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Bangkok: Missing 6 year old girl feared dead


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---he used condoms on a six year old -rape ???? the wrong skull ??? lube found--this is a joke.(the findings) amazing.

You may be right, but condoms to avoid leaving DNA evidence perhaps and lube required for a 6 yo - maybe.

The skull is certainly suspect.

Using a condom to avoid leaving DNA evidence does not work when the condom is left on the scene.

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You have left this ugly dirty world, I hope you are now flying high in a much more beautiful and magical world, I'm so sorry for the pain you suffered here on Earth.

RIP. /cry

My 6 year old daughter was watching the news this morning, when I showered. She told me parts of this story. Now sitting in office I can literally cry. How can you fully protect your child against psychopaths? Risk analysis is my daily 'routine' here and it is exhausting.

Yeah my daughter is 9 and its a constant worry.

Having children is one of the most wonderful things in the world but sometimes one of the most terrible. I remember a guy back in my home village in the UK was reversing out of his drive and he assumed his 3 year old son was with the mother and knocked him over and killed him. How do you live with that sort of guilt? Remember that westerner a couple of years back in LOS whose young son fell out off the balcony and died and then a couple of weeks later the guy topped himself. That's so tragic. I still think about it on occasion. sad.png

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First of all, how do you know this father will greive? For all we know he doesn't care one bit.

Senselles punishment? Ever heard of deterrence?

In my country parents who leave their child in a hot car to sizzle to death (happens quite frequently) are charged with gross negligence leading to death. In my opinion this case is no different. The father should be nailed to the wall. If he is actually greiving then he will accept his punishment as being right and just.

Watch Tv and read the news, the father is griefing and not a hearthless basterd.

Leaving your child in a hot car you can expect dehydration and possible death as a result. A six year old child being taken from a car is somewhat less to expect.

If you want to prosecute him, you must prosecute every parent that leaves a child in a car for more than only 30 seconds.

Thats right; any parent who leaves a child alone in a car for ANY amount of time should be prosecuted for neglect and risk having the state take his/her children away. Regardless of whether it is 10 hours or 10 seconds full stop.

However in this case it is neglect LEADING TO death. What that means is that had he not left the child alone, she would not be dead. HIS actions directly led to her death.

If he is truly greiving (and not faking it, which you or I could never know) then he will accept his punishment as just.

By your logic a parent could let their child starve to death, then act sad when they die to avoid prosecution.

Neglect is a crime plain and simple. Criminals should be prosecuted for their crimes.

Your position shocks and stuns me, it could only lead to more neglect. Think about it.

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This is a tragically sad story. But at least the alleged killer has been caught. According to the thai news he had abducted girls before - although not murdered them as suggested.

As for that skull - That is not her skull. It would take at least 8 months to have all the flesh removed and be in that condition. Google Forensic Entomology to give yourself an overview of the decomposition process and time spans involved for an exposed body to fully degrade.

I've seen bodies decomposed to the skull within 10 days but this skull does seem even older than that. Hard to conceive there may have been more victims :/

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After only 10 days the body was reduced to a skeleton and skull? Decomposition was that fast?

Very suspicious. Perhaps the girl was missing long before it was reported. In many cases, if not most, child kidnappings, sexual assault and homicides are committed by people who have close ties or are known to the family. Definitely needs more investigation.

Stray dogs might explain this.

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RIP Cartoon you were only here for a brief visit and then this evil animal had to destroy your sweet life Makes me feel physically sick to think that an adult could do that to an innocent little child, and not the first time he is obviously far too dangerous to ever be released back into public life ever again, better if they just put this type of person to sleep like a sick dog.

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Tragic incident. In any civilized world the father would be prosecuted for gross neglect.

Hope he spends every day of the rest of his life realizing this was entirely his fault. Hope the concert was worth it. Pathetic.

I would hope that in a civilized country he would not be prosecuted.

I disagree with you Mario. The reason that the girl was vulnerable to this sickening crime squarely rests on the shoulders of her father. She was his responsibility and he let her down because he wanted to see a show.

And so you want to prosecute him? What good would that do? That man is already grieving for the rest of his live. I would think he is punished enough already and that in a civilized country we do not give senseless punishment.

I don't think that the father thinks like you and I doubt he'd grieve like you. But I have one question Mario... Would you leave your daughter asleep in a truck while you went to a party?

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First of all, how do you know this father will greive? For all we know he doesn't care one bit.

Senselles punishment? Ever heard of deterrence?

In my country parents who leave their child in a hot car to sizzle to death (happens quite frequently) are charged with gross negligence leading to death. In my opinion this case is no different. The father should be nailed to the wall. If he is actually greiving then he will accept his punishment as being right and just.

Watch Tv and read the news, the father is griefing and not a hearthless basterd.

Leaving your child in a hot car you can expect dehydration and possible death as a result. A six year old child being taken from a car is somewhat less to expect.

If you want to prosecute him, you must prosecute every parent that leaves a child in a car for more than only 30 seconds.

Thats right; any parent who leaves a child alone in a car for ANY amount of time should be prosecuted for neglect and risk having the state take his/her children away. Regardless of whether it is 10 hours or 10 seconds full stop.

However in this case it is neglect LEADING TO death. What that means is that had he not left the child alone, she would not be dead. HIS actions directly led to her death.

If he is truly greiving (and not faking it, which you or I could never know) then he will accept his punishment as just.

By your logic a parent could let their child starve to death, then act sad when they die to avoid prosecution.

Neglect is a crime plain and simple. Criminals should be prosecuted for their crimes.

Your position shocks and stuns me, it could only lead to more neglect. Think about it.

You are twisting my words.

By your logic a parent could let their child starve to death, then act sad when they die to avoid prosecution.

That is not the meaning of my words. Starving someone is murdering someone, it is premeditated and you want the result.

The father did not want the result.

I wonder if you are a parent, then you would now that your statement:

"Thats right; any parent who leaves a child alone in a car for ANY amount of time should be prosecuted for neglect and risk having the state take his/her children away. Regardless of whether it is 10 hours or 10 seconds full stop."

would put at least half of the parents on this planet in front of a judge.

While I agree it should not happen, a lot of people do let their children alone in a car for just a few minutes. Sometimes that might be even safer than taking them with you.

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Who would want to harm an innocent little 6 year old girl? And what kinds of adults could ever visualise children in a sexual way?

This world is populated by too many sick, twisted and vile individuals who are not worthy to be permitted even the most basics of human rights.

I find it difficult to view those horrific pictures without my stomach churning and a feeling of a great sadness that reaches my very soul.

I could never portray my true feelings against this monster on a public forum, but it does include a pole, some rope, some straw and some gasoline. That`s all I can say.

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After only 10 days the body was reduced to a skeleton and skull? Decomposition was that fast?

That does seem unusual. Makes you wonder if there are multiple victims.

Yes,.. that rate of decomposition would not occur naturally within a 10 day period.

Either the remains belong to another person and/or the personal belongings have been placed there to give the impression that the child is dead when in fact she's still living and been permanently abducted.

Let's hope that for the sake of her life that the latter could be so!

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I don't think that the father thinks like you and I doubt he'd grieve like you. But I have one question Mario... Would you leave your daughter asleep in a truck while you went to a party?

Never say never, but I would hope not.

However, you are missing my point if you think I condone the fathers actions. I do not. But saying he should be prosecuted goes to far. He didn't want this to happen and is suffering enough. Show compassion and do not add to his suffering with prosecution. You cannot punish him more than with him never being able to hold his child again.

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Tragic incident. In any civilized world the father would be prosecuted for gross neglect.

Hope he spends every day of the rest of his life realizing this was entirely his fault. Hope the concert was worth it. Pathetic.

You seem to loose sight of the fact. The person that murdered her is responsible for her death.

The father will suffer for the rest of his life. It's a sad world when you can't leave someone for a short while without this sort of thing happening.

I hope that the person responsible will face the death penalty.

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Watch Tv and read the news, the father is griefing and not a hearthless basterd.

Leaving your child in a hot car you can expect dehydration and possible death as a result. A six year old child being taken from a car is somewhat less to expect.

If you want to prosecute him, you must prosecute every parent that leaves a child in a car for more than only 30 seconds.

Thats right; any parent who leaves a child alone in a car for ANY amount of time should be prosecuted for neglect and risk having the state take his/her children away. Regardless of whether it is 10 hours or 10 seconds full stop.

However in this case it is neglect LEADING TO death. What that means is that had he not left the child alone, she would not be dead. HIS actions directly led to her death.

If he is truly greiving (and not faking it, which you or I could never know) then he will accept his punishment as just.

By your logic a parent could let their child starve to death, then act sad when they die to avoid prosecution.

Neglect is a crime plain and simple. Criminals should be prosecuted for their crimes.

Your position shocks and stuns me, it could only lead to more neglect. Think about it.

You are twisting my words.

By your logic a parent could let their child starve to death, then act sad when they die to avoid prosecution.

That is not the meaning of my words. Starving someone is murdering someone, it is premeditated and you want the result.

The father did not want the result.

I wonder if you are a parent, then you would now that your statement:

"Thats right; any parent who leaves a child alone in a car for ANY amount of time should be prosecuted for neglect and risk having the state take his/her children away. Regardless of whether it is 10 hours or 10 seconds full stop."

would put at least half of the parents on this planet in front of a judge.

While I agree it should not happen, a lot of people do let their children alone in a car for just a few minutes. Sometimes that might be even safer than taking them with you.

Purposely starving someone is quite different than letting someone starve from neglect. Happens all the time with drug addicts who dissapear for days or weeks with small children left home alone. Kids are constantly found living in squalor, malnurished

Hence the difference between charges of 1st degree murder and manslaughter. I'm surprised you don't know this.

Also, 10 seconds can be just enough time for someone to snatch a kid from a car.

In the US, children who are found in cars alone in parking lots (regardless of the amount of time the parent is gone) are taken into custody and the parents are arrested as they should be.

Perhaps you are European, I remember a case in the 90's when a scandanavian woman left her infant in a stroller alone on the sidewald in NYC while she was shopping. She was promptly arrested for neglect, causing a bit of an international incident.


Edited by Kilgore Trout
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After only 10 days the body was reduced to a skeleton and skull? Decomposition was that fast?

That does seem unusual. Makes you wonder if there are multiple victims.

If true, it is a first. Under ideal conditions it usually takes 30 days (in a hot, humid area) for a body to get stripped down to bare bone and even then the cranium would still retain some tissue. The picture shows a skull that looks like it was stripped. The teeth do not appear right for a 6 year old female. Is it possible, someone has the wrong skull? It is unfortunate, that the crime scene has been contaminated as the insect remains would have quickly provided significant facts as to how long the body was at the location and what stage of decomposition it was in when placed there.There are just too many things wrong with the photos, that appear to be staged.

As usual it is almost impossible to trust that the Royal Thai Police have done even a moderately professional job in examining the crime scene, and to apply CSI USA standards to Thai forensic muddles is unfortunately unrealistic.

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Maybe my eyes aren't seeing too well, but the guy in the cctv footage holding the girl's hand - compare it to the pix of the arrested suspect as shown on drummond's site. Does it look like the same guy? I'm not sure, but maybe it is. His skin looks darker in the 2nd photo, and the build - hmmm.

I'm not even going to put my initial suspicion out there - its unthinkable and wouldnt sit well with anyone here. I'll just put it down to the fact that its a CCTV snapshot and leave it at that.

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RIP the girl

but a human scull does not degrade like this in days unless it is coocked and/or stripped


I'm wondering if that is just a stock photo of a 'skull'...that would make sense if they didn't have the original. No way that could be her skull after just two weeks. As well, wouldn't the body have smelled? I know it is a desolate place but still there must be people around there, as there always is everywhere in Thailand.

Poor girl, such an awful thing to happen.

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Tragic incident. In any civilized world the father would be prosecuted for gross neglect.

Hope he spends every day of the rest of his life realizing this was entirely his fault. Hope the concert was worth it. Pathetic.

Maybe He's been punished enough already.

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Perhaps the press are using a generic childs skull image, not the actual skull of the poor child.

Would that be the same media which posts graphic photos of road accident and murder victims ?

Do they print the severed heads of abducted and raped children?

Ive seen the car accident pictures (very similar to the ones I use on school visits as a firefighter in the uk to educate and shock young drivers) and ive seen the assasination photos. Yet to see the murdered children photos though thankfully.

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If I had a 18 year old daughter and allowed her to go out in a mini skirt and low cut top. Someone then drugged and raped her . Would that be my fault? My daughters fault ? or the fault of the rapest.

Only one person to blame here. The rapest scum. To suggest otherwise is brainless.

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If I had a 18 year old daughter and allowed her to go out in a mini skirt and low cut top. Someone then drugged and raped her . Would that be my fault? My daughters fault ? or the fault of the rapest.

Only one person to blame here. The rapest scum. To suggest otherwise is brainless.

Your comparison is brainless.

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If I had a 18 year old daughter and allowed her to go out in a mini skirt and low cut top. Someone then drugged and raped her . Would that be my fault? My daughters fault ? or the fault of the rapest.

Only one person to blame here. The rapest scum. To suggest otherwise is brainless.

Your comparison is brainless.

...and forgets the authorities that let this person back into the community unmonitored without thinking as to whether he was still likely to harm.

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Maybe my eyes aren't seeing too well, but the guy in the cctv footage holding the girl's hand - compare it to the pix of the arrested suspect as shown on drummond's site. Does it look like the same guy? I'm not sure, but maybe it is. His skin looks darker in the 2nd photo, and the build - hmmm.

I'm not even going to put my initial suspicion out there - its unthinkable and wouldnt sit well with anyone here. I'll just put it down to the fact that its a CCTV snapshot and leave it at that.

It's not unreasonable to assume the police have arrested a scapegoat, as they are well-known to do, so I think it's a fair point to raise, after all every other aspect of the information we have been given has been quite well dissected on this board. I left the question hanging and it can be easily dismissed.

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The self-righteous moral-indignant crap directed at the father of this tragic child is misplaced, and typically Western. - Someone is always to blame other than the perpetrator of the actual crime itself. Thais are generally careless, but mostly a very child-friendly people and culture. No one can legislate for the odd, lone psycho prowler like this sick bastard, unless they want their society to become the paranoid, unfriendly place that most expats fled from in the first place.

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Tragic incident. In any civilized world the father would be prosecuted for gross neglect.

Hope he spends every day of the rest of his life realizing this was entirely his fault. Hope the concert was worth it. Pathetic.

I would hope that in a civilized country he would not be prosecuted.

Mario I am afraid you are wrong - he could and would be prosecuted.whistling.gif

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The self-righteous moral-indignant crap directed at the father of this tragic child is misplaced, and typically Western. - Someone is always to blame other than the perpetrator of the actual crime itself. Thais are generally careless, but mostly a very child-friendly people and culture. No one can legislate for the odd, lone psycho prowler like this sick bastard, unless they want their society to become the paranoid, unfriendly place that most expats fled from in the first place.

Nobody is saying the perp is not responsible and laying it all on the father...get real.

A father, out drinking with mates, decides to leave his 6yo daughter asleep in the back of a truck for an extended period of time..late at night...in the middle of a huge metropolis like Bangkok, not in Nakhon nowhere...and you think the father is all ok

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