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Old Men


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Completely out of their depth, coming to Thailand to exploit everything that suits them, then sit at a computer complaining about everything that does not benefit them.

Don't they realise they are too old to adapt ?

I, for one, am sick of them, and if they don't like Thailand, bugger off to that Eutopia that you fled from !

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The OP ought understand that old age is what happens to people who don't die young.

This is a useful piece of knowledge as it offers the OP an option not to spend the latter years of his life in bitter self loathing.

Maybe the op is getting some practice in for when he gets older ?...based on what is written one suspects his testes haven't dropped yet and he doesn't have to shave everyday

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The OP just got me jump started for another year or two with that tirade against us old folks.

Some people are just destined/meant to grace a "wanted dead or alive poster" while some of those older fellows are setting at their computers scanning said poster and others are passing them out.

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The OP just got me jump started for another year or two with that tirade against us old folks.

Some people are just destined/meant to grace a "wanted dead or alive poster" while some of those older fellows are setting at their computers scanning said poster and others are passing them out.

Threads like this always give me a chuckle.

Ranting young man: "... grumpy old men do my head in! I hate them! Why don't they go home!"

Grumpy old man: "Chortle chortle chortle. Why would I go somewhere where there is nothing to complain about, and the young people ignore me? Here I can wind up young whipper-snappers to my heart's content without worrying about some hoodie putting my windows in for telling him to 'Get orf my land!' And what about the spuds, eh? Can't get decent spuds in the supermarket, that's why I eat lunch in this bar everyday, and it's too hot and I have to roll my singlet up over my beergut...."

I think if I was going to try and change the way that people post, I would offer them encouragement and incentives, perhaps constructive guidance. Perhaps I'd try to set a good example, rather than portraying myself as - well, similar to the OP.


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Not a happy bunny ?

I usually try some encouragement when someone starts a thread, but not this time. I really hate it when anyone says something that means "If you don't like it go back to where you came from" There are lots of things that we love and hate about living in Thailand, and I would say there are far more positives than negatives, and if I did say anything negative about Thailand, I would not like anyone try and tell me to go home.

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Crackpot comes to mind.

Cannot be a Troll can He because He hasn't wound up enough of us old folk in responding?

Having said that He could have made a sensible point, until that is his pure jealousy of the old brigade took over, maybe its because most of the owd uns on here are financially secure and attractive to the young ladies that abound in the bars where the old pussy mongers frequent.

Maybe a combination of him being young, skint and frustrated has caused his acerbic outburst.

Open message to the the OP

Oh my boy ( realise after saying my boy, that you could never be my boy because you dont have any respect for your elders, if you were my boy you would have been better trained in making a point than you obviously are ) get a life and you too can take advantage of being an old codger with a nice pension that leaves a little on the side for a foray into the bright side now and then where you can take your pick of the beauties on offer at a price within your means.

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OP - you obviously fail to realise that Whinging Old Pricks (aka Grumpy Old Men) only exist because when they were younger, they were Whinging Little Pricks.

If the shoe fits an' all that.coffee1.gif

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"Shot down in a blaze of glory", certainly sums up the op, looks like its old farts 1, nappy wearing "studs"(or should that be "legends in their own minds") 0, are we going to keep a tally.......w00t.gif

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Really when I think about it I could do with thanking the OP for his outburst.

I was sitting here in front of the PC happy, bloated, merry, perhaps blasé and content after having a lovely day and a great past week with my lady and friends from the UK.

I was looking forward to getting to the gym once again (Just for maintenance you understand) after this last week of drinking, gorging and partying.

The OP really did make me realise what an ungrateful and unthinking owd twxt I have become in my senior years.

I should be grateful to him for reminding me that all those years in the UK where for longer than his lifetime , I worked day and night, paid thousands in tax and insurance were indeed a privilege that I should be grateful for.

Presumably He considers that I should stay at home in the UK, insular, lonely since the beloved first wife passed away in front of the single candle that I had for heating and lighting and make preparations for a quick exit of this mortal coil brought on early by Rheumatism and Bronchitis.

Got news for you OP.

Go screw yourself and grow up!

since coming here I have lost at least 15 years in my attitude and appearance.

I am married to a fine and genuine Thai lady 22 years my junior, who still , after being married for ten years love to tweak my bum when walking in Big C.

I thought that my life had become useless and pointless before I met my Mrs and contrary to some of the stuff on here and like many of my ExPat friends have a faithful, sensible and loving partner in every respect.

You dont know what suffering is my lad and need to go away and earn the right to be one of TVs senior moaners like me!

When I do become just "done" and my life is over I would like my friends and family to have an inscription on my head stone that says;

"He was a good man but He did like a moan every now and then"

TV forums are the place where I can have a nice moan but I like to think that I have earned the right to have a moan and that my more sensible head,junior poster friends on here can read between the lines and see more than that I have written.

I seriously doubt that you could ever understand what I have just said in the last paragraph my young friend but I live in hope as my Father and his Father did when confronted by the stupidity, impetuousness and thoughtlessness of their offspring!

The OP is obviously eaten up with jealousy towards his elders,and not expecting to get to pensionable old age,clearly a case of : "youth is wasted on the young"..... George Bernard Shaw.

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