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wont give change what would you have done


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Jingthing, on 06 Dec 2013 - 19:57, said:Jingthing, on 06 Dec 2013 - 19:57, said:

Sorry to say the Thais would generally assume you're the bad f-rang unless you know them personally ...

So what, good farang or bad, makes no difference, the guy was robbed, so are you condoning theft, it seems you and others on here are. Piss poor attitude. This is why the "thieving" Thais will never change.

Edited by Rorri
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Jingthing, on 06 Dec 2013 - 19:57, said:Jingthing, on 06 Dec 2013 - 19:57, said:

Sorry to say the Thais would generally assume you're the bad f-rang unless you know them personally ...

So what, good farang or bad, makes no difference, the guy was robbed, so are you condoning theft, it seems you and others on here are. Piss poor attitude. This is why the "thieving" Thais will never change.

Not condoning theft. Just be clear getting into conflict with Thais over money disputes sometimes risks violence. So more like promoting AVOIDANCE of conflict.

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I had the opposite experience close to Pattaya.

The lady said: Phiptee baht and,.. I paid 50, but got 35 in exchange.... And.. while I really showed I thought fifty baht..

So, just as there are dishonest banana sellers, there are also good ones.

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Got a hand of ladyfingers yesterday for 30b, she wanted 40b but I got her down by 25%

Also bought a kilo and a half of avocados from her for 80b and 2 kilo really nice apples for 200b.

Then at another shop bought 12 bottles of honey for 1300b, and 2 bottle water and gave her 2k baht, no change, so she gave me back 1000b and I scrounged up all I had in change of 300b, she gave us the water for free....but we have known her for long time.

I bought a 7.5kilo water melon recently also, paid 400b for it...imagine that, 400b for a fookin water melon. Anyway, had to try it, organic and no seeds and the best tasting melon I have ever had in my life.....not sure I would pay 400 again though for a melon.

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You could have left the bananas with her and taken your 50 baht to get change.

On occasion a taxi does not have 20 bat change for a 80 bat fare and he does not turn off the meter upon reaching the destination. I call a couple of condo security guards and tell them to look at the meter as that is the fare. Apologetically I tell the taxi driver I am sorry he does not have change so I will walk to 7/11 for change. Miraculously he finds the change. It is exceedingly easy to beat them at their own (con) game.

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I would have put the bananas back down and politely, with a smile and in Thai, asked for the 50 baht back. If she refused, I would, still smiling, act confused and tell her that I only wanted one bushel of bananas, not two. I would have persisted to act confused, smiling, and taking up her time and bugging her when other customers came, until she just gave in. If that went on for a really long time (which it probably wouldn't) and didn't work, I'd just take an extra bushel of bananas. One thing I wouldn't do is tell the girlfriend, b/c she'd go and think of some sinister way to make the vendor lose face in a bad way.

With that said, in three years living in Thailand and many more trips before that, I've never once been refused change by a street vendor. So yeah, sounds like a case of either one bad egg vendor or one impolite buyer.

Isn't a bushel about 36 litres? unsure.png

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This is kinda of funny because I have gotten in the habit of holding my money until I see the change because of the taxi drivers.

Now even more so, because they have lost a lot of business this month and are now trying to keep any change they can.

ie; My taxi bill was 71 baht so the I held out a 100 baht and he handed me a 20 baht then I shook my 100 baht as he reached for it.

Then he handed me another five baht. The cabies in Bangkok are trying to work us again because their people as they would put it mistake.

So hold you money until you see the change.

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The OP's situation was a complete and utter non-event.

When she refused to give him change, he should've returned her bananas, taken his money and left. Alternatively, he should've grabbed some more fruit to the value of what he was owed and left. <deleted> could she do about it?

Sure, be polite, respectful and fair but don't let people take the piss.

Right, and she would have been happy to hand back 50 baht with a smile.

She didn't give him 30 baht in change, what makes you think she would have given him back the 50 baht. Were these banana's now worth more than 50 baht to her ??

They wold have been worthless after this event. The money on the other hand... well!!!

Mate, 99.999% of vendors will immediately hand the money back when their merchandise is returned there and then and yes, with a smile and a polite apology.

The OP's behaviour and quite possibly, his demeanour, dictated the outcome. The seller thought he was a sap and that she could probably take him if it came to blows laugh.png

Seriously though, if you want to go through your life here being timid and afraid of offending your own shadow, good luck to you.

Most of us have never had problems resolving silly issues like this because they happen every day to millions of people in millions of similar situations.

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Some people liked to be walked all over and others are to scared to do or say anything that might upset the natives.

Grow a set.

and...why are big bananas so popular? I prefer the little ones.

Some people just don't heed IMO good advice, to avoid confrontation with Thai's, it can seriously damage your health..

It's not being walked all over it's preventive medicine, just my opinion of course..And having small change and 20baht notes can stop incidents such as the OP's alledged incident happening...Not really rocket science is it....

Oh and as for the Bannanas, I don't like em, the shape of them puts me off from putting them in my mouth ,does that make me homophobic...wub.png

Especially the big fat ones....

No, it makes you in the closet ...

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I saw this in a convenience store in Phuket and calculated the store owner would make a huge profit from all the tourists he didn't give change back to, i would go into his shop on the way to the beach and on the way out look at him and not buy anything, did it every day.

That is insane behaviour. What good did you thin it did?

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I sympathize with the OP. Last week a local vendor ripped me off for two baht. (No, not two baht in gold. Two baht in change).

The fact that I'm upset about it a week later surprises even me.

When it happens again I'm going to be better prepared verbally with some sour and humorous Thai comments bordering on the stall owner losing face. Stuff like "I need that two baht. It's my lunch money," Or, "What am I going to eat for dinner?", or worse.

I listen to Thai people in the markets doing this all the time. Sometimes they even have mock fights, chasing each other around yelling, shouting, and laughing, and smiling while pinching and calling each other thieving scoundrels.

I'm still angry about my lost two baht. Next time I have to be better rehearsed for the drama.

A woman vendor I know charged my mother 10 baht for a bottle of water about 8 years ago when I bought it for 7 baht. I'm still angry. Resentment is a funny thing. As the spiritually wise say - if you have a resnetment, the best way to get rid of it is to pray for the person.

OP, get on you knees and pray the banana woman gets what she deserves and you'll free your mind.

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This is kinda of funny because I have gotten in the habit of holding my money until I see the change because of the taxi drivers.

Now even more so, because they have lost a lot of business this month and are now trying to keep any change they can.

ie; My taxi bill was 71 baht so the I held out a 100 baht and he handed me a 20 baht then I shook my 100 baht as he reached for it.

Then he handed me another five baht. The cabies in Bangkok are trying to work us again because their people as they would put it mistake.

So hold you money until you see the change.

Jesus...you would not round it up by 9 baht?....only 4 baht was your max?

And its Christmas ???

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The OP's situation was a complete and utter non-event.

When she refused to give him change, he should've returned her bananas, taken his money and left. Alternatively, he should've grabbed some more fruit to the value of what he was owed and left. <deleted> could she do about it?

Sure, be polite, respectful and fair but don't let people take the piss.

Right, and she would have been happy to hand back 50 baht with a smile.

She didn't give him 30 baht in change, what makes you think she would have given him back the 50 baht. Were these banana's now worth more than 50 baht to her ??

They wold have been worthless after this event. The money on the other hand... well!!!

Mate, 99.999% of vendors will immediately hand the money back when their merchandise is returned there and then and yes, with a smile and a polite apology.

The OP's behaviour and quite possibly, his demeanour, dictated the outcome. The seller thought he was a sap and that she could probably take him if it came to blows laugh.png

Seriously though, if you want to go through your life here being timid and afraid of offending your own shadow, good luck to you.

Most of us have never had problems resolving silly issues like this because they happen every day to millions of people in millions of similar situations.

Thats funny...a little 70yo granny sizing up the OP and thinkin yup....you'll get it out of my cold dead hands chump

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I had this happen to me when i ordered some fried chicken from my soi. I just walked away and refuse to come back. It's just 30 baht and nothing worth getting your farang arse kicked.

You are very wrong, and encouraging dishonesty.

You may also want to check meaning and usage of the verb 'refuse' in English.

Edited by paz
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What you should have done, return the bananas and got your 50 Baht back, few countries have a law which states that retailers must give change.

What to do now? As JT says never buy from her again.

Regarding the change, crossy is correct.

You can't also put it another way:

By law, in most countries, the buyer is responsible to tender the correct money / the seller has no legal responsibility to have change.

Late correction:

Regarding the change, crossy is correct.

You can't can also put it another way:

By law, in most countries, the buyer is responsible to tender the correct money / the seller has no legal responsibility to have change.
Some strange country... in mine no change given (or transaction cancelled) is fraud. For which there is no minimum amount to be charged for. Edited by paz
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The well aquainted in Thai ways should know by now that it always a good idea to have some small change coins with you which stops things like the op's post happening.

For the newbies it's a learning curve..

Once again I don't condone what's happened but it seems more and more people are complaining of being ripped off...

You don't only get ripped off in Thailand. My friend took his Thai wife to London on holiday, she wanted an ice cream cone from a vendor, she was charged three times the price, her husband found out, approached the vendor, made him pay back the money he overcharged her. As I say, these things happen all over the world.

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This has come up before, I think an Ozzy girl bought something at a market and wasent given her change either. Poor girl broke down in tears over it.

If this ever happened to me, I would stand my ground and demand my change back, but Im known to get a little hot headed, and this is probably the reason my wife doesnt let me go shopping alone lol.

What you could of done is taken a bite out of one of the bananas, then spat it back out on the floor and shout out "mai aroi". Then throw the rest of the bananas on the floor and stand on them. You then proceed to buy some more bananas from a different market vendor, take a bite from the new bananas and say "aroi maak". Hand over a nice juicy 500 baht tip and give the vendor who didnt give you your change back a nice big Thai smile.

Lost face big time, produce spat on the floor, rival vendor gets a compliment and a huge tip. That will teach them to steal 30 baht.

I am surprised that u have a wife with your logic and temper. Win at all cost

I have enough people saying they like my comment than dislike it, so obviously Im right. Why should us expats be treat this way? If someone steals money from us, we cannot let them get away with it or they will run circles around us and see us as a walking ATM.

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This has come up before, I think an Ozzy girl bought something at a market and wasent given her change either. Poor girl broke down in tears over it.

If this ever happened to me, I would stand my ground and demand my change back, but Im known to get a little hot headed, and this is probably the reason my wife doesnt let me go shopping alone lol.

What you could of done is taken a bite out of one of the bananas, then spat it back out on the floor and shout out "mai aroi". Then throw the rest of the bananas on the floor and stand on them. You then proceed to buy some more bananas from a different market vendor, take a bite from the new bananas and say "aroi maak". Hand over a nice juicy 500 baht tip and give the vendor who didnt give you your change back a nice big Thai smile.

Lost face big time, produce spat on the floor, rival vendor gets a compliment and a huge tip. That will teach them to steal 30 baht.

I am surprised that u have a wife with your logic and temper. Win at all cost

I have enough people saying they like my comment than dislike it, so obviously Im right. Why should us expats be treat this way? If someone steals money from us, we cannot let them get away with it or they will run circles around us and see us as a walking ATM.
I agree totally by making them lose face, it's not about the amount but the principal. What a petty thing to by ripping someone off 30b, at least make it worth it. Edited by Jubes
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I would have just helped myself to some extra bananas and walked away never to return.

Yes, and then you would have some of their stallholder pals after you as well as the stall holder himself.
No, as long he had took no more than change due.
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I would have tried to return the bananas and demanded a refund. If not forthcoming, swiftly pick up goods to the value of the missing change and walk away. If she tries to make a problem out of it, stand your ground. Such behaviour should never be tolerated as it only encourages them to do it again if you let them get away with it...

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I would have just helped myself to some extra bananas and walked away never to return.

Yes, and then you would have some of their stallholder pals after you as well as the stall holder himself.
No, as long he had took no more than change due.

I think you will find a number of posters have been assaulted for 10 baht. I know I have.

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I would have just helped myself to some extra bananas and walked away never to return.
Yes, and then you would have some of their stallholder pals after you as well as the stall holder himself.
No, as long he had took no more than change due.
I think you will find a number of posters have been assaulted for 10 baht. I know I have.
Then probably you owed the 10 baht because the average Thai has a good sense of what is right and what is wrong, nicking change falls in the latter category. Recommed you man up or choose a nanny country to live in. Edited by paz
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Yes, and then you would have some of their stallholder pals after you as well as the stall holder himself.

No, as long he had took no more than change due.

I think you will find a number of posters have been assaulted for 10 baht. I know I have.

I never did and I had some confrontation that all were resolved pacifically. Surprise to you the average Thai has a good sense of what is right and what is wrong, nicking change falls in the latter category. Recommed you man up or choose a nanny country to live in.

Sent from my GT-I9070 using Tapatalk

It was the "man up" that got me and at least one other poster assaulted.

I gave a tuk tuk driver a 20 baht note (10 baht ride) and he with a big smile held up the 20 baht note and told me, "no change." I grabbed the note and said, "som nom na (serves you right)" and ran off. He followed and threw a tire iron at me. Another poster when asked for 20 baht gave the driver 10 and walked away and the driver followed and punched him. Maybe you better hang around Thailand a bit before telling people to man up.

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Yes, and then you would have some of their stallholder pals after you as well as the stall holder himself.

No, as long he had took no more than change due.

I think you will find a number of posters have been assaulted for 10 baht. I know I have.

I never did and I had some confrontation that all were resolved pacifically. Surprise to you the average Thai has a good sense of what is right and what is wrong, nicking change falls in the latter category. Recommed you man up or choose a nanny country to live in.

Sent from my GT-I9070 using Tapatalk

It was the "man up" that got me and at least one other poster assaulted.

I gave a tuk tuk driver a 20 baht note (10 baht ride) and he with a big smile held up the 20 baht note and told me, "no change." I grabbed the note and said, "som nom na (serves you right)" and ran off. He followed and threw a tire iron at me. Another poster when asked for 20 baht gave the driver 10 and walked away and the driver followed and punched him. Maybe you better hang around Thailand a bit before telling people to man up.

I have been hanging out I thailand long enough, 10 yrs to be exact. Your examples show you or the other person did not act wisely considering the counterpart, tuktuk or motorbike driver, avoid confrontation. So I stand corrected, wise up better describes what could be good for you

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