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Short Changed ....


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Even with the cash register and receipt showing the correct change amount, people often screw up the change, and I would like to believe it's a legitimate mistake. Call me a Pollyanna, but I've had enough strange encounters to suspect that head-calculations or even eye-to-brain-to-hand memory are often in weak supply.

Case in point:

Went to buy 7 bricks for my garden at a local brick outlet. I pointed at the bricks I wanted, and the young sales clerk (20-something) quoted "8 baht each." I indicated that I wanted 7 bricks. Then, the clerk said "follow me." Thinking he was going to take me to some "bargain brick pile," I obediently followed him. Instead, we walked the 30 meters or so to the office, and then I followed him around the office for a few minutes while it looked like he had misplaced something. Again, my optimistic outlook, and forever the bargain-hunter, assumed "Oh, he's looking for a discount sheet to give me a good deal."

After many wasted minutes, finally, he found it. A calculator. ...into which he laboriously and slowly punched 8 x 7, and then proudly announced the result to me with a big smile: "ha-sip-hok!" (56).

It's a developing country with a broken educational system, folks. Give the locals the benefit of the doubt, and politely request the correct change.

I think it is related to the ROTE education system that most of those workers would have studied under. They aren't allow to ask questions or think for themselves in class, it is a repetitive system of teaching the one thing I have been told.

I have no educational experience so will be corrected if the above isn't right, just repeating a comment from someone who would know.

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It's a developing country with a broken educational system, folks. Give the locals the benefit of the doubt, and politely request the correct change.

Nope. This happens too often, and always when you pay with 1000 note, usual trick is to forget to give back the 500 note, and when you point it out, the 500 note is right there and given to you, with a casual matter of fact face, and never questioned if I really payed w 1000 note

Spot on. The OP had good example with all information on receipt. Money taken, change to be given. Simple. And the cashier inputted 1000 baht. No error anywhere, except the short-change. Cannot except human error here.

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similar experience in makro when I weighed in around 1kg of sweet tamarind with a less than impressed young Thai man who gave me a mirror shattering grimace then put a price of 984 baht on a 59baht a kilo product. Noticed at the checkout, and the girl was very apologetic and sorted it out. Keep your wits about you. Falang don't have many young thai men fans.

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I'd probably do the same if I only earned 300 baht a day.

Give people a real liveable wage and the rip offs might just ease up.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And then the prices on everything else will go up and all falangs will return home as everything will be cheaper back there. whistling.gif

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I'd probably do the same if I only earned 300 baht a day.

Give people a real liveable wage and the rip offs might just ease up.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I'd probably do the same if I only earned 300 baht a day.

Give people a real liveable wage and the rip offs might just ease up.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And then the prices on everything else will go up and all falangs will return home as everything will be cheaper back there. Posted Image

So be prepared for getting ripped off then and not moaning about it.

It's funny how those who complain about getting shafted fail to see the flip side.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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And then the prices on everything else will go up and all falangs will return home as everything will be cheaper back there.

Many things already are.

In fact if it wasn't for the tax question I would probably be better off living somewhere like Spain or Portugal than here.

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Definitely she was trying it on.

I find that calling out the bill prevents this scam very effectively.

In other words, with 500 and 1000 baht notes, while handing it over SAY the value.

The only trouble with that for me is that it's become an automatic habit and the other day I did that while giving a 1000 baht note to a European merchant that I know. He looked at me funny, like I was accusing him of being a scammer. Oh well!

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I'd probably do the same if I only earned 300 baht a day.

Give people a real liveable wage and the rip offs might just ease up.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And then the prices on everything else will go up and all falangs will return home as everything will be cheaper back there. whistling.gif

I've been back home first time in 6 years this summer. To my surprise,

alot of the clothing was cheaper, even compared to the flea market crap.

Both my kids and my gf had a blast shopping, and actually saved alot,

plus got better quality clothing.

I think we all know the real reason why we came and stay here.


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I always tell people when ya go to the bank to get money exchanged,get a lot of 100,50,and 20 baht notes.I get hardly any 500's and 1000's.It makes life more simple in LOS.

I can't believe the problems some of you face. You don't carry 500's and 1000's because you're too worried about getting ripped off? That's just plain paranoid... and extremely inconvenient.

I've never had problems getting 1000's changed, in fact I've always been amazed at how easy it is. Whenever I need change for a 1000, I'll head down to the local 7Eleven. They never complain.

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I'd probably do the same if I only earned 300 baht a day.

Give people a real liveable wage and the rip offs might just ease up.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

300 is a real livable wage, as this is Thailand not UK.

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I'd probably do the same if I only earned 300 baht a day.

Give people a real liveable wage and the rip offs might just ease up.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So you forgive stealing because they make minimal wage ?

Sorry, not acceptable in my book. There are many pore people

who are honest to the bone. And there are crocks. Plain and



She didn't steal from you. You got it back, didn't you?

These kinds of "attempts" are common the world over. It's not a specific Thai problem.

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I drove to Buriram recently, and topped up with petrol in central Buriram.

I was on the phone as he topped up, but I had asked for 1,000 baht.

I handed over the 1000 baht while still on the phone and was given three bottles of water - quite generous I thought.....

Just as I pulled away I glanced at the fuel indicator which was surprisingly low.

Before they could start serving the next customer I jumped out to see the pump showed 500 baht.

They smiled and had my 500 baht ready to hand over......

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And then the prices on everything else will go up and all falangs will return home as everything will be cheaper back there.

Many things already are.

In fact if it wasn't for the tax question I would probably be better off living somewhere like Spain or Portugal than here.

Not tax but weather.

Even southern Spain has cold winters.

Am missing the food though.

Now, if my Thai wife would move over there... but won't happen.

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I've been here 4 years in Pattaya...been to McDonald's many times and for the most part I don't remember being short-changed. As a matter of fact, I have been given back too much money on three different occasions I can remember and have given the money back making the cashier very happy. Happened at Foodland, Big "C" and 7/11. Just the other day this girl really wouldn't believe me that she had already given me the correct change and wanted to give me another 120B when I distinctly remember her giving it to me already.

Yeah, I'm sure there are some clerks who do try to short-change, but it's not rampant and you should always count your change as I do to be on the safe side. You may find yourself making a clerk happy because s/he gave you too much.

Edited by oneday
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Don't assume that Thais are especially thick. Loads of British people cant spell or add up either (see Thai Visa forums for ample proof), and the same applies to most other countries.

The world is full of badly-educated morons, of all nationalities.

Please note - you mean "can't" right?

Indeed. But there is a difference between making a mistake and knowing it, and just not knowing. Sometimes I just cba to correct everything.

And perhaps one missing apostrophe does go some way to making up for the thousands that are used erroneously on here (and elsewhere) every day?

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