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Clashes intensifying at Bangkok Metropolitan Police HQ


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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

Here in Cairo, the police killed over 900 protestors in the course of several hours as they cleared a protest square, victims included men women and children. Where do you draw the line?

How about the Ukraine, where hundreds of thousands are peacefully protesting? Even now in egypt, all protesting is technically illegal, there are still thousands of brave protestors turning out each week to voice their democratic rights.

In the long run, people power is effective.

Except that in Egypt and in Ukraine they ask for more democracy, here they ask the government to give the power to an appointed council and the amount of protestors is around 100.000 when in Cairo it was around 2 millions...Huge difference don t you think?

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Well this has been reported all afternoon Thainy, even by the mainstream Thai TV stations, (You know, the ones that have been ignoring the protests)! Hardly groundbreaking stuff. Out of interest, how would you expect the police to respond when faced with a howling mob trying to storm their headquarters? What would be the response from the police in your home country be faced with a similar scenario? I await your reply with interest!

I don't have an issue with the police using appropriate crowd control methods, in fact UK the police would have waded into them pretty quick. What to me is the issue is that when this happened with the Red Shirts in 2009 and 2010 the police backed off and did nothing, so that suggests to me that along with morons like Tarit , that RTP at present are not neutral and are under control from a criminal in Dubai.

Whatever way you look at it, it's a seriously screwed up situation which both sides of the political divide have a significant part to play in it. Sadly, with the likes of Thaksin and Suthep squaring up, there's only one loser, and that's the people of Thailand.

The police, here, are beginning to resemble the Ton Ton Macoute. I guess that makes a certain brother and sister duo the equivalent of Papa Doc and Baby Doc.

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Well this has been reported all afternoon Thainy, even by the mainstream Thai TV stations, (You know, the ones that have been ignoring the protests)! Hardly groundbreaking stuff. Out of interest, how would you expect the police to respond when faced with a howling mob trying to storm their headquarters? What would be the response from the police in your home country be faced with a similar scenario? I await your reply with interest!

I don't have an issue with the police using appropriate crowd control methods, in fact UK the police would have waded into them pretty quick. What to me is the issue is that when this happened with the Red Shirts in 2009 and 2010 the police backed off and did nothing, so that suggests to me that along with morons like Tarit , that RTP at present are not neutral and are under control from a criminal in Dubai.

Whatever way you look at it, it's a seriously screwed up situation which both sides of the political divide have a significant part to play in it. Sadly, with the likes of Thaksin and Suthep squaring up, there's only one loser, and that's the people of Thailand.

What you failed to say was those people were in the zone where they were demonstrating and they were called thugs but this group were going everywhere even having the audacity to want to capture the Police headquater.

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Well this has been reported all afternoon Thainy, even by the mainstream Thai TV stations, (You know, the ones that have been ignoring the protests)! Hardly groundbreaking stuff. Out of interest, how would you expect the police to respond when faced with a howling mob trying to storm their headquarters? What would be the response from the police in your home country be faced with a similar scenario? I await your reply with interest!

I don't have an issue with the police using appropriate crowd control methods, in fact UK the police would have waded into them pretty quick. What to me is the issue is that when this happened with the Red Shirts in 2009 and 2010 the police backed off and did nothing, so that suggests to me that along with morons like Tarit , that RTP at present are not neutral and are under control from a criminal in Dubai.

Whatever way you look at it, it's a seriously screwed up situation which both sides of the political divide have a significant part to play in it. Sadly, with the likes of Thaksin and Suthep squaring up, there's only one loser, and that's the people of Thailand.

The police, here, are beginning to resemble the Ton Ton Macoute. I guess that makes a certain brother and sister duo the equivalent of Papa Doc and Baby Doc.

Yeah what a good one... i think you have no idea what the tonton Macoute did, neither Papa and Baby Doc...The police here and especially since the beginning of Suthep silly game are more like children in a sand box

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Poor Yingluck, she will say, it was my brothers fault, then someone will remind her of all her assertions that there is only one PM, she is it, and her brother has nothing to do with the government. How do you think she will fare in jail?

I think she has already left the country.

Edited by Hugh Jarse
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The whole world needs a better class of political leadership. Most people don't have the courage to stand up to them. Not so in Thailand! Call them idiots, but at least in Thailand these 'idiots' know how to kick politicians out of office without millions getting killed and throwing the whole planet into a world war.

Not so peaceful anymore. Congratulations you idiots, keep dragging the legitimacy of the anti-government movement lower and lower.

This country urgently needs a better class of political leadership.

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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

Here in Cairo, the police killed over 900 protestors in the course of several hours as they cleared a protest square, victims included men women and children. Where do you draw the line?

How about the Ukraine, where hundreds of thousands are peacefully protesting? Even now in egypt, all protesting is technically illegal, there are still thousands of brave protestors turning out each week to voice their democratic rights.

In the long run, people power is effective.

Simple. Protest, but don't try and take over police headquarters and kidnap leader if you don't want violence.

There apparently are sickos that wish to use these poor protestors as human pawns or sacrificial lambs in the hope of inciting violence and death for their own selfish motivations. These are not honorable people.

How is people power working for you Thailand. Seems to be failing miserably. Throw YL out now, and those disenfranchised voters supporting her will take to the streets. Never ending cycle.

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Poor Yingluck, she will say, it was my brothers fault, then someone will remind her of all her assertions that there is only one PM, she is it, and her brother has nothing to do with the government. How do you think she will fare in jail?

I think she has already left the country.

That's likely to be a false rumour, but if she has then we get either Plod or Surapong. Chalerm has been quiet though.

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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

Following on from your logic I assume then that you deserve to be shot if you are throwing hand grenades at soldiers and the public and firing at them with small arms and fully automatic weapons. Do you also deserve to be shot if you are invading hospitals and asking the crowd to burn the city down and murder soldiers?

what happened in 2010

You would be surprised how many people care, what surprises me is that you even made the statement.

You have been using the line about people commenting from the safety of their own homes for many days now, it is getting tiresome. Where are you commenting from, the main barricade between Police HQ and the protestors?....No I thought not. Your comments are becoming more and more hysterical (not funny hysterical !) on any of the threads you are commenting on. You need to take a chill pill, we are all just observers and not one iota of any of the wind blown on this site will be taken notice of.

The thing I find funniest of all is that all the red apologists are now using exactly the same arguments, such as self defence, protection of Government, protection of property to justify lethal force (deserving to be shot !!) that the rest of us cited in 2010, yet all the time denying the validity of such 'excuses' you now all cling to them at the moment. There may well be some armchair warriors out there, but boy there are some armchair nutcases out there as well.

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In the paper that can not be named, they report that demonstrators are spraying the police with feces.

That would seem to be untoward, yet somehow appropriate.

Are they still using those fans?

Even amongst the tragedy of the last few days, you have to raise a smile at the fans-at-ten-paces story. On the same day as the State Railway of Thailand's chief went on a triumphant run to Chiang Mai as the line opened after a 3 month closure to repair the track, only to be derailed outside Lamphun. Only in this wonderful country!!!!!

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The US, EU countries all use, as needed, tear gas, batton charges, dogs, horse charges, rubber bullets to deal wtih riots.

She will only get into trouble if she issues an order for the military to go out with live ammunition to shoot people, like the Army did in 2010 under the orders of Suthep and Abhisit.

I lauged out loud when Suthep said tonight that "The Army will never attack the people" - what utter lies - remember 2010 matey ?

That was absolutely dishonest of you. What you failed to mention is that red shirt militants started killing Thai soldiers first. They were not unarmed and that protest was never peaceful. From the word go they had armed people around. Thai Army never attacked people. They were under attack. Trying killing US or UK soldiers in Washington DC or London and see what happens.

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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

There is something called "proportional response". As long as firearms are not being used, the police is right to respond with crowd control agents and water canons to violent rioters.

Using rubber bullets is already going one step further. Using live ammo, is not warranted unless the demonstrators are armed themselves.

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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

Following on from your logic I assume then that you deserve to be shot if you are throwing hand grenades at soldiers and the public and firing at them with small arms and fully automatic weapons. Do you also deserve to be shot if you are invading hospitals and asking the crowd to burn the city down and murder soldiers?

what happened in 2010

You would be surprised how many people care, what surprises me is that you even made the statement.

You have been using the line about people commenting from the safety of their own homes for many days now, it is getting tiresome. Where are you commenting from, the main barricade between Police HQ and the protestors?....No I thought not. Your comments are becoming more and more hysterical (not funny hysterical !) on any of the threads you are commenting on. You need to take a chill pill, we are all just observers and not one iota of any of the wind blown on this site will be taken notice of.

The thing I find funniest of all is that all the red apologists are now using exactly the same arguments, such as self defence, protection of Government, protection of property to justify lethal force (deserving to be shot !!) that the rest of us cited in 2010, yet all the time denying the validity of such 'excuses' you now all cling to them at the moment. There may well be some armchair warriors out there, but boy there are some armchair nutcases out there as well.

What's you take on the faeces then ???

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The US, EU countries all use, as needed, tear gas, batton charges, dogs, horse charges, rubber bullets to deal wtih riots.

She will only get into trouble if she issues an order for the military to go out with live ammunition to shoot people, like the Army did in 2010 under the orders of Suthep and Abhisit.

I lauged out loud when Suthep said tonight that "The Army will never attack the people" - what utter lies - remember 2010 matey ?

That was absolutely dishonest of you. What you failed to mention is that red shirt militants started killing Thai soldiers first. They were not unarmed and that protest was never peaceful. From the word go they had armed people around. Thai Army never attacked people. They were under attack. Trying killing US or UK soldiers in Washington DC or London and see what happens.

"Thai Army never attacked people ???"

Really ??

It never happened, did it.

The rest of the world must have just imagined it.

The RTA shooting at unarmed civilians and killing them.

With impunity.

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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

Following on from your logic I assume then that you deserve to be shot if you are throwing hand grenades at soldiers and the public and firing at them with small arms and fully automatic weapons. Do you also deserve to be shot if you are invading hospitals and asking the crowd to burn the city down and murder soldiers?

what happened in 2010

You would be surprised how many people care, what surprises me is that you even made the statement.

You have been using the line about people commenting from the safety of their own homes for many days now, it is getting tiresome. Where are you commenting from, the main barricade between Police HQ and the protestors?....No I thought not. Your comments are becoming more and more hysterical (not funny hysterical !) on any of the threads you are commenting on. You need to take a chill pill, we are all just observers and not one iota of any of the wind blown on this site will be taken notice of.

The thing I find funniest of all is that all the red apologists are now using exactly the same arguments, such as self defence, protection of Government, protection of property to justify lethal force (deserving to be shot !!) that the rest of us cited in 2010, yet all the time denying the validity of such 'excuses' you now all cling to them at the moment. There may well be some armchair warriors out there, but boy there are some armchair nutcases out there as well.

I was against it I 2008, I was against in 2010, I was against it in 2012, and I am against it now. Power grabs and mob rules mentality only perpetuates the problem.

You misconstrue my what happened in 2010 statement. It is not okay to harm, threaten, harass or terrorize others just because the other side did it in 2010.

My safety from own home comments are directed at those that either call those in the cross hairs cowards or those seemingly enjoying or wanting to see violence escalate. If that makes me a nutcase, so be it . . .

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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

There is something called "proportional response". As long as firearms are not being used, the police is right to respond with crowd control agents and water canons to violent rioters.

Using rubber bullets is already going one step further. Using live ammo, is not warranted unless the demonstrators are armed themselves.

which red demonstrators clearly were in 2010 but same people who condemn the army then and want Abahist etc tried for murder are in an impossible situation. Protestors have already been shot with bullets and their seems evidence some shot be police. So whats god for goose is good for gander and Yingluk must now be indicted for murder along with her brother.

Depending on how army react will determine the outcome. If as some believe they have been bought off by Taksin then civil war is most likely outcome.

If it get worse then Taksin will order his red shirts in thats if they will go.

This has been inevitable for a long time and outcome will determine if Thailand is to be a one man one party police state or have some chance of another way. If only those who really cared dropped Taksin then no one including me would mind them winning an election as long as Taksin and his evil clan were totally gone

People should call upon Taksin to give it up but he wont.

Whatever anyone thinks of Suhptet as least he is willing to stand and fight and take consequences if he looses unlike that cowardly scum Taksin and his family.

?? as soon as trouble then Taksin and his family free country on another shopping trip. How anyone can support such a cowardly lot is beyond me.

The phone lines between government and Taksin must be red hot at moment

If Suphet wins the greatest pleasure lll have is seeing this rotten lot of excuses for humanity with is this government flee like rat leaving sinking ship. Many are almost certainly trying to negotiate a sell out.

If Taksin wins then so be it Thailand and poor get what they deserve sadly a lot of innocent people will be hurt at same time.

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In the paper that can not be named, they report that demonstrators are spraying the police with feces.

Actually that is another big fat porkie pie from you.

The BP says thay threatened to bring a sewage truck to spray them - not that they are doing so

Shame on you - you should be banned for distorting facts

if twisting facts leaded to a ban TV would have no members :)

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IMO, maybe everyone should get a good night's sleep, and hope that calmer heads prevail, both in Thaivisa, and in the real world where it really matters.

I also believe in the Loch Ness Monster, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny,

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The moment one of those protesters die at the hands of the police Yingluck is dead meat as PM. As will be the murder charges against Suthep and Abhisit. Silly little girl should have stayed at home playing with her Barbie Dolls instead of puppertering for her convicted criminal brother.

On the contrary, she is doing a remarkable good job under very difficult circumstances. She has gone up in my estimation even though I don't care for many of her policies. If one of these thugs gets killed, then sorry...but it could have been avoided very easily .

Yes if she would have spent two years trying to bring reunification to Thailand rather than spending two years trying to white wash her brother.wai2.gif

But she didn't so here we are.giggle.gif

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You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

Following on from your logic I assume then that you deserve to be shot if you are throwing hand grenades at soldiers and the public and firing at them with small arms and fully automatic weapons. Do you also deserve to be shot if you are invading hospitals and asking the crowd to burn the city down and murder soldiers?

what happened in 2010

You would be surprised how many people care, what surprises me is that you even made the statement.

You have been using the line about people commenting from the safety of their own homes for many days now, it is getting tiresome. Where are you commenting from, the main barricade between Police HQ and the protestors?....No I thought not. Your comments are becoming more and more hysterical (not funny hysterical !) on any of the threads you are commenting on. You need to take a chill pill, we are all just observers and not one iota of any of the wind blown on this site will be taken notice of.

The thing I find funniest of all is that all the red apologists are now using exactly the same arguments, such as self defence, protection of Government, protection of property to justify lethal force (deserving to be shot !!) that the rest of us cited in 2010, yet all the time denying the validity of such 'excuses' you now all cling to them at the moment. There may well be some armchair warriors out there, but boy there are some armchair nutcases out there as well.

What's you take on the faeces then ???

Why would you be in the slightest bit interested in my take on the 'feaces' Phil?

Has it actually happened? Is it one up on Human blood? One side calls for killing of soldiers and burning of the city, the other side says throw s**t at them, I am not sure they are on the same playing field.

Anyway the s**t has been hitting the fan in this country from the day Thaksin got into power and it will continue to do so until he is a distant memory, so what is the odd jobby lobbed into the crowd in comparison.

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Suthep's plan to concentrate his forces on the Metropolitan Police Bureau HQ makes me nervous. They now have earth moving equipment that can move concrete blocks and barbed wire and their own fire engines that can be used as water cannons or even as flame throwers, if the tanks are filled with gasoline. The police are firing a lot of tear gas and rubber bullets and live rounds appear to have been used on both side with some ping pong grenades thrown from the protestors' side too. The protestors are fired up with hatred for the Met Police because they refused to protect students at RU and the King's Guard had to come and rescue the stranded students who were under fire from the red shirts. The police are blamed for the death of the student. There is a real risk of the relatively small building being overrun and police might step up the violence level resulting in multiple deaths on both sides.

Hopefully the protestors will stay calm and just surround them. If they dug in and cut off the water and electricity and prevent food and water from going in, they might be able to starve them out but tempers are likely to fray before then. The building is also very close to Chitladra Palace and the areas needed for the King's Birthday celebrations on Thursday which could make both sides run out of patience faster.

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The police just got alarming reports that Suthep's yellow thugs now use new tactics to confront the government. w00t.gif

As everybody witnessed, Suthep and the Dems upgraded their "peaceful" rallies, aimed at completely eradicating democracy from this country, to a full blown insurrection.

They called on their manipulated Dems' followers, as well as the hired thugs from the south, to seize buildings and do their best to violently provoke the police, while doing everything they can to put the blame on the reds (even though these left the city long ago) and PM Yingluck (even though she repeatedly called for restraint and talks).

Since the confrontation at the stadium, where three redshirts were shot by Suthep's yellow thugs (disguised, according some reports, in what some call "students"), it has been increasingly difficult for these criminal protesters to put the blame on the reds. It is common knowledge that the criminal yellow thugs consider the reds as dirty, stinky, uneducated farmers and a violent underclass who insists on keeping irrational privileges, such as electing a government of their choice through free elections and not having that elected government overthrown by the Dem's and yellow minorities.

Realizing that the whole world now see the true colors of these yellows protesters, supported in their criminal actions by the Dems, they turned to the most imaginative way of disguising themselves in order to confuse the police and the press (the neutral one) on who really are the real bad bad bad people.
As it can be clearly seen on the picture, and as unbelievable (and disgusting) as it may appear, the yellow thugs are now fighting without colored shirts... and without clothes. xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png

Who could ever think of such a machiavellian plan, if not the Dems who have always been very creative in finding all sorts of dirty tricks to attack their opponents crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

On this little note of humor (take it seriously if you prefer biggrin.png) I wish you all a very good night, hoping that the insane Suthep has vanished from the universe by tomorrow morning when I wake up. Sweet dreams thumbsup.gif

PS: It has been reported that the yellow thug of the picture has been caught by the police, the brand of his underwear having been identified by a CCTV camera. I wonder what else we can expect tomorrow... giggle.gif


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