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The Farang Can Speak Thai Hee Hee


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Me old China Plates (the seppo's) need to get on the dog and bone to sort this out, before someone poo's in their Reg Grundies.

Would you Adam and Eve it, that we got a Septic having the Khyber? He should go down the ruba with the trouble and relax.

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@slipperylobster: Just looked up Septic Tank slang definition and it claims used both in the UK & OZ as derogatory rhyming slang for "Yanks". Have to say I lived in both countries for many years and never heard it in conversation. Hopefully you and Daniel Boon can now cease this exchange of insults

Yes. good. If I were to hear that term directed at me, or any one else I would jack slap them out cold. Nice and easy for these people to hide behind their cool terminology on the internet.

Where I come from, we do not tolerate being equated to subterraneaus vessels that hold turds.

Rhyming or not. Brit Sh_t (Turd)

Aussie (Same but no Rhyme - self explanatory)

Suggest you boys write home and correct the shituation, before a big dam_n eagle squats on your face.

You boys started it.....lets get with the program. I will not tolerate this.


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Me old China Plates (the seppo's) need to get on the dog and bone to sort this out, before someone poo's in their Reg Grundies.

Would you Adam and Eve it, that we got a Septic having the Khyber? He should go down the ruba with the trouble and relax.

sounds like he needs to have a Bex and a good lie down.

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@slipperylobster: Just looked up Septic Tank slang definition and it claims used both in the UK & OZ as derogatory rhyming slang for "Yanks". Have to say I lived in both countries for many years and never heard it in conversation. Hopefully you and Daniel Boon can now cease this exchange of insults

Yes. good. If I were to hear that term directed at me, or any one else I would jack slap them out cold. Nice and easy for these people to hide behind their cool terminology on the internet.

Where I come from, we do not tolerate being equated to subterraneaus vessels that hold turds.

Rhyming or not. Brit Sh_t (Turd)

Aussie (Same but no Rhyme - self explanatory)

Suggest you boys write home and correct the shituation, before a big damn eagle squats on your face.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.....lets see, trying to read between the lines here....

"a big damn eagle"

I think he is talking about America here fella's (an educated guess). US.A US.A I hear him chant in the background.

I hope big eagle man doesn't come to Australia, he might be offended at some of our cheeses too.....

Perhaps we can come up with something else apart from Septic Tank = Yank?

How about Rob-a-bank = yank?

Or Have-a-wank = yank?

Edited by samran
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@slipperylobster: Just looked up Septic Tank slang definition and it claims used both in the UK & OZ as derogatory rhyming slang for "Yanks". Have to say I lived in both countries for many years and never heard it in conversation. Hopefully you and Daniel Boon can now cease this exchange of insults

Yes. good. If I were to hear that term directed at me, or any one else I would jack slap them out cold. Nice and easy for these people to hide behind their cool terminology on the internet.

Where I come from, we do not tolerate being equated to subterraneaus vessels that hold turds.

Rhyming or not. Brit Sh_t (Turd)

Aussie (Same but no Rhyme - self explanatory)

Suggest you boys write home and correct the shituation, before a big dam_n eagle squats on your face.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.....lets see, trying to read between the lines here....

"a big dam_n eagle"

I think he is talking about America here fella's (an educated guess). US.A US.A I hear him chant in the background.

I hope big eagle man doesn't come to Australia, he might be offended at some of our cheeses too.....

Perhaps we can come up with something else apart from Septic Tank = Yank?

How about Rob-a-bank = yank?

Or Have-a-wank = yank?

I thought he was still talking in rhyming slang and was discussing peverse acts with a beagle.

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If all else fails, ask to borrow some money.

This is the best answer so far in this thread. I'm not sure I would actually ask them to borrow some cash though. However I love the spirit of the idea. It's absolutely brilliant!

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@slipperylobster: Just looked up Septic Tank slang definition and it claims used both in the UK & OZ as derogatory rhyming slang for "Yanks". Have to say I lived in both countries for many years and never heard it in conversation. Hopefully you and Daniel Boon can now cease this exchange of insults

Yes. good. If I were to hear that term directed at me, or any one else I would jack slap them out cold. Nice and easy for these people to hide behind their cool terminology on the internet.

Where I come from, we do not tolerate being equated to subterraneaus vessels that hold turds.

Rhyming or not. Brit Sh_t (Turd)

Aussie (Same but no Rhyme - self explanatory)

Suggest you boys write home and correct the shituation, before a big dam_n eagle squats on your face.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.....lets see, trying to read between the lines here....

"a big dam_n eagle"

I think he is talking about America here fella's (an educated guess). US.A US.A I hear him chant in the background.

I hope big eagle man doesn't come to Australia, he might be offended at some of our cheeses too.....

Perhaps we can come up with something else apart from Septic Tank = Yank?

How about Rob-a-bank = yank?

Or Have-a-wank = yank?

I thought he was still talking in rhyming slang and was discussing peverse acts with a beagle.


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I've figured it out. The OP wrote, "The first neighbour walked in waiing me and asked my wife what my name was. I shouted, "ask me yourself". She said,"the farang can speak Thai hee hee".

Everything would have been OK if she said,"the Septic tank, can speak Thai hee hee".

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@slipperylobster: Just looked up Septic Tank slang definition and it claims used both in the UK & OZ as derogatory rhyming slang for "Yanks". Have to say I lived in both countries for many years and never heard it in conversation. Hopefully you and Daniel Boon can now cease this exchange of insults

Yes. good. If I were to hear that term directed at me, or any one else I would jack slap them out cold. Nice and easy for these people to hide behind their cool terminology on the internet.

Where I come from, we do not tolerate being equated to subterraneaus vessels that hold turds.

Rhyming or not. Brit Sh_t (Turd)

Aussie (Same but no Rhyme - self explanatory)

Suggest you boys write home and correct the shituation, before a big dam_n eagle squats on your face.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.....lets see, trying to read between the lines here....

"a big dam_n eagle"

I think he is talking about America here fella's (an educated guess). US.A US.A I hear him chant in the background.

I hope big eagle man doesn't come to Australia, he might be offended at some of our cheeses too.....

Perhaps we can come up with something else apart from Septic Tank = Yank?

How about Rob-a-bank = yank?

Or Have-a-wank = yank?

I thought he was still talking in rhyming slang and was discussing peverse acts with a beagle.

Now that's worrying

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I've figured it out. The OP wrote, "The first neighbour walked in waiing me and asked my wife what my name was. I shouted, "ask me yourself". She said,"the farang can speak Thai hee hee".

Everything would have been OK if she said,"the Septic tank, can speak Thai hee hee".

But the OP isn't a Sepo, he's a sweaty.

Edited by mrtoad
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@slipperylobster: Just looked up Septic Tank slang definition and it claims used both in the UK & OZ as derogatory rhyming slang for "Yanks". Have to say I lived in both countries for many years and never heard it in conversation. Hopefully you and Daniel Boon can now cease this exchange of insults

Yes. good. If I were to hear that term directed at me, or any one else I would jack slap them out cold. Nice and easy for these people to hide behind their cool terminology on the internet.

Where I come from, we do not tolerate being equated to subterraneaus vessels that hold turds.

Rhyming or not. Brit Sh_t (Turd)

Aussie (Same but no Rhyme - self explanatory)

Suggest you boys write home and correct the shituation, before a big dam_n eagle squats on your face.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.....lets see, trying to read between the lines here....

"a big dam_n eagle"

I think he is talking about America here fella's (an educated guess). US.A US.A I hear him chant in the background.

I hope big eagle man doesn't come to Australia, he might be offended at some of our cheeses too.....

Perhaps we can come up with something else apart from Septic Tank = Yank?

How about Rob-a-bank = yank?

Or Have-a-wank = yank?

I thought he was still talking in rhyming slang and was discussing peverse acts with a beagle.


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To the OP:

Hi there,

Just a thought, but if it bothers you so much, why don't you ask these persons why they call you a farang and how you feel about it. If I was able to speak Thai I would definitely do this, in stead of complying about it on TV smile.png

All the best smile.png

Edited by Cezar
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I am an American living in Thailand....my neighbor is an Englishman.

When I bought the property next to him ... I went by to introduce myself and say "Hi"........his FIRST words to me were "I hear your a man not to be Trusted"

Not attempting to hijack this thread, but there must be more to this story. What had he heard about you?

There won't be more to the story if he comes from Yorkshire.

Wrong. A Yorkshireman would have shook his hand, found out if he had anything to sell, bought it, made money on it. Also, in my case, I would have borrowed most of his tools at least once by now.whistling.gifsmile.png

and rattled his bird.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I am an American living in Thailand....my neighbor is an Englishman.

When I bought the property next to him ... I went by to introduce myself and say "Hi"........his FIRST words to me were "I hear your a man not to be Trusted"

Not attempting to hijack this thread, but there must be more to this story. What had he heard about you?

Yes there is....to make a long story short ....I used to live elsewhere in the neighborhood and there is another farang (Swiss) who thinks of himself as a big shot wheeler dealer....well ...I got the better of him once on a deal and he since bad mouthed me (not a problem though as he was a-hole and I didn't have to speak to him anymore either)

Point being is that the Englishman, who I used to just waive at, took the Swiss man's word...(didn't want to hear both sides of the story and THEN make a judgement)

if it were me .......I give people a chance and make my own judgement based on their interaction with me not hearsay from others.

Obviously this is at a tangent to this thread, but ... sorry mate ...

... I know you were there, heard him and saw him, but I can't shake off the feeling you threw away exactly the chance there to tell your side of the story. It sounds to me like typical dry English humour, offering you a bantering opening. Could that be?

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To the OP:

Hi there,

Just a thought, but if it bothers you so much, why don't you ask these persons why they call you a farang and how you feel about it. If I was able to speak Thai I would definitely do this, in stead of complying about it on TV smile.png

All the best smile.png

It's not the word 'farang' that bothered me here, although it does often bother me. It was teh assumption that 'farang' are too stupid to learn Thai. But good point, I could have said to the BBQ guy, " please explain why you think that me lighting a BBQ is funny?". Maybe there was a rational explanation midst my paranoia.

Something for expats who have been here a while - does living in Thailand affect your personality? I'm sure that if you are dealing with challenges like daily it could affect your self-esteem etc. And, will it affect my kids when their father's race is the butt of jokes?

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To the OP:

Hi there,

Just a thought, but if it bothers you so much, why don't you ask these persons why they call you a farang and how you feel about it. If I was able to speak Thai I would definitely do this, in stead of complying about it on TV smile.png

All the best smile.png

It's not the word 'farang' that bothered me here, although it does often bother me. It was teh assumption that 'farang' are too stupid to learn Thai. But good point, I could have said to the BBQ guy, " please explain why you think that me lighting a BBQ is funny?". Maybe there was a rational explanation midst my paranoia.

Something for expats who have been here a while - does living in Thailand affect your personality? I'm sure that if you are dealing with challenges like daily it could affect your self-esteem etc. And, will it affect my kids when their father's race is the butt of jokes?

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To the OP:

You know, I am really curious how they would react and what they would say if you would ask them about their behavior. Whether it you speaking Thai or lighting up the bbq (btw I had to laugh hard when I read that line smile.png). So maybe if you talk about it, it will turn out that there is some explanation and that they are actually not being rude. And if you explain them that you don't appreciate this behavior, I'm pretty sure that they will not do it again .

So would you give this a try?

If you do, please let us know how it went.

Edited by Cezar
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To the OP:

Hi there,

Just a thought, but if it bothers you so much, why don't you ask these persons why they call you a farang and how you feel about it. If I was able to speak Thai I would definitely do this, in stead of complying about it on TV smile.png

All the best smile.png

It's not the word 'farang' that bothered me here, although it does often bother me. It was teh assumption that 'farang' are too stupid to learn Thai. But good point, I could have said to the BBQ guy, " please explain why you think that me lighting a BBQ is funny?". Maybe there was a rational explanation midst my paranoia.

Something for expats who have been here a while - does living in Thailand affect your personality? I'm sure that if you are dealing with challenges like daily it could affect your self-esteem etc. And, will it affect my kids when their father's race is the butt of jokes?

Nice to see this one hauled back on course!

... It was teh assumption that 'farang' are too stupid to learn Thai. ...

Why would you be surprised at that assumption when it is pretty obvious that the vast majority of farang 'residents' cannot speak even the basics of the Thai langauge?

...please explain why you think that me lighting a BBQ is funny...

I think this was covered earlier but in Thailand, the concept of the male cooking for himself is as absurd as the idea of the male cooking for guests. The totally Western concept of ' real men burn their own meat' is totally lost in LOS. It wasn't the 'farang' or the 'BBQ' as such. It was you cooking.

Regarding your question if living here affects your personality or self esteem. If you need to ask...

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To the OP:

Hi there,

Just a thought, but if it bothers you so much, why don't you ask these persons why they call you a farang and how you feel about it. If I was able to speak Thai I would definitely do this, in stead of complying about it on TV smile.png

All the best smile.png

It's not the word 'farang' that bothered me here, although it does often bother me. It was teh assumption that 'farang' are too stupid to learn Thai. But good point, I could have said to the BBQ guy, " please explain why you think that me lighting a BBQ is funny?". Maybe there was a rational explanation midst my paranoia.

Something for expats who have been here a while - does living in Thailand affect your personality? I'm sure that if you are dealing with challenges like daily it could affect your self-esteem etc. And, will it affect my kids when their father's race is the butt of jokes?

General Thai do not have an assumption that any farangs are too stupid to learn Thai. They knows for a fact that Thai language is too foreign for a usual farang to learn to speak adequately at their level.

In the eye of pessimist, a laugh is an insult instead of a friendly expression. Perhaps that person is trying to laugh with you and not at you.

Butt of jokes? You have to kidding me. If you really think so, can you prove it that you are a joke to an entire village?

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