm tall and they like to stand next to me - all in good fun...we always share smiles when I fuel up there.

Some other Farang pulled in in a small pick up - got out - probably about my age but mismatched clothes, smallish wrinkled bitter looking guy with a neck chain with 3-4 amulets swinging around like fishing weights & starts barking at the attendants in a gruff way - so gruff that they all shied away - he wanted someone to wash his windshield and was most unpleasant in his approach and demeanor. About that time they were washing my windshield & that of the car behind me happily without being asked. This guy had such an onerous black cloud around him that he actually poisoned the whole immediate area - cutomers and attendants. They shied away.

I was tempted to go ask him if one of those amulets was for protecting @$$holes like himself - but decided that one farang looking bad did not justify another one joining into a possible confrontation.....fortunately I drove away and forgot about this clown but others are stuck with him throughout life - sadly.....

Well y'know . . . he might have just been having a really, really shitty day.

Feel free to call him an <deleted> if you see him behave like that on several occasions but not after observing him for a few seconds.

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I don't know why people have to be that way and treat other people in a grumpy way. Filled up in a filling station in Hang Dong about a week or so ago....I mostly have fun with the attendants because I'm tall and they like to stand next to me - all in good fun...we always share smiles when I fuel up there.

Some other Farang pulled in in a small pick up - got out - probably about my age but mismatched clothes, smallish wrinkled bitter looking guy with a neck chain with 3-4 amulets swinging around like fishing weights & starts barking at the attendants in a gruff way - so gruff that they all shied away - he wanted someone to wash his windshield and was most unpleasant in his approach and demeanor. About that time they were washing my windshield & that of the car behind me happily without being asked. This guy had such an onerous black cloud around him that he actually poisoned the whole immediate area - cutomers and attendants. They shied away.

I was tempted to go ask him if one of those amulets was for protecting @$$holes like himself - but decided that one farang looking bad did not justify another one joining into a possible confrontation.....fortunately I drove away and forgot about this clown but others are stuck with him throughout life - sadly.....

Well y'know . . . he might have just been having a really, really shitty day.

Feel free to call him an asshol_e if you see him behave like that on several occasions but not after observing him for a few seconds.

We all have problems but respect to others, not in involved with ones problems, should not wain from those with a few gray cells remaining.

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