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Anti-govt protests: DSI to summon 30 activists and academics to hear charges


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DSI to summon 30 activists and academics to hear charges


BANGKOK: -- The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will summon 30 more persons involving in making public addresses, storming and seizing government offices to hear criminal charges on Monday.

DSI chief Tarit Pengdit said that this second group of people comprises academics, activists and former MPs and is in addition to the first group of 17 protest leaders the DSI has summoned to hear charges and has their banks accounts frozen.

Tarit said that the second group of suspects were guilty of making public address that was a violation of the law, and of storming and seizing government offices.

He said a meeting of DSI investigators with the Metropolitan Police Bureau, the National Police Office, the Office of the Attorney-General will be held Monday to consider all evidence which have been gathered to take legal action against this second group of people.

He said the first group of 17 protest leaders was summoned to acknowledge insurrection charges on December 26-27.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/dsi-summon-30-activists-academics-hear-charges/

-- Thai PBS 2013-12-20

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Tarit has been warned not to push this by The Senate Committee on Corruption Prevention and Examination of the Use of Powers by the State.... but the man in the sand has ordered him to proceed anyway, and Tarit is the one with his head on the block here.

If the cases are thrown out (and they will be), he may well find himself arrested and facing charges of his own. But I am sure Thaksin has quoted him a price for this anyway.

I read somewhere that Tarit had said that anyone supporting or giving money to Suthep would be subject to the full force of the law. In which case I wonder how he is going to deal with all the people here in Bangkok who I am currently (Friday 20th) witnessing giving money to Suthep and saying they thank him for what he is doing for them and Thailand.

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Hmm..this idiot just dont understand the meaning of corruption and donation. People have their right to donate to whoever they want to show support. They support people organising this protest, not giving suthep to keep. So MR IDIOT, I think u better wash clean your "ass" and prepare to sit behind bars.

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So the government is now going after academics. Once Pheu Thai has finished jailing the opposition, attempting to dissolve the Democratic Party, and freezing the accounts of businesses throughout the country that have voiced sympathy with the protest movement, they may do well to hope and pray that the Democratic Party will indeed take part in this election. For if they do not - either due to imprisonment, dissolution, or intimidation - come February 2 - Surapong may have a very difficult time explaining how 50 countries are deliriously ecstatic that there is a country that has a parliament, but no opposition.

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Sarit is backed by the PTP. He can do whatever he hell pleases. It's nice to see 'democracy' in action where a supposed law enforcement agency does the bidding of its master to crush the opposition. I'm pretty sure a lot of real 'democracies' do that.

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Sarit is backed by the PTP. He can do whatever he hell pleases. It's nice to see 'democracy' in action where a supposed law enforcement agency does the bidding of its master to crush the opposition. I'm pretty sure a lot of real 'democracies' do that.

Don't be so negative!!

Thailand is just trying to copy another country with another Dear Leader!!bah.gif


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Persons destroying property, threatening behaviour ,refusing a lawful instruction, need to understand that no-where will you be immune to these charges ,except in countries that have a Amnesty Bill, the other is just petty rubbish that will struggle to see light of day, except inconvenience , DSI might live to regret some of these frivolous charges come February / March. bah.gif

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Summoned to "hear charges" and "acknowledge them", including insurrection.... which in most sane countries is considered much more serious than driving without a helmet. How about growing a pair and ARRESTING them? Or are these "ghost charges"? Amazing Thailandwacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsI.png

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Be carefull

If you buy a bottle of Singha beer you make yourself suspicious to support the demonstrations

Be carefull

were you park your car in Banglampoo. The DSI writes/records all number plates.

It can happen that then your bank accounts will be freezed.

With this behavior, the DSI is not a neutral investigative authority anymore.

The authority operates an active policy and is suspected of abusing their power unilaterally.

Now also the right to demonstrate in Thailand is under bombardment.

Yes demonstrations must be peaceful.

But to threatening all participants and provide all under general suspicion,

casts a very bad light on this institution.

It is important that the caretaker government speaks a word of power here,

and make a call to order for out-of-control authorities.

What's next?

Abolition of freedom of assembly?

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Hmm..this idiot just dont understand the meaning of corruption and donation. People have their right to donate to whoever they want to show support. They support people organising this protest, not giving suthep to keep. So MR IDIOT, I think u better wash clean your "ass" and prepare to sit behind bars.

You would not say that "people have the rights to donate to whoever they want to show support" if you had been living in the Uk in the 70's and 80's when people were making donations to the IRA that funded the bombing campaigns that killed innocent people in shopping malls etc (including two of my family members in the Manchester bombing)

But, the people donating to the IRA through organizations like NORAID thought it was the British government that was wrong. That's the problem with polarized views. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

What is significant is that political leaders like Ian Paisley and Martin MacGuiness knew things had to change. They had to work hard and together to achieve peace through reform. Something they both tried hard to do. But, these were men of belief and conviction - not in it for what they could cream off or to create their own personal dynasty. These guys could give more advice than a clown like Blair whose proved very adept at lining his own pocket, screwing a country and shoving the blame elsewhere.

This is simply Tarit carrying out Thaksin's instructions to harass and weaken the opposition while the puppet diverts attention by being all sweet and agreeable. Tarit is now a mad dog doing as he's told without reference to law, his authority or procedures. He should be fired as quickly as possible.

PTP's thinker has always had a penchant for trying to stifle all criticism and questions through intimidation, fear, coercion and out right violence.

When your family members get killed by a bimb in a shopping centre, trust me, they're terrorists. People in America giving to Noraid thought the British Government was wrong - I wonder how it would go down if Brits started making donations to Al Qaeda because they think the American government is wrong? You also have not mentioned the collections in pubs around London in Irish areas like Kilburn. You also don't mention the "protection" money raised in Belfast on behalf of the IRA? To be honest, I have never, ever, heard anybody call the IRA freedom fighters. Most people know them for what they were (are). Knee cappings, murders and so on.. It was not nice in either Ireland or on the mainland. Trust me on that one!

Edited by Alwyn
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Hmm..this idiot just dont understand the meaning of corruption and donation. People have their right to donate to whoever they want to show support. They support people organising this protest, not giving suthep to keep. So MR IDIOT, I think u better wash clean your "ass" and prepare to sit behind bars.

You would not say that "people have the rights to donate to whoever they want to show support" if you had been living in the Uk in the 70's and 80's when people were making donations to the IRA that funded the bombing campaigns that killed innocent people in shopping malls etc (including two of my family members in the Manchester bombing)

Your comparison is like comparing chalk to cheese, why not claim that donations to Al Qaida are similar to those given to the Dems and Suthep as well? The fact is that donations to the IRA and Al Q were/are nothing like the legitimate donations to a political party or to Suthep, I don't see them with armed militia shooting the Government forces or innocent civilians or using explosive devices to kill people and destroy property, but come to think of it maybe the donations to the red shirts in 2010 are absolutely similar to those given to the IRA and Al Q.

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Well, people who kept quiet for almost a decade are coming out of the whole to fight for what is rightful for them. Farmers who farmed rice for a living did not receive money from the government. So where did the money go? Bank only left with 12m bt which is not enough to pay.

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Sarit is backed by the PTP. He can do whatever he hell pleases. It's nice to see 'democracy' in action where a supposed law enforcement agency does the bidding of its master to crush the opposition. I'm pretty sure a lot of real 'democracies' do that.

"Sarit Tarit is backed by the PTP." TARIT.

SARIT = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarit_Thanarat Interesting typo.

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I wonder where Tarit was hiding when red shirts were hurling bottles, stones, nuts and bolts at peaceful Democrat meetings, as well as bringing trucks with huge speakers to drown out speeches in Lampang and other cities in the north. Thaksins idea of democracy. If there truly is such a thing as karma, this guy is going to take a very hard fall one day.

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Hmm..this idiot just dont understand the meaning of corruption and donation. People have their right to donate to whoever they want to show support. They support people organising this protest, not giving suthep to keep. So MR IDIOT, I think u better wash clean your "ass" and prepare to sit behind bars.

You would not say that "people have the rights to donate to whoever they want to show support" if you had been living in the Uk in the 70's and 80's when people were making donations to the IRA that funded the bombing campaigns that killed innocent people in shopping malls etc (including two of my family members in the Manchester bombing)

But, the people donating to the IRA through organizations like NORAID thought it was the British government that was wrong. That's the problem with polarized views. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

What is significant is that political leaders like Ian Paisley and Martin MacGuiness knew things had to change. They had to work hard and together to achieve peace through reform. Something they both tried hard to do. But, these were men of belief and conviction - not in it for what they could cream off or to create their own personal dynasty. These guys could give more advice than a clown like Blair whose proved very adept at lining his own pocket, screwing a country and shoving the blame elsewhere.

This is simply Tarit carrying out Thaksin's instructions to harass and weaken the opposition while the puppet diverts attention by being all sweet and agreeable. Tarit is now a mad dog doing as he's told without reference to law, his authority or procedures. He should be fired as quickly as possible.

PTP's thinker has always had a penchant for trying to stifle all criticism and questions through intimidation, fear, coercion and out right violence.

When your family members get killed by a bimb in a shopping centre, trust me, they're terrorists. People in America giving to Noraid thought the British Government was wrong - I wonder how it would go down if Brits started making donations to Al Qaeda because they think the American government is wrong? You also have not mentioned the collections in pubs around London in Irish areas like Kilburn. You also don't mention the "protection" money raised in Belfast on behalf of the IRA? To be honest, I have never, ever, heard anybody call the IRA freedom fighters. Most people know them for what they were (are). Knee cappings, murders and so on.. It was not nice in either Ireland or on the mainland. Trust me on that one!

Maybe not such a big deal to donate to Al Qaeda since the US government is already funding Al Qaeda now and has been for quite some time now. I might argue that it's not the smartest policy in the world. However I assume they must know what they are doing!

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This man is also out of control. Storming government offices is one thing but when does anti-government speeches become a criminal offence unless out and and out incitement to crime.

2010 and ' leave Bkk in flames ' might be a suitable example but some of those who said it are now in government.

I haven't seen more details of what law Tarit is using to freeze bank accounts, I know CRES did it in 2010 under the emergency decree but surely Tarit requires a court order. Unless there's provision for this under the ISA. Anyway, I doubt the protest leaders are too worried. Courts are going to be either biased towards them or fairly neutral (Criminal Court seems to have dealt with 2010 cases pretty fairly), so if there's really no legal substance to what Tarit is doing, the cases will be pretty quickly dismissed. We all know the courts are biased towards those of wealth anyway, regardless of what side they're on. As yet, the only people of means and influence who've done time are the red shirt leadership, and that was less than a year. No PAD leaders have been jailed.

I can't agree with prosection for those making a speech in itself (unless they did incite violence or urge people to seize government offices, as you say, if you do that, it might be politically just but you still need to be prepared to pay for breaking the law). It all seems like a pretty empty threat at this point though. Suthep certainly doesn't seem too worried.

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Hmm..this idiot just dont understand the meaning of corruption and donation. People have their right to donate to whoever they want to show support. They support people organising this protest, not giving suthep to keep. So MR IDIOT, I think u better wash clean your "ass" and prepare to sit behind bars.

You would not say that "people have the rights to donate to whoever they want to show support" if you had been living in the Uk in the 70's and 80's when people were making donations to the IRA that funded the bombing campaigns that killed innocent people in shopping malls etc (including two of my family members in the Manchester bombing)

Your comparison is like comparing chalk to cheese, why not claim that donations to Al Qaida are similar to those given to the Dems and Suthep as well? The fact is that donations to the IRA and Al Q were/are nothing like the legitimate donations to a political party or to Suthep, I don't see them with armed militia shooting the Government forces or innocent civilians or using explosive devices to kill people and destroy property, but come to think of it maybe the donations to the red shirts in 2010 are absolutely similar to those given to the IRA and Al Q.

Jim you misinterpreted my reply. I'm not saying Suthep and Al Qaeda are similar. I'm syting his statement is not robust and and peop#le don'y have the right to send money to whoever they want and i used IRA as an example. But as the poster thinks this way he shouldn't whine about Thaksin buying votes should he as it's his right to give money to whoever he wants, right?

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Tarit has been warned not to push this by The Senate Committee on Corruption Prevention and Examination of the Use of Powers by the State.... but the man in the sand has ordered him to proceed anyway, and Tarit is the one with his head on the block here.

If the cases are thrown out (and they will be), he may well find himself arrested and facing charges of his own. But I am sure Thaksin has quoted him a price for this anyway.

Out of likes again. As usual Nibbles is absolutely right. I hope none of the 20 turn up and make very clear that they don't recognise the authority of the fugitive's attack dog...

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<snip for brevity>

What's next?
Abolition of freedom of assembly?

Perhaps businesses owned by Democrat-voters, or their homes, might be marked with a special-marking, so that all "true democracy" supporters might avoid them ?

Book-burning has also been a popular move elsewhere, in the past ! wink.png

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This man is also out of control. Storming government offices is one thing but when does anti-government speeches become a criminal offence unless out and and out incitement to crime.

2010 and ' leave Bkk in flames ' might be a suitable example but some of those who said it are now in government.

Please supply links to those convicted of burning Bangkok

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Hmm..this idiot just dont understand the meaning of corruption and donation. People have their right to donate to whoever they want to show support. They support people organising this protest, not giving suthep to keep. So MR IDIOT, I think u better wash clean your "ass" and prepare to sit behind bars.

You would not say that "people have the rights to donate to whoever they want to show support" if you had been living in the Uk in the 70's and 80's when people were making donations to the IRA that funded the bombing campaigns that killed innocent people in shopping malls etc (including two of my family members in the Manchester bombing)

Are you refering to the Manchester bombing of 96..over 200 injured and no deaths. Its just that you started your text with 70s and 80s

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