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Hazard For Brits Returning To UK


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Something triggered this.

I have come in to Manchester from BKK via the Middle East so many times without a single stop.

Perhaps the hand baggage only, I come in with a near empty suitcase.

I did get it once coming in from Middle East via Amsterdam...... long time ago.

I've also never had a problem at Manchester, but I have seen a Chinese family being given a completely unreasonable hard time and the immigration thug winked at me as if to say 'these foreigners deserve what they get'. I wanted to hit him!

[Must remember, all immigration officers are reasonable people doing their job (force a smile and carry on)]

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what make were your laptops? Thanks for the warning i am going to back up everything of mine onto a hard drive and leave it here just in case. cannot afford to lose my stuff.

can i assume that mentioning Thais was a comparsime that we think moan about how us forang are treated out here but we get treated worse in ourr own countries. or some of us

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Folks want to live in a society that is 100% free and 100% safe, well you can't, you can have most of one and some of the other, I vote for mostly safe and that's the way it is today.

You still haven't answered me!

How exactly do you think customs and immigration can keep you either free or safe?

I'm not going to play word games with you 52, I know you to be smater than that from previous posts. But if you're really in doubt about the worthiness and effectivness of either department, imagine what the UK would be like if neither existed and anyone and everyone were allowed to come and go as they please, bringing with them whatever they wished!

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For ages certain countries have been 'selectively' harassing other people at borders, embassies etc. To-day, it is happening globally in a huge way on the pretext of 'National Security' - but in real, for political reasons.

I am really sorry to hear about the OP's experience for absolutely no fault of his.

Come to think of it...

Where ever 'democracy was born' does it exist in that country?

Where ever 'perfect economies are preached' do they enjoy a perfect economy there?

Seems something is really going wrong in the 'Global scene'

The quote from Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) comes to my mind...

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.
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Folks want to live in a society that is 100% free and 100% safe, well you can't, you can have most of one and some of the other, I vote for mostly safe and that's the way it is today.

You still haven't answered me!

How exactly do you think customs and immigration can keep you either free or safe?

I'm not going to play word games with you 52, I know you to be smater than that from previous posts. But if you're really in doubt about the worthiness and effectivness of either department, imagine what the UK would be like if neither existed and anyone and everyone were allowed to come and go as they please, bringing with them whatever they wished!

Chiang mai, if you are willing to reduce freedom for safety, you will eventually lose both. Think about it.

Vive La Liberté

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These ridiculous remarks about the Gestapo are a real insult to those who actually did suffer at their hands. You got stopped by a stroppy civil servant who took your laptop. No-one ripped your fingernails out with pliers. No-one attached a generator to your nuts and spun the handle. You ought to be ashamed of yourself making such absurd comparisons.

See what you mean but don't agree. Those kind of people why harass their fellow countrymen with pleasure and without need, without orders from high above, those are very alike to the "willing henchmen" of the Nazis. They are found in EVERY society.

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well, i was yet again pulled by some blonde at heathrow in august and as usual she had a face like a slapped a** and an attitude to match. so i knew where it was going and it started out like this;

"hello sir, where have you just travelled from?"


" and what was the purpose of your trip?"

"F******g prostitutes......"

" RIGHT! can you follow me to this bench over here please?"

now a lot more predictable questions ensued but it was when she opened my bag that i had difficulty keeping it sensible.

"why do you have a crash helmet with no insides in here?"

"im allergic to the lining"....

"why do you have several motorcycle parts in here?"

"cos the whole bike wouldnt fit".....

"where is your laptop?"

"can you see a laptop?.... nope, me neither".....

"why is there no memory card in your camera?"

"there isnt?.....i must have left it in my laptop"

"and where is that laptop now?"

"it was in thailand when i left it, now would you like me to P** through a tea strainer so that i can go catch my coach?"

that didnt go down well and no doubt ill be magically 'randomly' selected on next years return as well.......oh hum.

I reckon that if I were that customs officer and you spoke to me like that I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible.

"I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible"

Thank you for exposing yourself

It definitely reinforces the "profile" I have of you.

None of us have the right to treat governement employees who are simply trying to do their job, the way that poster suggested, that's my moral take on things so stick that in your profile of me also, sad if you or others think it is OK.

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Folks want to live in a society that is 100% free and 100% safe, well you can't, you can have most of one and some of the other, I vote for mostly safe and that's the way it is today.

You still haven't answered me!

How exactly do you think customs and immigration can keep you either free or safe?

I'm not going to play word games with you 52, I know you to be smater than that from previous posts. But if you're really in doubt about the worthiness and effectivness of either department, imagine what the UK would be like if neither existed and anyone and everyone were allowed to come and go as they please, bringing with them whatever they wished!

Chiang mai, if you are willing to reduce freedom for safety, you will eventually lose both. Think about it.

Vive La Liberté

We're not talking in absolute terms here, it's not a case of all or nothing, I would happily sacrifice ten per cent of my freedom for a thirty per cent increase in my safety, for example.

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well, i was yet again pulled by some blonde at heathrow in august and as usual she had a face like a slapped a** and an attitude to match. so i knew where it was going and it started out like this;

"hello sir, where have you just travelled from?"


" and what was the purpose of your trip?"

"F******g prostitutes......"

" RIGHT! can you follow me to this bench over here please?"

now a lot more predictable questions ensued but it was when she opened my bag that i had difficulty keeping it sensible.

"why do you have a crash helmet with no insides in here?"

"im allergic to the lining"....

"why do you have several motorcycle parts in here?"

"cos the whole bike wouldnt fit".....

"where is your laptop?"

"can you see a laptop?.... nope, me neither".....

"why is there no memory card in your camera?"

"there isnt?.....i must have left it in my laptop"

"and where is that laptop now?"

"it was in thailand when i left it, now would you like me to P** through a tea strainer so that i can go catch my coach?"

that didnt go down well and no doubt ill be magically 'randomly' selected on next years return as well.......oh hum.

I reckon that if I were that customs officer and you spoke to me like that I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible.

"I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible"

Thank you for exposing yourself

It definitely reinforces the "profile" I have of you.

None of us have the right to treat governement employees who are simply trying to do their job, the way that poster suggested, that's my moral take on things so stick that in your profile of me also, sad if you or others think it is OK.

It works both ways.

If they want respect, they have to earn it.

They are the professionals in this mess after all and should act accordingly.

Not in the manner you suggested, making a small problem into a big one.

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That sounds harsh - if they are going to search your belongings they should do so before letting you leave otherwise your belongings could easily disappear in some warehouse where all this stuff ends up.

I was once stopped at Heathrow for a cigarette check, asked where I came from and I showed them my e-cigarette. They were still interested in looking in my bag so I went to unlock it but they saw someone else they liked the look of (another solo passenger) and just told me to clear the area. Must be paid commission per bust or something...

"...paid a commission per bust...". Can you elaborate please?

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The exact same thing happened to me on a return flight to SYDNEY so now i travel light or travel with a suitcase makes no difference,, the word THAILAND and being single male brings up all the red flags i just need to be patient and avoid the place as much as possible.

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I reckon that if I were that customs officer and you spoke to me like that I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible.

"I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible"

Thank you for exposing yourself

It definitely reinforces the "profile" I have of you.

None of us have the right to treat governement employees who are simply trying to do their job, the way that poster suggested, that's my moral take on things so stick that in your profile of me also, sad if you or others think it is OK.

It works both ways.

If they want respect, they have to earn it.

They are the professionals in this mess after all and should act accordingly.

Not in the manner you suggested, making a small problem into a big one.

So in the case of that particular poster, he's just met that customs official for the first time and she asks, where have you been and what have you been doing and he replies, in Thailand f**king prostitutes! You're very very confused about who it is that needs to learn and earn respect in that scenario.

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i was travelling thru customs in farang land with my 24 year old wife, when stopped by custom.

can i look inside your bag please ?.....yes go ahead.....AHH what are these ?........they are packets of viagra !

the he asks me what do i need them for.........i just turned and looked at my young beautiful thai wife and could not think of a good answer other than errrrrm.

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well, i was yet again pulled by some blonde at heathrow in august and as usual she had a face like a slapped a** and an attitude to match. so i knew where it was going and it started out like this;

"hello sir, where have you just travelled from?"


" and what was the purpose of your trip?"

"F******g prostitutes......"

" RIGHT! can you follow me to this bench over here please?"

now a lot more predictable questions ensued but it was when she opened my bag that i had difficulty keeping it sensible.

"why do you have a crash helmet with no insides in here?"

"im allergic to the lining"....

"why do you have several motorcycle parts in here?"

"cos the whole bike wouldnt fit".....

"where is your laptop?"

"can you see a laptop?.... nope, me neither".....

"why is there no memory card in your camera?"

"there isnt?.....i must have left it in my laptop"

"and where is that laptop now?"

"it was in thailand when i left it, now would you like me to P** through a tea strainer so that i can go catch my coach?"

that didnt go down well and no doubt ill be magically 'randomly' selected on next years return as well.......oh hum.


I reckon that if I were that customs officer and you spoke to me like that I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible.




 "I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible"


Thank you for exposing yourself


It definitely reinforces the "profile" I have of you.



None of us have the right to treat governement employees who are simply trying to do their job, the way that poster suggested, that's my moral take on things so stick that in your profile of me also, sad if you or others think it is OK.

They are civil servants to the public if we are nationals to that country then we own them

I can understand respecting them but some times they push their power if authority too far

If the laptop was a lethal weapon then fare enough but taking a civilians private informations away is taking the piss

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I reckon that if I were that customs officer and you spoke to me like that I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible.

"I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible"

Thank you for exposing yourself

It definitely reinforces the "profile" I have of you.

None of us have the right to treat governement employees who are simply trying to do their job, the way that poster suggested, that's my moral take on things so stick that in your profile of me also, sad if you or others think it is OK.

They are civil servants to the public if we are nationals to that country then we own them

I can understand respecting them but some times they push their power if authority too far

If the laptop was a lethal weapon then fare enough but taking a civilians private informations away is taking the piss

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

We don't own anyone, they are people who have agreed to work for governement, on our behalf, that's all!

And in the case cited above, the customs offical didn't push her powers, she asked a simple routine question and got massive abuse in return.

That lady took that laptop for a reason, the OP is not sharing the details with us but it was not without cause.

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The legislative and executive branches of govt. assert the 4th Ammendment to the US constitution does not apply at border crossings. Eventually this will be decided by The Supreme Court of the United States.

Not in the UK it wont!

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What must you be told?

The customs officer must tell you what you are suspected of: for example, I have reasonable grounds to suspect that you are carrying illegal drugs. Although you should ask why you are suspected of a particular offence, the customs officer does not, in fact, have to tell you.

Huh? "The customs officer must tell you" but then "the customs officer does not, in fact, have to tell you". So they have to or not?

Read slowly; the Customs Officer must tell you what you are suspected of. The Customs Officer is not obliged to answer any of your questions.

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"So in the case of that particular poster, he's just met that customs official for the first time and she asks, where have you been and what have you been doing and he replies, in Thailand f**king prostitutes! You're very very confused about who it is that needs to learn and earn respect in that scenario."

For the sake of argument, let’s say he was telling the truth.

Even so, it certainly does not give her the right to abuse him in any manner what so ever.

She is not the police, judge, jury and executioner rolled up into one.

She is a civil servant with emphasis on servant.

Street justice dished out by people with badges is a worst case scenario

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I reckon that if I were that customs officer and you spoke to me like that I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible.





 "I'd do my level best to make sure we made your life as miserable as possible for as long as possible"


Thank you for exposing yourself


It definitely reinforces the "profile" I have of you.




None of us have the right to treat governement employees who are simply trying to do their job, the way that poster suggested, that's my moral take on things so stick that in your profile of me also, sad if you or others think it is OK.


They are civil servants to the public if we are nationals to that country then we own them

I can understand respecting them but some times they push their power if authority too far

If the laptop was a lethal weapon then fare enough but taking a civilians private informations away is taking the piss

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app



We don't own anyone, they are people who have agreed to work for governement, on our behalf, that's all!


And in the case cited above, the customs offical didn't push her powers, she asked a simple routine question and got massive abuse in return.


That lady took that laptop for a reason, the OP is not sharing the details with us but it was not without cause.


Well I doubt it was packed with explosives or he would be in even more trouble

I am sorry but they are public servants who are now employed by the cooperation called the United Kingdom

Allot of these laws are actually corporation laws which the police intimidate people into braking and making contracts

When you are read your rights and the police say " do you understand " if ok answer yes then u r going into contract with you and can detail you against your will

Which is kidnapping

They have no right to seize his equipment

If these people are professionals then abuse is part of the job

As for the routine questions

It's the way that one is asked

It is not as if police and customs are never intimidating is it ?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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"So in the case of that particular poster, he's just met that customs official for the first time and she asks, where have you been and what have you been doing and he replies, in Thailand f**king prostitutes! You're very very confused about who it is that needs to learn and earn respect in that scenario."

For the sake of argument, let’s say he was telling the truth.

Even so, it certainly does not give her the right to abuse him in any manner what so ever.

She is not the police, judge, jury and executioner rolled up into one.

She is a civil servant with emphasis on servant.

Street justice dished out by people with badges is a worst case scenario

The customs officer had a job to do, she did it, why she did it the way that she did is not 100% clear but I suspect most strongly that we only have a partial picture, my experience of many hundreds of arrivals into UK airports tells me this is so. Also, you might consider revisiting your definition of civil servants, the emphasis of their role is to benefit the UK population, not individuals who are suspected of crimes (why else would the laptop have been removed).

And I think we're all done beating this one to death, I at least am since there's not much else to be said it seems.

EDIT: Just an afterthought: this is an issue about people of any nationality travelling through Customs in any country, the fact that the OP just happens to be (presumably) British travelling into the UK is largely irrelvant in many respects, I wonder what the OP's post would have looked like had he/she been travelling into say USA, or even Thailand, probably the same I would guess!

Edited by chiang mai
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Much to be learned on this site. Some really good posts and others highlight the huge differences in how people can think. Chiang Mai, Woolooetc and Joe Ling are among those who mentally translate what is written in an OP into something they can reply to with preconceived ideas that let them feel capable and butch. Had these sort been in charge in the UK during the rise of Nazism, Stoomtroopers would have been stomping around the country without a shot being fired. They are like a player on a team who says it's best not to tackle an attacking opponent, and then you won't get injured. Worse yet, when a foul is committed they are happy to turn a blind eye, because challenging it might get them bullied. Many comments refer to 'attitude'. Well, I've had no previous problem during many years of travel, which is why this incident surprised me. FACT: The Border Agency flouted their own rules as well as those of Human Rights directives. 'Civil co-operation' has stood some in good stead, they say. Well, some of us are not happy to be a doormat. I apologise for not liking posts that I think deserve merit, 'Maximillian' being one in particular who has wider insight than many, but apparently only a few 'likes' are allowed.

Edited by TC1
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I do not see why the op needs to give us all a reason and the full story

As what is written his items were seized

He was not arrested which suggests that he did not commit a crime

I am guessing that these security guards who work for the co operation of the United Kingdom have some small print in their contract which allows them to seize your stuff just because they don't like your tone


It would not be surprising if one was not to be happy with this and give abuse back

If it is me I would not allow them to take

Them I would walk our of the airport and film myself

Whilst calling my lawyer as I presume I shall be kid napped soon and held in a dungeon against my will

They cannot seize your computers as they are not for sale and you have broken no common law

Depending on how they try to bully you into saying what they want you to say depends on if you get your stuff back or get thrown in jail

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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When did you get the seized stuff back?

What was the point of this, why mention Thai?.......just curious.

"It is not hard to imagine the response on forums if a report of such action by Thai officials against a foreigner was posted".

<why mention Thai?.......>

because there seems to be a presumption by the staff that single males arriving from Thailand ARE criminals and need to be sorted.

I was held for 4 hours by a *^&%^% male officer while he read my Thai language translation books, obviously looking for such phrases as "where can I find underage girls" etc. He made no secret of the fact that he considered me to be a pedo, despite there being absolutely no evidence of this.

After checking my passport ( presumably on every known database ) twice, he had to give up and let me go.

However, it spurred me to develop a system for prevention, which worked in all future arrivals:

Never walk through customs alone- I either go through with the people I met on the flight, or I strike up a conversation with a couple while passing the customs staff.

Hide the luggage tag so it isn't obvious where I'm from, and I sometimes wait till all Bkk passengers have gone through, and join the q from another country.

NEVER look at the staff, and walk on the far side of the hall from them, or in the middle if they are on both sides.

If a staff approaches me before reaching the customs hall, I just say I'm going to the toilet with traveller's diahhorea, and they have usually got involved with someone else when I come out in 10 minutes time.

The one time I was stopped anyway, I took out my notebook and detailed the staff's number, the time and what they did. That freaked her out, and I got treated with respect and sent on my way very quickly.

What is more freaky though, are the incompetent boobs they have on the departure side at Heathrow. These nincompoops obviously have no training in psychology or how to deal with people in a stressful situation. Furthermore, many ( most? ) are not British raised and don't understand British humour. One moronic female staff took offence at a passenger's joke, and proceeded to have a full scale tantrum, holding everyone up for ages. When I asked her male colleague if he could speed things up, he almost hit me in the face, and was very threatening. I obviously didn't react as I wanted to, or I'd have been detained and not got on my flight.

Idiots with power are definitely scary.

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