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I never said I agreed with it,just pointing out I believe nothing will be done.

After all what steps have you taken besides posturing and huffing and puffing on tv,nothing that's what.

If you can do something that's fantastic,prove us wrong,switch off your PC and get to it.

Don't leave it to long like you left it to long to get his hair cut.

Can I ask was he warned about the hair before hand.

I would be stunned if your complaints achieved anything.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Sorry, I dont find this to be the tragedy its being made out to be here. Some schools have strict rules on the way the students need to cut their hair, if you dont like it then move your student out of this school.

Many people here are acting as if this is assault. What???? its a bad hair cut. is it really something to press charges against? this type of thinking is why i moved away from the west. everybody is so easily offended, everything is a crime, everyone needs to be politically correct. i read these types of posts and i truly fear for mankind. is this really what we have fallen to? one bad hair cut and we need an army of lawyers to get someone fired? do we not have better things to put our scarce resources to?

i, as all of us, dont know the full story. maybe the kid had been warned a few times (most likely). not a bid deal, cut his hair short and the whole "ordeal" will be over. kids today are to sheltered. the same people making these posts probably wonder why they cant get their kids to behave. i am at a loss for words, lord help us all.

1. It is officially NOT anymore allowed in ANY Thai schools to do this. This has nothing to do with school rules at all. IT IS NOT ALLOWED ANYMORE AT ANY SCHOOLS! and Could there maybe be a valid reason for why it is no longer allowed?

2. That hair cut is WAY beyond any normal school hair cut.

3. Why don't you come by my house and I will be happy to cut your hair the same way as the kid - free of charge. Then lets see how you feel about that.

May the lord help you, for not being able to understand how this kid and his father feels... But again. Come by and I will hold you down and give you the same hair cut. (if you have any hair left)

too late for my hair, sorry, nothing left to cut. giggle.gif

i understand how they feel, i just think people are too sensitive. violin.gif




Are you saying the OP needs anger management? After that assault on his kid? I pity any kid having you as a parent.



And I pity your children.....if you have any....raising children  is  "one thing" and teaching them that "anger" is OK and "fight fire with fire"....well thats another thing....


When I was raised ...I went to a private grammer school run by "Irish Nuns"...when you got out of line "they whacked you with the ruler"....back then the parents response was "you must've done something wrong" or "you deserved it".....None of this "political correctness" BS.....


the kids hair was out of line...probably not the first time....so action was taken by the school....


No, I don't have any children, and there is nothing wrong with being angry if someone does you a bad turn, and yes, you fight fire with fire. I always fought back against bullies, at school, in the workplace, anywhere, and it has not done me any harm. I hate bullies, and there is no better feeling than when you hit back and sort them out.

In Thailand that will earn you an assbeating you won't soon forget! Keyboard warrior alert!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


I bet, If the director had raped to boy, there would still be people here defending the director and saying it was the boys own fault. Some people seem to just lose all common sense when they come to Thailand. It is unbelievable...




Yes, because a haircut and raping a child are exactly the same thing - crawl back on your bar stool and let the adults talk

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I see many suggestions to the OP to move the boy to a different school.

*That* will teach the young man a good life lesson: "Do not worry, if you do not follow the rules and something unpleasant results, we will just remove you from the situation".

It is a haircut, not a beating.

He'll only need to move if the father makes a fuss about the haircut. At the moment, only the other pupils will be taking the piss out of the boy. If his father makes a fuss, the teachers will probably start as well.


Okay, so let me understand this...

1) If the dad moves his kid to a new school, then he teaching his kid a bad lesson in life, that will spoil the kid.

2) If the dad lets the kid stay at the same school and makes no fuss, then it will only be all the other children laughing at the boy.

3) If the dad makes a fuss (which is a horrible thing to do), then the teachers will also be laughing at the boy.

Looks like a really good "lose" - "lose" - "lose" situation for the kid...

I really hope none of you have or get children... because you guys are really messed up...

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you....


I have just sent a complaint to the "NHRC" - National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, as their have been other complaints in the past!

Are you serious?

I think you are over-reacting......

Sure the guy was in error, but as far as I can see he was roughly handled with a pair of clippers.

He wasn't struck was he, was he hurt during this process?

I would like to see how it looked before this happened...... then I could judge whether immediate action was warranted..... it would have to be something bad of course but I don't know yet, you didn't tell us in the OP. Maybe like this...

He should have been sent home with instructions to get a haircut.

Thai kids are often shaved down pretty short for school here!

I have had barbers do more damage.......


I'm not saying what the school did was right, but if the school has rules for short hair and he was asked several times then he should have taken a hair cut. But I also think the school instead of taking such action should have complained to patents first


Happened to my wife as a child,she said if it gets to long they will do it to embarrass him.

He must have been warned several times,maybe next time you guys will listen,put it this way you will listen next time.

Not only that they can do it,can hit the children to.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Corporal punishment is officially not allowed (anymore) in Thai schools.


He looks more like a private.....

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Sue the school and the teacher; ask for a fantastic compensation and change the school for the boy. It's time these bugger teachers are brought down from cloud nine. Only mono logistically active, celebrated as semi-gods i.e. teacher's day and unable to enter a dialogue with them.

For that reason I had my three kids at international schools; albeit at a horrendous premium.

Likely to change nothing. He did wrong and he knows it. He's likely to:

1. Phase one. He will simply refuse to talk to you

2. Phase two. He will accuse you of being a farang who doesn't understand Thai culture.

3. Phase three. He will ask if you are a member of the Thai government

4. Phase four. He will insult you by asking “Have you taken your medicine yet?”

5. Phase five. He will make remarks about your poor Thai language skills

6. Phase six. He will insult you by calling you buffalo.

7. Phase seven. He will put you on a list of parents who are no longer welcome to the school. All personal will be instructed to simply ignore you if you speak to them.

8. Phase Eight. He might suggest you need a haircut.


your son will learn a lot from the way you deal with this situation so i recommend to deal with the situation in a way that sets a good example of how you would like him to deal with problems he will face in life

i recommend to go to the school director (with your son by your side) and explain the reasons why what happened is not acceptable and that your son requires an apology

if an apology is made thank the school director for his understanding and apology and explain that a repeat of this incident or similar will result in more serious consequences involving the police

if no apology is made, explain the reasons why your son will now be attending a different school, and explain to your son that you cannot leave him in the care of people you do not trust to protect him (and that anyway the school needs him more than he needs the school)

That is oh-so much not Thai way.


...and the reason was....???

...it seems to have been short to begin with...

...not to mention the trauma...the humiliation......

...you have to ask if it was not racially motivated...

How do you know that?

There is a possibility the kid got lippy too, but I don't know that.


I'm not saying what the school did was right, but if the school has rules for short hair and he was asked several times then he should have taken a hair cut. But I also think the school instead of taking such action should have complained to patents first

I don't think that people read the posts. The father waits for the boy to be told to get a haircut then he cuts it. He doesn't say how often the boy has needed to be told, but it was enough for the teacher to take the matter up with higher authority and this is what happened.

The father has to confront the school and clear up the misunderstanding, the system is that students do what the rules require, they wash behind their ears without being told to do so, they wear clean clothes without being told to do so, they keep their hair short without being told to do so.


Just had my Thai-girlfriend see the pictures... She would do that following if it was her son:

- Go to the director and require him to pay a min. of THB 50.000 in compensation, if he as the Director and the school wanted to avoid more trouble. As she clearly said "The schools can not do this anymore".

If he did not pay up and apologies, then she would go to the media with the pictures and do everything for the Director and School to lose face.

Well, that was the Thai point of view...

(Personally, I would not do that black-mailing thing, but obviously a Thai person would and on the other hand, it would hurt the director having to pay up) If I was you, I would do it Thai-style, because the Director is at fault and can get in trouble for this, if you follow up on it)

No, that was A Thai POV.

Looking for money out of your child's misfortune isn't the best one either.

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If he plans on keeping son at that school, here is what I suggest:

1. Take son to barber to get haircut "smoothed out". Get a receipt

2. Private meeting with director, bring the wife

3. Present him with the bill, perhaps if feeling testy, suggest he take night course in hairstyling

4. In no uncertain terms tell him that no one is to handle/touch his son. If so, you will take legal action

5. If hair too long or some other issue, send a note home that is to be signed by you or wife and returned. That will show you got the message.

Perhaps put that in writing and have him sign it for future reference, legal action. Apology would be good but unlikely. Remember face, and if he loses too much, he will find a way to retaliate, and that will be through your son.

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What should you do?

Take a chill pill, wait 2 weeks, the hair grows back.

If the child's hair was not cut in accordance with School Regulations ... in the future, make sure it is.

Mind, that above is not a message of support for the school but,

at this particular moment, you need to think with a cool head.

Give the teacher the same haircut, tell him to chill, the hair grows back.


I must admit the hair-cut was amateurish and patchy ... but you should have seen the first time I mowed the Lawn ... facepalm.gif

Dad, bless his heart, paid me the $2 ... then bought fertiliser and water ... actually that's just a story ... but I did see him twinkle on those bare patches ... knowing that his added nutrient would green the grass up soon!


What should you do?

Take a chill pill, wait 2 weeks, the hair grows back.

If the child's hair was not cut in accordance with School Regulations ... in the future, make sure it is.

Mind, that above is not a message of support for the school but,

at this particular moment, you need to think with a cool

.....correct...saddly......until things change here and foriengers are considered ,part of this society,we must remember, we are in thailand....frustrating,and more often than not..... disgraceful....


Go to the school and meet this director. Tell him exactly what you think of his actions and that you are going to the highest possible authority to report him. This is your son you must do him justice and get this guy removed from his current job and destroy his chances of ever teaching in school again.

Forget all this nonsense spouted about how your are a foreigner and you must remember that you're in Thailand. Stand up and be counted, make a stand for you and your family. Don't sit on the fence, do something now !!


Go to the school and meet this director. Tell him exactly what you think of his actions and that you are going to the highest possible authority to report him. This is your son you must do him justice and get this guy removed from his current job and destroy his chances of ever teaching in school again.

Forget all this nonsense spouted about how your are a foreigner and you must remember that you're in Thailand. Stand up and be counted, make a stand for you and your family. Don't sit on the fence, do something now !!

Good luck, mate. Tell him it's not cricket...

would be very nice to hear from the OP..

it certainly obvious that this now on 9 pages of posts stirs as much opinion and feeling as 'soi dog' posts !

the OP however could well be wishing he had never posted this in the 1st place.

emailing the link to this thread alone to local papers and the school in question would start the ball rolling if the OP was seeking to go further. although I'm fairly sure the rag mags do read these forums so may of picked up on it already

the OP and those who feel strongly could consider asking question and posting about this on the schools own facebook page if they have one .. i can fine one link to Suratthani school but not sure this is the pattaya if that is the one the OP's child goes to.

i do think though that anger and feelings aside the OP's best option would be a direct complaint to the ministry. If his wife is not keen to do this in Thai then write a letter in English and go to one of the translator offices who will translate for 500-700 baht then enclose an official translation with the complaint also making it look more official.

other than that keep calm, take your son for a tidy up of his hair and try to minimize the impact on your son.

no point in changing schools as it does send the wrong message.


I think traduced in thai it means something like: dear farang you that have millions cut the hairs of your son to fit school's rules krap

anyway in rural areas seen bamboo sticks on teacher desks and cut the hairs with a cup in the head but really were more accurate I think this is more kind of a message

my suggestion is to cut pair your son's hairs and keep it shorter in future.

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Go to the school and meet this director. Tell him exactly what you think of his actions and that you are going to the highest possible authority to report him. This is your son you must do him justice and get this guy removed from his current job and destroy his chances of ever teaching in school again.

Forget all this nonsense spouted about how your are a foreigner and you must remember that you're in Thailand. Stand up and be counted, make a stand for you and your family. Don't sit on the fence, do something now !!

Good luck, mate. Tell him it's not cricket...

I'd be interested to hear how that approach turns out for the OP, esp the part about threatening his livelihood.


I think this highlights some of the issues with Thai schools......

The OP's kid seemed to have got off lightly.

Allegations of physical abuse by Computer Teacher at East Pattaya School

Got off lightly?

Guess they should have beat the kid to a pulp and send him home black and blue.

You seriously are a tool of the highest kind.

You have your head up your PC ass.

He (in the OP) got off lightly, relative to the Pattaya kids......

He just got a hair-cut.

You don't know me, you didn't understand what I wrote nor the point I was making, so perhaps you should leave off the insults and go play.


Maybe the School Admin person was a George Thorogood Fan?

Maybe, they were encouraging the young child to get an after-school job and contribute to the household income?

Chop! Mahk! Mahk! I like it. Nice one. Brings it all into perspective.

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