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Red shirts 'would fight any move to oust PM Yingluck'


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You mean the death rattle of Thaksin and the PTP..... who have ruled Thailand with lies, intimidation, violence, corruption and greed for the last nearly 30 years?

With the MP/Police lackeys and their close ties to the Shinawatra power structure who along with this hypocritical Shinawatra family walk on the heads of ordinary Thais?

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattel, sending them to die when they won't dare enter the field of battle themselves? Who along with their corporatist cronies, rape the natural and financial resources of the nation, who own just about everything?

They know that if the not-paid-for Thai people become organized and elect strong leaders, instead of accepting Thaksin's puppets, they will lose everything?

They will use every dirty trick in the book, including patriotism (think of the country, think of the economy, funny the Reds didn't think of that when they tried to burn Bangkok) to cling to power and keep gullible people ignorant.

This is why they will destroy Thailand, rather than remove Thaksin and his puppets. Yingkuck is no leader, she is a puppet on strings, and cannot answer a single question without Dear Brother making her lips move.

In the US or UK or most anywhere else, can you imagine the Reds getting away with the level of violence and destruction they got away with in 2010? Thaksin's Black Shirts opened fire at soldiers with live rounds, what did they expect the military to do? Meanwhile, just like at RU, the police sit on their hands, 'cause that's what he pays them to do.

YIngluck and the Reds are just lackeys for Thaksin, who will burn Thailand to the ground to get what he wants. He uses the Red Shirts and "love for the poor" to try to force a dictatorship. He and all of his cronies/lackeys including the MNCs funding him should be arrested and locked away.

And so it will change here, the people have had enough of Thaksin's lies, greed, hypocrisy, and terrorism. Thaksin is a terrorist. He directs terrorism, he funds terrorism. The people have had enough of his ways. The people want change and they want no more dictatorship.

The people want no more dictatorship, no more Thaksin, no more lies and thievery, they want to stop Thaksin from burning down the country and taking everything for himself.

If Thaksin died tomorrow Thailand would be a much better place for all.

Thaksin doesn't want a democracy, he wants a dictatorship..... which is what he has right now, cloaked in the guise of "democracy."

What on earth are you talking about?

Good lord, you are so wrong!

Thanksin and the PTP " have ruled Thailand for the last nearly 30 years"???????

Where did you get that one Einstein?

Clearly you don't know anything of Thai history.

Nevermind, it's good that people like you come on this forum and show your ignorance, because then everyone can see how stupid your support for the Democrats is.

You have absolutely no historical facts to support your assertions.

Frankly timo, you need to do some reading of modern Thai history, and then we can have a discussion.

It's interesting that you focus entirely on one numerical error in the lengthy post, but use it to justify an inflammatory diatribe against the poster.

Can we presume then that if we simply change the "30" to "12", that you have no other objections to any other of the multiple points in the lengthy post?

Also revealing is that you retort with such an verbal assault because of a single numerical error. Using your own logic, can we then assign that that sort of exaggerated over-reaction is typical of Thaksin defenders?


Edited by HuaHinHarold
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What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.


Could you please provide more information on who exactly these mysterious "old families" are?

As a starter, what are their names?


Could he be referring to the elitist, corrupt and hideously powerful Na ChiangMai family?

I don't know. It's his claim. I'll let him tell us specifically who he is referring to.


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When a democratically elected government in the UK, lets say........... Harold Wilson's Labor government, swept in on a huge majority, began to go bad, with bad policies that were sending the economy down the gurgler, the opposition were able to sway public opinion by pointing out in the parliament what the government were doing wrong.

At the next election they were turfed out and the Conservatives took over government.

Now what you are suggesting is that the Yingluck government, who you say has bad policies, "would be thrown out on their ear"

yes maybe, but there is no election is there Hello Dolly?

Where is the election? She doesn't have to call an election until her parliamentary time is up.

So Suthep, has taken it apon himself to throw out the government with his thugs and by whipping up the rent-a-crowd and people who don't like this government.

And you are suggesting that this is justified? Basically it's ok to create anarchy if you don't like a government?

Therefore my point Hello Dolly is that if the Conservatives leader in the UK tried to do the same thing, he or she would have been arrested and locked away.

What's so difficult to understand about that point?

Oh, hang on, maybe you don't like the Yingluck government and perhaps it's clouding your judgment?

What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.

They are responsible for the yellow shirts.

They know that if the workers and farmers become organised and elect their own leaders, instead of accepting these Democrat puppets, they lose everything.

They will use every dirty trick in the book including patriotism (the last refuge of the scoundrel) to cling on to power and keep the people ignorant.

That is why they have brought on the last coup, to get rid of the Thaksin and to install a puppet (Abhisit).

However, you can't put the genie back in the bottle, and the people have elected Yingluck.

No matter what anyone says about her brother, she was elected in an overwhelming victory and she is the leader.

Suthep is just a lackey for the old clique and he uses the Yellow shirts and patriotism as his weapons to try and force out a democratically elected government.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

And so it will pass here too, the old clique trying hard to hang on, but they are on a losing game, the people have had enough of the old ways.

They want change and they want to have a say.

The issue of amnesty for Thaksin is a red herring, any excuse will do to keep the pot boiling, to get back into power.

If Thaksin died tomorrow there would be another excuse to try to force out Peu Thai.

They just don't want to live in a democracy where the law would apply to them equally.

Pardon me but what are you talking about? You do realize this is Thailand.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried the same tactics in the UK?

He would be arrested and locked away.

What kind of a goofy statement is that. If a government behaved the way this one has they would be thrown out on their ear thereby not necessitating a large prolonged protest.

Nice try compare a hypothetical government in England to a reality government in Thailand.

do you also think apples and oranges are the same?

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What we are witnessing is the death rattle of the conservatives that have ruled Thailand for the past 200 years.

The old families with close ties to the ancient power structure, with enormous wealth, with close family ties to the military who walk on the heads of ordinary Thais.

Who treat farmers and workers as mere chattels, who have raped the natural resources of the nation, who own just about everything.


Could you please provide more information on who exactly these mysterious "old families" are?

As a starter, what are their names?


Could he be referring to the elitist, corrupt and hideously powerful Na ChiangMai family?

I don't know. It's his claim. I'll let him tell us specifically who he is referring to.


Hmmm... still no response regarding his claim. Quite mysterious.


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I suppose these Sheep must be really proud of their Prime Minister. She is such a wit and extroadinarily intelligent about most things and has reduced corruption in the country. Why wouldn't they fight for her. It has nothing to do with any payments from Dubai that influences their actions

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NO one doubts that the Bog money owns the Generals in the military. It is certain that the media too is under severe pressure from those who wish to do coup number 5 or is it 6 in the last 13 years or so. But who is counting.

I think the most hilarious statements coming from the Yellow, the puppets of their real bosses, have to do with not wanting elections. Why is that we ask and they answer with something like--we would not win.

Can you imagine a political party in another nation in any democratic nation being allowed to say it wants to overthrow the government and then do away with elections? I think it is safe to say that in Germany, you would be jailed with your friends for that talk MR Yellow. Japan-Jail. France-Jail. UK-Jail. India-Jail. And so it would go all over the world. You see, it is treason to openly push for an overthrow of a government and an ignoring of the constitution.

So we are in a place where the powers that be are so confident that they can get away with this domestically, that they have done it multiple time in the last 12 years and they will do it again and again. In fact, they might very well do away with elections all together.

Myanmar must be their model to copy here.

Of course we must remember when the world hits Thailand with massive economic sanctions and makes it very difficult for any exports to go from Bangkok that all that money the ruling class loves will start to be taken away.

Massive sanctions will in the end be the only thing that takes this elite non democratic power base in Thailand down and makes them give into democratic rule.

Will it happen this time or will it wait until another time? I mean the trade sanctions.

I do not know but it will happen soon.

Thailand will be a wreck after their exports are cut down 30% or more and hit with massive trade tariffs at the same time as was done to South Africa.

Good luck.

Of course a French like move could also occur. Let them eat cake?

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NO one doubts that the Bog money owns the Generals in the military. It is certain that the media too is under severe pressure from those who wish to do coup number 5 or is it 6 in the last 13 years or so. But who is counting.

<snip for brevity>

"Who is counting", I am ! Some silly notion about trying to stick to the facts.

One coup in the past twenty years, is all you get, I'm afraid.

An optimist might almost suspect that things are slowly getting better here ? rolleyes.gif

Thank you for pointing out the glaring nonsense that I was going to do. :thumbsup:

It's always amusing to see the types of his persuasion start off from the git go with balderdash. It alerts the reader they can safely skip over the remaining gross misstatements and dismiss it with certainty without having to worry about missing something of factual relevance or even considered thought.

It's a good thing the real Michael Jordon will never see the unsettling misuse of his cherished name.

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NO one doubts that the Bog money owns the Generals in the military. It is certain that the media too is under severe pressure from those who wish to do coup number 5 or is it 6 in the last 13 years or so. But who is counting.

<snip for brevity>

"Who is counting", I am ! Some silly notion about trying to stick to the facts.

One coup in the past twenty years, is all you get, I'm afraid.

An optimist might almost suspect that things are slowly getting better here ? rolleyes.gif

Thank you for pointing out the glaring nonsense that I was going to do. thumbsup.gif

It's always amusing to see the types of his persuasion start off from the git go with balderdash. It alerts the reader they can safely skip over the remaining gross misstatements and dismiss it with certainty without having to worry about missing something of factual relevance or even considered thought.

It's a good thing the real Michael Jordon will never see the unsettling misuse of his cherished name.


Yeah I am sure he spends all day worried about the this message board.

It is my name too and there you are.

So are you two in favor of another coup with no elections?

Let them eat cake is it?

Pathetic--funny but pathetic.

For those of you, if the Red side were ever to get full power, it might be a bad idea to be a propagandists for the other side.

Good luck

Michale--my name--common name--and I do like the Bulls who lost tonight to Detroit just minutes ago in Chicago.

I am for free elections and I am attacked for this view from some.

Too funny.


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But back to the point.

We have a minority in control of the powers of the military and the media.

They have the vast majority of the wealth in Thailand and they have had their puppet announcing he will attempt to do a coup on Monday and then put in an unelected committee of some kind.

This makes Thailand look like a Bannana republic joke.

A coup followed by NO elections.

Sounds like Myanmar.


The ruling class has learned from their neighbors.

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But back to the point.

We have a minority in control of the powers of the military and the media.

They have the vast majority of the wealth in Thailand and they have had their puppet announcing he will attempt to do a coup on Monday and then put in an unelected committee of some kind.

This makes Thailand look like a Bannana republic joke.

A coup followed by NO elections.

Sounds like Myanmar.


The ruling class has learned from their neighbors.

According to a post above, that will be the 5th or 6th in the last 13 years. Maybe they were counting the coups world wide, and not just in Thailand. whistling.gif

It's actually the government that controls several of the TV channels. The red shirts also have their own TV channel. There are also plenty of red shirt / pro-Thaksin news papers.

You'll need to have a chat to some of the other pro-Thaksin / red shirt posters. Many of them say that Abhisit was the puppet of Suthep. Now Abhisit is the puppet of a puppet.

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But back to the point.


We have a minority in control of the powers of the military and the media.

They have the vast majority of the wealth in Thailand and they have had their puppet announcing he will attempt to do a coup on Monday and then put in an unelected committee of some kind.


This makes Thailand look like a Bannana republic joke.


A coup followed by NO elections.

Sounds like Myanmar.



The ruling class has learned from their neighbors.

What makes Thailand look like a banana republic is being ruled by a criminal in Dubai.

The PTP can declare its democratic election all it wants however the proof is in its lying, cheating, undemocratic and corrupt practises in parliament

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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