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Legal age of consent in Thailand 16 or 18


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You can read the legal statutes here - Thailand Criminal Law

Geese Louise did anyone read or make sense out of ALL that?

My GUESS is 18 is safe until you piss someone off?!?


Section 283 bis Whoever, takes away the person over fifteen years but not yet over eighteen years of age for indecent act with consent of such person, shall be punished with imprisonment of not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.

Up to 5 years for someone 16-17 years old. It is higher if they are 15 or younger

But all this applies only if u get caught with your dipstick in the oil pan

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There's a 28 year old guy in my wife's village who is living with a 14 year old girl in his parents house, both their parents are Ok with it. She's also pregnant with his child.

Personally, I think he's a low life, but no one else seems to think so.

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Also a law was brought in forbidding prostitution for the under 20s.

Hang on! Prostitution is "illegal" (*cough) It's forbidden to EVERYONE!

Idiot Thai law makers.

Under the Prostitution Act, prostitution is defined as:

“Sexual intercourse, or any other act, or the commission of any other act in order to gratify the sexual desire of another person in a promiscuous manner in return for money or any other benefit, irrespective of whether the person who accepts the act and the person who commits the act are of the same sex or not.” The phrase “in a promiscuous manner” is not defined and places a qualifier on the crime of prostitution, which may contribute to difficulties in enforcing the prohibition against prostitution.

Solicitation by a prostitute is prohibited under Section 5 of the Prostitution Act:

“Any person who, for the purpose of prostitution, solicits, induces, introduces herself or himself to, follows or importunes a person in a street, public place or in any other place in an open and shameless manner or causes nuisance to the public, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand Baht.” Again, the phrase “in an open and shameless manner” is not defined and this qualifier on the crime of solicitation by a prostitute suggests that enforcement of this law may be difficult in situations where solicitation is discreet or subtle as might often be the case in private establishments.


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So the OP is involved with a Thai girl of 16 possibly younger. Step away now mate.

blink.png Tongue-in-cheek, I hope...

...but my general impression is that this thread has really brought out some of the worst. And it's not the child molesters.

I read the OP and then the whole thread and don't see anyone posting anything that would raise the suspicion of peadophilia, but I see the Pedo Squad running wild. Most don't even seem to have a clue what peadophilia actually is.

It is as if an OP asks what the speed limit on Thai highways is, and the replies were along the lines of "Why do you intend to break the law? Criminals like you speeding drunk through crowded marketplaces and killing children while on the run from the drug police should be shot and then jailed for life and gang-raped by other inmates".

..and pre-emptively: I'm in my forties, married to a woman in her thirties, and find her young enough for my tastes.

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^ .. Yeah ... and? Your point???

The point is he was graciously answering your question. Are you a bit short of a few bob upstairs?

HIs answer in laymans terms would suggest that if you are going to be one of those 'gentlemen' that indulges in the cheap sex scene, then do so discretely for it is illegal, but at least the fine is low. So that probably means dont be one of those really gross looking farang guys that trots his bargirl around the city as if he is the cat that got the cream. As he tries to pat her bum in public and paw her like he is an 18 year old stud, he just comes across as a saddo. Particularly when she drags him into gold shops, mobile phone shops, and shoe shops and he panders to her like shes a princess. Ahh well, no, nevermind, to each their own, and anyway, its local entertainment, so carry on.

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This topic is VERY disturbing and I guess will serve hords of sexpats/perverts from the forum.

Agreed. It's a simple answer for a (hopefully) young man in his late teens/early twenties that met a teenage (15 - 18) girl he's grown a liking for. I nominate the thread for lockdown.

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There were a number of books in the library I went to as a child. Most were out on the shelf in open view. A few though were locked up in a glass fronted bookcase with a large lock. Which do you think I wanted to read the most?

Absence of discussion works the same way as a lock and also causes one to ask the question, what has he got to hide?

Or simpler, you want to make a book a best seller? Ban it. Lock it down.

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^ .. Yeah ... and? Your point???

For the moment putting aside the endemic corruption in law enforcement agencies, my post #185 is drawing attention to that fact that whilst prostitution is illegal in Thailand the legislation is poorly worded and contributes to lack of enforcement.

Whilst it not enforced with any zeal, some may be interested to also note the following.

The Prostitution Act does, however, impose heavy penalties on whoever procures, lures, compels, or threatens children under 18 years of age for the purpose of prostitution. Section 8 of the Prostitution Act provides that a customer who has sexual intercourse with a prostitute under the age of 15 shall be subject to two to six years in prison and a fine of up to one hundred twenty thousand Baht. If the prostitute is between the ages of 15 and 18, the prison term is one to three years, and the fine is up to sixty thousand Baht.

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13 if they are your wife (with a judges permission)

15 if they are your gf (with parental permission)

20 if they are an employee

Remember, your own countries laws are also in effect, if you ever plan on returning there.

Yes, and a good thing 'your own countries laws are in effect'. Would you even contemplate as an adult having sex with a young teenager in your own country ?? I don't think so.

BTW, the age of sexual consent in the Vatican is 12.

Just goes to show what a bunch or fugging pedophile perverts they all are.

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..Unless you are of a similarly young age, the question regarding age of consent shouldnt even be in the equation. She IS too young.

Absolute rubbish. Just for your information, some guys (including myself) don't like old women, many that are well past their used by date with fat <deleted> and saggy tits and an attitude to match.

I am married to a woman much younger than myself, we have been together for 7 years and married for 5. Would I swap her for someone closer to my age?? Not Bloody Likely!

Your poor wife. :(

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..Unless you are of a similarly young age, the question regarding age of consent shouldnt even be in the equation. She IS too young.

Absolute rubbish. Just for your information, some guys (including myself) don't like old women, many that are well past their used by date with fat <deleted> and saggy tits and an attitude to match.

I am married to a woman much younger than myself, we have been together for 7 years and married for 5. Would I swap her for someone closer to my age?? Not Bloody Likely!

Your poor wife. sad.png

Why don't you point out exactly why my wife is poor. It would seem that you fall into the category of women that I mentioned in my post, women that can't compete on any level with younger, educated and more attractive Asian women.

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..Unless you are of a similarly young age, the question regarding age of consent shouldnt even be in the equation. She IS too young.

Absolute rubbish. Just for your information, some guys (including myself) don't like old women, many that are well past their used by date with fat <deleted> and saggy tits and an attitude to match.

I am married to a woman much younger than myself, we have been together for 7 years and married for 5. Would I swap her for someone closer to my age?? Not Bloody Likely!

Your poor wife. sad.png

Why don't you point out exactly why my wife is poor. It would seem that you fall into the category of women that I mentioned in my post, women that can't compete on any level with younger, educated and more attractive Asian women.

... is your wife young enough to be your granddaughter?

"some guys (including myself) don't like old women, many that are well past their used by date with fat <deleted> and saggy tits and an attitude to match." So your basing it off of looks and sexual interest then... thats my point

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Bangarang, no she isn't young enough to be my grand daughter. I think most men like to have women that they find attractive and sexually interesting as a partner. Why would you want to have a woman that you don't find attractive and sexually interesting as a partner unless your are a very insecure person and you are afraid that if you have an attractive partner, someone will come and steal her away from you.

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... is your wife young enough to be your granddaughter?

"some guys (including myself) don't like old women, many that are well past their used by date with fat <deleted> and saggy tits and an attitude to match." So your basing it off of looks and sexual interest then... thats my point

If I was 90 years old. Would a 60 year old woman be young enough to be my granddaughter?

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..Unless you are of a similarly young age, the question regarding age of consent shouldnt even be in the equation. She IS too young.

Absolute rubbish. Just for your information, some guys (including myself) don't like old women, many that are well past their used by date with fat <deleted> and saggy tits and an attitude to match.

I am married to a woman much younger than myself, we have been together for 7 years and married for 5. Would I swap her for someone closer to my age?? Not Bloody Likely!

Your poor wife. sad.png

Why don't you point out exactly why my wife is poor. It would seem that you fall into the category of women that I mentioned in my post, women that can't compete on any level with younger, educated and more attractive Asian women.

Hmm.. ok i take it back. I forgot that according to Thai visa, most Thai women really like old men.

However, in my experience, my Thai female friends prefer similarly aged hot guys. Then again, im young too, so maybe we should wait a few years for the change in perspective?

i met my farang boyfriend in Thailand, after he had played the field with Thai ladies. He is a young attractive man, good body, good looks and an educated mind.

(Btw..are you saying that most Thai women are more educated than western women? I think even Thai women would laugh at that tbh)

I dont even try to compete with Asian women, why would i? I dont need to. Nor would i wish to compete for the type of guys that a lot of these ladies have to resort to. O.o

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Bangarang, no she isn't young enough to be my grand daughter. I think most men like to have women that they find attractive and sexually interesting as a partner. Why would you want to have a woman that you don't find attractive and sexually interesting as a partner unless your are a very insecure person and you are afraid that if you have an attractive partner, someone will come and steal her away from you.

Replace the word "men" with "women" and you get what im on about. Fact is that older guys state about not wanting to be with similarly aged women etc etc, but dont consider how it must feel for their young wives seeing their old wrinkly bodies. But you have the financial upper hand, so thats the price she has to pay.

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... is your wife young enough to be your granddaughter?

"some guys (including myself) don't like old women, many that are well past their used by date with fat <deleted> and saggy tits and an attitude to match." So your basing it off of looks and sexual interest then... thats my point

If I was 90 years old. Would a 60 year old woman be young enough to be my granddaughter?

Granted there is a grey area there I admit, but a 60+yr old pining over teen-twenties is just plain and morally wrong. Educated or not I couldn't imagine attention-span lasting long with mobile phones/instagram/facebook/ect... unless the old geezer is a sugar daddy. But even then thats bad no matter what culture your a part of.

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