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I killed a soi dog - now I'm being blackmailed


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But diseased, aggressive, brain addled and potentially dangerous animals are like vermin

We've only the OP's side of the story. The dead dog could have been well-cared for, well-groomed, inoculated and of sound mind.

The OP might have been in a bad mood and decided to kill the dog for no good reason. For all we know, it might have been a yappy dog, like a Chihuahua, but he's decided that the dog should die. That's dog murder in my book.

One thing is for sure, he's now in extreme personal danger.

Are you telling the OP he is in "extreme danger"? For offing an aggressive diseased soi dog? And, yeah, I can see the guy is being honest. He did not whack a well-cared-for purebred. It was an alley dog. And you should be careful, replying to people that they are in "extreme danger". Obviously not the case. (Signing out of this string.)

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Ask your wife -if she is talking to you- to tell the hustler to accompany you and your wife to the cop shop. I'm pretty sure your wife will be able to sort the problem, with maybe a threat, to charge the hustler with letting a dangerous animal run free and that it was an accident (fingers crossed) But remember, you have to live there and Thais keep grudges for a long time. Rawang!

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What you did is despicable indeed, and if the woman is the dogs owner then it may be right to pay some compensation, that's that way it works in Thailand.

Perhaps you could say that you don't think it was you, that you have no knowlege and if you dis kill the dog then you didn't even know it, and offer to give her something (i'd say 3000 would be more than enough) just to keep the peace. If she declines, invite her to call the police immediately and call her bluff, but walk away at that point and allow her to save face.

You did wrong, you know it and you feel remorse.

Street dogs deserve to live the same as all other creatures.

The way it works in Thailand is this:

Dog does something bad, causes an accident. "Is this your dog?" "No".

Something happens to the dog caused by you: "THAT'S MY DOG, I SUE YOU TO TO HELL!".

Not more, not less. Ownership of dogs especially dogs are extremely conditional here.

As for your last comment: They are rats in a dog's body. They are a problem. Perhaps you are an unconditional dog lover, but they carry disease and live off garbage as rats. I doubt you'd say the same about rats.

In this case, this particular dog had caused problems several times. Did wrong? Come on...

Edited by Zumteufel
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But diseased, aggressive, brain addled and potentially dangerous animals are like vermin

We've only the OP's side of the story. The dead dog could have been well-cared for, well-groomed, inoculated and of sound mind.

The OP might have been in a bad mood and decided to kill the dog for no good reason. For all we know, it might have been a yappy dog, like a Chihuahua, but he's decided that the dog should die. That's dog murder in my book.

One thing is for sure, he's now in extreme personal danger.


And he might well be a serial killer...


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Let's face it, soi dogs are held in higher reverence than falang and at least one person, maybe more, have witnessed the slaying of this dog.

You've admitted that you drove at the dog at speed and murdered it. There'll be soi dog DNA all over the car and microscopic splashes of blood and fur [maybe a good idea to get out with the pressure cleaner this afternoon and clean off what you can, paying special attention to the wheels and under the sills].

Another problem is is that you've never reported any of the previous incidents that you've described to the police and your wife will sing like a canary under intensive questioning by a good Thai murder squad detective.

If you want to avoid any problems settle with the neighbour this afternoon and throw in a bag of som tam and a bottle of Hong Thong for good measure.

Personally it is what I would do, it's not an advice but yes I would do itsmile.png

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You have a wife. She is Thai. She understands how things work in Thailand. Ask her what you should do then do as she says.

This is going to be much better dealt with if you take a back seat in proceedings and let the locals sort it out. Definitely don't admit to anything!

First you need to establish weather or not this lady has any proof that you were responsible. Did she or anyone actually see the incident or is she just assuming you did it based on the history you've told us. Can you send out your wife to talk with neighbors and find out what the score is. Thais love a good gossip and I'm sure this is all round the soi by now. If she says her friend/ sister saw it this is who your wife must talk to.

If you can convince her it wasn't you then that would surely be the best outcome.

If she is just trying her luck then you don't have to worry. Laugh it off.

If she saw you or knows someone who did and can prove it then it's a different story. I'd send the wife in to arrange settlement, it will be the cleanest way going forward. If it was a smelly soi type dog 20,000 is a joke btw, surely that is a price based on you being a farang, 5,000 would be a good price to pay to put all this cleanly behind you.

Of course you could just deny anything and get away with it but this lady may have really loved that horrible mutt and could now have you and her family in her sights, this is a situation you need to avoid.

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My advice

You didn't kill the dog, and you didn't even know it was dead.

Not telling the truth for small events creates a wide and easily traveled road for larger untruths. The number of people In agreement for lying speak volumes about their moral and ethical values.

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I can't see that you are being blackmailed, drrobert. The lady in question has requested you settle compensation for killing her dog.

There's half a dozen soi dogs here and nobody advertises ownership, but if I killed one then I would expect to be informed pretty sharpish.

Why don't you settle and have done with it.

Yes settle it with fifty Baht no more.. That dog was attacking you. It deserved to to be 'accidentally' ran over. It was kismet. Edited by DeeMockMark
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First, I give you credit for being forthright and honest here, but I must also say that you are a dispicable human being. No matter what goodness you have done cannot erase this awful thing. Murder is murder.

You are lucky your wife doesn't divorce you. I know that I probably would have to think twice about staying with a person who could commit such an act of violence and aggression.

With all that being said. Most of the advice you have been given will wind you up in prison. First, go talk to a lawyer immediately and ask for real advice.

Second, if you are renting, move. If you own your house sell it and move to a different town or at least the opposite end of town. No matter what do not stay in that neighborhood. NOthing good will come from living there. You will be hated by everyone in that area. If there is a temple near by go and talk to the senior monk and tell him what you did and ask him for help changing your ways. That will at least keep people off your back for a while.

If you are on a marriage visa, you need your neighbors interviewed to get the extension. You don't want to get denied for this act.

Good luck, it will not be an easy fix. You created a very difficult situation for yourself and have probably made yourself an enemy to all in that neighborhood.

Worst advice ever. Spine you need to find yours........

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I suggest the denial and refuse acknowledgement route that others have suggested. If it persists or some shred of evidence comes to light... maintain that it was accidental, and not deliberate.

Do you have first class insurance on the car? Give her the insurance details and tell her to contact your company and file a claim. Animal claims are zero-deductible.

I think that the insurance company will blow her out, and they will be laughing their asses off at the water cooler.

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I think it's good he killed the dog. However, I see that we have some posters who are sympathetic to the humane treatment of animals.

Please don't get me wrong.

I love animals;

Boiled or fried.

Your ethos concerning the killing of street dogs appears deficient as is your imagination in the preparation of animals as a food source. Edited by Benmart
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20,000 baht that is an insane amount of money to pay. 20 baht OK.

I can't see that you are being blackmailed, drrobert. The lady in question has requested you settle compensation for killing her dog.

There's half a dozen soi dogs here and nobody advertises ownership, but if I killed one then I would expect to be informed pretty sharpish.

Why don't you settle and have done with it.

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I have been attacked twice by soi dogs (once a pack, once solo) and have puncture scars to prove it.

Did you look at the dogs in the wrong way? Dogs pick up on bad attitudes and get frightened easily. There was probably a puppy close-by and thought you wanted to run the puppy over or poison it.

Learn to speak to dogs and you won't have any problems.

Cesar, is that you?


No, it's Doctor Doolittle.

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20,000 baht that is an insane amount of money to pay. 20 baht OK.

You obviously don't value life and what canine love is to their owners. My wife would expect 80,000 baht and I would be right behind her, though I would have demanded 150,000 baht on a good day.

The police would have raided the OP's house and removed the car for forensic examination had it been our dog. He's falang dog murderer and wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Evidence all over the car but he denies the murder. Yeah, see what happens. Deported and blacklisted.

You've a lot to learn about LOS.

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Worst advice ever. Spine you need to find yours........

Sorry, Scotty, but whilst we engage this ridiculous thread, can we divert, temporarily to the following:


and, Craig Davis [give me a rewind]:

attachicon.gifCraig Davis.png

Hey man you want to be scared and go tell a monk what you did fine. If it happened with me I would not even think about it again. Your little gif is cute little fella and there might be a copyright on that Photo you just took off my Avi. I want 20,000 B

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OP, I am not going to tell you what you did was wrong as you already acknowledge that.

I am an absolute animal lover and if it was my dog, i would be asking for millions, HOWEVER you will not find my dogs in the street.

While the sister may have owned the dog, i doubt she had much feelings for it, otherwise it would have been in the house, not roaming the streets.

They way i see it, you have 2 choices

1. Deny and ignore, do not worry no police would be coming to check the car, they can not even be bothered to catch thieves.

2. In good faith, offer her 5000 baht and make sure she signs the paper, waiving all future claims

You could always bring her a new puppy, but if what you say is true, it will most likely end up on the street, neglected.

You really are in a tough spot, as there is no win win solution. Paying her 20 000 is out of the question as i believe it rewards her attitude towards animal ownership, which clearly is not about the animal, but her pocket

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I can't see that you are being blackmailed, drrobert. The lady in question has requested you settle compensation for killing her dog.

There's half a dozen soi dogs here and nobody advertises ownership, but if I killed one then I would expect to be informed pretty sharpish.

Why don't you settle and have done with it.

Seeing the owner doesn't control her dog which attacks people.

This is a case of som nom nar.

B20,000 for a soi dog that runs rampant. I don't think so. Pure & utter blackmail & bulls--t.

U better bugger off back to Brizzy.

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20,000 baht that is an insane amount of money to pay. 20 baht OK.

You obviously don't value life and what canine love is to their owners. My wife would expect 80,000 baht and I would be right behind her, though I would have demanded 150,000 baht on a good day.

The police would have raided the OP's house and removed the car for forensic examination had it been our dog. He's falang dog murderer and wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Evidence all over the car but he denies the murder. Yeah, see what happens. Deported and blacklisted.

You've a lot to learn about LOS.

You seem to have a lot to learn about people. Soi dog and the family pet are 2 separate animals. If you think you can muster police to raid a guys house that may or may not have hit a soi dog then you need to learn about LOS


Dog is a Dog and should not be treated any different, however i agree with you, Police would not be doing anything, especially with no evidence and dog being outside

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