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Clean up your own backyard.


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Sick to death of people complaining about the illegal activities,graft and corruption of thias. What about farangs? I do something about it to make my home here a place where farangs can hold their heads up high. Went a farang tell me he cheats to get a retirement visa,is here on an expired visa,drives with out a licence, etc,I get all the info from him I can, and pic of possible and report him to immigration. If a farang tells me he is here on a disability pension and shouldnt be out of his home country,or lives in thailand and has a Philipines address to get pension increases, again, I get all the info from him I can and report him, or her, to their embassy. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

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Actually, I think the OP has got a point!!thumbsup.gif

I know an English guy, who hates everything about Thailand. Thais are corrupt, lazy, not trustworthy and stupid! (all according to him)

At the same time this guy every year hands over 20k to a corrupt immigrationofficer to get his extension of stay based on retirement, because he doesn't have the required money in the bank. So far so good??

The problem is this guy is bragging about, how he is cheating the system. I am not going to turn him in, but some day, someone else would have had enough of this not very sympathic guy!

So yes this guy should clean up his own backyard or keep his mouth shut!!coffee1.gif

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They have names for people like the OP. smile.png

What name is that?

Where I'm from, it would be 'grass'.

You obviously dont know the meaning of grass,where you come from. A grass dobs in their mates, farang cheats are not my mates.

Grass is a grass mate.

Going out of your way to grass people up because they annoy you, whether you know them or not, makes you what you are.

A grass.

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Do it to the wrong one or group and you can forget "grass", snitch or any other name, it will be..... "corpse"

So, according to you,social security and visa cheats are also murderers.

That's something else to report them on. :)

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Do it to the wrong one or group and you can forget "grass", snitch or any other name, it will be..... "corpse"

So, according to you,social security and visa cheats are also murderers.
Just remember you are not in the west, life is very cheap here and people have been killed for alot less.

I know of one individual killed because he made a wrong vote

A lady murdered because she sacked someone.

A guy shot in his own garden, just because he was a ferang.

The point being, it happens ! Upsetting the wrong one here can be lethal, thats all I am saying.

Edited by CharlieH
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