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Protest guards arrested for carrying firearms

Lite Beer

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Now check the ballistics on these fire arms and see how many hits have they been used in. As in a comment I made yesterday, these "security guards" are guns for hire, can be used as body guards or hitmen. The same type of guys that appeared in 2010 on both sides. The men in black are well documented on the red side. But there were reports of men in black on army trucks in 2010, now we have Sutheps security all in black.

No politician in this country are innocent, trustworthy or honest.

If any person breaks the law they must be be arrested and the law must take its course, for both sides and for rich or poor. Without the rule of law you cannot have a democracy. Anyone on any side that disagree with this and make the rule of law subject to political views, are playing with fire.

This is crazy!

I really can not believe you lot have swallowed this bullshit story.

This was announced by the Thaksin propaganda machine CAPO, they fed it to the nation because it is not reported anywhere else. Not on any Thai news channel, not in any other online news channel.

Where are the pictures that always come with arrests? The three guys sat at a table with the guns laid out in front on the desk and a bunch of happy smiling cops??

Where is any evidence this happened? I will tell you. It never even happened, but you super-naive lot believe it because you 'want to believe it'. They would never have been able to arrest a single guard, they would not have even confronted a guard because it would have caused mayhem and they know it.

lololol so funny you lot can't see that this has been leaked intentionally to discredit the protest guards. Probably because they want to start shooting them on sight. It is coming soon, they government are laying the stage for slughter, and all you gullible people will blame the protesters and guards for any deaths.

Civil war in the next month. I guarantee it. That is Thaksin's main objective.

Civil war seems to be the goal of both sides...my icon below is laughing but I am not.

cheesy.gif (objective view)

ermm.gif (subjective view)

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......which didn't happen in 2010. OTOH those red guards who were charged almost got an amnesty.

So should they be prosecuted to the full extent of the law......and then given amnesty?

Ah yes Mick but under this government things have moved forward, PTP have obviously learnt from the Abhisit fiasco..........

The PTP government has controlled the protestors from the initial gathering with the minimal injury

PTP rather than try to cling to power have instantly dissolved parliament

Being as the protesters were not armed, it isn't difficult to work out how.

"Instantly dissolve parliament" ........ pull the other one.

Apparently there are reports of the 'guards' being armed, so you are little behind there, but I see you struggle to find fault in my comment so I guess it's the best you could offer....

Who said 'guards' ?

I said the protesters were not armed, and didn't need guarding anyway, until another faction showed up.

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It's amazing how some people view the yellows as anyway superior to the reds.

All the same.

Non are superior, reds on record are the aggressive type, whipped up to frenzy (BKK records prove) yellows same style mobilized to cause disruption BUT in most cases obstruction of facilities.

Both are Thai, reds cheered on from Dubai, monies distributed to channels to give away for his cause. Yellows are not there for the sole reason for 1 man in power-the difference.

No need for arms on any side-no security If no threats were made.

It's amazing you want to bring the issue up--like an Oxford and Cambridge boat race.

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When the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. The police are going to be the first to run for the hills and CAPO will be not far behind them. So I will reiterate a post I made in the general section that was locked because it should be here instead.

I believe that the latest political standoff can easily be resolved by giving Mr Thaksin Shinawatra exactly what he wants... Civil War!

It is clear to me and should be clear to everyone on this board that Thaksin has sought division between the north and the south ever since he decided to enter politics.

It is impossible to end the stand off between the north and south divide, and that also goes for all the farang on this board where clearly all those in the north married to their isaan lasses have become indoctrinated in this system of divide like sheep with no purpose in life. So there is only one thing for it, give them exactly what they want. Let the natural process play out and let the 'people decide'.

No point in holding elections,it won't work, there will always be that bitter rivalry and opposition to the result because 50% of Phue Thai votes are paid for. So the system grinds on and Thailand's poor continue to get poorer as the economy is shredded by the rice farmers and the businessmen run for better economical climate in the region and beyond.

Ultimately this system is doomed and will ultimately end in civil war anyway. So why not just cut out the crap and set up a zone just north of Ayutaya and have a mass face off by 'the people'. The red shirts would be chomping at the bit. They are all well armed and could raise an army of say 5 million. While the south can fend them off with their intelligence.

The ultimate prize will be Bangkok. If the reds win, they can stick their red communist flag in the soil in front of government house and declare victory.

I also think that all politicians should be herded together and prevented from leaving the country, so they can enjoy their fate which ever way it goes. Even if a few million die in the war, it is not like it was wasted. If you want power or freedom, you have to fight for it. That is what has happened for thousands of years in the name of tribalism, and tribalism clearly exists today. Instead of marauding, we have tainted elections. That has not worked since 1932. I think it is time we reverted back to a system that works.

I think Thaksin would agree, seeing as it seems to be sat at the top of his agenda and we all know he has little concern over Thai lives.

Just my opinion guys.

Well, can't say I totally agree. I hope some of this was tongue in cheek. The gap between the haves and have nots in Thailand is getting wider every year. That said, is it no wonder that the situation seems to worsen? I am sure that the revolutionaries in 1917 Russia hoped for a more even playing field, not just exchanging one form of corruption for another.

In a democracy, surely the basis is one man one vote? Unfortunately, vote wise, the reds far outnumber the yellows. So the same record gets played over and over. If Suthep is so convinced he has the moral high ground, would it not be up to him, as a so-called intellectual superior to offer an olive branch instead of pursuing his own megalomaniacal agenda? Would Yingluck accept such a proposal?

Is this country ripe for a civil war? Undoubtedly yes. I'd give it 5years. I just wish that the King was 20years younger to avert the blood bath that will inevitably follow. I live in Isaan, vote buying goes on by both parties. Most people I talk to, whatever their affiliation are dismayed by the protests, and can see that either party is only intent on bleeding their country dry.

The answer? Oh boy, wish I had one!

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Now check the ballistics on these fire arms and see how many hits have they been used in. As in a comment I made yesterday, these "security guards" are guns for hire, can be used as body guards or hitmen. The same type of guys that appeared in 2010 on both sides. The men in black are well documented on the red side. But there were reports of men in black on army trucks in 2010, now we have Sutheps security all in black.

No politician in this country are innocent, trustworthy or honest.

If any person breaks the law they must be be arrested and the law must take its course, for both sides and for rich or poor. Without the rule of law you cannot have a democracy. Anyone on any side that disagree with this and make the rule of law subject to political views, are playing with fire.

You are spot on. I know of two bodyguards that have been working for several politician's in Thailand and they are actually hit-men's. They want to be known as Kevin Costner and they came from Petchabun. They have been arrested many times but always get bailed out by influential people's so they never served one year in prison and the most is normally 30 day's until the courts are sorted out and getting paid.

If those guys got bailed, it means someone stepped in and put up bail as many of those gun men's have not much money.

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Now check the ballistics on these fire arms and see how many hits have they been used in. As in a comment I made yesterday, these "security guards" are guns for hire, can be used as body guards or hitmen. The same type of guys that appeared in 2010 on both sides. The men in black are well documented on the red side. But there were reports of men in black on army trucks in 2010, now we have Sutheps security all in black.

No politician in this country are innocent, trustworthy or honest.

If any person breaks the law they must be be arrested and the law must take its course, for both sides and for rich or poor. Without the rule of law you cannot have a democracy. Anyone on any side that disagree with this and make the rule of law subject to political views, are playing with fire.

This is crazy!

I really can not believe you lot have swallowed this bullshit story.

This was announced by the Thaksin propaganda machine CAPO, they fed it to the nation because it is not reported anywhere else. Not on any Thai news channel, not in any other online news channel.

Where are the pictures that always come with arrests? The three guys sat at a table with the guns laid out in front on the desk and a bunch of happy smiling cops??

Where is any evidence this happened? I will tell you. It never even happened, but you super-naive lot believe it because you 'want to believe it'. They would never have been able to arrest a single guard, they would not have even confronted a guard because it would have caused mayhem and they know it.

lololol so funny you lot can't see that this has been leaked intentionally to discredit the protest guards. Probably because they want to start shooting them on sight. It is coming soon, they government are laying the stage for slughter, and all you gullible people will blame the protesters and guards for any deaths.

Civil war in the next month. I guarantee it. That is Thaksin's main objective.

No civil war this time as the army is not stepping in. The popular vote once again goes to PTP as Suthep destroyed the Democrat Party and they are actually not electable at least not in the North or Northeast.

Let the international observers come in (Suthep doesn't want them) and monitor the Thai elections. If after February the Democrats come with another rubbish story and go to the streets and let the army take care of it and arrest them with police assistance and jail them for a minimum of 10 years.

So far YS didn't to the same what Suthep did who was in charge of security.

Why they didn't take photos? They might be hit men's with multiply arrest warrants.

Thai News is always late so may be in the next 2 days we get the names but they will be in Cambodia, Laos or Malaysia.

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Who said 'guards' ?

I said the protesters were not armed, and didn't need guarding anyway, until another faction showed up.

The BKK Post reported the rally had 3k guards before any other faction showed up. Nothing unusual about this, all major protests/rallies have guards now. Also given the technical students involved with the rally, and their propensity for armed violence, I can't see why it'd be so surprising if a few of them were found carrying weapons (it doesn't say in the report they were guards). The overwhelming majority of protesters were unarmed, though, no doubt about that. But the same is true of the red shirts. It's not like the MiB were actually protesters. They were mercenaries hired to do a job.

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Who said 'guards' ?

I said the protesters were not armed, and didn't need guarding anyway, until another faction showed up.

The BKK Post reported the rally had 3k guards before any other faction showed up. Nothing unusual about this, all major protests/rallies have guards now. Also given the technical students involved with the rally, and their propensity for armed violence, I can't see why it'd be so surprising if a few of them were found carrying weapons (it doesn't say in the report they were guards). The overwhelming majority of protesters were unarmed, though, no doubt about that. But the same is true of the red shirts. It's not like the MiB were actually protesters. They were mercenaries hired to do a job.

The MiB were as you described, but it wasn't just the MiB who were armed with weapons that could cause physical harm in 2010, if anything the MiB didn't arm themselves with just mere hitting implements, or throwing implements, or setting fire to anything that would burn.... they were secret weren't they, and wouldn't belittle themselves by using anything less than an AK-47

Sticks, stones, guns and fire versus whistles.

I think the people with the whistles were just a little less capable of harm, don't you?

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When the hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. The police are going to be the first to run for the hills and CAPO will be not far behind them. So I will reiterate a post I made in the general section that was locked because it should be here instead.

I believe that the latest political standoff can easily be resolved by giving Mr Thaksin Shinawatra exactly what he wants... Civil War!

It is clear to me and should be clear to everyone on this board that Thaksin has sought division between the north and the south ever since he decided to enter politics.

It is impossible to end the stand off between the north and south divide, and that also goes for all the farang on this board where clearly all those in the north married to their isaan lasses have become indoctrinated in this system of divide like sheep with no purpose in life. So there is only one thing for it, give them exactly what they want. Let the natural process play out and let the 'people decide'.

No point in holding elections,it won't work, there will always be that bitter rivalry and opposition to the result because 50% of Phue Thai votes are paid for. So the system grinds on and Thailand's poor continue to get poorer as the economy is shredded by the rice farmers and the businessmen run for better economical climate in the region and beyond.

Ultimately this system is doomed and will ultimately end in civil war anyway. So why not just cut out the crap and set up a zone just north of Ayutaya and have a mass face off by 'the people'. The red shirts would be chomping at the bit. They are all well armed and could raise an army of say 5 million. While the south can fend them off with their intelligence.

The ultimate prize will be Bangkok. If the reds win, they can stick their red communist flag in the soil in front of government house and declare victory.

I also think that all politicians should be herded together and prevented from leaving the country, so they can enjoy their fate which ever way it goes. Even if a few million die in the war, it is not like it was wasted. If you want power or freedom, you have to fight for it. That is what has happened for thousands of years in the name of tribalism, and tribalism clearly exists today. Instead of marauding, we have tainted elections. That has not worked since 1932. I think it is time we reverted back to a system that works.

I think Thaksin would agree, seeing as it seems to be sat at the top of his agenda and we all know he has little concern over Thai lives.

Just my opinion guys.

I stopped reading after the second paragraph.

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3 years seems to have changed RTP attitudes remarkably. Perhaps it wasn't time that did it.

No, they're just following the orders of the Big Boss in exile as always, nothing's changed.

Until such time as ALL these bodies (RTP, Army, Navy, Air Force, and all the Govt panels and bodies etc) are truly independent, the same old shit is going to keep going on and on. Sickening and disheartening.

Dear Tatsujin the more you write the more negative you sound. I wonder what colours you are flying?

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Now check the ballistics on these fire arms and see how many hits have they been used in. As in a comment I made yesterday, these "security guards" are guns for hire, can be used as body guards or hitmen. The same type of guys that appeared in 2010 on both sides. The men in black are well documented on the red side. But there were reports of men in black on army trucks in 2010, now we have Sutheps security all in black.

No politician in this country are innocent, trustworthy or honest.

If any person breaks the law they must be be arrested and the law must take its course, for both sides and for rich or poor. Without the rule of law you cannot have a democracy. Anyone on any side that disagree with this and make the rule of law subject to political views, are playing with fire.

This is crazy!

I really can not believe you lot have swallowed this bullshit story.

This was announced by the Thaksin propaganda machine CAPO, they fed it to the nation because it is not reported anywhere else. Not on any Thai news channel, not in any other online news channel.

Where are the pictures that always come with arrests? The three guys sat at a table with the guns laid out in front on the desk and a bunch of happy smiling cops??

Where is any evidence this happened? I will tell you. It never even happened, but you super-naive lot believe it because you 'want to believe it'. They would never have been able to arrest a single guard, they would not have even confronted a guard because it would have caused mayhem and they know it.

lololol so funny you lot can't see that this has been leaked intentionally to discredit the protest guards. Probably because they want to start shooting them on sight. It is coming soon, they government are laying the stage for slughter, and all you gullible people will blame the protesters and guards for any deaths.

Civil war in the next month. I guarantee it. That is Thaksin's main objective

Sir from your post it is clear that your blood is boiling and that you have alot of hate in you. But it is also clear that you have never experienced a war/civil war at first hand. Its not a computer game which you can restart when you lose the game. Its the final game in which your wife, children, friends, mother, father and yourself can die. A civil war is the worst sollution to any problem as it creates more hate and the hate spurs on more murder and rapes. It creates a generation of lost children and generations of adults filled with shame, shame because they know what they have done, but also they know they could have prevented it. Please dont ever ever think civil war is sollution, its hell hole of fear, death and desperation.

Dear Huahin62 the three Shinawatra governments were elected by the people. An outstanding feature of those three governments was that there was peace in the land, projects that directly benefited the people and no noteworthy corruption than in Thailand than before.

Prioritise your objectives and support policies that lead to peace and prosperity and then fight the endemic corruption from firm ground.

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3 years seems to have changed RTP attitudes remarkably. Perhaps it wasn't time that did it.

No, they're just following the orders of the Big Boss in exile as always, nothing's changed.

Until such time as ALL these bodies (RTP, Army, Navy, Air Force, and all the Govt panels and bodies etc) are truly independent, the same old shit is going to keep going on and on. Sickening and disheartening.

Dear Tatsujin the more you write the more negative you sound. I wonder what colours you are flying?

Negative yes, as this country seems to be going around and around in circles with no significant moves forward. Change is needed, big change, from the ground up.

As for colors, none particularly. As I've stated many times, those in power here, regardless of their political affiliations, are all corrupt. Some however took that corruption to whole new and excessive levels.

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3 years seems to have changed RTP attitudes remarkably. Perhaps it wasn't time that did it.

No, they're just following the orders of the Big Boss in exile as always, nothing's changed.

Until such time as ALL these bodies (RTP, Army, Navy, Air Force, and all the Govt panels and bodies etc) are truly independent, the same old shit is going to keep going on and on. Sickening and disheartening.

Dear Tatsujin the more you write the more negative you sound. I wonder what colours you are flying?

Negative yes, as this country seems to be going around and around in circles with no significant moves forward. Change is needed, big change, from the ground up.

As for colors, none particularly. As I've stated many times, those in power here, regardless of their political affiliations, are all corrupt. Some however took that corruption to whole new and excessive levels.

You have been showing so much anger towards the reds and the PT (and posters like me), ...

You have supported so strongly Suthep and the Dems in their criminal actions, ...

And now you say that you don't "fly any particular color"? And that everyone is corrupt? Including those who you so actively supported?


C'mon, the battle is very far from finished.

I understand that you (and many others here) are disappointed to see that the insane, irrational and criminal protests of Suthep did not get anywhere (as any sound person could guess from the very first day of the protests), but you should not suddenly be so disheartened...

Suthep has yet to come with several more "final battles" against the evil Thaksin and his government... w00t.gif

Believe me. He is mad enough to continue his crusade. Don’t miss the excitement of the coming events. And join in as you wish thumbsup.gif

Personally, I would, of course, prefer to read that some on this forum are "sorry" for having supported these irrational and criminal protests, aimed, once more, at toppling an elected government.

It will not happen. It would be like waiting for Suthep to win the heart of the people (I mean the majority of them). Not going to happen.

Posters just got even more grumpy and sour after realizing that Suthep is the dirtiest of all politicians and that he could not achieve anything.

Suthep's people are not "The people". His plan is not a plan. What he came with is just rubbish aimed at eliminating the adversaries he can't fight in elections.

No poster will ever admit that their wish of seeing the minority succeed in imposing its will on the majority, through illegal means, was just a silly dream.

It was, however, sooooooooo clear from day 1 that going back to the street for one more round of protests was not a solution. Democratic process and winning elections are.

In the normal world, "Educated people", which is what most farangs on here believe they are, do not support the mob rule, and do not support a movement that aims at destroying democracy.

In the meantime 4 persons are dead. All of those who supported the protests share a part of the responsibility in these deaths.

I read some posters saying that "before" they were supporting Suthep, but now "not anymore".

Were these people so naive?

How can “smart and educated farangs” be so naïve?

I find it unbelievable that so many on this forum were (and some still are) supporting Suthep.

Suthep is totally insane. His followers are rather bizare... wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsI.png

But I must admit that it has been a pleasure, and sometimes great fun, to "exchange opinions" with all of you guys. Thank you wai.gif

Now let's get ready for the next elections, ... many more dirty tricks from both sides, ... lots of biased comments, ... and finally another victory of Thaksin's party, since this is what the majority of the people in this country want.

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Yet the police it would seem have done nothing about the student who was killed and all the others who were wounded.

Ramkhamhaeng students protest Hua Mark police


BANGKOK: -- Ramkhamhaeng university students gathered inside their campus at Hua Mark today to demand local police speedily investigating the clash with red-shirt people which left one student dead.

The students were rallying inside the university compound attacking the ignorance of the Hua Mark police to probe into the shooting which left one of their colleagues shot dead, and over 50 injured from gunshot wounds and small bomb explosions thrown on November 30 and December 1 during the rally of the red-shirt supporters of the government at Rajamangala stadium.

The students said so far they did not receive any progress in the probe and doubted the police might not take the case seriously.

They gave the Hua Mark police chief to give them a clear answer on the case within two hours, otherwise they would march out of the university to the Hua Mark police station.

Source: http://englishnews.t...ua-mark-police/

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those in the north married to their isaan lasses have become indoctrinated in this system of divide like sheep with no purpose in life

50% of Phue Thai votes are paid for.

Ultimately this system is doomed

If the reds win, they can stick their red communist flag

You seem to love simplistic talk. Go back to Bambi, thumper. This is c o m p l i c a t e d. Both sides have valid points, and both should be addressed, and both should be made part of the process.

Laziness is understandable, on occasion. Persistent mental laziness is intellectually unforgivable, and vacouos.

The TV posters that side with the reds are oversimplifying the issues. The TV posters that side with the protesters are oversimplifying the issues.

Posters on TV seem to have joined the Great Divide, willingly and wholeheartedly.

Resume rants.


Edited by FangFerang
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lock them all up , release them only IF they can prove to a bench of judges from singapore that they have NEVER been involved in any graft ,.......oh sorry i was dreaming ., must rush the casino opens at 8 o'clock

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