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Who has been the subject of a break and enter at home?


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Like many of you I have been coming to Thailand for a good while. I constantly hear of the danger of having your house being broken into. Some houses have 2 metre walls and some have none.

I would be very interested in hearing actual stories of people who have ACTUALLY been broken in to. Not stories about stories and not (bless you) your opinion on the issue.....just real life true crime stories from actual victims...

Has it happened to you??

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10 year ago in a moo ban,by rumchock market,did not take much as not anything really worthwhile wifes watch i think,the land lord was well connected,and within the hour some of the top brass in the local police force turned up,she got (a)watch back the next week??? not stayed in a house agian prefered condos anyway.

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Don't want to go into too much detail ,I was away in the Uk working my wife and daughter in the house ,two Thai men were across the Soi watching my wife,anyway one of the men waited till midnight then climbed over the wall ,I have CCTV he walked around the house for two hrs trying to find away in,he resorted to taking a brick and trying to smash the lock off the tempered glass front door,scared my wife badly anyways she called the neighbours,he was caught running up the soi ,turns out he wAs after raping the wife,very bad police charged him with damaging the door ,as too much paperwork for trying to enter and rape,,,he got 6 months good enough, but I now have security grills on doors ,windows ,and in the process off getting a gun license.

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House I was renting in Pakret (Bangkok) was broken in while I was at work (May 2009). The house had security grilles on every door and window (upstairs and down) as well as alarms. Even having my two-year old English Bulldog inside didn't deter the burglar He entered through the roof and according to the police probably spent at least three hours in the house and stole everything of value, laptops, mobiles, jewelry, watches, old currency collection, Gurkha fighting knife, and the list goes on and on. He even help himself to Pepsi and lunch from the refrigerator and changed his shirt for one of mine from the closet (he left his behind). Despite fingerprints all over the place and a witness who saw him carrying a large bag over his shoulder exiting from behind the house and getting promptly picked up by another man on a motorcycle, no one was ever caught. The most painful loss was my computer and backup hard drive that had my daughters pictures on it for her first nine years of life (now gone forever). I offered the police a 30,000 baht reward for the return of the hard drive but they told me it wasn't enough, then when I raised it to 50,000 they said they "would try". Needless to say, nothing was ever recovered. I moved shortly afterwards and now keep all of my valuables and laptops in a proper safe and have complete CCTV coverage of the outside and inside of the house, as well as two English Bulldogs now (not that they are much help, but they are great fun to have around).

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Eight years ago when our house in the Moo Baan was somewhat isolated, now surrounded by other properties. We had an extension built and some 4 weeks after completion our German Shepherd was poisoned and 7 days later the extension was broken in to but we had nothing of value in it and it is separate from the house.

Our GS did not die,that's another story, as sadly a couple of other dogs in the area did and the houses were also burgled. It appears that even in her weakened state she disturbed them and they fled. It turned out that they had info from someone who had been working on the extension, he was detained and gave up the other two that were doing the burglaries and poisoning.

Hopefully part of their sentence included poisoning!

good post,and happy your dog survived.

I think that most houses robbed, are inside jobs.Never happened to me in 9 years,but a friend across from me has been done twice,he is gay and they copied his key,when he was asleep, so much for a few nice boyfriends.Another mate had his house robbed,and that was his crazy partner,who arranged for her thai lover to rob the house

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I was burgled twice when I lived in a house at the end of a soi in Saphankwai, Bangkok, twenty years ago.

Once I was away, the other time I was out for the night. Both times, the thieves took every easily portable piece of electronics. Both times, upon me reporting the burglaries, the police came fairly swiftly, in numbers, mooched about all over the house without any precautions regarding disturbing any evidence, and never took any fingerprints. One time, after this incompetent rigmarole, one officer whispered to me: "I know who did it, it was your maid". My maid was not live-in, only visiting three times a week, and was highly unlikely to have had anything to do with it. One time, I was asked to make a report at the police station, any night after 11pm. Why? Because the only officer assigned to take it was on the night shift.

In neither case was there any result whatsoever from the police. Since I was insured, however, I got almost all the value lost back.

If there's any moral to this, it's to install burglar alarms if you live in a house and sometimes leave it unoccupied. I reckon the noise of an alarm is enough to get rid of most burglars.

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About 25 years ago I lived for a year in that sink of iniquity, Pattaya, for an interminable and horrible year. My house was broken into four times, once through the roof, and anything of "value" (electronics but not rare books) was stolen.

By contrast, I have lived in Chiang Mai for 25 years and never had a burglary or theft of any kind. Long may it remain so!

Was it bad in Pattaya 25 years ago ????

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I got robbed almost everything in the house in Khon Kaen about 1993. Then in 2005 lost several things in 2 break ins in Bkk in a condo. It happens in all countries. In fact Thailand is better than some other places.

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I was broken into about 3 or 4 times a year ago this month, in Lampang. He was a crafty one as he had to climb up to the balcony and pry open the wood around the door.

The thief took anything of value, computer and guitar. The strange thing was that it was always during the day while I was teaching at school. I asked my neighbors, all retired, if they heard or saw anything. Nothing. It was broad daylight in a fairly busy neighborhood. He hauled off a laptop and a guitar, amongst other things. Landlord is a retired couple that lived next door. It didn't add up to me.

So, that's the experience. Hope it helps

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I had cctv footage of the creep who broke in my place but police didn't do anything about it and didn't want to write up a report as it was bad for the local crime rate. At least they were honest about it.

So now I stay well armed(legal) and have everything waiting to bound and transport/dispose of the next one.

For them that haven't been broken into yet it feels disgusting and lingers in the back of the mind. It would be a great thing to catch a creep breaking in and extract full revenge. Good for the mind.

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very interesting thread from Edwin......again,yet another paradox in LOS.....threat of violence is the motivation behind the non-violent veneer......I would truly like to meet a Buddhist someday.

I've met many and some were really remarkable people (that wouldn't even step on an ant).

The mistake is to equate the inhabitants of countries where Buddhism is the major religion with "better human beings or human beings who are more aware". People are pretty much the same all over and just listening to some teachings is not enough - in any philosophy/religion.

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I lived for 15 years in Sacramento, California. I lived in a middle-class neighborhood. My house was broken into nine times in those fifteen years. Everything of value was taken each time.

I have lived in Thailand for 2 1/2 years. I have been burgled only one in that time.

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Three times over the years that I've lived in my current home (a 16 year period), all times that I was away from hoem for an extended period. After each break-in I addressed the vulnerability that allowed entry and knock on wood, not had another robbery in quite a while.

Prior to this, years ago living in Aranyaprathet and also Surin, multiple break-ins. Also one in Bkk.

It is indeed pretty common.

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I had cctv footage of the creep who broke in my place but police didn't do anything about it and didn't want to write up a report as it was bad for the local crime rate. At least they were honest about it. So now I stay well armed(legal) and have everything waiting to bound and transport/dispose of the next one. For them that haven't been broken into yet it feels disgusting and lingers in the back of the mind. It would be a great thing to catch a creep breaking in and extract full revenge. Good for the mind.

About 25 years ago I lived for a year in that sink of iniquity, Pattaya, for an interminable and horrible year. My house was broken into four times, once through the roof, and anything of "value" (electronics but not rare books) was stolen.

By contrast, I have lived in Chiang Mai for 25 years and never had a burglary or theft of any kind. Long may it remain so!

I'm aware of a case recently of burglars breaking into a luxury house in an expensive village in Pattaya.

The house had just been sold, old owners movers out and took nearly all the moveable furniture and all electronics with them (in the sale contract).

New owner had been to the house several times and had moved many large second hand cardboard boxes (mostly old TV, micro-wave etc., boxes) into the house, but in reality there was nothing of any value except second hand clothes, old cheap crockery etc. in the boxes.

Burglars (2) broke in, discover nothing of value so they set the interior of the house on fire. Burglars later caught and admitted they were pissed off that there was nothing they could sell and deliberately set the fire. Plus it turned out they had done the same thing many times before but weren't caught.

Both were given 30 days jail. No order to pay compensation for the damage.

But it could happen in any country.

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So now I stay well armed(legal) and have everything waiting to bound and transport/dispose of the next one. For them that haven't been broken into yet it feels disgusting and lingers in the back of the mind. It would be a great thing to catch a creep breaking in and extract full revenge. Good for the mind.

You should see a doctor and get your rage under control before you hurt someone.

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Hi I had a break-in last year, they broke open a bedroom window, then jemmied open the steel frame, then they bent it inwards giving enough room to get in, then opened the back door. how do I know, you ask because I had it all covered on CCTV! called the police, they called the crime scene officer, he took away containers that had been touched. then nothing! My neighbour is a warrant officer in the local Police, when I asked him he just shrugged, and made a negative noise…

Although you asked Not for 'hearsay" but, my break-in came up in conversation, 3 people had similar experiences.


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House I was renting in Pakret (Bangkok) was broken in while I was at work (May 2009). The house had security grilles on every door and window (upstairs and down) as well as alarms. Even having my two-year old English Bulldog inside didn't deter the burglar He entered through the roof and according to the police probably spent at least three hours in the house and stole everything of value, laptops, mobiles, jewelry, watches, old currency collection, Gurkha fighting knife, and the list goes on and on. He even help himself to Pepsi and lunch from the refrigerator and changed his shirt for one of mine from the closet (he left his behind). Despite fingerprints all over the place and a witness who saw him carrying a large bag over his shoulder exiting from behind the house and getting promptly picked up by another man on a motorcycle, no one was ever caught. The most painful loss was my computer and backup hard drive that had my daughters pictures on it for her first nine years of life (now gone forever). I offered the police a 30,000 baht reward for the return of the hard drive but they told me it wasn't enough, then when I raised it to 50,000 they said they "would try". Needless to say, nothing was ever recovered. I moved shortly afterwards and now keep all of my valuables and laptops in a proper safe and have complete CCTV coverage of the outside and inside of the house, as well as two English Bulldogs now (not that they are much help, but they are great fun to have around).

That is by far the worst kind of theft, I know those photos must be worth more to you than any mere possession you can buy. Sorry to hear such a terrible thing happened to you sir. Annoying( though sadly not unexpected ) how crap the police are.

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and in the process off getting a gun license.

That idea I like!

a bastard like that trying to enter my house to rape my wife or daughter should get shot on the legs, then shot on the balls, so he will only have a change to get raped in jail.

My neighbours apartment got robbed at night when they were asleep. If the girl was alone, she could have got raped.

Positive it could be some of the construction workers on the new construction. Since they started construction, this is the third robbery on my condo.

So, After the 2nd robbery the condo management installed strong lights, higher fence and a camera, STILL they robbed a third time the couple on the 2nd floor by clibing the window. all recorded in CCTV, but the police was totally useless.

edit: they only robbed iphones, ipads and jewlery.

Edited by brfsa2
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My house also been burgled came from window and they took my laptop and a sony camera my clothes and some cash it was a day light robbery when my wife went to pick my son from school reported tom police but no action just came picked up some finger prints and gone it was around September my in laws went to farm and this happened felt bad ,but forgot and moving on .my two dogs were poisoned but both were saved ,it is the happiest thing saving my dogs,

now placed grills all home and a camera for security,

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I moved here from the UK because I was fed up of the break-ins to our houses, my factories and my computer games shops. I lost £82,000 in stock which the insurance company refused to pay for. When we caught the burglars trying to steal our stock again, they only got fined £11 payable at £2/week. Their dole money was increased to cover the court fines!

I have live in Bangkok for 20 years and never had a break in. However, in 1997 we had trainers stolen from our porch and soon after our pick up wasstolen. The police caught up with the car thief trying to steal a car outside former Deputy Prime Minster, Bichai Rattakhun's house off Pattanakan road, and he was shot dead. It turned out to be a neighbour involved in a car theft gang.

The insurance company paid me more than the pick up originally cost me, and the thief was terminated. Never had a problem since then. A lot better than justice in the UK.

Long live the UK and the forgiving system in place.


This is a five part documentary and it's pretty good. I suspect most Western countries over time will experience the same thing.

God save the Queen.

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very interesting thread from Edwin......again,yet another paradox in LOS.....threat of violence is the motivation behind the non-violent veneer......I would truly like to meet a Buddhist someday.

Ever thought of going to a wat!Just a guess.

Would be better off going to the local mall where you'll find them eyeing up the latest gadgets. giggle.gif

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I was broken in to in Samui some years back. I arrived as the thief scarpered out the back door. He or she took a camera, and had I not arrived sooner would no doubt have taken my laptop. Police came, took a report, blah, blah, blah. I will never rent on the ground floor again!

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