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Support for Suthep, amid doubts on plan

Lite Beer

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Suthep has the support of the South oitside of the deep south, central Bangkok, a few provinces south of BKK and the majority of the elite. He is reviled in most Bangkok suburbs and anywhere north, north east or east of Bangkok excluding possibly Rayong and Mae Hong Song and a couple of other town centers.

Which, of course, is why the Dems have little chance of ever winning a General Election. All their whining about vote-buying, etc. is just a smoke screen to hide the fact that they are simply detested by the vast mass of rural voters.

Could I suggest that instead of blindly following this little tinpot would-be dictator ("The Butcher of Bangkok" as he is known as up here!), the Dems could sit down and come up with policies that appeal to the entire population, not just their BKK chums. Getting rid of their English Public School elites might be a good start.

Known as the 'Butcher of Bagkok' by whom exactly? I've lived in the north for 25 years and speak, read and write Thai. I live in a Thai village surrounded almost exclusively by northern Thais, and I have never once heard the term 'Butcher of Bangkok' in English, Thai or northern Thai. You are talking nonsense.

The same in Ban Pai, my hometown near Khon Kaen, I'm sorry hammered but after your remark a few weeks ago that the Banharn led 'reform movement' had been 'accepted' by Khun Anan and this was 'the most important political news of the week' I had to lose faith in your political judgement!

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Boycott AIS so that his pals at True can make more money? Or is he trying to get back to power to avoid paying back the B 210 million loan he took from The Islamic Bank of Thailand (government controlled bank - The Nation Oct 2012) or is he just following the orders of his paymasters the same ones that used Sondhi in 2006 ? If the Dems can boycot the Reds businesses so can the reds boycot the Dems and in the end the economy will suffer. Up to now all his moves showed a man that only cares about power and nothing for the country and its people.

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Susthep is making a personal public display , he is a slithy tove , intensely disliked by many and not to be trusted at all .

So Suthep thinks he can bring down the government , what good would that do ? A general election would soon reinstate the same government .

Revile Thaksin as much as you like , but he remains the only natural strong political leader Thailand has .

The democrats have not been elected to govern and probably never will be . It is said that corruction was even worse when the democrats held office .

Thailand is the way it is , controlled by many factions , nothing is going to change over night , no need for us falangs to get our knickers in a twist .

Suthep is the last person who will ever persuade the people to bring about a change of government , haranging the crowd may feel good but it will achieve

nothing .

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Susthep is making a personal public display , he is a slithy tove , intensely disliked by many and not to be trusted at all .

So Suthep thinks he can bring down the government , what good would that do ? A general election would soon reinstate the same government .

Revile Thaksin as much as you like , but he remains the only natural strong political leader Thailand has .

The democrats have not been elected to govern and probably never will be . It is said that corruction was even worse when the democrats held office .

Thailand is the way it is , controlled by many factions , nothing is going to change over night , no need for us falangs to get our knickers in a twist .

Suthep is the last person who will ever persuade the people to bring about a change of government , haranging the crowd may feel good but it will achieve

nothing .

Actually I never heard that corruption was worse when the democrats held office.

Even from the strongest Thaksin supporters you only hear: "But the democrats were also corrupt" or "they are all the same corrupt" not even they claim that the Dems are more corrupt.

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Whybother says ,

" It's not the policies that are the issue."

Absolutely right , at a general election in the north and northeast , people say to one another " Vote Thaksin " and they do .

Miltary men are not noted for their brain and intelligence . The military coup in September 2006 was the biggest misjudgement and mistake that could have

been made . Thaksin was incorrectly deposed and a substatial majority of voters want him back again , if he governs the country from exile , so beit .

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Suthep has the support of the South oitside of the deep south, central Bangkok, a few provinces south of BKK and the majority of the elite. He is reviled in most Bangkok suburbs and anywhere north, north east or east of Bangkok excluding possibly Rayong and Mae Hong Song and a couple of other town centers.

Which, of course, is why the Dems have little chance of ever winning a General Election. All their whining about vote-buying, etc. is just a smoke screen to hide the fact that they are simply detested by the vast mass of rural voters.

Could I suggest that instead of blindly following this little tinpot would-be dictator ("The Butcher of Bangkok" as he is known as up here!), the Dems could sit down and come up with policies that appeal to the entire population, not just their BKK chums. Getting rid of their English Public School elites might be a good start.

In a blind poll, the Democrat policies came off quite well in the north east.

It's not the policies that are the issue.

Well it's partly the policies.But it's also the toxic leadership and the unimpressive record of the last Democrat administration.

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Suthep has the support of the South oitside of the deep south, central Bangkok, a few provinces south of BKK and the majority of the elite. He is reviled in most Bangkok suburbs and anywhere north, north east or east of Bangkok excluding possibly Rayong and Mae Hong Song and a couple of other town centers.

("The Butcher of Bangkok" as he is known as up here!),


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Suthep it seems has the backing of the public and the assorted opposition groups let's hope that the plan or plans are workable and to the ultimate benefit of Thailand and its people in both the short and long term.

Vigilance must be maintained regarding Thaksin his family, his marionette government and all their brown nosing acolytes. Allowing Thaksin to return to power would indeed be a tragedy.

The Thai people must remain vigilant and not become complacent or there will be imposed upon them a Thaksin dictatorship dynasty due to complacency and a lack of vigilance of the people and the electorate at large.

A country that would be run on the principles of nepotism, cronyism, patronage, deception, intimidation, payoffs (read bribery and vote buying to achieve the ultimate Thaksin aims) and outright corruption on a far wider ranging scale than we are currently seeing and experiencing from this Thaksin manipulated puppet government.

Vigilance by all of the opposition groups and the public at large must be focused on a common end to prevent the installation of a despotic dictatorship.

Unfortunately he (Thaksin) keeps winning elections, despite Suthep "having the backing of the public". Can't imagine why, maybe we need more vigilance....

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Character assassination is a tried and proven method of reducing the number of votes a politician will receive. It is evident in the labeling of Abhisit as a murderer during the 2011 election, in the worthless charges brought by Tarit, catmac's "Butcher of Bangkok", and hammered's rhetorical question "should he kill the millions who support Thaksin?" It is necessary to attempt to balance out the all too evident venality of Thaksin and his minions - the only thing worse than the thief that robs you wholesale is the killer of your friends and family.

If he was such a foul character, why was he offered an amnesty, a move which outraged thousands of government supporters?

Edited by JRSoul
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Instead of those 4 rather lame measures to bring down the government, what about asking the hard questions: The real numbers from the rice-scam? The 350 billion watermanagement-budget? The lack of free speech? A not working education system?

But going down that road,is maybe equally embarrassing for both sides??whistling.gif

I thought the rice-scam and watermanagment is already discussed to dead by the democrats.

how can speaking about that bring down the government? But on the other side how can blow whistles bring down the government??

That's an easy one, they get the phone numbers of Ying and Big Brother and call them 24/7, then don't talk, just blow whistles into the phone. whistling.gif

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Boycott AIS so that his pals at True can make more money? Or is he trying to get back to power to avoid paying back the B 210 million loan he took from The Islamic Bank of Thailand (government controlled bank - The Nation Oct 2012) or is he just following the orders of his paymasters the same ones that used Sondhi in 2006 ? If the Dems can boycot the Reds businesses so can the reds boycot the Dems and in the end the economy will suffer. Up to now all his moves showed a man that only cares about power and nothing for the country and its people.

Careful HuaHin62, most of the Red hating posters on here aren't equipped to accept the common sense "two sides to every argument" concept. The balance that your post brings to this debate is refreshing. I wonder if any of those who are obsessed with the acts of Dr T realise that they need look no further than the "Butcher of Bangkok" for examples of trousering other people's money. Nah, their yellow blinkers won't allow.

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Whybother says ,

" It's not the policies that are the issue."

Absolutely right , at a general election in the north and northeast , people say to one another " Vote Thaksin " and they do .

Miltary men are not noted for their brain and intelligence . The military coup in September 2006 was the biggest misjudgement and mistake that could have

been made . Thaksin was incorrectly deposed and a substatial majority of voters want him back again , if he governs the country from exile , so beit .

Not sure about that. 2006 we had a 1 party parliament with a non elected premier dictator Thaksin. Without a coup it might would had developed in something way worse than what we have now.

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JAG post # 41

Unfortunately he (Thaksin) keeps winning elections, despite Suthep "having the backing of the public". Can't imagine why, maybe we need more vigilance.

Your comment is indeed true. More vigilance is needed to stop the rampant mass buying of votes by the P.T.P. as seen in the last election also the buying of politicians to reinforce one minority percentage win so as to be able to form a corrupt nepotism ridden government the like of which we now have.

Edited by siampolee
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Boycott AIS so that his pals at True can make more money? Or is he trying to get back to power to avoid paying back the B 210 million loan he took from The Islamic Bank of Thailand (government controlled bank - The Nation Oct 2012) or is he just following the orders of his paymasters the same ones that used Sondhi in 2006 ? If the Dems can boycot the Reds businesses so can the reds boycot the Dems and in the end the economy will suffer. Up to now all his moves showed a man that only cares about power and nothing for the country and its people.

"Up to now all his moves showed a man post-9891-0-39492400-1384766697_thumb.jpthat only cares about power and nothing for the country and its people."

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