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Don't want to speak to Thai People !

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No doubt. Some real oddballs getting around that are obviously in need of some medication.

Others have just been here too long and are bitter at everything and just drink the days away.

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No doubt. Some real oddballs getting around that are obviously in need of some medication.Others have just been here too long and are bitter at everything and just drink the days away.

Could have sworn one of those people was YOU.

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No doubt. Some real oddballs getting around that are obviously in need of some medication.Others have just been here too long and are bitter at everything and just drink the days away.

Could have sworn one of those people was YOU.
I wish. Nutty people are so carefree and I can't drink on doctors orders.
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Its not hard to meet foreigners here who think they are superior to asian people and look down on them

Its a weird way of thinking,these people come from countries whose economies have big problems, They

keep printing money with no gold reserves to cover the value of there currency and have large debts mainly

to asian countries and china

some people call Thailand a third world country which is wrong, its a developing economy and improving all

the time, while most western economies are doing the opposite

The next superpower will be in Asia, probably China, and other asian countries will have thriving economies

Its going to be interesting to see what happens in western economies in the future, and the atitude of westerners

who think they are superior to Asian people

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2 off topic and unhelpful posts removed. I am not really sure where the OP is going with the topic. I'll let it run and see where it goes.

You can shut it LIK, I was just venting. BR, GOM


The guy the OP mentioned is a bit of an extreme example, but there are plenty of people living in bubbles here, who hardly get in touch with Thai people.

I ran across examples like a German guy running a restaurant in Pattaya for 15+ years. He doesn't speak Thai, he hardly speaks English. All he does is speaking German to the customers. All communication with the staff, and with suppliers, government officials, repair men and you name it goes through his Thai wife, with whom he communicates somehow, or maybe she speaks German.


Overall, we are consistently bombarded here with people complaining about the things that bother them here, whinging away on this board about crime, drunk driving etc.

But to overall just say "I don't want to speak to Thai people" doesn't that just about take the cake for why someone should really head back to their homeland? I mean, throw in the towel guy, unbelievable............

It may well seem unbelievable,..his/her choice i figure... but does it effect you in any way,?coffee1.gif

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Overall, we are consistently bombarded here with people complaining about the things that bother them here, whinging away on this board about crime, drunk driving etc.

But to overall just say "I don't want to speak to Thai people" doesn't that just about take the cake for why someone should really head back to their homeland? I mean, throw in the towel guy, unbelievable............

It may well seem unbelievable,..his/her choice i figure... but does it effect you in any way,?coffee1.gif

Indirectly, in respect to the Thais feeling about foreigners, it may effect all of us.

But yes, I would agree with you, his choice.


Overall, we are consistently bombarded here with people complaining about the things that bother them here, whinging away on this board about crime, drunk driving etc.

But to overall just say "I don't want to speak to Thai people" doesn't that just about take the cake for why someone should really head back to their homeland? I mean, throw in the towel guy, unbelievable............

It may well seem unbelievable,..his/her choice i figure... but does it effect you in any way,?coffee1.gif

Yes, and apologies for boring you there andreandre, you can go back to your paper now.....


The guy the OP mentioned is a bit of an extreme example, but there are plenty of people living in bubbles here, who hardly get in touch with Thai people.

I ran across examples like a German guy running a restaurant in Pattaya for 15+ years. He doesn't speak Thai, he hardly speaks English. All he does is speaking German to the customers. All communication with the staff, and with suppliers, government officials, repair men and you name it goes through his Thai wife, with whom he communicates somehow, or maybe she speaks German.

He has made an adaptation.

Who are we to judge?

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How good Thai each of you speak?

I must admit that my Thai skills are very low. I can exchange some information (restaurants, stores etc), but can not have an conversation. I don't read Thai.


How good Thai each of you speak?

I must admit that my Thai skills are very low. I can exchange some information (restaurants, stores etc), but can not have an conversation. I don't read Thai.

The question is NOT how good your Thai is ..... It's if you'll EVEN give it a go !! ...... Atleast a thank you in the language of whatever country your visitng shouldn't be that hard..... ???


I had to go to immigration for my 90 check in a couple of weeks ago.

I found a gentleman in a similar "bubble"".

An older guy, ( 70+) was losing it big time!

Quote: (in a very loud voice)

" I've lived here 20 some odd years and these dam-n Thais have never got it right yet!

I've been waiting almost an hour already.

I'm usually in and out in 10 minutes!

It's because they are taking care of all of these dam_n foreigners first! ( non Caucasians)

They don't even speak English!

These Thais don't know what they are doing!"

I really wanted to point out to him that he too was a foreigner, but I didn't.

A Japanese gentleman told him that if he had been here "20 some odd years" he should be use to it by now.

Most in the room chuckled.

I, and a few others moved a few seats away so it didn't appear he was talking to us. ( he was)

I was not proud of my fellow American !

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how about the people who live here for years and still cannot speak thai what a joke that is..

You need to define what you mean by speaking Thai. Is it managing daily things or do you mean being able to have sensible conversation.

If it's the latter, then I guess I'm one of those people. I have wondered why I did not put an effort to really learn Thai and the conclusion was that I never wanted really to commit to this country. I have never felt that this would be the country for me to retire and live the rest of my life. It's just one stop on the journey. Years just seemed to pass by.


how about the people who live here for years and still cannot speak thai what a joke that is..

You need to define what you mean by speaking Thai. Is it managing daily things or do you mean being able to have sensible conversation.

If it's the latter, then I guess I'm one of those people. I have wondered why I did not put an effort to really learn Thai and the conclusion was that I never wanted really to commit to this country. I have never felt that this would be the country for me to retire and live the rest of my life. It's just one stop on the journey. Years just seemed to pass by.

remind me of incident occurred at immigration a year ago, old man comes for his 90days report and keep telling the immigration officer - roooooon outside, rooooon outside- (he sounded like cow)

immigration officer takes a steady look at him and replay - you been here for 5 years and still don't know what outside is in thai -

the face on the old man was priceless and all the immigration officers laughed at him..


remind me of incident occurred at immigration a year ago, old man comes for his 90days report and keep telling the immigration officer - roooooon outside, rooooon outside- (he sounded like cow)

immigration officer takes a steady look at him and replay - you been here for 5 years and still don't know what outside is in thai -

the face on the old man was priceless and all the immigration officers laughed at him..

To learn new language or other major skills requires quite a lot of effort and motivation. If the motivation is not there, learning becomes an obstacle.

I do talk to the Thais, quite a lot. I'm just able to have a real conversation in Thai due my lack of Thai skills. My motivation ends to the point that I can make a pretty girl smile with my broken Thai (and no, I don't mean the bar gilrs.)

Then again, the Thais who are able to speak English, are most likely better educated and positively curious as well as are more likely to offer interesting conversation regardless the language.


well said!!!!!,

remind me of incident occurred at immigration a year ago, old man comes for his 90days report and keep telling the immigration officer - roooooon outside, rooooon outside- (he sounded like cow)

immigration officer takes a steady look at him and replay - you been here for 5 years and still don't know what outside is in thai -

the face on the old man was priceless and all the immigration officers laughed at him..

To learn new language or other major skills requires quite a lot of effort and motivation. If the motivation is not there, learning becomes an obstacle.

I do talk to the Thais, quite a lot. I'm just able to have a real conversation in Thai due my lack of Thai skills. My motivation ends to the point that I can make a pretty girl smile with my broken Thai (and no, I don't mean the bar gilrs.)

Then again, the Thais who are able to speak English, are most likely better educated and positively curious as well as are more likely to offer interesting conversation regardless the language.

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