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Red shirts 'would fight any move to oust PM Yingluck'


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As long as the largest voting block in the country needs are not addressed by the Democrats they will keep on losing elections.

Those that say Thaskin is not behind the current unrest are sadly mistaken, What has happened in the past and the number of coups in Thailand, are only of interest to only attest the old power structures ability to remain in power by any means necessary.

Thaskin's problems began while his party amended the law prior to his sale of the satellite, to assure it was not considered capital gain, for anyone to attempt to defend his actions as totally lawful, are sadly misinformed, as with on of the biggest criminals in the U.S. during prohibition was Al Capone, he was never convicted of the numerous laws he violated, but was finally brought to justice for "income Tax evasion" because Thaskin has enough money to buy his way within the Judicial system, does not mean his actions were totally lawful.

His influence is greatly evident by his popularity in rural Thailand his political party, his brother-in-law, his sister who came into power through the use of his money and political influence (Not on their own abilities).

Why is there no other politicians in Thailand that can put together a political movement that will capture the hearts and minds of the rural voters in Thailand, That have consistently voted into power the Thaskin's handpicked candidates. His price for those favors is for them to past an all encompassing amnesty law that would allow him to come back to Thailand and not have to spent the two years in prison he was convicted and sentenced for breaking the law.

His Sister and his party who blindly and foolishly followed his orders and failed to understand the great disservice they were doing to Thailand, and now are facing the consequences of their foolish actions.

Whomever is the new PM, they must address the needs of all Thai's!


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As long as the largest voting block in the country needs are not addressed by the Democrats they will keep on losing elections.

Those that say Thaskin is not behind the current unrest are sadly mistaken, What has happened in the past and the number of coups in Thailand, are only of interest to only attest the old power structures ability to remain in power by any means necessary.


Thaskin's problems began while his party amended the law prior to his sale of the satellite, to assure it was not considered capital gain, for anyone to attempt to defend his actions as totally lawful, are sadly misinformed, as with on of the biggest criminals in the U.S. during prohibition was Al Capone, he was never convicted of the numerous laws he violated, but was finally brought to justice for "income Tax evasion" because Thaskin has enough money to buy his way within the Judicial system, does not mean his actions were totally lawful.

His influence is greatly evident by his popularity in rural Thailand his political party, his brother-in-law, his sister who came into power through the use of his money and political influence (Not on their own abilities).


Why is there no other politicians in Thailand that can put together a political movement that will capture the hearts and minds of the rural voters in Thailand, That have consistently voted into power the Thaskin's handpicked candidates. His price for those favors is for them to past an all encompassing amnesty law that would allow him to come back to Thailand and not have to spent the two years in prison he was convicted and sentenced for breaking the law.

His Sister and his party who blindly and foolishly followed his orders and failed to understand the great disservice they were doing to Thailand, and now are facing the consequences of their foolish actions.



Whomever is the new PM, they must address the needs of all Thai's!



Well said nice clarity there

The problem is that all these votes he buys with cheap loans and what every is all done with corrupt money

The yellow or what every they call themselves now are really pissed at how the pro taksin government act and use their power for their own needs at the expense of the southerners and the rich

Basically like an al Capone gangster squashing all other rich competition

It is hard for me to really get into this as I am not thai and have not been directly effected buy either party apart from a few annoying demonstrations

But when I see that camera film from a student where all of Taksins police opened fire on students running only armed with a pen and a book makes sense to me that is the university I ramhamheng is mainly southern people that their parents and family member might start to get even more serious and want to go and join the fight

Have to remember that when yingluk got into power she moved all the police force round to suit her

The army as you may have noticed cannot be moved like that and they are in control of this country

As long as the shinuwat regime is still around there shall always be tension just building up waiting for the bubble to burst of both sides

After all this thailand should offer Thaksin a deal either come back and gave 2 years or if you ever do come back then be charged with treason terrorism and receive death penalty !

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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As long as the largest voting block in the country needs are not addressed by the Democrats they will keep on losing elections.

Those that say Thaskin is not behind the current unrest are sadly mistaken, What has happened in the past and the number of coups in Thailand, are only of interest to only attest the old power structures ability to remain in power by any means necessary.


Thaskin's problems began while his party amended the law prior to his sale of the satellite, to assure it was not considered capital gain, for anyone to attempt to defend his actions as totally lawful, are sadly misinformed, as with on of the biggest criminals in the U.S. during prohibition was Al Capone, he was never convicted of the numerous laws he violated, but was finally brought to justice for "income Tax evasion" because Thaskin has enough money to buy his way within the Judicial system, does not mean his actions were totally lawful.

His influence is greatly evident by his popularity in rural Thailand his political party, his brother-in-law, his sister who came into power through the use of his money and political influence (Not on their own abilities).


Why is there no other politicians in Thailand that can put together a political movement that will capture the hearts and minds of the rural voters in Thailand, That have consistently voted into power the Thaskin's handpicked candidates. His price for those favors is for them to past an all encompassing amnesty law that would allow him to come back to Thailand and not have to spent the two years in prison he was convicted and sentenced for breaking the law.

His Sister and his party who blindly and foolishly followed his orders and failed to understand the great disservice they were doing to Thailand, and now are facing the consequences of their foolish actions.



Whomever is the new PM, they must address the needs of all Thai's!



A couple of points wrong there. The Democrats policies do address the needs of the largest voting block, but they can't get the marketing out to them. The people aren't voting for Thaksins puppets. They're voting for the same families that they have voted for for decades. It just that these families change allegiance depending on who can give them the best cut.

Sent from my phone ...

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But when I see that camera film from a student where all of Taksins police opened fire on students running only armed with a pen and a book makes sense to me that is the university I ramhamheng is mainly southern people that their parents and family member might start to get even more serious and want to go and join the fight

O__o Do you have link on that video? Police shooting on students?

This is really new to me... Or did I miss something?

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But when I see that camera film from a student where all of Taksins police opened fire on students running only armed with a pen and a book makes sense to me that is the university I ramhamheng is mainly southern people that their parents and family member might start to get even more serious and want to go and join the fight



O__o Do you have link on that video? Police shooting on students? 

This is really new to me... Or did I miss something?

It was on my thai friends gave book filmed from a phone I shall tried to get to it.

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Could be the Military could fight corruption, they can get and ask for help from New Zealand,

Denmark and Finland all the best rated no 1. Sweden number 4 and Singapore number 5.

Thailand is among the bananna republics as number 70. Without corruption, Thailand could be much better for the workers and the farmers too.

There are probably too many rich due to corruption. A Thai frind accept 3-4% corruption from the Yellow but not 25% from the Red. I do not

understand corruptrion at all. The unrest started when the Thaksin family wanted amnesti for the family.

It was not so smart, it is difficult to close it down now. Military is in many cases a better way in a short period, I do not know if they are corrupt.

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Could be the Military could fight corruption, they can get and ask for help from New Zealand,

Denmark and Finland all the best rated no 1. Sweden number 4 and Singapore number 5.

Thailand is among the bananna republics as number 70. Without corruption, Thailand could be much better for the workers and the farmers too.

There are probably too many rich due to corruption. A Thai frind accept 3-4% corruption from the Yellow but not 25% from the Red. I do not

understand corruptrion at all. The unrest started when the Thaksin family wanted amnesti for the family.

It was not so smart, it is difficult to close it down now. Military is in many cases a better way in a short period, I do not know if they are corrupt.


Maybe I don't really want to know how your garden grows cause I just want to fly !

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I live in a rice growing village in Central Thailand outside of Nakhon Sawan for the last 10 years and Thaskin is very popular here among the rural people, because he passed populous policies while he was in power, Medical care for all Thai;'s under the 30 baht medical scheme (also I as a Falang am also served by this 30 baht medical insurance), Loans to the rural villages, infrastructures in the villages, the OTOP plan, rice subsidies etc.

What have the Democrats done for rural Thai Farmers/ working poor while they were in control of the government, that they did not let anyone know about, you and a few others have stated that point. I personally do not care for Thaskin, and was hopeful that the Democrats would address rural needs prior to the election they lost to Thaskin brother-in-law, It is not the Democrats or their followers that voted a political novice Thaskin's sister Yinglick into office, it was the folks outside of Bangkok that did, the political machine crafted by Thaskin.


Edited by kikoman
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One should take the long view. The unrest of the last decade or so, is a small chapter of an unfolding story. Red v. Yellow is a skirmish along that route. What Thailand is witnessing is the same as has happened in many other countries, as the country moves from a mainly rural and agricultural economy and population towards an urban and industrialised state. The movement of population out of the countryside is inevitable, with a growing urban population having different aspirations from their rural forbears. ( q.v. China ). The manner in which this transition is handled is the political dilemna. We, here and now, are absorbed by the minutiae of daily events. History will take a broader perspective.

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What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.

They are responsible for the yellow shirts.

They know that if the workers and farmers become organised and elect their own leaders, instead of accepting these Democrat puppets, they lose everything.

They will use every dirty trick in the book including patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrel) to cling on to power and keep the people ignorant.

That is why they have brought on the last coup, to get rid of the Thaksin and to install a puppet (Abhisit).

However, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, and the people have elected Yingluck.

No matter what anyone says about her brother, she was elected in an overwhelming victory and she is the leader.

Suthep is just a lackey for the old clique and he uses the Yellow shirts and patriotism as his weapons to try and force out a democratically elected government.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

And so it will pass here too, the old clique trying hard to hang on, but they are on a losing game, the people have had enough of the old ways.

They want change and they want to have a say.

The issue of amnesty for Thaksin is a red herring, any excuse will do to keep the pot boiling, to get back into power.

If Thaksin died tomorrow there would be another excuse to try to force out Peu Thai.

They just don't want to live in a democracy where the law would apply to them equally.

Agree, that is the main frame of change.
An asset reallocation.
A more equitable distribution
But unfortunately one group is just as greedy as the other group.
All take unabashedly the state money for themselves and their political friends.
Since decades, each group that is/was in power takes everything and let nothing over for the others.
I see only the possibility of a percentage distribution of household budgets.
Each group gets exactly the percentage share of the household budget they have in votes.
That would be fair, because until today they are not able to talk and think together, what would be the best for there country.
Hopefully they control each other then, what was done with the money and where the money has gone.
Edited by tomacht8
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Why not just respect the results of the last election...or all of those since 2001 in point of fact?

Dude, you have a point but I'm trying to be balanced here wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

New elections would at least give a clear sign of what Thai people want right now, give the new government a fresh mandate, and likely send 90% of the proesters back home.

Respecting the result is too difficult. as the people that cast votes are 95% within big regions of Thailand.

The North 95% vote for call it the red band

South 95% yellow

Bangkok 50 - 50

So there is a big line across the country.

The regieam of Thaksin like is said that he was changing the laws to make him untouchable. So in Thaksin's eyes he has done nothing wrong as he made this so but he has. He should be tried by the world court that is the only solution i can find. Crimes against humanity for a start thats an internation law worth prosicuting over.

Then after he has been labelled a criminal he shall either have to go to jail then sent back to Thailand after his sentence to face his other charges.

If he becomes an international fugative then some of these countries do have to power to deport him and arrest him and send him back to Thailand. Obviously his money has power in other countries too as England rejected him. So he should have been deported

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Why not just respect the results of the last election...or all of those since 2001 in point of fact?

Dude, you have a point but I'm trying to be balanced here wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

New elections would at least give a clear sign of what Thai people want right now, give the new government a fresh mandate, and likely send 90% of the proesters back home.

Respecting the result is too difficult. as the people that cast votes are 95% within big regions of Thailand.

The North 95% vote for call it the red band

South 95% yellow

Bangkok 50 - 50

So there is a big line across the country.

The regieam of Thaksin like is said that he was changing the laws to make him untouchable. So in Thaksin's eyes he has done nothing wrong as he made this so but he has. He should be tried by the world court that is the only solution i can find. Crimes against humanity for a start thats an internation law worth prosicuting over.

Then after he has been labelled a criminal he shall either have to go to jail then sent back to Thailand after his sentence to face his other charges.

If he becomes an international fugative then some of these countries do have to power to deport him and arrest him and send him back to Thailand. Obviously his money has power in other countries too as England rejected him. So he should have been deported

link to students being shot at by police below


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What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.

They are responsible for the yellow shirts.

They know that if the workers and farmers become organised and elect their own leaders, instead of accepting these Democrat puppets, they lose everything.

They will use every dirty trick in the book including patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrel) to cling on to power and keep the people ignorant.

That is why they have brought on the last coup, to get rid of the Thaksin and to install a puppet (Abhisit).

However, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, and the people have elected Yingluck.

No matter what anyone says about her brother, she was elected in an overwhelming victory and she is the leader.

Suthep is just a lackey for the old clique and he uses the Yellow shirts and patriotism as his weapons to try and force out a democratically elected government.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

And so it will pass here too, the old clique trying hard to hang on, but they are on a losing game, the people have had enough of the old ways.

They want change and they want to have a say.

The issue of amnesty for Thaksin is a red herring, any excuse will do to keep the pot boiling, to get back into power.

If Thaksin died tomorrow there would be another excuse to try to force out Peu Thai.

They just don't want to live in a democracy where the law would apply to them equally.

Pardon me but what are you talking about? You do realize this is Thailand.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

What kind of a goofy statement is that. If a government behaved the way this one has they would be thrown out on their ear thereby not necessitating a large prolonged protest.

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When a democratically elected government in the UK, lets say........... Harold Wilson's Labor government, swept in on a huge majority, began to go bad, with bad policies that were sending the economy down the gurgler, the opposition were able to sway public opinion by pointing out in the parliament what the government were doing wrong.

At the next election they were turfed out and the Conservatives took over government.

Now what you are suggesting is that the Yingluck government, who you say has bad policies, "would be thrown out on their ear"

yes maybe, but there is no election is there Hello Dolly?

Where is the election? She doesn't have to call an election until her parliamentary time is up.

So Suthep, has taken it apon himself to throw out the government with his thugs and by whipping up the rent-a-crowd and people who don't like this government.

And you are suggesting that this is justified? Basically it's ok to create anarchy if you don't like a government?

Therefore my point Hello Dolly is that if the Conservatives leader in the UK tried to do the same thing, he or she would have been arrested and locked away.

What's so difficult to understand about that point?

Oh, hang on, maybe you don't like the Yingluck government and perhaps it's clouding your judgment?

What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.

They are responsible for the yellow shirts.

They know that if the workers and farmers become organised and elect their own leaders, instead of accepting these Democrat puppets, they lose everything.

They will use every dirty trick in the book including patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrel) to cling on to power and keep the people ignorant.

That is why they have brought on the last coup, to get rid of the Thaksin and to install a puppet (Abhisit).

However, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, and the people have elected Yingluck.

No matter what anyone says about her brother, she was elected in an overwhelming victory and she is the leader.

Suthep is just a lackey for the old clique and he uses the Yellow shirts and patriotism as his weapons to try and force out a democratically elected government.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

And so it will pass here too, the old clique trying hard to hang on, but they are on a losing game, the people have had enough of the old ways.

They want change and they want to have a say.

The issue of amnesty for Thaksin is a red herring, any excuse will do to keep the pot boiling, to get back into power.

If Thaksin died tomorrow there would be another excuse to try to force out Peu Thai.

They just don't want to live in a democracy where the law would apply to them equally.

Pardon me but what are you talking about? You do realize this is Thailand.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

What kind of a goofy statement is that. If a government behaved the way this one has they would be thrown out on their ear thereby not necessitating a large prolonged protest.

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You mean the death rattle of Thaksin and the PTP..... who have ruled Thailand with lies, intimidation, violence, corruption and greed for the last nearly 30 years?

With the MP/Police lackeys and their close ties to the Shinawatra power structure who along with this hypocritical Shinawatra family walk on the heads of ordinary Thais?

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattel, sending them to die when they won't dare enter the field of battle themselves? Who along with their corporatist cronies, rape the natural and financial resources of the nation, who own just about everything?

They know that if the not-paid-for Thai people become organized and elect strong leaders, instead of accepting Thaksin's puppets, they will lose everything?

They will use every dirty trick in the book, including patriotism (think of the country, think of the economy, funny the Reds didn't think of that when they tried to burn Bangkok) to cling to power and keep gullible people ignorant.

This is why they will destroy Thailand, rather than remove Thaksin and his puppets. Yingkuck is no leader, she is a puppet on strings, and cannot answer a single question without Dear Brother making her lips move.

In the US or UK or most anywhere else, can you imagine the Reds getting away with the level of violence and destruction they got away with in 2010? Thaksin's Black Shirts opened fire at soldiers with live rounds, what did they expect the military to do? Meanwhile, just like at RU, the police sit on their hands, 'cause that's what he pays them to do.

YIngluck and the Reds are just lackeys for Thaksin, who will burn Thailand to the ground to get what he wants. He uses the Red Shirts and "love for the poor" to try to force a dictatorship. He and all of his cronies/lackeys including the MNCs funding him should be arrested and locked away.

And so it will change here, the people have had enough of Thaksin's lies, greed, hypocrisy, and terrorism. Thaksin is a terrorist. He directs terrorism, he funds terrorism. The people have had enough of his ways. The people want change and they want no more dictatorship.

The people want no more dictatorship, no more Thaksin, no more lies and thievery, they want to stop Thaksin from burning down the country and taking everything for himself.

If Thaksin died tomorrow Thailand would be a much better place for all.

Thaksin doesn't want a democracy, he wants a dictatorship..... which is what he has right now, cloaked in the guise of "democracy."

What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.

They are responsible for the yellow shirts.

They know that if the workers and farmers become organised and elect their own leaders, instead of accepting these Democrat puppets, they lose everything.

They will use every dirty trick in the book including patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrel) to cling on to power and keep the people ignorant.

That is why they have brought on the last coup, to get rid of the Thaksin and to install a puppet (Abhisit).

However, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, and the people have elected Yingluck.

No matter what anyone says about her brother, she was elected in an overwhelming victory and she is the leader.

Suthep is just a lackey for the old clique and he uses the Yellow shirts and patriotism as his weapons to try and force out a democratically elected government.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

And so it will pass here too, the old clique trying hard to hang on, but they are on a losing game, the people have had enough of the old ways.

They want change and they want to have a say.

The issue of amnesty for Thaksin is a red herring, any excuse will do to keep the pot boiling, to get back into power.

If Thaksin died tomorrow there would be another excuse to try to force out Peu Thai.

They just don't want to live in a democracy where the law would apply to them equally.

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You mean the death rattle of Thaksin and the PTP..... who have ruled Thailand with lies, intimidation, violence, corruption and greed for the last nearly 30 years?

With the MP/Police lackeys and their close ties to the Shinawatra power structure who along with this hypocritical Shinawatra family walk on the heads of ordinary Thais?

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattel, sending them to die when they won't dare enter the field of battle themselves? Who along with their corporatist cronies, rape the natural and financial resources of the nation, who own just about everything?

They know that if the not-paid-for Thai people become organized and elect strong leaders, instead of accepting Thaksin's puppets, they will lose everything?

They will use every dirty trick in the book, including patriotism (think of the country, think of the economy, funny the Reds didn't think of that when they tried to burn Bangkok) to cling to power and keep gullible people ignorant.

This is why they will destroy Thailand, rather than remove Thaksin and his puppets. Yingkuck is no leader, she is a puppet on strings, and cannot answer a single question without Dear Brother making her lips move.

In the US or UK or most anywhere else, can you imagine the Reds getting away with the level of violence and destruction they got away with in 2010? Thaksin's Black Shirts opened fire at soldiers with live rounds, what did they expect the military to do? Meanwhile, just like at RU, the police sit on their hands, 'cause that's what he pays them to do.

YIngluck and the Reds are just lackeys for Thaksin, who will burn Thailand to the ground to get what he wants. He uses the Red Shirts and "love for the poor" to try to force a dictatorship. He and all of his cronies/lackeys including the MNCs funding him should be arrested and locked away.

And so it will change here, the people have had enough of Thaksin's lies, greed, hypocrisy, and terrorism. Thaksin is a terrorist. He directs terrorism, he funds terrorism. The people have had enough of his ways. The people want change and they want no more dictatorship.

The people want no more dictatorship, no more Thaksin, no more lies and thievery, they want to stop Thaksin from burning down the country and taking everything for himself.

If Thaksin died tomorrow Thailand would be a much better place for all.

Thaksin doesn't want a democracy, he wants a dictatorship..... which is what he has right now, cloaked in the guise of "democracy."

What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.

They are responsible for the yellow shirts.

They know that if the workers and farmers become organised and elect their own leaders, instead of accepting these Democrat puppets, they lose everything.

They will use every dirty trick in the book including patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrel) to cling on to power and keep the people ignorant.

That is why they have brought on the last coup, to get rid of the Thaksin and to install a puppet (Abhisit).

However, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, and the people have elected Yingluck.

No matter what anyone says about her brother, she was elected in an overwhelming victory and she is the leader.

Suthep is just a lackey for the old clique and he uses the Yellow shirts and patriotism as his weapons to try and force out a democratically elected government.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

And so it will pass here too, the old clique trying hard to hang on, but they are on a losing game, the people have had enough of the old ways.

They want change and they want to have a say.

The issue of amnesty for Thaksin is a red herring, any excuse will do to keep the pot boiling, to get back into power.

If Thaksin died tomorrow there would be another excuse to try to force out Peu Thai.

They just don't want to live in a democracy where the law would apply to them equally.

What on earth are you talking about?

Good lord, you are so wrong!

Thanksin and the PTP " have ruled Thailand for the last nearly 30 years"???????

Where did you get that one Einstein?

Clearly you don't know anything of Thai history.

Nevermind, it's good that people like you come on this forum and show your ignorance, because then everyone can see how stupid your support for the Democrats is.

You have absolutely no historical facts to support your assertions.

Frankly timo, you need to do some reading of modern Thai history, and then we can have a discussion.

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Great! So finally there will be civil war because the red shirts are going to fight non-red shirts.

Thaksin wants to keep in power with all means though the majority of people are against what his government did since been elected. So he is going to fight his own people. Lovely, finally he shows his true colors of a real dictator.

Though he had some ok policies like the 30 Baht healthcare, looking over the last few years we have to admit that since he extended his business empire into politics, we only have troubles here. Let's get rid of him!

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Yes agree when they went to Bangkok for their free money

When things got very for them and they wanted to leave

They got the we know where u live attitude from the money providers

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No, I think he means the death rattle of the elites, for reasons which will not be discussed here.

You mean the death rattle of Thaksin and the PTP..... who have ruled Thailand with lies, intimidation, violence, corruption and greed for the last nearly 30 years?

With the MP/Police lackeys and their close ties to the Shinawatra power structure who along with this hypocritical Shinawatra family walk on the heads of ordinary Thais?

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattel, sending them to die when they won't dare enter the field of battle themselves? Who along with their corporatist cronies, rape the natural and financial resources of the nation, who own just about everything?

They know that if the not-paid-for Thai people become organized and elect strong leaders, instead of accepting Thaksin's puppets, they will lose everything?

They will use every dirty trick in the book, including patriotism (think of the country, think of the economy, funny the Reds didn't think of that when they tried to burn Bangkok) to cling to power and keep gullible people ignorant.

This is why they will destroy Thailand, rather than remove Thaksin and his puppets. Yingkuck is no leader, she is a puppet on strings, and cannot answer a single question without Dear Brother making her lips move.

In the US or UK or most anywhere else, can you imagine the Reds getting away with the level of violence and destruction they got away with in 2010? Thaksin's Black Shirts opened fire at soldiers with live rounds, what did they expect the military to do? Meanwhile, just like at RU, the police sit on their hands, 'cause that's what he pays them to do.

YIngluck and the Reds are just lackeys for Thaksin, who will burn Thailand to the ground to get what he wants. He uses the Red Shirts and "love for the poor" to try to force a dictatorship. He and all of his cronies/lackeys including the MNCs funding him should be arrested and locked away.

And so it will change here, the people have had enough of Thaksin's lies, greed, hypocrisy, and terrorism. Thaksin is a terrorist. He directs terrorism, he funds terrorism. The people have had enough of his ways. The people want change and they want no more dictatorship.

The people want no more dictatorship, no more Thaksin, no more lies and thievery, they want to stop Thaksin from burning down the country and taking everything for himself.

If Thaksin died tomorrow Thailand would be a much better place for all.

Thaksin doesn't want a democracy, he wants a dictatorship..... which is what he has right now, cloaked in the guise of "democracy."

What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.

They are responsible for the yellow shirts.

They know that if the workers and farmers become organised and elect their own leaders, instead of accepting these Democrat puppets, they lose everything.

They will use every dirty trick in the book including patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrel) to cling on to power and keep the people ignorant.

That is why they have brought on the last coup, to get rid of the Thaksin and to install a puppet (Abhisit).

However, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, and the people have elected Yingluck.

No matter what anyone says about her brother, she was elected in an overwhelming victory and she is the leader.

Suthep is just a lackey for the old clique and he uses the Yellow shirts and patriotism as his weapons to try and force out a democratically elected government.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

And so it will pass here too, the old clique trying hard to hang on, but they are on a losing game, the people have had enough of the old ways.

They want change and they want to have a say.

The issue of amnesty for Thaksin is a red herring, any excuse will do to keep the pot boiling, to get back into power.

If Thaksin died tomorrow there would be another excuse to try to force out Peu Thai.

They just don't want to live in a democracy where the law would apply to them equally.

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link to students being shot at by police below




I see shots toward protesters and not students (and it is not in the Ramkhamhaeng area), it could even be rubber bullets...

So it's all we heard from the news till now.

Why shoot them at all they are in armed and just kids???

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Why shoot them at all they are in armed and just kids???

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Come on! Do you think they aimed to them?

When I was a student and I went to protest, I was full aware to avoid to be in the group where some hot head will make violent actions.

I don't condone any kind of violence, but this video is only a good spot to show: avoid to be part of protest when things begin to heat on.

Sorry for the students (even if I still don't see students there, they are young people, how you can tell "students" being 100% sure?).

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 Why shoot them at all they are in armed and just kids???

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app



Come on! Do you think they aimed to them?

When I was a student and I went to protest, I was full aware to avoid to be in the group where some hot head will make violent actions.

I don't condone any kind of violence, but this video is only a good spot to show: avoid to be part of protest when things begin to heat on.

Sorry for the students (even if I still don't see students there, they are young people, how you can tell "students" being 100% sure?).

I am sorry but your post is not worthy of a response I have already told you what it was about and the police were shooting at people holding books for Christ sake

You can make your own assumptions all I know is that allot of people are in happy about this

As one could imagine if your own kids were there at the time

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Trouble as a previous poster pointed out, any new election will give the same result. 95% of the North will be PT, 95% of the South will be Dem with BKK being electorally 'confused'. Illustrates the fact that Thailand isn't one people, never has been, it's an amalgam of peoples of neighboring countries. Other countries deal with ethnic/political divides differently. Belgium, good example. The just ignore each other let local governments get on with business and seem quite able to survive with no national government for ever. Canada, well the Anglo's just roll their eyes and let Quebec be it's special little island, but make sure everything has to be in English & French. The British, well at least they're having a vote to see if they want to get divorced and split the marital assets. The US greatest melting pot of all, lets people live in Red, Blue or Sexually Confused purple States, sends all the rich politicians thousands of miles away to a little ring fenced asylum called Washington DC to argue to their hearts content. Here of course we like to do it with; Elections, Demonstrations, Coup, Demonstrations, Elections, Coup, and repeat. Sometimes I take comfort in the fact life in Thailand is dependable on at least one thing.

Edited by GinBoy2
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Why shoot them at all they are in armed and just kids???

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

Come on! Do you think they aimed to them?

When I was a student and I went to protest, I was full aware to avoid to be in the group where some hot head will make violent actions.

I don't condone any kind of violence, but this video is only a good spot to show: avoid to be part of protest when things begin to heat on.

Sorry for the students (even if I still don't see students there, they are young people, how you can tell "students" being 100% sure?).

I am sorry but your post is not worthy of a response I have already told you what it was about and the police were shooting at people holding books for Christ sake

You can make your own assumptions all I know is that allot of people are in happy about this

As one could imagine if your own kids were there at the time

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

I did not want to upset you. But I only made comments about what I saw.

We (me and you) don't know what was fired (it could have been even blanks, how do we know?), what was happening near the police. I see a video that made me sorry for the bad feelings are going toward the country.

But tell me my post is not worthy a response, is like to say: you have different idea from me, I am right, you are nothing.

Thanks for that.

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 Why shoot them at all they are in armed and just kids???

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app



Come on! Do you think they aimed to them?

When I was a student and I went to protest, I was full aware to avoid to be in the group where some hot head will make violent actions.

I don't condone any kind of violence, but this video is only a good spot to show: avoid to be part of protest when things begin to heat on.

Sorry for the students (even if I still don't see students there, they are young people, how you can tell "students" being 100% sure?).


I am sorry but your post is not worthy of a response I have already told you what it was about and the police were shooting at people holding books for Christ sake

You can make your own assumptions all I know is that allot of people are in happy about this

As one could imagine if your own kids were there at the time

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app



I did not want to upset you. But I only made comments about what I saw. 

We (me and you) don't know what was fired (it could have been even blanks, how do we know?), what was happening near the police. I see a video that made me sorry for the bad feelings are going toward the country. 

But tell me my post is not worthy a response, is like to say: you have different idea from me, I am right, you are nothing. 

Thanks for that.

No I just can't be bothered to argue. I did not been to sound dis respectful

I just posted the video link people can research and make their own assumptions

All I could see was students being shot at and intimidated yet when I look at the crowd they did not look like much of a threat to national security they weren't even wearing and time of band or uniform

I just don't want to debar this any more cause I am too busy thanks

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I live in a rice growing village in Central Thailand outside of Nakhon Sawan for the last 10 years and Thaskin is very popular here among the rural people, because he passed populous policies while he was in power, Medical care for all Thai;'s under the 30 baht medical scheme (also I as a Falang am also served by this 30 baht medical insurance), Loans to the rural villages, infrastructures in the villages, the OTOP plan, rice subsidies etc.


What have the Democrats done for rural Thai Farmers/ working poor while they were in control of the government, that they did not let anyone know about, you and a few others have stated that point. I personally do not care for Thaskin, and was hopeful that the Democrats would address rural needs prior to the election they lost to Thaskin brother-in-law, It is not the Democrats or their followers that voted a political novice Thaskin's sister Yinglick into office, it was the folks outside of Bangkok that did, the political machine crafted by Thaskin.




One thing that is impossible to convince Thaksin's supporters of, and that is that everything that happened while Thaksin was in power was not all because of Thaksin. There was a global economic boom which also coincided with Asia coming out of their own financial crisis. Then when Abhisit came to power, it was just as the global financial crisis was hitting. Of course things were better under Thaksin. Little of it had anything to do with him though.

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What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.


Could you please provide more information on who exactly these mysterious "old families" are?

As a starter, what are their names?


Edited by HuaHinHarold
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What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.


Could you please provide more information on who exactly these mysterious "old families" are?

As a starter, what are their names?


Could he be referring to the elitist, corrupt and hideously powerful Na ChiangMai family?

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