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Thai military chief rebuffs protesters' intervention plea

Lite Beer

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The country's head of defence forces Thanasak Patimaprakorn is obviously an intelligent, and level headed man. We should all be grateful he is leading the military at this time. Suthep has once again grievously miscalculated. He is out of touch. He is completely lost in the wilderness. He is grasping for straws. Whether or not you feel change was required, all of the ways he has suggested change take place are irrational, silly, and misguided. It is as if Mussolini himself is giving this silly man advice from the grave.

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Ok the easy way out is now gone. The military are doing what for this country my be the smart thing and not taking sides.

Personally I would rather see AV Suthep and Chalerm sit down with the military leaders moderating a meeting starting out with the premise Thai people first.

Go over what the agreed points are then start to look at ways to resolve some of the issues. Then set down based on the constitution an agreement on how an election will be carried out with rules of conduct for the candidates. Ask some of the foreign countries if they will send an envoy or allow one of the diplomatic staff to sit on a court of adjudication for all infractions.

BTW penalties for faking it or complaining on trivialities also would be included.

The Dems and Suthep would have been wise during this to sit down and find out what the people in the country want. I am sure with the rice issues that the PTP is not as popular as they were.

One thing is clear Yingluck as leader has to go she has had and still has no credibility with Thai people.

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This decision will make things worse, not better. My tortoise told me so.

Suthep can forget help from the military, Thaksin has got to them first with his blood soaked money.

It is now down to the people.

Yes it is now down to the people to elect who they want to run the country not some 10 cent tin pot dictator and a "peoples council" of unelected cronies who once in power will be immpossible to shift wjthout yet another coup in which many innocent people will die.

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Thailand's military chief on Saturday shrugged off an opposition rally leader's appeal to intervene in support of protester efforts to topple the government and install an unelected 'people's council'.


Next step.

As the greatest hope remains the Constitution Court

Hopefully the court judges with a variety of parliamentary requirements to be met in the future, no matter who is in power.
Like for all future budgeting processes they make it compulsory for all future governments, that
- the use of money for project proposals are accurately represented in detail and coherent on the last baht.
- the use of money for project proposals is described in detail for all people publicly documented and visible
- Public monthly or quarterly reports on Finance and project progresses.
- Public invitation for project proposals and at least three competitive compare offers.
- Project completion reports including all expenses with receipts.
- a strong, powerfull supervisory committee composed of members is formed by all parties,
to control the entire investment process without disabilities and time delay restrictions.
The results of the process and progress checks are presented to the parliament.
The members of the supervisory body should rotate so that corruption is impossible or more difficult.
When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.
It must be prevented that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.
Furthermore they must lift immunity for criminals.
An untenable situation that convicted criminals gives commands to the government or sitting in the government.
Convicted corrupt people must never have again any access to public funds or offices.

Whoever wins the election, the opposition must also have control options.

That money distributed in the dark among family and friends has to stop.

That would be ideal, but it can not and will not work in any country, never mind Thailand.

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This decision will make things worse, not better. My tortoise told me so.

Suthep can forget help from the military, Thaksin has got to them first with his blood soaked money.

It is now down to the people.

Agree - elections on 2nd Feb. That's when the 'people' will decide.

Talk is cheap.

How about an informed public on what they are voting for.

The current means will not help stop corruption here in Thailand.

Just prolong it and make it easier to make it even more corrupt.

It is about as useless as painting a politicians name on the shell of a turtle and taking them into a large area with a line in it. Dump them all far away from it give them no directions and let them go their own way. The first one to cross the line would bear the name of the winner on it.

It would improve Thailand's lot about the same as the present system. In fact it would stand a better chance to improve things than the current system.clap2.gif

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On the ground (in the South), it comes to me like this: "Do you love the King or do you love Taksin"?" That's the choice in peoples' minds down south here in this War of The Oligarchs. For what it's worth, the nightly speeches, mostly canned and mostly Suthep, play on TV and booming loud speakers to empty seats outside at the Provincial Courthouse. Whistles and horns have all gone home. Every night by virtue of housing proximity I must listen from 5 pm to 10:30 pm words I don't understand and patterns of rhetoric that I do... disturbed and disturbing. Most startling was a collection of brown shirts on sale next to the obligatory yellow. that just ain't right.

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Now we know what he really want. He said "We can keep on fighting for a year and more people will join, but I know that it will affect the economy," but for me this is an excuse due to he know if he prolong this, people will start to go off and he will lose everything. People know that in a democratic country, the last is to dissolve the parliament and proceed with general election where really the people power come in (Don't tell me on vote buying or corruption. This is all BS, people are not stupid). Next he say "setting up a 400-member people's council, with 100 of the members appointed by the PDRC," with this what he plan and know about democracy? or with this statement we know that he want his hand on the power for himself? and now he "urged rural doctors across the country to work with people from various professions in setting up provincial PDRC units and discuss the reform of the country," now he act on behalf as the King to tell civil servant and people what to do.

All I can see from him is just influence people with ideas and promises but do not know what to do and how to be done. For me, he really need to know what is the different between democracy and dictatorship.

For me, your last sentence says it all. Does anyone in Thailand really know the difference? Yet, I have so many Thai friends who have degrees and master degrees in political science ! Its a very popular degree here, and many have achieved them at foreign universities.

All know the current electoral and system is flawed, as is the parliamentary checks and balances. PTP want to keep the bits that they can easily manipulate to favor themselves and change the other parts that don't favor them. Suthep knows this needs changing, but doesn't have a clue how to change it, or what it should look like. So he reverts back to a dictatorship type approach albeit softened by allowing what he considers a representative peoples' council. The military, quite sensibly know this isn't the answer, and that more real negotiation and hard thinking is required.

The problem with all this is Thaksin and Suthep. One is a self centered megalomaniac who has demonstrated sociopathic tendencies in his quest for all out power and totally dominates the party he owns and rules. The other is a front man for less visible old money power who has become carried away with his/there vision of a Thailand run by elites and those deemed socially worthy. These, and their parties are hardly likely to enter any discussions or negotiations with the interest of the people and country at heart are they? They will have their own agendas - absolute power and control for their own benefit and revenge on their opponents.

Until this changes, the merry go round will continue. The military know that another coup isn't the answer. The legal system, enforcement of law, fairly to all, by a professional police force and impartial judiciary and bar all need to be established. Political parties, whoever they are, must respect the law, the constitution, parliamentary procedures and be subject to public scruitiny and transparency, especially in financial matters.

The corruption is so endemic and enshrined here that there's little hope of change. If the military stay out, Thaksin will dig deep in the coffers to ensure his party win. All the old gang have finished their bans now so he can bring them back. The 2,2 trillion and 350 million will be used to pay off the farmers, replenish the clan coffers, and oil the wheels. Laws will be changed to favor the clan and keep them in power. If the military come in, a small number of people will rule Thailand as their own fiefdom, as they have done for a long time already. Both groups will continue to ruthlessly use and exploit the Thai people, whilst paying homage to their Chinese ancestors.

What a shit choice the poor Thai people actually have.

Thanks and you are really correct. If people really understand the way to play politics, they do not need any degree for that. Thai people don't have any choice as I can see now. Changes must be done in the government by using the correct and democratic ways and Thai people really need to think on what they want for the future of the country and themselves but not by just listening to the leaders by telling them what they want to listen.

We all know that balances can only be done by both side. Then the country will be a better place. For me both side must find a solution out to settle by starting to let go of the past.

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Suthep needs the military to intervene so when there is international blow back he will say it had nothing to

do with him but he will now take the control as there is a political vacuum and only he can provide the

piece and stability. whistling.gif

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Ok the easy way out is now gone. The military are doing what for this country my be the smart thing and not taking sides.

Personally I would rather see AV Suthep and Chalerm sit down with the military leaders moderating a meeting starting out with the premise Thai people first.

Go over what the agreed points are then start to look at ways to resolve some of the issues. Then set down based on the constitution an agreement on how an election will be carried out with rules of conduct for the candidates. Ask some of the foreign countries if they will send an envoy or allow one of the diplomatic staff to sit on a court of adjudication for all infractions.

BTW penalties for faking it or complaining on trivialities also would be included.

The Dems and Suthep would have been wise during this to sit down and find out what the people in the country want. I am sure with the rice issues that the PTP is not as popular as they were.

One thing is clear Yingluck as leader has to go she has had and still has no credibility with Thai people.

Whilst I concur with several of your points, I always hesitate when I see sweeping statements like "she has had and still has no credibility with Thai people", which are easy to state but very difficult to provide supporting proof of. Let the Thais decide for themselves .... she's certainly not popular in BKK nor in the south, but others seem to like her and are even protective of her.

If she has no credibility with the Thais, both Suthep and Abhisit should silently encourage her to accept her party's nomination for PM again.

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Thailand's military chief on Saturday shrugged off an opposition rally leader's appeal to intervene in support of protester efforts to topple the government and install an unelected 'people's council'.


Next step.

As the greatest hope remains the Constitution Court


Hopefully the court judges with a variety of parliamentary requirements to be met in the future, no matter who is in power.

Like for all future budgeting processes they make it compulsory for all future governments, that

- the use of money for project proposals are accurately represented in detail and coherent on the last baht.

- the use of money for project proposals is described in detail for all people publicly documented and visible

- Public monthly or quarterly reports on Finance and project progresses.

- Public invitation for project proposals and at least three competitive compare offers.

- Project completion reports including all expenses with receipts.

- a strong, powerfull supervisory committee composed of members is formed by all parties,

to control the entire investment process without disabilities and time delay restrictions.

The results of the process and progress checks are presented to the parliament.

The members of the supervisory body should rotate so that corruption is impossible or more difficult.

When public funds are used, then the public has the right to see what the representatives of the people plan to do with the money and how it was used.

It must be prevented that a country can be completely plundered by a few unethical people just because they are currently in power.

Furthermore they must lift immunity for criminals.

An untenable situation that convicted criminals gives commands to the government or sitting in the government.

Convicted corrupt people must never have again any access to public funds or offices.

Whoever wins the election, the opposition must also have control options.

That money distributed in the dark among family and friends has to stop.

One of the main issues is rather than have an independent stand alone audit process, we have the dubious actions of the constitutional court showing objection by making random decisions to ban/suspend/control the politicians. Thus the decision making process is flawed. The constitutional court should not have the power to halt progress, this is why the control and 'checks and balances' needs a separate entity. The Thai system as it is actually condones the 'abuse of power' in many areas due to the flimsy interpretations of the archaic laws that can be utilised in many arena. Not to mention of course the immunity which is available to not just politicians, and who brought that little gem into the process? Who supported it? and why was it required?

But the constitutional court is doing the job it is charged with doing.... banning corrupt and slimy politicians and their unconstitutional ways.

Thaksin and his PTP have got too comfortable in the thought that they have absolute power to do whatever they want in Thailand.

It HAS to stop, and this is unfortunately the only way to do it.

So tell me why the senate cannot be elected but must remain 50% appointed,.....against the constitution? there is no democracy in Thailand with the current constitution you wish to continue to be protected. Before you respond I suggest you read it!

You probably considered it also a brilliant idea that spouses and close family members of elected mp's could be elected as senator ?

Why, what is wrong with that? It is a democracy, and why should any person be denied the right to stand for public office just because his close family member happens to hold office? It is the person's ability which is of importance. And this will be decided by the voters.

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You probably considered it also a brilliant idea that spouses and close family members of elected mp's could be elected as senator ?

Why, what is wrong with that? It is a democracy, and why should any person be denied the right to stand for public office just because his close family member happens to hold office? It is the person's ability which is of importance. And this will be decided by the voters.

A senator is supposed to be not political linked in any way. Now tell me how a senator can be impartial if his/her spouse is a pm ?

As an example, a Judge or a jury member in a court case are not allowed if they even know the accused .

Edited by PeterSmiles
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You probably considered it also a brilliant idea that spouses and close family members of elected mp's could be elected as senator ?

Why, what is wrong with that? It is a democracy, and why should any person be denied the right to stand for public office just because his close family member happens to hold office? It is the person's ability which is of importance. And this will be decided by the voters.

A senator is supposed to be not political linked in any way. Now tell me how a senator can be impartial if his/her spouse is a pm ?

As an example, a Judge or a jury member in a court case are not allowed if they even know the accused .

A senator is supposed to be not political linked in any way. Now tell me how a senator can be impartial if his/her spouse is a pm ? That should read mp.

As an example, a Judge or a jury member in a court case are not allowed if they even know the accused .

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Suthep has certainly lost his mind - he just threatened to besiege the US Embassy for not siding with his non-democratic PDRC! How deranged can a politician be?? And who are the 'people' supporting him?
Got a link to this breaking story?

Given the current local time, I'd wager, Super Thep's snoring his head off right about now...

From Twitter, I guess we will see this in other media in the morning :

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1387046933.102626.jpg



You believe a tweet???

How gullible.

Listen to Nittitorn's speech, that is if you understand Thai!


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But just to confirm, Suthep Thaugsuban himself, did not say this as you claimed earlier?

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