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Some foreigners need to have some pride in their appearance when being at Chiang Mai Immigration.


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Would it be OK if I just had pride in my intellect, my tremendous sense of humour, and the benefit of being born in the greatest nation on earth?

Has anyone got any actual evidence that people get turned away at immigration

a) because they do not look smart

cool.png because they do not take pride in looking smart?

Perhaps the immigration officers are not as prejudiced by first appearances as is the OP

what the hell is the greatest nation on earth??? You've be born there but probably they kicked you out! Well done. Street Cowboy is a real good name for such an illiterate BOY, not adult!

Crivvens! That seems a bit scathing. Shouldn't you have posted that in the "Grumpy Old Men" thread? In retrospect, I wasn't born there anyway, but I'm no less proud regardless.


Seems like someone got out the wrong side of bed this morning.

Good Post SC.

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Many expats, and what have you, let themselves go over here for whatever reason. Some of these older dudes have really long hair on their arms and legs. Wax or shave that stuff off semi-annually at least, unless you want to become a walking carpet!

Another thing is the many fat dudes that never work out and kind of shuffle along slowly usually. Their stamina sexually and otherwise must be through the floor!

How do they maintain confidence as a man walking with a petite thai lady?

I guess when it becomes unmanageable it's easier to just deny it and continue drinking rather then think about it. How many farts around here have even been to a gym over here or have some kind of exercise equipment?

I could care less what immigration thinks, not sure why you brought that up. It's about keeping yourself together, not other people.

Troll bait of the day.

I agree that some states of undress some people show, in government offices or on the streets, are quite disgusting and defy common sense, but 100% don't feel they affect me in any way. Much less would I want my presence to affect or represent anyone else.

Live and let live.

but the generalizations that thais may make are out of your hands

Yes and no. Yes, they have preconceived ideas, based on general things they see. Can't change that.

No, it is in my hands (yours and the next door neighbor) to make them interested enough, whenever I care, so that they

take me as an individual.

Works quite ok for me, but I know I have low expectations :)

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....Has anyone got any actual evidence that people get turned away at immigration

a) because they do not look smart

cool.png because they do not take pride in looking smart?

Perhaps the immigration officers are not as prejudiced by first appearances as is the OP


Next . . . coffee1.gif

Edited by Fookhaht
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Would it be OK if I just had pride in my intellect, my tremendous sense of humour, and the benefit of being born in the greatest nation on earth?

Has anyone got any actual evidence that people get turned away at immigration

a) because they do not look smart

cool.png because they do not take pride in looking smart?

Perhaps the immigration officers are not as prejudiced by first appearances as is the OP

And what nation might that be

Street Cowboy's earlier posts reveal an origin in Laos, raised in Somalia, but holds a N. Korean passport.....wink.png

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As I've said on another thread I tend to fall in the middle of the Apologists/bashers pile

but I don't know what sort of dialogue the OP hoped to spark...

I live In Ireland,and have a House in the Countryside and Apartment in the city (Bangkok) in Thailand...

and in my many years of to-and fro-ing I've seen Thai people in immaculate suits,Farangs in clothes a dog would run away from and vice versa,

also as someone in the Security business for over 20 years I can tell you that you REALLY can't judge a book by it's cover,

I've been stabbed with a broken bottle by Royalty,and treated(after an accident-they saved my life!)like Royalty by Travellers/Gypsies(what some of my UK mates would call Pikies),

so when I say you can't judge a book by its cover its no empty platitude,its from years and years of experience.


having said that let me explain,

when I am traveling I wear comfortable clothes,however,when I arrive I tend to throw on a respectable looking shirt,

maybe some people just wear clothes JUST for comfort,

I'm no Arnie(or Charles Atlas for those of us who remember that far back:) but I take Pride in my appearance whether I'm in a Savile Row tin of fruit,

or a pair of Dunnes Stores boxers!...I have a bit more to say on this subject,but life sadly is pulling me away from the keyboard....:P

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Would it be OK if I just had pride in my intellect, my tremendous sense of humour, and the benefit of being born in the greatest nation on earth?

Has anyone got any actual evidence that people get turned away at immigration

a) because they do not look smart

cool.png because they do not take pride in looking smart?

Perhaps the immigration officers are not as prejudiced by first appearances as is the OP

And what nation might that be

Street Cowboy's earlier posts reveal an origin in Laos, raised in Somalia, but holds a N. Korean passport.....wink.png

Close enough. The OP has a fair point, though. Some foreigners do need to take pride in their appearance and the way that they dress, because they have nothing else going for them. Personally, I think that even when I wear a jacket and tie I still look like a fat sweaty git. Even the widest tie and the biggest flares won't hide that. And despite my tremendous sense of humour, and enormous willie, I refrain from displaying either at Immigration, despite my pride in their extent and quality.

I'm not particularly proud of my appearance, though. I feel I would be somewhat shallow and one-dimensional if that was top of my agenda.


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Please..... have some pride in your actions, clothing appearance & personal hygiene to understand that YOU are representing ALL foreigners to the Thai people when you are in country

Says who? I represent no one bar myself nor do I require anyone to represent me.

Daft post.

Sorry you were woken, crawl back in your trash can now! Edited by rascalman
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A wee word to the OP

Coco Chanel said

Don't waste time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.

Whereas Johnny Wilkinson recently said

For me now, I will continue to focus ever harder on my goal of being the very best I can be with Toulon Rugby Club and continue to embrace and enjoy wherever that path takes me

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Please..... have some pride in your actions, clothing appearance & personal hygiene to understand that YOU are representing ALL foreigners to the Thai people when you are in country

Says who? I represent no one bar myself nor do I require anyone to represent me.

Daft post.

There is not such a thing as a daft post in a forum, someones daft post may be someone elses interesting one. for the record, I think this post is true and interesting.

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Was at the Burmese Embassy visa section today and a lot of the Farang and other tourist there looked like down and outs. If you're going somewhere to apply for a visa to enter their country then surely you make an effort?!? Apparently not in a lot of cases. If I was on the visa desk i'd have turned them away for being tramps.

Depends on what you mean "for being tramps" If a person is dressed in denims, a teeshirt and sandals, that's fine as long as they are clean.

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A wee word to the OP

Coco Chanel said

Don't waste time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.

Whereas Johnny Wilkinson recently said

For me now, I will continue to focus ever harder on my goal of being the very best I can be with Toulon Rugby Club and continue to embrace and enjoy wherever that path takes me

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

if you beat on a wall hard enough, it WILL become a door. Quite rough around the edges probably, but a door to get into the other side nonetheless.

How is this relevant? (not criticizing you, asking myself)

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I like that sign someone posted about three posts above. HIPPIES!

These days, when it's time to do the 90 report, I follow the excellent advice on here (a TV exclusive!) and go to CM Imm. in the afternoon. So much easier, in and out in no time. However, I sort of miss the freak show that is the morning crush down there. You see everything on display, from the well-scrubbed Ultra-White Protestant Missionary or NGO Family, to the white kids with "dreadlocks" down their back, complete with the Jamaican knit cap on their heads; fisherman pants on him, and those translucent harem pants on her.

Then there's the "I've lost all hope, goddamit!" old drunks, beat beyond repair. Aside from appearance, there are the loud talkers, who want to give "expert advice" about any Thailand situation, or talk about their last trip to Cambodia, whether you want to hear it or not. You can hear them across the crowded room. More than once I've had to sit next to some stranger, usually an old guy like me, who wants to say bad things about Thais and their ways. Most unpleasant, but I just let them rant on.

We're all there for the same thing, to get our little stamp, which allows us to live here. How people choose to costume themselves is a personal matter, of course. Like the National Motto of Thailand--Up to You, Baby! But it sure makes for a good show.

I haven't noticed the sign lately that was posted regarding "Please dress respectfully", but I'm sure it must still be there. I interpret this the same as a visit to a wat...no shorts or tank tops, at least. Around town, that's different. Why take a chance on getting turned down, just because they don't like your "look."

Mai Phen Rai, and Chok Dee to you all.

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khunjerrybkk, firstly you never call yourself khun.

Secondly, has it crossed your mind that some of these people are in fact drunks, have some compassion, they are suffereing from a terrible affliction/disease. Should they not be allowed to stay in this country because of their illness?

Should someone suffering from cancer or AIDS be refused too? Would you have any compassion for them if they were looking poorly in immigration?

Once, going to Malaysia for a border run, I got so drunk on the train that the Immigration and Pedang Besar wouldn't let me in. Then the Thai immigration wouldn't let me in so I was stuck in no man's land for a few days until I sobered up. It was extremely hard to sober up when stuck in a place with a duty free shop!

Wow someone who get's it! yes stuffing your fat face with burgers and fries or getting a bit sozzled everyday isn't just stupid people with no self control over indulging it's a disease. In many ways I have to agree it's on par with terminal illness.

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The replies to this topic forced me to recall that when I am at the immigration office it seems that expats from a certain English speaking country (that I will not need to name here) often come in with a bad attitude as well as deplorable attire.

Some actually argue with the officers in charge about rules and regulations that the officers have no influence over.

This just increases the waiting time for others and puts the officer in a poor mood for the next fellow in line!

The y are arrogant and act if as if they are superior to Thais and other expats as well!

After all ,they did actually attempt to ( and failed ) to colonize most of the world at one point in history.

They think they are doing all of us a favor by coming here and setting such a high example for us all to learn from.

And yes, most of them dress like.......we are lucky they bothered to put any clothes on at all!

I'm sure we are!

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The replies to this topic forced me to recall that when I am at the immigration office it seems that expats from a certain English speaking country (that I will not need to name here) often come in with a bad attitude as well as deplorable attire.

Some actually argue with the officers in charge about rules and regulations that the officers have no influence over.

This just increases the waiting time for others and puts the officer in a poor mood for the next fellow in line!

The y are arrogant and act if as if they are superior to Thais and other expats as well!

After all ,they did actually attempt to ( and failed ) to colonize most of the world at one point in history.

They think they are doing all of us a favor by coming here and setting such a high example for us all to learn from.

And yes, most of them dress like.......we are lucky they bothered to put any clothes on at all!

I'm sure we are!

I think you should re-check your history books... Americans couldn't colonize their own back yard!

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Please..... have some pride in your actions, clothing appearance & personal hygiene to understand that YOU are representing ALL foreigners to the Thai people when you are in country

Says who? I represent no one bar myself nor do I require anyone to represent me.

Daft post.

Your post is an excellent post in response to a daft post.

when I go in there I wear the same clothes I wear every where including Canada and the U S my shorts and button up shirts that my wife makes for me some with pretty wild designs on them. I shower every day and change my shirt every day as well as My under shorts. Never have I had a problem. I treat them with respect and am ready with all my paper work when I get to the window. I do not rely on fancy dress to cover up rudeness or lack of preparation.

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Was at the Burmese Embassy visa section today and a lot of the Farang and other tourist there looked like down and outs. If you're going somewhere to apply for a visa to enter their country then surely you make an effort?!? Apparently not in a lot of cases. If I was on the visa desk i'd have turned them away for being tramps.

Depends on what you mean "for being tramps" If a person is dressed in denims, a teeshirt and sandals, that's fine as long as they are clean.

Some people are shallow and just consider the out side. Generally if you open them up there is nothing inside therm.sad.png

The people applying for Visas don't all carry suits in their back pack.tongue.png

That reminds me of a nephew of mine back packing through Thailand. He bought a suit but had no room for it so I had to send it to him in Korea where he was going to collage.smile.png

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The replies to this topic forced me to recall that when I am at the immigration office it seems that expats from a certain English speaking country (that I will not need to name here) often come in with a bad attitude as well as deplorable attire.

Some actually argue with the officers in charge about rules and regulations that the officers have no influence over.

This just increases the waiting time for others and puts the officer in a poor mood for the next fellow in line!

The y are arrogant and act if as if they are superior to Thais and other expats as well!

After all ,they did actually attempt to ( and failed ) to colonize most of the world at one point in history.

They think they are doing all of us a favor by coming here and setting such a high example for us all to learn from.

And yes, most of them dress like.......we are lucky they bothered to put any clothes on at all!

I'm sure we are!

I think you should re-check your history books... Americans couldn't colonize their own back yard!

Good try, but no cigar.

A clue: They were the thirteen colonies that sent the offenders sailing home with their tails between their legs!

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A wee word to the OP

Coco Chanel said

Don't waste time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.

Whereas Johnny Wilkinson recently said

For me now, I will continue to focus ever harder on my goal of being the very best I can be with Toulon Rugby Club and continue to embrace and enjoy wherever that path takes me

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


if you beat on a wall hard enough, it WILL become a door. Quite rough around the edges probably, but a door to get into the other side nonetheless.


How is this relevant? (not criticizing you, asking myself)

My 1st quote was by Coco Chanel, so obviously was related to fashion (and what people wear) - somewhat relevant methinks

My 2nd quote was a vain attempt to hijack the thread towards the Heineken Cup - Toulon being the current holders. Totally failed!

Has relevance ever been relevant on TV however?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Please..... have some pride in your actions, clothing appearance & personal hygiene to understand that YOU are representing ALL foreigners to the Thai people when you are in country

Says who? I represent no one bar myself nor do I require anyone to represent me.

Daft post.

I guess if you are a bum then you are as such. Probably a drunk also. You are just not smart and don't get it because this article is 100% correct

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I don't live in Chiang Mai, but I do take pride in my t-shirt, shorts & sandals combo. I'm ecological, all items are at least three years old. The attire is carefully selected to fit most any weather situations in Thailand. And I have successfully escaped the Arctic circle to a far more hospitable climate.

That said, I do prefer a sarong, but it's a hassle with the ladies trying to peek under.

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The replies to this topic forced me to recall that when I am at the immigration office it seems that expats from a certain English speaking country (that I will not need to name here) often come in with a bad attitude as well as deplorable attire.

Some actually argue with the officers in charge about rules and regulations that the officers have no influence over.

This just increases the waiting time for others and puts the officer in a poor mood for the next fellow in line!

The y are arrogant and act if as if they are superior to Thais and other expats as well!

After all ,they did actually attempt to ( and failed ) to colonize most of the world at one point in history.

They think they are doing all of us a favor by coming here and setting such a high example for us all to learn from.

And yes, most of them dress like.......we are lucky they bothered to put any clothes on at all!

I'm sure we are!

I think you should re-check your history books... Americans couldn't colonize their own back yard!

Good try, but no cigar.

A clue: They were the thirteen colonies that sent the offenders sailing home with their tails between their legs!

Well I apologize on behalf of Britain for our part in all this, I understand it was interbreeding between some of our sailors that kicked it all off in the first place.

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Please..... have some pride in your actions, clothing appearance & personal hygiene to understand that YOU are representing ALL foreigners to the Thai people when you are in country

Says who? I represent no one bar myself nor do I require anyone to represent me.

Daft post.

Completely agree HeavyDrinker. What a load of boll*cks this post is. Worry about yourself OP and not others. There's a name for people like you...

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I wish government officers wouldn't wear those old beaten polo shirts when I attend, it's an affront to my nicely ironed shirt. They should wear crisply ironed yellow or pink dress shirts, with an appropriate tie to match.

Edited by uptheos
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