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Russian repays cross dresser’s hotel-room surprise with broken nose


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yeah, i have been known to go off the beat and track. heh heh. i just enjoy the debating smile.png in reality i have nothing whatsoever agianst any group re. sexual orientation or preference. What i object to is the promotion of an agenda which can be against the actually best interests of those it portends to represent. In other words i becomes a political issue benefiting and used by certain groups.

anyhow i feel a bit peckish. fancy a BLT for some reason - hmmmm!

You have messed up the text in the quote of MY writing. Please edit that so you only include what I have written or delete it entirely. Either one is fine but letting it stand misrepresenting my thoughts as you have done is not OK.

sorry but i dont even know how that happened. i got a message saying htere were too many blocks si i attempted to delete a few in order to post my comment ... and ooops ... so not guilty. well not on purpose

Edit it. Don't you know how to edit?

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yeah, i have been known to go off the beat and track. heh heh. i just enjoy the debating smile.png in reality i have nothing whatsoever agianst any group re. sexual orientation or preference. What i object to is the promotion of an agenda which can be against the actually best interests of those it portends to represent. In other words i becomes a political issue benefiting and used by certain groups.

anyhow i feel a bit peckish. fancy a BLT for some reason - hmmmm!

You have messed up the text in the quote of MY writing. Please edit that so you only include what I have written or delete it entirely. Either one is fine but letting it stand misrepresenting my thoughts as you have done is not OK.

sorry but i dont even know how that happened. i got a message saying htere were too many blocks si i attempted to delete a few in order to post my comment ... and ooops ... so not guilty. well not on purpose

Edit it. Don't you know how to edit?

of course but something went wrong. dont be a drama queen

anyhow i do appologize. cant see anything untoward. can you?

Edited by jonesthebaker
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of course but something went wrong. dont be a drama queen

Instead of hurling your abuse, you could have edited it now instead. Your choice.

THIS post:


think thats done.

hurling abuse !!!!!!! i think that is your domain. dont you like to hurl racist abuse at the poor Ruskies

let me know if it is not to your satisfaction. im a little confused by what happened so please dont shout if its not ok. just explain nicely and ill do waht i can

Edited by jonesthebaker
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For the record, it still was not edited properly still leaving some of his comments under my name. I tried. I guess a civil on topic exchange with some characters here just isn't in the cards.

your a pretty amaizing character and can be very bigoted and totally uncivil a lot of the time. i find a lot of the gay people that i know share your attitude. very weird. your a sort of low vibrational entity. totally left brained. tell me exactly what you want removed so you can move on with your obviously important life.

where i come from we would refer to boys like you as (paradoxically) a right fanny. i am starting to understand more of this mixed up sexual orientation thing. thanks of course to you. it is a third gender, really, cos women dont go on as you do and hetro men certainly dont. must be very confusing being messed up psycholocially.

i really feel for you. anyhow let me know exactly waht it is you want me to remove and i will do it. dont want you having a tissy fit

after all this debating i will put my hands up and admit i was wrong. gay people are special cases and have a differnt pshcological make up

Edited by jonesthebaker
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yeah, i have been known to go off the beat and track. heh heh. i just enjoy the debating smile.png in reality i have nothing whatsoever agianst any group re. sexual orientation or preference. What i object to is the promotion of an agenda which can be against the actually best interests of those it portends to represent. In other words i becomes a political issue benefiting and used by certain groups.

anyhow i feel a bit peckish. fancy a BLT for some reason - hmmmm!

You have messed up the text in the quote of MY writing. Please edit that so you only include what I have written or delete it entirely. Either one is fine but letting it stand misrepresenting my thoughts as you have done is not OK.

sorry but i dont even know how that happened. i got a message saying htere were too many blocks si i attempted to delete a few in order to post my comment ... and ooops ... so not guilty. well not on purpose

Edit it. Don't you know how to edit?

The edit window closes quite quickly then only mods can edit, I have done what I can hope its OK

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How drunk do you have to be to NOT notice your new girlfriend has an adams apple and huge feet ?

Vladimir probably knew very well who he picked up, maybe Vlad was not happy about how well endowed the girl was.

Vlad was expecting something at least as big as his friends have back home, but Asian ladyboy turned out to be bitter dissappointment.


Vladimir told you so?

No, Naam, he did not tell me. I am not enquented with this Russian tough guy, beating up a girl.

What I sayd is one possible explanation to what made him angry, and he felt he needed to use a fist.

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I dont think a bisexual man or woman (eg) feels any unification by this so called GBLT non real entity thingy. Most people when reading those initials think it is a sandwhich. Like a BLT. Difference being of course is that a BLT is totally unified

There is no such community.

This is getting better and better!


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I dont think a bisexual man or woman (eg) feels any unification by this so called GBLT non real entity thingy. Most people when reading those initials think it is a sandwhich. Like a BLT. Difference being of course is that a BLT is totally unified

There is no such community.

This is getting better and better!


I find that GLBT is a bit of a mouthfull and not easy to remember. Obviously the person or persons that concieved this term were a bit too left brained. (not an untypical trait in this group/s)

Anyhow, i propose a slight variation which does not detract form the imortant message but is much easier to recall: if we could change GLBT (bit of a mouth full) to simply GBLT then everyone will remember. One simply has to think of a Gay-BLT and bingo, it sticks. So from now on it should be GBLT (Gay-BLT)

Remember where you heard it first. Brilliant - i'm sure you will agree :)

GBLT easy as PIE

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3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand. However be aware that not every member is a native English speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

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Some spelling Police posts removed:

3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand. However be aware that not every member is a native English speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

ah, that would be me. sorry about that it was humor in somewhat bad taste :)

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So OMGIminpattaya, you obviously think it's normal that a guy unwittingly takes a bird homw only to discover that he's paid for has a meat and two veg? And because the person reacts to the shock by punching the man pretending to be a woman, he's "transgenderphobic"? Are you "straightpersonphobic"? Probably why you're in Pattaya with all the mincers

Well personally, I would not only call it normal but a healthy well rounded meal. But back to your question, how is posting that it's inappropriate to break someone's nose because you don't want to have sex with them heterophobic?

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Great, some homophobic Russian thug beats up a Thai ladyboy and now we get to hear pro-Putin, anti-gay propaganda.

Yes it was homophobic based on the report because the violent criminal Russkie reacted to seeing a male sexual organ.

Anyway, what was just posted is "no big deal" if you're not a gay person or especially a gay parent in Russia afraid of having your child stolen by the state because just being gay is NOT OK according to the government in today's Russia. Also since the new law violent attacks on gay people including gay businesses has increased. Sure, no big deal if you aren't getting beaten up or murdered.

Equating HIV with being gay is also a gross distortion of the facts, often used by anti-gay propagandists. HIV doesn't have a sexual orientation. It is a VIRUS.

The anti-gay laws in Russia were not motivated as an HIV health policy; they are political tool to have a convenient out group to SCAPEGOAT just as JEWS used to be scapegoated in Russia. It serves the political purposes of the Putin dictatorship.

This explains it:


BTW, to be clear, if the ladyboy did not disclose his genital status beforehand, that was of course definitely wrong, but violent assault is MORE wrong.

I take it from your rant and general syntax that you are actually gay. You seem well versed in playing the victim. There is nothing wrong with bieng pro Putin. it is simply a choice - a matter of opinion. As it is to be gay. I don't hate gays or am I anti gay. But i do consider it disgusiting in many ways. I think you may find that 66 million Russians were actually slaughtered at the hands of a brutal dictatorship under Lennin and Trotsky. You may want to look up what race or religion they were. You may also wish to look at who was responsible for setting up the Bolsheviks.

Are you anti family and pro gay? What is your thoughts on the UK judge that was forced to resign for promoting famiy and hetro views, as you dont say. You simply attack the message. Personnaly i think the Russians have it right. They obviously think it important t protect the people (esp the young) from being indoctrinated in to thinking that gay is normal.

Why do you compare being gay to being jewish. whatever you may choose to think the vast majority of people are against the open promotion of the gay agenda. India has recently banned gay marraige as has Australia.

Most people are tolerant and accept the fact that gay behavior has always and will always exist. But they also feel uncomfortable and even disguisted with open displays and promotion of this behavior and lifestyle.

Finally you seem to find no problem with asserting your phobia of "Russkies' yet find a phobia of gays as something very bad. If one person has a fear or contempt for a race (i.e. you with Russians) and another has a fear or contempt for a sexual preference that they may find disguisting and unnatural, then aren't they both equally bad. No probably no. i would say being phobic of a race is much worse. Im sure you agree as you are obviously very disturbed by the phobia shown to jews by the Russians.

So you obviously are a hypocrite as well as being totally ignorant of the fact that with the notable exception of Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov), most of the leading Communists who took control of Russia in 1917-20 were Jews.

In some ways, I kinda feel sorry for all you neandertals...I mean, it must pain you to even open a newspaper or surf the internet these days. Like just today, I open my Bangkok Post and read that the Utah Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage in that state! Yeah...frekin Utah man...homeland of the goofy magic underwear wearing Mormans. With news like this, what's a gold old fashioned homo-transgenderphobe to do but just throw up his hands and claim the end is near.

At least you folks know what your brother Neanderthals felt when they spied the first homo-sapiens making their way over the horizon and down into their valley. Of course, we all know how that encounter turned out.

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Some spelling Police posts removed:

3. If possible please proofread your post first, poor grammar and spelling can make the post difficult to understand. However be aware that not every member is a native English speaker and excessive posts regarding others spelling and grammar not only hijacks the topic but is poor netiquette.

ah, that would be me. sorry about that it was humor in somewhat bad taste :)

Basically pro forma for all your posts.

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IMO, the stronger negative reaction by a man in a situation like this, the more homosexual desires he is in denial about and trying to suppress.

today dear children we have as guest Prof. Dr. Dr. Ed Herbal, Esq. the famous worldwide renowned psychiatrist.


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How drunk do you have to be to NOT notice your new girlfriend has an adams apple and huge feet ?

Vladimir probably knew very well who he picked up, maybe Vlad was not happy about how well endowed the girl was.

Vlad was expecting something at least as big as his friends have back home, but Asian ladyboy turned out to be bitter dissappointment.


Vladimir told you so?

No, Naam, he did not tell me. I am not enquented with this Russian tough guy, beating up a girl.

What I sayd is one possible explanation to what made him angry, and he felt he needed to use a fist.

sorry Val, but i don't find the tiniest bit of logic in your assumption.

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IMO, the stronger negative reaction by a man in a situation like this, the more homosexual desires he is in denial about and trying to suppress.

today dear children we have as guest Prof. Dr. Dr. Ed Herbal, Esq. the famous worldwide renowned psychiatrist.


Not really. Dont have to be doctor, or have a degree in psycology to understand basic human emotions.

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How drunk do you have to be to NOT notice your new girlfriend has an adams apple and huge feet ?
Vladimir probably knew very well who he picked up, maybe Vlad was not happy about how well endowed the girl was.

Vlad was expecting something at least as big as his friends have back home, but Asian ladyboy turned out to be bitter dissappointment.


Vladimir told you so?

No, Naam, he did not tell me. I am not enquented with this Russian tough guy, beating up a girl.

What I sayd is one possible explanation to what made him angry, and he felt he needed to use a fist.

sorry Val, but i don't find the tiniest bit of logic in your assumption.

How much clearer can I put this? Russian guy expected ladyboy to have larger penis. He was dissappointed, and became viloent.

Do you now find the logic?

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How drunk do you have to be to NOT notice your new girlfriend has an adams apple and huge feet ?

Absolut. You need to be pretty well over the top to notice the lack of femininity which is pretty obvious close up in the bar.

Each to his or her own of course. No need for a broken nose.

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You totally ignored the point of the post which wasn't about whether there was such a "community" or not but rather that sexual minorities based on orientation and gender identity are not exactly the same thing. There are different kinds. Again you seem to want to discuss 100 off topic TANGENTS here. That's a non-starter. Cheers.

yeah, i have been known to go off the beat and track. heh heh. i just enjoy the debating smile.png in reality i have nothing whatsoever agianst any group re. sexual orientation or preference. What i object to is the promotion of an agenda which can be against the actually best interests of those it portends to represent. In other words i becomes a political issue benefiting and used by certain groups.

anyhow i feel a bit peckish. fancy a BLT for some reason - hmmmm!

I never seem able to stay on topic.

Ah bacon. it's 22:25 and you got me going.

Better wake up the wife, once I've taught her she insists cooking is her job (along with others) lol

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For the record, it still was not edited properly still leaving some of his comments under my name. I tried. I guess a civil on topic exchange with some characters here just isn't in the cards.

your a pretty amaizing character and can be very bigoted and totally uncivil a lot of the time. i find a lot of the gay people that i know share your attitude. very weird. your a sort of low vibrational entity. totally left brained. tell me exactly what you want removed so you can move on with your obviously important life.

where i come from we would refer to boys like you as (paradoxically) a right fanny. i am starting to understand more of this mixed up sexual orientation thing. thanks of course to you. it is a third gender, really, cos women dont go on as you do and hetro men certainly dont. must be very confusing being messed up psycholocially.

i really feel for you. anyhow let me know exactly waht it is you want me to remove and i will do it. dont want you having a tissy fit

after all this debating i will put my hands up and admit i was wrong. gay people are special cases and have a differnt pshcological make up

I seem to have used up my daily quota of 'likes'.

I am not gay in any way, definitely hetero, but like your comments.

I actually enjoy the company of several camp guys, always good fun, but they are very different to hard core gays or LB's.

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i have tears in my eyes, really i think i will start to cry...


For once, we have a foreigner a russian who got the balls to fight back, not like all the pussy foreigners british, german, usa, asian, indian, etc etc who bent and are frightened by their shadowsthumbsup.gif


Tomorrow i will change my name to Vladimir


Since now and forever, i will only show respect to russian, and spit on the face of these westerner.


ps: if i was this russian hero, i will still beat the crap of this ladyboy inside the police stationlaugh.png

ps: this is not a sarcasm post, i dont intend to make you smile or laugh, i am freakin serious!

Vladimir Bender

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For the record, it still was not edited properly still leaving some of his comments under my name. I tried. I guess a civil on topic exchange with some characters here just isn't in the cards.

your a pretty amaizing character and can be very bigoted and totally uncivil a lot of the time. i find a lot of the gay people that i know share your attitude. very weird. your a sort of low vibrational entity. totally left brained. tell me exactly what you want removed so you can move on with your obviously important life.

where i come from we would refer to boys like you as (paradoxically) a right fanny. i am starting to understand more of this mixed up sexual orientation thing. thanks of course to you. it is a third gender, really, cos women dont go on as you do and hetro men certainly dont. must be very confusing being messed up psycholocially.

i really feel for you. anyhow let me know exactly waht it is you want me to remove and i will do it. dont want you having a tissy fit

after all this debating i will put my hands up and admit i was wrong. gay people are special cases and have a differnt pshcological make up

I seem to have used up my daily quota of 'likes'.

I am not gay in any way, definitely hetero, but like your comments.

I actually enjoy the company of several camp guys, always good fun, but they are very different to hard core gays or LB's.

Oh really...in what way, as you hold yourself out as some kind of authority on gayness and gay culture? Please enlighten us.

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i have tears in my eyes, really i think i will start to cry...


For once, we have a foreigner a russian who got the balls to fight back, not like all the pussy foreigners british, german, usa, asian, indian, etc etc who bent and are frightened by their shadowsthumbsup.gif


Tomorrow i will change my name to Vladimir


Since now and forever, i will only show respect to russian, and spit on the face of these westerner.


ps: if i was this russian hero, i will still beat the crap of this ladyboy inside the police stationlaugh.png

ps: this is not a sarcasm post, i dont intend to make you smile or laugh, i am freakin serious!

Vladimir Bender

Considering the time of your post, I'll put your brave hate speech down to the beer talking.

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i have tears in my eyes, really i think i will start to cry...


For once, we have a foreigner a russian who got the balls to fight back, not like all the pussy foreigners british, german, usa, asian, indian, etc etc who bent and are frightened by their shadowsthumbsup.gifclap2.gif

Tomorrow i will change my name to Vladimir


Since now and forever, i will only show respect to russian, and spit on the face of these westerner.


ps: if i was this russian hero, i will still beat the crap of this ladyboy inside the police stationlaugh.png

ps: this is not a sarcasm post, i dont intend to make you smile or laugh, i am freakin serious!

Vladimir Bender

Why would you want to identify yourself with this violent thug?

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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i have tears in my eyes, really i think i will start to cry...


For once, we have a foreigner a russian who got the balls to fight back, not like all the pussy foreigners british, german, usa, asian, indian, etc etc who bent and are frightened by their shadowsthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif


Tomorrow i will change my name to Vladimir


Since now and forever, i will only show respect to russian, and spit on the face of these westerner.


ps: if i was this russian hero, i will still beat the crap of this ladyboy inside the police stationlaugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png

ps: this is not a sarcasm post, i dont intend to make you smile or laugh, i am freakin serious!

Vladimir Bender

Considering the time of your post, I'll put your brave hate speech down to the beer talking.

No comrade, since now, i only drink vodkabiggrin.png


i have tears in my eyes, really i think i will start to cry...


For once, we have a foreigner a russian who got the balls to fight back, not like all the pussy foreigners british, german, usa, asian, indian, etc etc who bent and are frightened by their shadowsthumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif

Tomorrow i will change my name to Vladimir


Since now and forever, i will only show respect to russian, and spit on the face of these westerner.


ps: if i was this russian hero, i will still beat the crap of this ladyboy inside the police stationlaugh.png.pagespeed.ce.SDkxrRteka.png

ps: this is not a sarcasm post, i dont intend to make you smile or laugh, i am freakin serious!

Vladimir Bender

Why would you want to identify yourself with this violent thug?

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

violent thug? This innocent tourist, in self defense, just hit a thief, a demented prostitute whats wrong with this? ph34r.png

So here the fact: he did bring a girl to his room. When he realized that the girl was a in fact a man dressed like a woman.

Well he didnt enjoy the joke, and asked him politely to go away.... yes he asked him politely to go!

Then this male prostitute turned into a fury, started to threaten him, started to scream and asked for money. He already did many times this scam to others foreigners, and he know that usually the tourist start to panick and pay whatever he want.

Bad luck, this time he pick up the wrong customer, he pick up a real man... he got the beating he deserves...

But still this prostitute can feel lucky, one day he will pick up a real nasty foreigner... me i will sent him directly to hospital

ps; I guess both you didnt sleep last night, and spent your time roaming the street of pattaya for some anal woman pleasurewhistling.gif

Edited by Bender
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