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Does your partner know who Nelson Mandela was?


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The passing of Paul Walker was also very sad, but who can miss the irony of him dying in a car crash, sad.png

Why? What has he done for the world? I did not even know who he was until he first got splattered all over a tree and then all over the press.

Do most young Americans, Brits, Germans, Aussies know who Mandela was? I doubt it.

My daughter rang me to tell me Nelson Mandela was dead . She was so sad .

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I don’t know about you, but I learned most of what I know, after I graduated from university. My wife went through the same system as everyone else but seems to have broader interests than what is being implied here.
Interaction with your partner, friends, travel and reading all play a part in how worldly someone becomes. My wife is 39 and still taking classes at the university. You get the partner you choose to some extent but there is room to nurture their development, if one takes the time.

Right there with you.

My partner knows more about pop-culture (modern) than I do. He has a breadth of knowledge that impresses me daily, When Carter was here for Habitat for Humanity, he read up on him and in enough detail to get the "Jimmy Who?" reference.

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The passing of Paul Walker was also very sad, but who can miss the irony of him dying in a car crash, sad.png

Also the passing of Family Guy Brian. Also by a car. Ironic.

"Clay is dead, Brian isn't" Kurt Sutter

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I just enquired at home 'What do you know about Mandela?' I got the following replies; 'was in prison a long time' (I was getting my hopes up at this point); was nicknamed "red" (??? What??), yeah she was pulling my leg with the Shawshank Redemption! Anyway she did know quite a bit about him. And that he was "anti-appetite", hahaha.

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I think he might not be a popular subject in the conservative Thai educational system. Considering Thai youth seem to think Hitler is some kind of cool super hero, I would hardly expect one of the greatest forces against racism in history would be high on the local radar. If you think too much about racism, you might have to think about the racism inherent in THAI society.

Thailand did not establish diplomatic relations with S.A. until the end of apartheid; don't you think there was a link to Thai government dislike of apartheid in S.A.?

Mandela was/is a cause celebre in Western media as well as with major (thinking) youth icons such as U2. Unless they are private fee paying schools, I would seriously question that Mandela's political philosophy/ideology is taught or referenced in Western schools and definately not in Thailand. Personally I would not link this to racism/bigotry in Thailand; am I wrong or were you just making a throw away comment?

Not sure what you're on about exactly but yes I do assume it likely that some of the history of apartheid and ending it in South Africa is taught in general schools in the USA anyway, where of course Mandela would at least be mentioned. More would be taught about Martin Luther King of course.

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I think he might not be a popular subject in the conservative Thai educational system. Considering Thai youth seem to think Hitler is some kind of cool super hero, I would hardly expect one of the greatest forces against racism in history would be high on the local radar. If you think too much about racism, you might have to think about the racism inherent in THAI society.

Thailand did not establish diplomatic relations with S.A. until the end of apartheid; don't you think there was a link to Thai government dislike of apartheid in S.A.?

Mandela was/is a cause celebre in Western media as well as with major (thinking) youth icons such as U2. Unless they are private fee paying schools, I would seriously question that Mandela's political philosophy/ideology is taught or referenced in Western schools and definately not in Thailand. Personally I would not link this to racism/bigotry in Thailand; am I wrong or were you just making a throw away comment?

Not sure what you're on about exactly but yes I do assume it likely that some of the history of apartheid and ending it in South Africa is taught in general schools in the USA anyway, where of course Mandela would at least be mentioned. More would be taught about Martin Luther King of course.

Nevermind. Sorry to hear of the assault on you.

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I saw the news before she did but of course she knew who he was and felt sad at his passing. To be fair she was probably more upset at the passing of Paul Walker.

I had never heard of Paul Walker until this week and I still don't know what he was famous for so your wife is ahead of me on that one.

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Mine didn't know, but had heard about apartheid in SA and that they had a black president. So....

I did make sure to include him in a class here in Thailand about foreign countries when we talked about South Africa. As for people saying that people in English-speaking countries outside of SA don't know about him.....I don't know anyone who fits that profile and doesn't know about Mandela. He was a great man, especially for how he dealt with his time after incarceration. Honestly, I think I would have come out of jail wanting blood...I am not as good a person as he was. Just make a quick comparison with SA and Zimbabwe and see what could have happened.

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Okay just done the test and yes she knows as much as the average person about Nelson Mandela as I thought she would. Because for somebody that was taken from school at 14 to work on the family farm she is surprisingly well read and has educated herself at night school.

However just for the record neither of us had any idea who Paul Walker was until two days ago.

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Not exactly relevent but the girl serving me in central yesterday asked me where i was from. Her next question was "Is the UK in America?"facepalm.gif Her geography teacher needs a lesson or two himself.

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Not exactly relevent but the girl serving me in central yesterday asked me where i was from. Her next question was "Is the UK in America?"facepalm.gif Her geography teacher needs a lesson or two himself.

Did you tell her you were from the UK or Bratet Angret?

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Not exactly relevent but the girl serving me in central yesterday asked me where i was from. Her next question was "Is the UK in America?"facepalm.gif Her geography teacher needs a lesson or two himself.

Her geography teacher needs a lesson or two himself.

Wasnt one of those Fillipino teachers being discussed on another thread was it?

Gawd forbid, not another KSR dreadlocked hippy type.

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This is caused by two things.

First, the Thai education system sucks so hard that few things can compete with its lameness. Students are not taught anything regarding to what is going on in the world. A prime example of that is when Chula Uni students had no idea who Hitler was otherwise they would have not presented him as a fuc_ing hero. But that's just one example, the list is endless.

Second, their behavior. Their usual approach to things. The famous Thai ignorance. Though I like Thais, and have nothing against them if there is one thing that keeps them away from making any progress is this attitude. Like a horse that cannot see anything only what's right in front of him.

But that is actually changing as the entire nation is becoming more and more westernized.

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This is caused by two things.

First, the Thai education system sucks so hard that few things can compete with its lameness. Students are not taught anything regarding to what is going on in the world. A prime example of that is when Chula Uni students had no idea who Hitler was otherwise they would have not presented him as a fuc_ing hero. But that's just one example, the list is endless.

Second, their behavior. Their usual approach to things. The famous Thai ignorance. Though I like Thais, and have nothing against them if there is one thing that keeps them away from making any progress is this attitude. Like a horse that cannot see anything only what's right in front of him.

But that is actually changing as the entire nation is becoming more and more westernized.

Sorry, cant agree with you there.

This is Asia, for some reason or another Asians like strong leaders, maybe tied into nationalism or patriotism, I dont know.

Some of the people my mrs respects, George Bush, he didnt take shit, Saddam Hussein, he stood up to the west, OBL she thinks of him as a patriot.

She asked me, wasnt NM a commie?

Whether I agree or not with her way of thinking is irrelevant, its an insight into the way of thinking over here.

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I doubt if you asked many young Westerners who he was they would know. They might be able at best to tell you "he was some black guy" but I doubt they'd know what he did or what his story was.

I don't recall ever being taught about Mandela at school. Some people just learn about this sort of thing through their own doing and others never do.

I can think of countless historical figures that I could mention and half my mates or family wouldn't know who they were or what I was on about - Chairman Mao, Che Guevara, Pol Pot, Ghandi, Ho Chi Minh etc etc etc.

Not exactly relevent but the girl serving me in central yesterday asked me where i was from. Her next question was "Is the UK in America?"facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif Her geography teacher needs a lesson or two himself.

I told a Thai girl we were going out for Mexican food and asked if she'd tried it before. She told me "just KFC and McDonalds", I said "but they are American fast food not Mexican" she replied "America is part of Mexico isn't it?".

I loved that! :D

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