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Slob in jomtien


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I have to agree - I dress in a tee shirt and athletic shorts around the house....daytime wear is a nice polo type shirt (material picked out by me and had made) but not flashy and nice casual shorts....evening again a hand made shirt but brighter coloring to fit the evening & casual shorts or slacks.

I see some nicely dressed Farangs (usually with a Farang wife/sometimes with a Thai gal)......but for the most part the solo Farang men I see walking around do give a bad impression 65-70%......

Hopefully the Thai's notice the difference in the way people dress and carry themselves. Also, I've seen the Thai's glance at one another showing discomfort when witnessing embarassing behavior - attitude - dress by Farangs.

I have a hard time believing that people are dressing, acting this way did the same at their home country.

Maybe they just never got out of their houses, hovels, rocks.........

Wow aren't we perfect.

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"My point is I felt embarrassed that people would think we are from the same place, as to Thais a white guy is just a farang regardless of what country they are from"

Most Thais aren't stupid and can tell the difference between you and him.

Of course they can, but ALL people can be extremely subjective creatures meaning that they will see what they want to see, or at least in the case of many Thais viewing farangs be quite 'happy' to have 'confirmed' just what their initial take on us was!! (we all like to think we've been proved correct, after all!!)...

This is especially a factor around a place like Pattaya which, let's face it, simply DOES have a higher percent of such foreigners making it their home.. hence one reason why the rip-off tuk-tuk and beach vendors feel 'justified' somehow in often giving us such bad service and striving to relieve us of our dosh, certainly using such things as an excuse they can all self-righteously agree on at least!!!

The original post even says how his girlfriend didn't look happy and yet it had already stated that such a guy would think she won't leave him while he keeps paying.. and clearly he was!!

A vicious circle, I reckon.. Thais get a bad impression of us, some take a real dislike, and guys like this just confirm and perpetuate it.. of course it works the other way round too, when we hear of folks getting bad service and scammed by 'these terrible Thais' and then it happens to you, all this causing a bitterness, dislike and distrust, to sneak in regardless of how many genuinely good folks any of us might meet.. frustrating as hell, the (growing!!) minority screwing up both Thai-Farang perceptions, and therefore relations, but we each just to have to make our own way, try to keep a balanced perspective and understanding, as the deeper issues (and people like these!) are NOT about to simply go away, sadly...

(well that's my 'philosophical' soap-boxing done for today, apologies for the waffle!!...) wai.gif

Edited by spectrumisgreen
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So many angry people on here. No sorry no low self- esteem. I just like people to show a little self respect, when out in public places.

He had a half filled trolley so I guess did not pop out for a quick bite. come on how hard is it to have a wash and put

something clean on?

Why do you feel the need to worry about others? Worry about yourself. If someone else wants to dress badly, that's absolutely none of your concern. NONE - farang or not.

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It is remarkable the number of westerners with hygeine issues that one runs across here in Thailand. Having said that, I consider T-shirts to be underwear or gym apperal so I'm not so sure you (or any of us) should complain about other westerners reflecting badly on an entire race.

I wear smart t-shirts not the type you use for the gym or a under garment. I also wear shirts and polo shirts. I was just trying to show I was

clean and smartly turned out.

The guy in question was dirty.

My wife insists I shower a minimum twice daily as she does.

It's basic preventive hygiene in the tropics.

No I don't have BO

I do try and dress appropriately but nothing wrong with clean shorts and a shirt for the supermarket or local.

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I've had the same experience at Tesco with a white guy ordering food at KFC, no shirt and fat. <deleted> or at airport see guy with 70's shorts and tank top - that's trashy behavior no matter where you are.

So if I were fat AND wearing 70's shorts, and <deleted> are 70's shorts anyway?

Perhaps you wear Chinos, a pony tail and earrings? Try a bit of tolerance.

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yes and every thai person smell like roses

who are you to judge how someone should live???

if that person does not want to poison himself with aluminium / chemical body spray

everybody has to smell like axe or something ?

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You must have very low self-esteem if you feel threatened by some bum. When you point a finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you. In Pattaya, the alcoholics judge the sex-addicts, the sex addicts judge the alcoholics, the football hooligan judge the junkies, the wise judge noone.

Partial credit for the post... using judgement is necessary in evaluation of scenarios. Calling a bum is using good judgement. Its takes just a few minutes to soap up and rinse off... and put on a clean set of clothes. Public demeanor - is a message to others. Important in a civilized society. Also sends a message to young people... i.e. the 'three fingers pointing back at you' that children use in 'conversations'... Hang in there.

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You have shot yourself in the foot with this particular post,especially when you consider the attitude and intellect of many on TV who just love an opportunity for a little confrontational rhetoric to make life meaningful..

There is nothing at all wrong with your personal reference that you as an individual would not venture into a public place unless you were comfortable with both your appearance and hygiene,however, in you post there is the connotation that you feel that your standards are or should be the norm. Sadly they are not and regardless of origin there are many individuals who do not care about personal hygiene and social norms. This particular gentleman's circumstances were totally unknown to you, however, your post suggest that this was his norm and that is a fact that you simply do not know. In his everyday life he well have been a sartorially elegant and hygienic individual whose appearance during your meeting was one of circumstance and not of life style.

The bottom line is that this is hardly a life defining moment and is certainly IMO not something I would want to post on TV.

You are most entitled to live to your own standards which are commendable just as the villain in your post was entitled to live to his own.

As I mentioned earlier you have to be careful as to what and how you post on this venerable forum. Try to pick fights that are meaningful and that you can win. TV has more than it's fair share of Nah Sayers an they show little mercy.

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It tells a lot about the girl who will tolerate that for the sake of being "supported" sad.png

.. in that it shows the depth of her commitment, a measure of personal sacrifice, to support her parents, and possibly a child too. Until you have been in the position of millions of Thai women, for whom a better alternative is hopelessly remote, you should not pass judgement. Often the parents tell them to stay with the jerk for as long as the money is coming in.

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It is remarkable the number of westerners with hygeine issues that one runs across here in Thailand. Having said that, I consider T-shirts to be underwear or gym apperal so I'm not so sure you (or any of us) should complain about other westerners reflecting badly on an entire race.

I wear smart t-shirts not the type you use for the gym or a under garment. I also wear shirts and polo shirts. I was just trying to show I was

clean and smartly turned out.

The guy in question was dirty.

Clean and smartly turned out hey...gimme a break.

Talk about pompous...maybe the other guy had been working at home all day, sweating it out in the garden, dropped around the corner to grab some food for a sanga and was a tad thirsty.

Bullsh#t. You don't go into a public store smelling of sh#t nor drink alcohol in public like a major chain super market.

You saying you do this in your country? Why not? Because there are laws as well as common decency?

Don't do something here that you're too chicken sh#t to do in your own country.

That goes for the idiots who don't wear shirts in stores. Nasty asses.

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It's unfortunate,but the reality is Thailand attracts the very worst of the worst when it comes to "farangs"living in Thialand. A western women would not put up with a fat smelly old alcoholic. Whereas, some young Thai bar girl will hook up with anything that has a pay check.

I know I'm going to take a lot of heat from this post, but the truth hurts. I'm an educated non drinking non smoking American and I would not associate with 80 percent of the "farangs" I meet in Thialand. This is why good Thai women look down on farangs in general. Clean up people!

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Since were on the subject, I hate anyone who walks around with no shirt, i hate the idiots with those boxer shorts, i hate loud talkers, nose blowers, coughers who don't cover their mouths, spitters, noisy eaters, open mouth eaters, gum chewers, public nose pickers, people who put their tv on too loud in next door rooms, noisy people generally, people who pay too much for stuff, people who spend ages talking to baht bus drivers, car drivers who disregard pedestrians, boorishness....

Pattaya and the world in general is full of horrible, rude, loud, pushy, boorish people...but there is nothing much I can do about it....

Leave ?

Leave, what do you mean by that? Leave to go where, Mars? There are annoying people all over the world.

Another thing I hate is men who wear speedos and walk around away from the beach. Speedos can be worn on the beach, if at all, if really necessary, but not walking along a street. And they are normally ugly middle aged men, so far gone that they no longer have any awareness of themselves.

Oh, I also hate loud sneezers, I mean the kind that sound like a dog barking really loudly.

While I'm at it, on the subject of supermarkets, why is it that every time I go the queues get longer? Even if when I enter the supermarket there are no queues, by the time I get to the till there are 8 or 9 people at every single f******* till, people that seem to come from nowhere and appear to go into slow motion as they pack and then seem completely unprepared when they have to pay, like its their first ever time shopping and they aren't used to money yet. Hmmmm, well, can someone explain what the f*** all that is all about because it is really getting on my t*ts.

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i want to see mall security enforce a ''no shirt no shoes '' policy....anywhere in the mall....they dont DRESS LIKE THAT , back home but they feel it is ok here....what the F$#@....

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It tells a lot about the girl who will tolerate that for the sake of being "supported" sad.png

.. in that it shows the depth of her commitment, a measure of personal sacrifice, to support her parents, and possibly a child too. Until you have been in the position of millions of Thai women, for whom a better alternative is hopelessly remote, you should not pass judgement. Often the parents tell them to stay with the jerk for as long as the money is coming in.

Ouch ! Don't bite so hard! The sad face in my post reflects your sentiments entirely. Sorry if I was too ambiguous. Not just in Thailand, but in many other less-developed countries where there is a chance the girls will do what it takes to improve the lot of the family - often putting her children through better education so that they do not fall into the same poverty trap. Save your anger for the guys who abuse the situation and disrespect the girl. wink.png

Edited by jpinx
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It is remarkable the number of westerners with hygeine issues that one runs across here in Thailand. Having said that, I consider T-shirts to be underwear or gym apperal so I'm not so sure you (or any of us) should complain about other westerners reflecting badly on an entire race.

I wear smart t-shirts not the type you use for the gym or a under garment. I also wear shirts and polo shirts. I was just trying to show I was

clean and smartly turned out.

The guy in question was dirty.

And I wear nice boxers, but I tend to not go out in public without them covered by some other garment. My point is we all have different standards shaped by our diverse cultures, rearing, and experiences. I don't feel like the fact that you wear t-shirts in public reflects badly on me any more (or less) than the gentleman with poor hygein does but I think it is important to remember that you were not respectably attired yourself by the standards of some. One of those 'he who is without sin' and casting stones situations.

TBH I think you're just arguing for the sake of it. The guy was stinking, disheveled, swigging from a beer while out shopping. And you can find the time and effort to argue in his favour <deleted>!

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Since were on the subject, I hate anyone who walks around with no shirt, i hate the idiots with those boxer shorts, i hate loud talkers, nose blowers, coughers who don't cover their mouths, spitters, noisy eaters, open mouth eaters, gum chewers, public nose pickers, people who put their tv on too loud in next door rooms, noisy people generally, people who pay too much for stuff, people who spend ages talking to baht bus drivers, car drivers who disregard pedestrians, boorishness....

Pattaya and the world in general is full of horrible, rude, loud, pushy, boorish people...but there is nothing much I can do about it....

Leave ?

Leave, what do you mean by that? Leave to go where, Mars? There are annoying people all over the world.

Another thing I hate is men who wear speedos and walk around away from the beach. Speedos can be worn on the beach, if at all, if really necessary, but not walking along a street. And they are normally ugly middle aged men, so far gone that they no longer have any awareness of themselves.

Oh, I also hate loud sneezers, I mean the kind that sound like a dog barking really loudly.

While I'm at it, on the subject of supermarkets, why is it that every time I go the queues get longer? Even if when I enter the supermarket there are no queues, by the time I get to the till there are 8 or 9 people at every single f******* till, people that seem to come from nowhere and appear to go into slow motion as they pack and then seem completely unprepared when they have to pay, like its their first ever time shopping and they aren't used to money yet. Hmmmm, well, can someone explain what the f*** all that is all about because it is really getting on my t*ts.

Go for it Paddy!!! I agree totally on speedo's in particular, was driving along Jomtien beach road yesterday and there was a sight to behold with permed hair, drooping beer belly and the required gold chain. Obviously don't have mirrors wherever he's staying. Hilarious but put me off lunch.

Sorry I'm a loud sneezer buddy, can't be helped

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It's unfortunate,but the reality is Thailand attracts the very worst of the worst when it comes to "farangs"living in Thialand. A western women would not put up with a fat smelly old alcoholic. Whereas, some young Thai bar girl will hook up with anything that has a pay check. I know I'm going to take a lot of heat from this post, but the truth hurts. I'm an educated non drinking non smoking American and I would not associate with 80 percent of the "farangs" I meet in Thialand. This is why good Thai women look down on farangs in general. Clean up people!

No heat from me Mrowe you're spot on. Freaks aplenty that would be frowned upon and avoided at all costs in a none Thai/Pattaya environment. Some are funny others sad gits, most absolutely oblivious.

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You experienced the same feeling many of my black friends back in the states felt. It gives a bad impression and makes it difficult for the good people that are pigeon holed into the same category as idiots.

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OP, see what you did?

You criticized all the TV members that are regularly out in public in the state you described, and consider it their right. All these BS Don a Top Hat, Wear a Tuxedo, Iron Your Undies attempts at sarcasm are just that, BS. You just rocked the boat and upset the apple cart, that's all.

If you don't believe me, here's the proof: No-one has mentioned any Shinawatras in this thread.... biggrin.png

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