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PDRC slams CAPO for 'making false claims'

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PDRC slams CAPO for 'making false claims'
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- Anti-government protesters condemned the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) for making unfair accusations.

In reaction to CAPO's statement that protesters obstructed medical workers from trying to rescue the injured on Thursday, People's Democratic Reform Committee spokesman Akanat Promphan said it was not possible for them to block the medical helicopter because it was inside the Thai-Japan stadium at the time - and protesters were kept outside by police.

He said CAPO needed to show evidence to verify this claim.

He also asked why there were reports of police assaulting arrested protesters, whom they also transported in a helicopter without any obstruction.

Akanat said there had been attempts to instigate hatred of protesters among police at the operational level by spreading rumours that protesters had killed officers.

As per autopsy reports, Pol Senior Sgt-Major Narong Pitisit was shot from a top-down, left-to-right and front-to-back direction. It was likely that the gunfire came from the top of the tallest building in the Labour Ministry compound.

This happened at a time when no protesters were able to enter the ministry and, so far, the authorities have not been able to explain the men in black caught on camera on top of the building, he said.

Akanat also said it was not possible for bullets from a Din Daeng flat to have hit Narong as police claimed, because the landscape did not allow for this to happen.

-- The Nation 2013-12-29

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As per autopsy reports, Pol Senior Sgt-Major Narong Pitisit was shot from a top-down, left-to-right and front-to-back direction. It was likely that the gunfire came from the top of the tallest building in the Labour Ministry compound.

This happened at a time when no protesters were able to enter the ministry and, so far, the authorities have not been able to explain the men in black caught on camera on top of the building, he said.

Akanat also said it was not possible for bullets from a Din Daeng flat to have hit Narong as police claimed, because the landscape did not allow for this to happen.

If we were trying to figure this out, we'd need a map showing where the police say the flat is supposed to be, where the labour ministry is and where Narong was. But even then we wouldn't really know who did it, unless we knew exactly where Narong was at the location of his death. We'd also need to know which direction he was facing in and whether he was crouching, standing, leaning forward etc. I guess the people with him at the time might have an idea of this, but I doubt Akanat does.

Edited by Emptyset
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whatttttt???? people still do need evidence, how "peaceful" are these yellow thugs?

A must watch video and judge by yourself:


or maybe these yellow criminals just love to disguise themself....

They will get police jackets, and riot gear out of the truck. They probably won't get pants, shirts or shoes. I think it will be easy to pick out a protester in a flak jacket when he's wearing shorts and flip-flops.

The protesters I've seen pictured and filmed in police gear are still obviously protesters. I doubt there was any serious intention to diguise themselves...

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whatttttt???? people still do need evidence, how "peaceful" are these yellow thugs?

A must watch video and judge by yourself:


or maybe these yellow criminals just love to disguise themself....

They will get police jackets, and riot gear out of the truck. They probably won't get pants, shirts or shoes. I think it will be easy to pick out a protester in a flak jacket when he's wearing shorts and flip-flops.

lie and again more lie, from a hardcore yellow wannabee.

Yesterday i did post a picture of a yellow thugs caught stealing complete police uniform, and later smashing vehicule while wearing it....

(and i think you did see the picture???)

but today with your post, me i just caught you making one more... lie!

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Actually, I find it perfectly normal that anyone wise would grab a piece of equipment to protect himself against real bullets or rubber bullets. No? Grabbing a police bullet proof vest, a helmet or a shield is perfectly logical move during riots. Incidentally, I'm not making excuses for rioters.

Anyway, this is coming from a well known Thaksin supporter. Andrew MacG Marshall's facebook page.

News update from the Bangkok protests. Abhisit Vejjajiva plans to join Suthep Thaugsuban's illegal anti-democracy rally tomorrow to try to revive flagging numbers. Meanwhile, Thaksin Shinawatra's secret "black shirt" force of provocateurs, mostly made up of navy SEALS and marines, is back on the streets again for the first time since May 2010 and has infiltrated Suthep's rabble. If protests escalate they will seek to incite deadly violence ahead of King Bhumibol's birthday to discredit Suthep and his movement for good. The military remains divided and weak, and top commanders have no intention of intervening for now. Unless sanity prevails in the next few days, there will be more bloodshed on the streets of Bangkok in early December.



Image: Screen grab taken of Marshall's Facebook link containing the leaked regime conspiracy to kill in the name of the protesters, as well as assurances that his sources are "very reliable," and that the plan would not discredit the government.

So this is coming from the guy who is a paid shill for Thaksin and works together with Thaksin's lobbist Robert Amsterdam. Make up your own minds.

True or not, it doesn't sound like something a 'paid shill for Thaksin' would say. In fact having read his pieces, I doubt there's much in there that Thaksin would pay him to write. His personal opinion of Thaksin seems very negative. Similar to my own in fact. I believe you may be confusing him with Andrew Spooner, who refuses to admit that the men in black in 2010 existed.

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whatttttt???? people still do need evidence, how "peaceful" are these yellow thugs?

A must watch video and judge by yourself:


or maybe these yellow criminals just love to disguise themself....

They will get police jackets, and riot gear out of the truck. They probably won't get pants, shirts or shoes. I think it will be easy to pick out a protester in a flak jacket when he's wearing shorts and flip-flops.

lie and again more lie, from a hardcore yellow wannabee.

Yesterday i did post a picture of a yellow thugs caught stealing complete police uniform, and later smashing vehicule while wearing it....

(and i think you did see the picture???)

but today with your post, me i just caught you making one more... lie!

Where is the lie? I said it would be easy to pick out protesters wearing the police gear. Emptyset just confirmed that they still look like protesters.

I didn't see the pictures of the protesters smashing vehicles while wearing police gear. Can you point me to it?

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This CAPO is shameless and this is the most fxxk up lie I have ever heard. You mean at least twenty protestors were able to steal the entire police outfit and dress up perfectly then march out to smash vehicles at around 5pm!!!!!! This is insulting people intelligence indeed. These liars have no shameless.

Edited by bunny11kk
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whatttttt???? people still do need evidence, how "peaceful" are these yellow thugs?

A must watch video and judge by yourself:

or maybe these yellow criminals just love to disguise themself....

Very interesting. They look like they've taken a leaf out of the 2010 red handbook, "The Idiot's Guide: How To Have A Successful Riot".

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whatttttt???? people still do need evidence, how "peaceful" are these yellow thugs?

A must watch video and judge by yourself:

or maybe these yellow criminals just love to disguise themself....

I did not see any violence in your video...seems to me that guy must have mis-placed his keys and needed to get into his van... what is this video supposed to show..?

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whatttttt???? people still do need evidence, how "peaceful" are these yellow thugs?

A must watch video and judge by yourself:

or maybe these yellow criminals just love to disguise themself....

I'll see your yellow thugs video with the police thugs video - smashing the cars of private citizens after the protesters have been cleared out


And raise it with this


If you can't understand Thai don't worry there are many images. If you think it is propaganda - fair enough - but an image speaks a thousand words and there are many images in this.

You decide, you're all educated in the ways of the world. Is it really all one sided??

edit - spelling

Edited by jonclark
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There is no doubt that the administration will always hold the advantage as to what information to release and what not to release. And as long as that is the case, and as long as investigations are run to the point where they are forgotten, these press conferences will be met with increasing skepticism by a public that is beginning to suspect that priority is given to the administration's preferred interpretation of events rather than on the facts themselves, particularly when they inconveniently do not fall into place.

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Chief Capo, Thaksin's sleazebag cousin, was just on TV announcing that Colombia supported the idea of sorting out Thailand's political troubles with an election - useful advice from a country also riddled with crime and corruption that has been battling with narcos and FARC separatists for decades with no light at the end of the tunnel.

He is looking very pale and more and more like a corpse fished out of the Gulf of Thailand after two weeks, wrapped up like a Christmas present in a bright blue zig zag patterned prarachatan shirt (from Shinawatra Silk no doubt).

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I would suggest that anyone who is interested in Bender and his or her lifestyle visit the site listed below there you will see that all is revealed and the reasons why Bender post the inane twaddle he or she seems to delight in .


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whatttttt???? people still do need evidence, how "peaceful" are these yellow thugs?

A must watch video and judge by yourself:

or maybe these yellow criminals just love to disguise themself....

wah wah, go home bender.

This fake video has been exposed by some observers. They are real policemen. In the video,they seems to mention getting gun inside the police van. How did they know there are guns inside the van? Later when they attempted to break the van window, you can see actually there is someone inside the van opening the van door and throw the stuff outside. Last part at 6.38 see the guy right at the back of the video, you can see a stationary protester saluting to the man who approaching him. Should be his superior.

It is all setup.

EVeryone have different perspectives but overall many viewers has expressed great doubt in this video clip.

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