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New passport number - ID verification issues at the bank

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It is my intention to renew my passport as I have filled all 32 pages with visa stamps. As most of you will be aware a requirement by most countries is the surrender of the old passport during submission of the passport renewal application.

If I have bank accounts in Thailand in my name that are registered to my old passport number for identification purposes could I simply present the new passport in lieu of the old one? Or am I correct in assuming this is going to present an issue?

My apologies as I know this topic has been raised previously on TV, but I have tried desperately and am unable to locate it.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


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You might want to check about your old passport - it may just need to be cancelled rather than surrendered.

Then just take both to your bank (or your new one plus a copy of you old one if it really has to be sent to room 101) and ask them to update your details.

Not an issue.

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It can present issues...it will depend on the bank. Earlier this year I renewed my passport...did not go to my various Bangkok Bank bank branches afterwards for them to update their system with my new passport number. When I opened a new account shortly afterwards getting my new passport I started to have ibanking problems in I could not add the new account to my ibanking setup. Turns out there was a passport number conflict in the bank database showing I had accounts with different passport numbers. I first went to the main Bangkok Bank branch on Silom Rd in Bangkok to update my passport number...they issued me a couple of new passbooks during that process because your signature and passport number is contained on the last page only when viewed under a blacklight. Then went to the other branches to notify them of my new passport number...they also issued me new passbooks with the new passport number. Both bank branches told me a person needs to update the bank with their new passport number and get new passbooks issued when this occurs....no charge for the new passbooks.

Now I've seen a few posts where folks have had no issues at their bank using their new passport with their old bank accounts....guess it depends on the bank branch and if they want to double check the passport number with the number in their database vs just comparing signatures...also can depend on if they have ibanking and if they are trying to add new accounts to the ibanking setup.. But for sure it caused me problems with some of my Bangkok Bank banking capabilities. Problem resolved by getting the new passport number on all my accounts and passbooks.

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Definitely not true for many countries.

Usual standard for European countries (Germany, Switzerland, Austria e.g.) is that the old passport will be invalidated as described by others.

This is very important not only for bank account, but also for Thai immigration (transferrring stamps).

Also visas in your old passport are still valid in combination with the new passport.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I am from the UK and when I got a new passport ear;ier this year I most certainly went to my Branch of Bangkok Bank to update the details. Same applied when I got the 'yellow book' in my name for the first time.

There will ceertainly be difficulties if you don't do it, not least on i-banking with different passport numbers.

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Despite the [correct] answers here, the OP is correct in that it does cause issues with the banks and other institutions here. It stems from the fact that Thais use their ID for such purposes and that number doesn't change from birth to death. Its fine for those of us who are aware [cognisant] of the issue, but many only find out the hard way.

Good thread OP - hopefully more of us will be now be aware of this potential problem

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You will have to go to the bank and have them update your account with the new passport number. The passport number is in the signature area on your bankbook that is only visible under ultraviolet light. When you try to withdraw funds in person, if it does not match they will not allow the trans action until the bank book information matches the new passport number. It will only affect a with drawl in person, not deposits, ATM or internet transactions. If you intend to withdraw money carry both passports with you as you can only update the info at the branch where you have your account. I withdrew money at another branch using my cancelled passport as they would not accept the new passport since the info didn't match what was on the bank book. If it is a joint account you must both go to the bank because they will issue a new bankbook requiring both signatures..

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I have a condo bought in my name so all the paperwork has my name and passport number where necessary. I envisage that there may be problems transferring the title deed in the future with a new passport number (especially as the name on the title deeds has been converted into Thai, very poorly IMO).

Therefore my old cancelled UK passport stays with the title deeds for my heirs to sort out.

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You might want to check about your old passport - it may just need to be cancelled rather than surrendered.

Then just take both to your bank (or your new one plus a copy of you old one if it really has to be sent to room 101) and ask them to update your details.

Not an issue.

I did exactly that in January 2013 at SCB on Pattaya Klang - took the new PP and a copy of the old PP.

It took a while but the staff member seemed familiar with what was needed. She said the copy of the old one was not necessary but being Thailand I took it anyway whistling.gif

ALSO..... while you're there, get the bank to update your on-line profile - you CANNOT change the PP number yourself for obvious security reasons! The system did then send me an email in Thai and English saying my details had been updated but not what they were, presumably again for security reasons.

Edited by VBF
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Despite the [correct] answers here, the OP is correct in that it does cause issues with the banks and other institutions here. It stems from the fact that Thais use their ID for such purposes and that number doesn't change from birth to death. Its fine for those of us who are aware [cognisant] of the issue, but many only find out the hard way.

Good thread OP - hopefully more of us will be now be aware of this potential problem

Nobody has said it will not cause a problem. Several have advised taking the old and new passport to the bank and have them update their records.

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I did this myself yesterday, just walked into the bank with my passbook and new passport and told them I wish to update the information. End of story, no drama, no problem , no issue, done in 10 minutes.

From experience changing passport number with bank in HK, it takes some time for the data to be established across your bank identity so recommend keep note of old number and keep a copy of the old ID page until you know its done.

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"I started to have ibanking problems in I could not add the new account to my ibanking setup. Turns out there was a passport number conflict in the bank database showing I had accounts with different passport numbers."

Exact same issues with SBC Bank.

They will update your accounts with the new passport number but you have to specifically request that they update your online banking profile data, or the website will not fully function, especially about adding new accounts for payment and transfer options.

You have to request this update personally at the bank and sign a boatload of documents; this cannot be done online.

Edited by Fookhaht
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"I started to have ibanking problems in I could not add the new account to my ibanking setup. Turns out there was a passport number conflict in the bank database showing I had accounts with different passport numbers." Exact same issues with SBC Bank. They will update your accounts with the new passport number but you have to specifically request that they update your online banking profile data, or the website will not fully function, especially about adding new accounts for payment and transfer options. You have to request this update personally at the bank and sign a boatload of documents; this cannot be done online.

All I had to do was to get the same passport number on "all" my Bangkok Bank accounts and that was accomplished by them in updating their system with my new passport number and issuing new passbooks. Little paperwork work was involved for me...just signing one form that the bank rep filled out...and nothing specific to my online profile because when they update their basic system with your new passport number it's all handled automatically by the magic computers. They did say it could take up to 48 hours for everything to update. That was my experience at Bangkok Bank.

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I collect Thai stamps and as part of that I have an ultra-violet light source. I used it on the inside back pages of my Kasikorn bank books ( I have accounts at two different branches) and two copies of my signature are there in the book under UV light, as is the date of opening the account and a couple of other numbers, but my passport number is not there.

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I collect Thai stamps and as part of that I have an ultra-violet light source. I used it on the inside back pages of my Kasikorn bank books ( I have accounts at two different branches) and two copies of my signature are there in the book under UV light, as is the date of opening the account and a couple of other numbers, but my passport number is not there.

Funny you should say that, but when someone above said that the PP number was there, I doubted it, as from memory, I can only recall the signature being revealed by UV light at my SCB branch. I don't have a light here to check it but I believe you're right. Would make sense as I've often conducted business with just the pass book and no PP but always have to sign a form and have my signature checked.

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When your visa is transferred to the new passport at the immigration, there's always a dedicated page that contains your last date of entry ( a stamp ) and your old passport number. I've had to show that page to staff at several Bangkok bank branches on numerous occasions only when trying to withdraw from an account with no debit card attached to it. If you have any problems, just show them that page.

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