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What's the point?


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Caveat.....I am not a licensed "head shrink" ....and this is only my opinion from reading your short post...Please take no offense as I hope I am only offering you constructive criticism.

Well since your past seems to focus only on "YOU"....and you think every year that YOU have done nothing....YOU obviously do not like who you are....if you do then no problem never making anything of your life! Might be time to make some changes. You have stated that you do not want a family (Who many of us do "live for") But family can take many forms...Neighbors, friends and even strangers. You have to let go of the "me, me, me syndrome" and start partaking in life in another form than you currently are. Volunteer, Join some social clubs, become engaged with the community...make the world your "Family" ...Its amazing how rewarding it is to help people without expecting anything in return....

Hope whatever you do you change your path to one where you believe your life has some meaning.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for for this. But I volunteer all the time. I have spent time with orphans in Sri Lanka, Burma refugees in Thailand, war victims in Vietnam to name a few. At the end of it all, come out with discontentment and nothing else.

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Manic depressive comes to mind after skim reading your post.

I don't know what that means. care to elaborate?

You using elaborate has got me thinking!

Is that some sort of sarcasm that I don't understand. I must also state that English is not my first language. May be you should explain yourself.

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Manic depressive comes to mind after skim reading your post.

I don't know what that means. care to elaborate?

You using elaborate has got me thinking!

Is that some sort of sarcasm that I don't understand. I must also state that English is not my first language. May be you should explain yourself.

I have no need. You can hover .

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We are born, then we go about our lives keeping our heads down trying to make the most of it and then later we die, perhaps peacefully in our sleep if you`re lucky or maybe on the job with some bird which is a way I would prefer to go, with a smile on my face.

There is no heaven, there is no glorious kingdom where we will spend all eternity living in some paradise wonderland, we only get one crack and one chance to enjoy our short lifetimes and that`s about it.


And the worst part of your summary of life (which I agree with) is if there is no life after death,then the whole thing has been a waste of time. And you will never know if you had a long or short life,a good or bad one,a rich or poor one,because you have no way of judging anything! dead people don't have memories!

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And the worst part of your summary of life (which I agree with) is if there is no life after death,then the whole thing has been a waste of time.

Waste implies purpose, if there is no purpose (point) then it cannot be said that time has been wasted.

Earlier I asked "Why does there need to be a point?". If there is no need for a point then the question of what the point is, is meaningless.

It is this very question that many people find distressing. Everything around us seems to have a purpose so we assume that our own life must have also. It brings us comfort and in effect, dries our eyes. To paraphrase the late Christopher Hitchens... There will come a day when you are tapped on the shoulder and told that the party is going on but you have to leave.

Well very poetic of Mr Hitchens,the fact is most people leave the Party,and in terms of world news,their departure,went unnoticed .

Some people consider Procreation is a purpose,and a great achievement,while other think that breathing in Oxygen,and Exhaling Carbon Dioxide,is also a life of merit!

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We are born, then we go about our lives keeping our heads down trying to make the most of it and then later we die, perhaps peacefully in our sleep if you`re lucky or maybe on the job with some bird which is a way I would prefer to go, with a smile on my face.

There is no heaven, there is no glorious kingdom where we will spend all eternity living in some paradise wonderland, we only get one crack and one chance to enjoy our short lifetimes and that`s about it.


And the worst part of your summary of life (which I agree with) is if there is no life after death,then the whole thing has been a waste of time. And you will never know if you had a long or short life,a good or bad one,a rich or poor one,because you have no way of judging anything! dead people don't have memories!

Having children is natures way of passing part of ourselves on into the future, the continuation of ourselves and our species and why we enjoy sex that is really just an instinct to breed, or for those who do not have children then it`s up to the nieces and nephews to continue on the family genes, because once we are gone our lives are spent, that’s it.

Life is unpredictable and not everyone is given the same quality of life guarantees. Some will suffer more health problems, others will be richer, others will be higher achievers, some may become rich and famous whereas others may hit rock bottom, some people will be physically fitter or better looking and have more success with the opposite sex, some folks will be loved more than others, some people may live to a ripe old age whereas others may suffer disasters such as being caught up in a war, in an accident, struck down by an illness or become the victims of a serious crime.

My point to the OP is; better to make the most of things while the goings good because none of us can foretell what the future has in store for us, whether it`s going to be good or bad? Self-preservation and happiness is the key to a happier lifestyle or as the wise man says; don`t let the bastards grind you down. My philosophy is; do a little or if you have the money a lot of what you fancy and sod everyone else, savour every happy moment and just get on with it, because in this world, especially in Thailand, when you’re down, you’re really down and we only have our inner strength and self determination to pull ourselves out of it as no one is going to pick us out and lay us down on a bed of roses.

The purpose of our lives is to make good and exist for as long as possible. No point in asking anymore questions because there are no answers and looking into things too deeply only brings disappointment. What will be, will be.

Yes! all part of the rich Tapestry of life! and i'm sure there is more to add.

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Some people consider Procreation is a purpose,and a great achievement,while other think that breathing in Oxygen,and Exhaling Carbon Dioxide,is also a life of merit!


The purpose question is philosophical rather than biological. Our bodies have one simple function which is to replicate. In a philosophical sense, to what end?

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Some people consider Procreation is a purpose,and a great achievement,while other think that breathing in Oxygen,and Exhaling Carbon Dioxide,is also a life of merit!


The purpose question is philosophical rather than biological. Our bodies have one simple function which is to replicate. In a philosophical sense, to what end?

Well could it possibly be the advancement of future more educated generations? otherwise would we not turn out to be replicas or clones of each other?

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Well could it possibly be the advancement of future more educated generations?

That would describe the process but not the purpose.

otherwise would we not turn out to be replicas or clones of each other?

In a never changing environment it likely would though you would still have genetic variance by random mutation.

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Its interesting this question by the Op comes out now, Xmas can be a miserable time if you haven't got a family. An ex of mine who worked in a psychiatric hospital said patients would check themselves in at Xmas knowing there would be trouble.

I haven't got a wife and kids either and I think that can give a lot of focus and contentment. I find alternatives, things I enjoy. Others find religion which gives them a greater meaning.

I still think I'd like to choose when to die though,not wait for Ill health to get me. see thread below.


I'm on a long holiday in Thailand this time and its made me realise I couldn't live here all year, I'd need to split it.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I don't knowing about this subject but what I do know is if you have people in your life, friends, wife, children, etc... you are always busy doing something to help make their lives better or sometimes worse... Maybe the point is to live your life for others and in return they give you something to do. It might be that simple.

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From the screenplay for And Justice For All -- Arthur Kirkland - Al Pacino:

Judge Rayford: You know, I was skydiving once and my main chute didn't open. I pulled my reserve which didn't open either. There I was, plunging to the Earth. Just as I hit the tree tops, I discovered the meaning of life.
Arthur Kirkland: Which is?
Judge Rayford: It sucks, Arthur! It really sucks!
Edited by JLCrab
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Caveat.....I am not a licensed "head shrink" ....and this is only my opinion from reading your short post...Please take no offense as I hope I am only offering you constructive criticism.

Well since your past seems to focus only on "YOU"....and you think every year that YOU have done nothing....YOU obviously do not like who you are....if you do then no problem never making anything of your life! Might be time to make some changes. You have stated that you do not want a family (Who many of us do "live for") But family can take many forms...Neighbors, friends and even strangers. You have to let go of the "me, me, me syndrome" and start partaking in life in another form than you currently are. Volunteer, Join some social clubs, become engaged with the community...make the world your "Family" ...Its amazing how rewarding it is to help people without expecting anything in return....

Hope whatever you do you change your path to one where you believe your life has some meaning.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for for this. But I volunteer all the time. I have spent time with orphans in Sri Lanka, Burma refugees in Thailand, war victims in Vietnam to name a few. At the end of it all, come out with discontentment and nothing else.

Your point of view/expectations could have something to do with your volunteer work. Not, IMHO, the best environments to evaluate a country.

What are you looking for? At the moment, the more orphans, refugees & war victims, the more fulfilling your work should be to you.

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