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Rwandan woman arrested at Bangkok's Don Mueang airport with 2kg of 'ice'


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just fyi:

1/ let's not forget that the thai have been supporting ALL major insurgents from burma (except for the communists) for ages. these very insurgents, more particular the ones from shan state, have been active in drug trade for decades.

2/ let's not forget that tons of "pseudo" have been smuggled from thailand into burma in recent years so that meth-labs in the golden triangle can cook the dope.

3/ let's not forget that yaba is supplied by thai factory bosses, truck companies, fishing companies, etc to their workers in order to stimulate "OT".

4/ let's not forget that yaba was widely/legally available over the counter in thailand back in the days. (and is still subscribed in many western countries)

my point is: this one african lady isn't the real dope problem here...

so, what exactly is yabba?

is it those "diet pills" that used to be available from pharmacies back in the late 80s early 90s? I thought it was just speed in a capsule, but are you suggesting it is actual pharmaceuticals? like ADD treatments? dexamphetamine or ritalin?

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just fyi:

1/ let's not forget that the thai have been supporting ALL major insurgents from burma (except for the communists) for ages. these very insurgents, more particular the ones from shan state, have been active in drug trade for decades.

2/ let's not forget that tons of "pseudo" have been smuggled from thailand into burma in recent years so that meth-labs in the golden triangle can cook the dope.

3/ let's not forget that yaba is supplied by thai factory bosses, truck companies, fishing companies, etc to their workers in order to stimulate "OT".

4/ let's not forget that yaba was widely/legally available over the counter in thailand back in the days. (and is still subscribed in many western countries)

my point is: this one african lady isn't the real dope problem here...

so, what exactly is yabba?

is it those "diet pills" that used to be available from pharmacies back in the late 80s early 90s? I thought it was just speed in a capsule, but are you suggesting it is actual pharmaceuticals? like ADD treatments? dexamphetamine or ritalin?

Here's all the info you need to know. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ya_ba

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Whatever reasons they have binging in dope, it is easy to comment they stupid.

most of them mules are weak and maybe forced to do by circomstancis we dont know about.

Sure any educated person know it is stupid when you get involved into the drugscene.

But even educated people take the risk sometimes for the money.

Anyway i am glad they catch mules and dealers, have no sympathy for them.

let them rotten in jail as they distroy innoent lives by doing so

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Pity the woman... We don't know her past or how she became to be a smuggler. We'll forget what we never knew about her in a few days and be having beers with no thought of her. She'll be in a stinking Thai prison looking at a life sentence or a death penalty and most likely will be begging for the latter. What has this "War on Drugs" accomplished but to punish the poor. Drugs aren't evil, governments are.

Cudos to yhe local drunk. One intelligent response!:)

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just fyi:

1/ let's not forget that the thai have been supporting ALL major insurgents from burma (except for the communists) for ages. these very insurgents, more particular the ones from shan state, have been active in drug trade for decades.

2/ let's not forget that tons of "pseudo" have been smuggled from thailand into burma in recent years so that meth-labs in the golden triangle can cook the dope.

3/ let's not forget that yaba is supplied by thai factory bosses, truck companies, fishing companies, etc to their workers in order to stimulate "OT".

4/ let's not forget that yaba was widely/legally available over the counter in thailand back in the days. (and is still subscribed in many western countries)

my point is: this one african lady isn't the real dope problem here...

so, what exactly is yabba?

is it those "diet pills" that used to be available from pharmacies back in the late 80s early 90s? I thought it was just speed in a capsule, but are you suggesting it is actual pharmaceuticals? like ADD treatments? dexamphetamine or ritalin?

Yaba was known originally as Yamah, meaning horse drug, it gave you false energy and kept you awake, it is an amphetamine and nothing more, still harmful over time.

The name was changed (by the authorities) to Yaba, meaning crazy drug, in order to demonise it.

However, this woman was carrying Ya Ice, which is crystal meth, and a horse of a totally different colour.

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I do not understand why these " muse": are not given some sort of sea to help track down the drug value chain.. most of them are not hard core folks but poor folks who see the opportunity of money.... although solidly against drugs i do think that cutting these folks a deal every so often to get the downstream dealers would be better in the overall drugs war.. in fact if it was known that favourable treatment may result for those mules who help police and the narcs go downstream and catch the dealers and break up distribution networks then Thailand could be seen as a less favourable place to try and import drugs into.

Too ready to celebrate and get pictures by cutting off the tail while the head still is as potent as ever me thinks

Sorry that was supposed to read I do not understand why these " mules": are not given some sort of deal to help track down the drug value chain

Because I don't think the police here (Thailand) are skilled enough to follow through. They are just cleaver enough to stop the ones they get direct tip-offs on from other international sources.

Pity they are so inept & Thai people continue to suffer with addiction.

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If she is a Nigerian, she should be in Lagos eight years from the date of her arrest. I don't know about other Africans or nationalities, but Nigeria has a treaty with Thailand, which include sending anyone with a life sentence home after serving 8 years. The treaty was done when TS was the head honcho.

Death sentence awaits.

They have no problem killing foreigners for this sort of crime if they are from Africa. Other nationalities usually get commuted to life.

Surely bringing this kind of drug into Thailand is like bringing coals to Newcastle? Thailand is a hub for production and distribution of this drug.

I see a major Yaba drug bust on Thai television almost daily, and I'm talking hundreds of kilos. I have a feeling that the sentences for Thais are relatively light as the perpetrators are often only recently released from jail for similar offences. If the offenders are only in their 20's you know they didn't get a lengthy jail sentence.
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This Crystal Meth if pure at 3kgs can be cut or based to say maybe 6kgs highly adddictive still at 50% potency if used as I D U

Llike Crack Cocaine can be smoked but in a land of Yah Ice & Yah Bah this batch seems to have been meant for a market & if

form Macau a Triad or similiar criminal source making a trial run could be assumed.

She the Rwandan mule may even have an addiction herself but unlikely just out for a quick pay day and easily influenced due

to circumstances and lack of an education.... we don't know.

Easily profiled by Customs and Immigration as mentioned in an earlier post.

Her future now may have been signed sealed and delivered just like the attempted drug run ...doomed

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If the Thais wanted to show that they are serious about drug smuggling - they would have gotten her to continue to the contact while they were undercover and then keep moving the busts up the food chain. Hauling off a Rwandan mule doesn't really prove anything except a great many Thai photo ops and back slapping in the good old boy Thai network.

But that would lead to places they would rather not go........

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Death sentence awaits.

They have no problem killing foreigners for this sort of crime if they are from Africa. Other nationalities usually get commuted to life.

Surely bringing this kind of drug into Thailand is like bringing coals to Newcastle? Thailand is a hub for production and distribution of this drug.

I see a major Yaba drug bust on Thai television almost daily, and I'm talking hundreds of kilos. I have a feeling that the sentences for Thais are relatively light as the perpetrators are often only recently released from jail for similar offences. If the offenders are only in their 20's you know they didn't get a lengthy jail sentence.

I know someone who has just got 4.5 years for selling 2 pills

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It's always the same argument. People want to be high and for some reason governments don't won't that. It's a "We know what's best for you." mentality. Why do governments fear drugs? I've lost more friends to drugs than I can count, but I don't blame the people who sold them the drugs, my friends did what they wanted to do.

The trouble is when kids are targeted which is often, so in theory you are correct. Legalise it, tax it, purify it and take out the criminal aspect.

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I do feel a little sorry for the woman. Yes, she has done wrong, but Rwanda is hardly a golden land of opportunities, is it?

My thoughts also. Where does a Rwandan woman get the ackers to globe trot? If Immigration wasn't suspicious then they're more dumb than I think.

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