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Chiengmai expats, why are some of them so cheap?


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Its bad enough when you have Google,NSA, seemingly following our every move,

but also nosy buggers listening to conversations and posting them on ThaiVisa.

Maybe they are just been cheap charlies,so they can buy more investment properties ,

and it sounds like sour grapes and a hint of jealousy on your part.,you should leave it

to the old ladies to listen to gossip and tell tales

regards Worgeordie

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All Thai beer tastes like shit.

The only decision to make, is which shit you can stand to drink.

Archa and Cheers, undrinkable shit.

Singha, bitter shit.

Chang Classic, mind bending shit.

Chang Export, at least it doesn't blow your head off shit.

Leo, mild shit.

After the first three, change to the cheapest shit, you won't notice any more (and the chubby ageing hooker by the bar is starting to look quite fanciable)

Now pass me another pint of Rattler.

Always nice to see an intelligent post from one of life's experts.

We got the idea - you don't like beer. So you keep drinking it, although you think it tastes like shit? (I've never eaten shit personally, but up to you.).

Let us know how you get on with the chubby ageing hooker after you've had your fill of shit tasting beer. Riveting stuff.

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Its bad enough when you have Google,NSA, seemingly following our every move,

but also nosy buggers listening to conversations and posting them on ThaiVisa.

Maybe they are just been cheap charlies,so they can buy more investment properties ,

and it sounds like sour grapes and a hint of jealousy on your part.,you should leave it

to the old ladies to listen to gossip and tell tales

regards Worgeordie

They are guys I know quite well, who I joined the company of, and the conversation, which is what makes it intriguing. That's all it is, curiosity about why two decent guys with plenty of money now seem to make all their entertainment decisions based on price. As I said, they don't even seem to like the bar that they go to regularly! I find it fascinating, not much more.

Not sour grapes, shitty beer ( their judgement, not mine).

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They are guys I know quite well, who I joined the company of, and the conversation, which is what makes it intriguing. That's all it is, curiosity about why two decent guys with plenty of money now seem to make all their entertainment decisions based on price. As I said, they don't even seem to like the bar that they go to regularly! I find it fascinating, not much more.

Not sour grapes, shitty beer ( their judgement, not mine).

Bar near me sells 3 large chang classic for 139bht, can't beat that!

Value for money is important to many of us. It seems foolish to waste it.

Entertainment is often just as much fun on the cheap.

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They are guys I know quite well, who I joined the company of, and the conversation, which is what makes it intriguing. That's all it is, curiosity about why two decent guys with plenty of money now seem to make all their entertainment decisions based on price. As I said, they don't even seem to like the bar that they go to regularly! I find it fascinating, not much more.

Not sour grapes, shitty beer ( their judgement, not mine).

Bar near me sells 3 large chang classic for 139bht, can't beat that!

Value for money is important to many of us. It seems foolish to waste it.

Entertainment is often just as much fun on the cheap.

Value for money is my motto, mostly. If you like Chang, that's a great deal. Nothing wrong with that, but if you don't , but buy it anyway just because it's cheap, that would be strange, yes?

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You guys always make me laugh when any variation of what's enough to provide an acceptable expat life is broached yet again. Within a few posts, the words 'cheap Charlie' crop up, as if being 'cheap' is the only reason why a person may prefer to live a different life than they did in their home country.

Not all of us feel the need to flash the cash in an attempt to justify consumerism as the best idea since sliced bread, and some of us agree (even although we may not be Catholics) with the recently-elected Pope Francis that it's wants, not needs, which are screwing the world.

Another small point - the American retirement pension as set against the UK pension. I know how much the US pension brings in, but perhaps expats from the 'greatest country in the world' don't quite realise that a single Brit here has to get by on the equivalent of around $140 a week, and it's frozen at that rate!. Many of the Brits I know manage on that, which is much more than they could do in the UK.

BUT - this doesn't make them 'cheap Charlies', nor are those who, although they may have much more, choose to limit their spending to their needs and enjoy the hot weather as a bonus.

And no, us Brits don't sit around all day discussing the value of the £ sterling!

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You guys always make me laugh when any variation of what's enough to provide an acceptable expat life is broached yet again. Within a few posts, the words 'cheap Charlie' crop up, as if being 'cheap' is the only reason why a person may prefer to live a different life than they did in their home country.

Not all of us feel the need to flash the cash in an attempt to justify consumerism as the best idea since sliced bread, and some of us agree (even although we may not be Catholics) with the recently-elected Pope Francis that it's wants, not needs, which are screwing the world.

Another small point - the American retirement pension as set against the UK pension. I know how much the US pension brings in, but perhaps expats from the 'greatest country in the world' don't quite realise that a single Brit here has to get by on the equivalent of around $140 a week, and it's frozen at that rate!. Many of the Brits I know manage on that, which is much more than they could do in the UK.

BUT - this doesn't make them 'cheap Charlies', nor are those who, although they may have much more, choose to limit their spending to their needs and enjoy the hot weather as a bonus.

And no, us Brits don't sit around all day discussing the value of the £ sterling!

This is about guys who have plenty of money and yet act cheap to the point of drinking in bars they don't like and drinking beers they dislike. Nothing about people living on pensions or being price conscious.

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I have a friend who only likes expensive stuff - eating, shopping, and, etc. Somehow, I think he feels important while doing it. I have asked him why he would prefer a certain, the same thing, but double the price. His reply was: Well, it's not that I can't afford it. Was that an answer?

He had lost all his long-time friends in his home country because of his habits. People can't stand him for wanting to go to expensive places all the time. A few years back in his home country, I said I wanted to booze up with some of our old friends. He said, let's go to the Meriott. Say what? Our old friends, I know, were not used to that kind of environment for getting drunk and catching up on old time!

Recently, this friend came visit us in CM with 2 other couples (the husbands were old friends of mine) and 2 young girls from his office. His promise to the two girls were they only needed to buy the plane tickets, the rest, he would cover. While my two friends with their wives stayed in a hotel, he and the 2 young girls stayed at my home! My wife was naturally unhappy because of the 2 young girls whom we both didn't know before. I told my wife she's a cheap charlie when she told me they adjusted the air temp in their rooms to 18 degrees...You know I am kidding, right?

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I may also be an el cheapo. I drink Singha, not Heineken, because it's, may be, 7 or 8 bahts more expensive. Well, 8 times 5 is 40 bahts saved each time. Like now, I haved just saved 40 bahts. Chang and Leo don't go well with my body chemistry though I like the taste of Chang! There was a time I drank Chang often in the tune of almost 20 bottles (large) a day... fiinancial urgency!

IMHO, frugality is a good thing in life!

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I may also be an el cheapo. I drink Singha, not Heineken, because it's, may be, 7 or 8 bahts more expensive. Well, 8 times 5 is 40 bahts saved each time. Like now, I haved just saved 40 bahts. Chang and Leo don't go well with my body chemistry though I like the taste of Chang! There was a time I drank Chang often in the tune of almost 20 bottles (large) a day... fiinancial urgency!

IMHO, frugality is a good thing in life!

Yet another one missing the point. It's not about normal everyday common sense frugality, it's about being cheap to the point of drinking beer you don't even like in bars you dislike despite the fact that you have no financial need to do so.

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What is the point ?, its their money they can spend as they wish surely,

without you trying to ridicule them on ThaiVisa, I hope they don't use

this forum, as thats another 2 friends you will have lost.

regards Worgeordie

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What is the point ?, its their money they can spend as they wish surely,

without you trying to ridicule them on ThaiVisa, I hope they don't use

this forum, as thats another 2 friends you will have lost.

regards Worgeordie

Where did I ridicule them? I asked this question purely out of curiosity. Do you drink beer that you don't like at bars that you dislike? If you did I'd find that interesting. I'm not condemning them, merely trying to figure them out. It's very strange in my eyes because it is not uncommon here for some reason, yet I never ever heard similar comments when I lived in the UK, did you?

I also reckon that when they go back home on holiday they act normally, order a decent pint and avoid bars with miserable owners/ rude staff. So why the transformation once they set foot here? I find that interesting, don't you?. It doesn't annoy me, it doesn't bother me, I'm merely intrigued. Are we on the same page now?

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I may also be an el cheapo. I drink Singha, not Heineken, because it's, may be, 7 or 8 bahts more expensive. Well, 8 times 5 is 40 bahts saved each time. Like now, I haved just saved 40 bahts. Chang and Leo don't go well with my body chemistry though I like the taste of Chang! There was a time I drank Chang often in the tune of almost 20 bottles (large) a day... fiinancial urgency!

IMHO, frugality is a good thing in life!

Yet another one missing the point. It's not about normal everyday common sense frugality, it's about being cheap to the point of drinking beer you don't even like in bars you dislike despite the fact that you have no financial need to do so.

Chiangmaijoe, the post by wolf rang a bell when I read your above post.

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I can't believe this. I went to the pub with my mate the other day. We had a few drinks and were discussing a potential investment opportunity in the North of England. There was this geezer sitting there, who was nursing a pint of Chang beer all evening. Both my mate and I, incidentally fully-fledged CAMRA members, felt quite sorry for him; we sort of tried to cheer him up, as he clearly seemed to overhear our conversation. We giving it quite a go how found we were of the “finest” brew called Archa. He then proudly drank up the last sip of his Chang, looking somehow better as he stumbled out of sight.

Now that's funny.

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OP, I don't read your post as derogatory to the community. And yes, like you said, you are curious as to why they behave the way they do. People here, I, for one, gave their experiences of real life episodes just like yours.

Ever wonder why they are what they are because of their frugality? Frugality doesn't mean depriving oneself! It means more to me like being pragmatic and not having the vanity!

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OP, I don't read your post as derogatory to the community. And yes, like you said, you are curious as to why they behave the way they do. People here, I, for one, gave their experiences of real life episodes just like yours.

Ever wonder why they are what they are because of their frugality? Frugality doesn't mean depriving oneself! It means more to me like being pragmatic and not having the vanity!

Being frugal is fine, but why drink beer that you dislike especially if you can well afford a reasonable alternative? The bar with the miserable owner, bad food and rude staff let's you take in your own bottle and I guess that maybe that's why they go there. Yet, as I have said repeatedly, they are reasonably well off, and looking to buy properties for investment!!

I hope you don't mind, but I'll leave it at that. It is something I'm curious about, but not enough to keep going on about. Not yourself, but most people here still haven't got my point and want to read much more into it than is there. If it was rare it would be less interesting, it's the fact that it is not unusual that I find strange.

If I ever figure it out I'll get back to you all but in the meantime watching the footy and having a beer (one that I actually like, strangely enough) is a bit more enjoyable. Goodnight.

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OP, I don't read your post as derogatory to the community. And yes, like you said, you are curious as to why they behave the way they do. People here, I, for one, gave their experiences of real life episodes just like yours.

Ever wonder why they are what they are because of their frugality? Frugality doesn't mean depriving oneself! It means more to me like being pragmatic and not having the vanity!

Being frugal is fine, but why drink beer that you dislike especially if you can well afford a reasonable alternative? The bar with the miserable owner, bad food and rude staff let's you take in your own bottle and I guess that maybe that's why they go there. Yet, as I have said repeatedly, they are reasonably well off, and looking to buy properties for investment!!

I hope you don't mind, but I'll leave it at that. It is something I'm curious about, but not enough to keep going on about. Not yourself, but most people here still haven't got my point and want to read much more into it than is there. If it was rare it would be less interesting, it's the fact that it is not unusual that I find strange.

If I ever figure it out I'll get back to you all but in the meantime watching the footy and having a beer (one that I actually like, strangely enough) is a bit more enjoyable. Goodnight.

The highlighted text above, you never mentioned that before! If they did that, I would also concur they are cheap charlies! That kind of behavour is "no face"! Hey, don't take seriously, or you may end up reading and interpreting other people's posts wrongly!

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I don't mind if people are thrifty and cheap as long as it is reasonable and they kind of have a good reason.

I don't like wealthy people that wine and complain all the time about prices, and lie threw there teeth all the time about how poor they are.. I like to smack them or spit in their drink when they go to the bathroom, so does the cooks..

I also don't like people that talk about money everytime you mention something..

I also don't like people that you end up hanging with and there quest for the best price at all time leads you pass by something like a taxi, or have bad vibes with a waiter or whatnot as they try to barter people down.

I don't like people that barter down for nice handmade things past what the should be around...

Basicly I can't stand cheap people in general .. the worst type is someone that makes it seem like when there is a financial interest they are paying they get to be a self centered asshople.

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I don't mind if people are thrifty and cheap as long as it is reasonable and they kind of have a good reason.

I don't like wealthy people that wine and complain all the time about prices, and lie threw there teeth all the time about how poor they are.. I like to smack them or spit in their drink when they go to the bathroom, so does the cooks..

I also don't like people that talk about money everytime you mention something..

I also don't like people that you end up hanging with and there quest for the best price at all time leads you pass by something like a taxi, or have bad vibes with a waiter or whatnot as they try to barter people down.

I don't like people that barter down for nice handmade things past what the should be around...

Basicly I can't stand cheap people in general .. the worst type is someone that makes it seem like when there is a financial interest they are paying they get to be a self centered asshople.

I don't like dried mango, much nicer with coconut milk. smile.png

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Let me get this straight, some guy who is by his own admission not well off, thinks he knows better than 2 people who are well off enough to retire in a foreign country and own properties in other countries, how they should be spending their money?

Do you advise women on how they should handle their pregnancy and give birth as well, since you seem to be an expert on all things on which you have no direct experience?

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Postmanpat, I'm not talking about the guys whose pension has gone down, who are affected by exchange rates, or are on a tight budget, I'm specifically talking about the guys who have plenty of money, enough to be considering buying investment property. I know they don't buy beer based on price back home, so why do it here?

20+ years in Chiengmai.

That's how people get rich and stay rich, invest there money and then pinch their pennies until they scream. I know several people who would be considered well off and when it comes to certain things they will not spend any more than they need too.

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