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I killed a soi dog - now I'm being blackmailed


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just tell her to <deleted> off. be a man about it. also tell her you want 20k for each of your cats that this dog killed. seems to me that you are simply being a coward about the whole thing.

of course what you done should be punished as you dont have the right or authority to kill a dog

Here here! So many grown men totally lose their balls when dealing with Thais.

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Baffled people say don't admit anything and then next sentence say it was an accident :/ I would have also said to park somewhere else for a bit, not cause of CSI rushing it to bust you just in case someone decided to key your car or break a window for being a git

I think there's no point offering any advice until the OP comes back and updates the story

Woman still asking for money. Granpda with dead cat been spoken to? I assume we'll hear nothing

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prepare a number of itemised bills and have this ready to present to the cops with a claim of charges resulting from damage the dog caused (all likely are circumstantial but gives you some leverage).

Indicate prior to this time via your wife to your neighbour that you plan to request damages as a result of her dog, because until now you were unaware that she was the owner of said dog.

you are very very unwise to make a false statement, that's a criminal offense and you could easily be caught telling it, especially with a witness.

I would strongly recommend you stick to the true version of your story. Indicate that you were reversing and the dog once again as it had repeatedly done in the past ran behind the car into your blind spot, you are unsure but may have heard a slight bump, and thought you might have tapped into the dog but were unaware and did not believe you had injured it significantly.

the reason why your wife is so angry, is because this type of thing is a little like cheating; as one of my family once said, "if you are going to cheat on your wife, then must know HOW to cheat" meaning that the appearance of respectability is almost as important in Thailand as the actual respectability. Your conduct for a Buddhist is reprehensible, and so your wife is definitely very angry at you for killing a living creature and you have forced some of that sin onto her now by sharing it with her. Now while SOME (ok a few) Thai people have no problem with poisoning, killing and otherwise worse for animals, the majority cannot and won't do this. Your wife sounds like a decent enough person; it's not the dog's fault it is badly behaved, it is the owner's.

So how to fix?

1. tell your wife you wish to go the temple or whatever you think will alleviate your mistake and show genuine remorse for killing the dog

2. avoid stating it 'deserved it' because everyone else was quite ok and could control their tempers

3. say to your wife you genuinely didn't know you killed it, and that you think that it is almost certain the dog had no owner but anyhow that the neighbour if they wish to be compensated should also compensate the neighbours for the damage it caused including your own cats

4. make sure that information is relayed to the owner in a polite way that you wish to go to the police and clear it up, but also that you wish to ensure that the whole situation is cleared up

5. then go to the police and be ready in a worst case to admit hitting it but being unaware, and you may still need to pay - make sure your wife is already on your side and you know what is going on at all steps

Oh life in the sois, what joy. next time, jai yen yen (bloody hard I know if the dog tore your cats apart).

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Soi dogs the bane of a cyclists or walkers life in Thailand and I must admit to kicking out at a Mutt or two that was chasing me but to premeditatedly run a car over a dog shows a person who has maybe lost the plot!

Its happened now so get over it

Unfortunately You put yourself in the shizer by your own temper and over reaction thus allowing those who would profit or take advantage out of this situation to make money from the wealthy farang

.Now you have to pay up and learn, maybe you should haggle a bit though!

We act in haste and repent at leisure..........................................There go I by the grace of God and must admit to having some pretty nasty thoughts about Soi dogs especially when they are nipping at my legs on the bike

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No need to make Thai-drama out of this...

Choose one of the following...

1) Deny completely you ran it over. (Best one - since this is what a Thai person would do, even if he had been seen doing it.)

2) Admit you ran it over, but it was a simple accident because the dog ran out in front of you car. (Also can do, but not as good as no. 1.)

Take your wife and go the the old lady. Tell her either that no. 1 or no. 2. story. When she says, she will go the the police then offer that you all go there right away. At the police station just stick to your version of the story and just keep calm. This is not a big police issue and you will not get into trouble with them. However, make sure you bring your wife with you and let her talk with them.

Do under NO circumstances pay the THB 20,000!!! Do NOT do something a Thai would never do.

Edited by khunpa
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Update... Ignore above advice... Just got my GFs opinion on this:

1) Go to the woman and tell her the dog ran out in front of your car and was hit by accident. And say you are sorry.

2) Say you did not know it was her dog. Ask her to prove it is.

3) Tell her you will not pay the THB 20,000, but you think it is good to go to police and solve the issue.

4) Tell the police it was an accident and that you did not know anyone owned the dog.

5) Say you refuse to pay, because it was an accident and the dog was loose on the street.

6) Have the woman document it really was her dog... Medical receipts etc.

7) Let the police make the final decision on what should happen further.

Edited by khunpa
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Shame on the dog owner. The way most Thais own dogs is disgusting. They have no problem letting the dog terrorize anyone - that's the only reason they keep them (for security). She should be taken to court for her dog biting a child.

Don't pay anything. Call her bluff. Don't admit to a thing. It wouldn't happen if you were Thai. She sounds like a moron.

I have a silly story. Not a particularly bad situation, but worth a mention just to show the mentality of dog owners here..

My brother-in-law has a couple of dogs and so does all his neighbours. His next door neighbour has loads and doesn't have a fence and every time we walk down our street the dogs run out terrorizing us (with our child there too). The stupid old woman just sits laughing like there is nothing wrong. They aren't big dogs, but there is like two dozen of them all around you. Then my brother-in-law's two dog come running to our defense, only barking, and chase all the little dogs back into their garden. The old woman gets angry and picks up a catapult and starts firing rocks are "our' dogs and screaming at them.

I was pissed off with her mentality. (Her dogs can do anything they want to people (neighbours), but our dogs can't do anything to her dogs.)

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Is there any chance of me hopping in my car and running into this thread and killing it off?

Then the OP and chase me up for some compensation monies.

Then again, where is the OP?

Seems that his sense of guilt has got the better of him ... whistling.gif


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I don't get this. I have two dogs and a cat and they are my pals. They are everyone else's pals too, even strangers. Rather than biting someone, they would be more of a danger of licking him to death.

I think enough of my dogs to keep them on my property so they won't get hit by a car, stolen, or hurt by someone or another animal.

If one of them got loose and something bad happened to it I would blame myself. Some people are simply afraid of any dog and I won't take chances.

OTOH, let someone else's big dog come onto my property and threaten me, especially if I know it bites, and it is dead. I already told this story once here, but I was running my excavator outside one day and a big rottweiler mix actually tried to climb up into my cab and get me. All I could do was to move the excavator back and forth to keep him off the tracks so he couldn't jump into the cab. (which had no doors.)

Finally I had enough and shot him. Still on the excavator, I dug his grave, pushed him in with the bucket, filled it in with the blade and compacted it with the bucket. Then I smoothed that with the blade.

What dog? It was the owner's fault - first for owning a dangerous dog, and second for letting it loose. Everything I did was legal, too.

Edited by NeverSure
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I don't get this. I have two dogs and a cat and they are my pals. They are everyone else's pals too, even strangers. Rather than biting someone, they would be more of a danger of licking him to death.

I think enough of my dogs to keep them on my property so they won't get hit by a car, stolen, or hurt by someone or another animal.

If one of them got loose and something bad happened to it I would blame myself. Some people are simply afraid of any dog and I won't take chances.

OTOH, let someone else's big dog come onto my property and threaten me, especially if I know it bites, and it is dead. I already told this story once here, but I was running my excavator outside one day and a big rottweiler mix actually tried to climb up into my cab and get me. All I could do was to move the excavator back and forth to keep him off the tracks so he couldn't jump into the cab. (which had no doors.)

Finally I had enough and shot him. Still on the excavator, I dug his grave, pushed him in with the bucket, filled it in with the blade and compacted it with the bucket. Then I smoothed that with the blade.

What dog? It was the owner's fault - first for owning a dangerous dog, and second for letting it loose. Everything I did was legal, too.

That's a good story with an appropriate ending. Som nam na.

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As I understand your account of things, you came home and was tired, you opened the door of your car and tried to enter your own property peacefully. An aggressive dog intimidated you, so you ran back to your car to protect your self. You then attempted to manuveur the car in such a way that you could safely enter your home instead of re-encountering the aggressive dog. The dog began to attack the car and started barking at you in the car, you panicked through a fear of dogs and hit the wrong pedal, thereby striking the dog with your car. The dog got up and limped away, to the best of your recollection the dog was alive the last time you saw it and thinking no more of it, you entered your home peacefully and shaking with shock, had a shower and went to bed. In the morning, you learnt the dog was dead, it must have suffered from its injuries in its attempt to attack you. The owner had recently complained of money worries and now she was knocking on your door demanding to be compensated, which of course you reasonably going to do. A 1000THB should cover it, seeing a you are now suffering from post traumatic stress and feelings of depression. You have nothing further to add.

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How would you know that the Soi dog wasn't mine? You should make a merit and give all your belongings to a temple. You and a dog lover?

Guess you know that the Buddhism clearly says not to kill. And I'm so glad that I never run over a dog in 11 years when driving

If all foreigners here start to destroy what they don't like. Aeeh forget it.-coffee1.gif

Did you read the whole post or just the article? Did you read that the dog was being aggressive?

If you had been the owner of the dog that attacked me while I was taking a walk in our moo baan, I would have loved to have talked to you. Firstly about not taking care of your dog and letting it roam freely without a collar and teaching it to not attack bypassers, secondly about the medical bills that the attack caused.

But in that case you'd probably have denied ownership, no?

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20 grand??? What type of dog was it? An ex 'Crufts' champion down on his luck?

It was a very expensive breed of dog only found in Thailand.

It is called " Dog killed by farang who probably has a lot of money".

They are considered very valuable to some Thai people.

after thought: How much were your cats worth to you?

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Only a sick twisted sob runs over a helpless animal, may the spirit of that dog haunt you for the rest of your days. Posted Image

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"Helpless animal." Let's see. It had bitten an older woman, killed the OP's pet cat and threatened the OP. Helpless Huh?

Mean and damaging/killer dogs are always more important than people, I guess?

I've killed two dangerous dogs plus some who were bothering cattle in my life and the only "haunting" I get is the satisfaction of knowing I saved myself and probably others from an attack.

I don't know, but I wonder if this is a city boy syndrome. If you were raised on a cattle ranch, and saw dogs attack your calves, pigs, chickens and threaten children you'd know why there's always a gun rack and rifles in the farm trucks including pickups. If a strange dog is just crossing your property and not paying any attention to animals, he gets a pass. But if he's worrying any livestock, he gets dropped. For one thing, your livelihood is tied up in those animals. A lot of work and money has gone into breeding them, so even a newborn calf is worth a lot of money.

If it's bothering people, they are even more valuable. If you grow up that way, maybe you get a different mindset.

Well, I live in cairo egypt, which Similar to Thailand has tens of thousands of street dogs. They are wild animals that live along side humans. As with any developing country, there are cruel people who poison or run over the animals. Now, of course there are various ways of dealing with them, the civilized approach is to catch them, immunize, then neuter, then release them back. Ie. call the local SPCA or animal shelter. The monetary cost is small, and instead of perpetuating acts of violence, it promotes a sustainable path to dealing with a long term problem. Running over a defenceless animal with a car is cruel and unnecessary, no matter how you look at it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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