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Chalerm to propose a reform assembly to write a new Thai charter


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Minister Chalerm to propose a reform assembly to write a new charter


BANGKOK: -- A 99-member reform assembly to write a new Constitution in order to resolve political conflicts will soon be proposed to the government for consideration, caretaker Labour Minister Chalerm Yubamrung disclosed Wednesday.

According to Mr Chalerm, 77 members of the reform assembly will be elected to represent 77 provinces with the Election Commission to be tasked with organizing the election. The remaining 22 members will be selected from the academics in various fields.

Once the drafting of the new charter is completed by the assembly, it will be put forward for a referendum by the people after which the parliament will be dissolved and a new general election under a new charter will be staged.

Mr Chalerm said that his proposed reform assembly could be implemented simultaneously with the holding of the February 2 election.

The labour minister went on saying that the February 2 could not be extended and if, after the election, the number of elected MPs is not up to 95 percent of the whole number of MPs as required by the charter, fresh election can be staged within 180 days to get additional MPs to fill up the shortfall so that the parliament can convene and start functioning.

Regarding the “men in black” seen on the rooftop of the Labour Ministry on December 26 as shown in social media, Chalerm denied that they were policemen but they were protesters attempting to use the Labour Ministry to carry out violent incidents.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/minister-chalerm-propose-reform-assembly-write-new-charter/

-- Thai PBS 2014-01-02

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Kuhn Earache should manage to FUBAR democracy quite nicely.

As for the MiB, how does he know they were protestors...and if so, why isn't he embarrassed at the MoM's total lack of security? "Not policemen", my great granny's fanny they weren't.

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Kuhn Earache should manage to FUBAR democracy quite nicely.

As for the MiB, how does he know they were protestors...and if so, why isn't he embarrassed at the MoM's total lack of security? "Not policemen", my great granny's fanny they weren't.

so why were they firing teargas from the roof -

and the plan would be to hold uncontested elections on the 2nd then a top up election to fill a few empty seats, I'm sorry but a failed election is a failed election reset back to zero until a proper one can be held

is this man simply an idiot ?

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Quote from chalerm:

"Mr Chalerm said that his proposed reform assembly could be implemented simultaneously with the holding of the February 2 election."

So he's saying that the 99 members could be elected, they could hold all their discussions and finalize a reform proposal with enough time for it to be presented to the public along with a 2 Feb election.

Or is he saying that it could all start up around 2 Feb? In other words it would be controlled and manipulated by pt.

And nowhere does he mention guaranteed implementation.


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Soooo many things wrong with this picture. First of all, Uncle Chalerm is the last guy the people should be taking advice from (unless it was in the luxury car business as he has so many). Why 99 people? Because it's an auspicious number? 77 from the provinces can be understood but the additional 22 comes from left field. The biggest joke is rewriting of the constitution. What is it, like a 10 page paper or something? Thailand has never had a working constitution so how the heck can one be written now overnight? And finally the 'men in black'? Yes, straight out of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones' flick. Bunch of space creatures.

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"...fresh election can be staged within 180 days to get additional MPs to fill up the shortfall so that the parliament can convene and start functioning."

A fresh election created with rotten eggs. Interesting recipe.

Plus,and most importantly, gives plenty of time to re open the Amnesty bill.

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I thought 99 would be light, as I see a lot of groupes missing from the proposed carve up. I would have thought to widen the net to include many other groups who still miss out. Still think the earlier proposals from Yingluck also had some good points. Suthep, Chalerm and others abroad should be 1st round casualties going forward. Yingluck and others have proposed 500 odd "people" which would seem to be more logical to throw the net wider over a broader range of interests, like the Thai Bussiness Community, a restructured Education system having a say, The Judiciary, the Police, The Army ... Note the Capital Weighing, an apologetic political group who wish to proceed....an Isaan lower socio economic group, some from Bangkoks middle class etc ...

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Setting aside all of the nonsense that he has uttered with regard to setting up a new constitution within 30 days, given that the protesters couldn't gain access to the Labour Ministry, but the police could, why were they unable to arrest these "trouble-making protesters" when they tried to cone down from the roof?

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I thought 99 would be light, as I see a lot of groupes missing from the proposed carve up. I would have thought to widen the net to include many other groups who still miss out. Still think the earlier proposals from Yingluck also had some good points. Suthep, Chalerm and others abroad should be 1st round casualties going forward. Yingluck and others have proposed 500 odd "people" which would seem to be more logical to throw the net wider over a broader range of interests, like the Thai Bussiness Community, a restructured Education system having a say, The Judiciary, the Police, The Army ... Note the Capital Weighing, an apologetic political group who wish to proceed....an Isaan lower socio economic group, some from Bangkoks middle class etc ...

And public hearings and moderated debates, no requirement to resister in advance, and all on live TV / radio, and public can submit questions both in advance and on the spot as the debates happen. Nothing less!

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A brilliant tactician this man.(not!!)......how can Thai politics ever move forward with people of his calibre in the line up.

To think that people here actually think he's the Man is beyond comprehension....an utterly embarrasing liability!

True all round.

So why is he even in the picture all / why has he ever been in the picture / what has he ever done of great positive impact for the benefit of all Thais?

The answer lies of course in cronyism and love of power and intimidation. And of course the benefits.

Plus nepotism in it's ugliest form.

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Why is this man still in a position to be in the public eye. He has just had brain surgery and most likely on heavy medication let alone for him to be the head of a panel for change so this country to go forward .

They should have called on Gen Chavalit also they would make a good pair.

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If ever there was an example of why the 'Party list" system should be thrown out with the dirty bath water, this individual is IT. The sad part is he is only one of many who have used this system to get into positions, for the purpose of benifiting themselves and their own.

The man has been nothing but a blight on the Thai government I can only think of one individual who has managed to sink/slither below him in the cesspool of politics, and they have several common characteristics, none of which I suspest are treatable, as far as a cure is concerned.

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If ever there was an example of why the 'Party list" system should be thrown out with the dirty bath water, this individual is IT. The sad part is he is only one of many who have used this system to get into positions, for the purpose of benifiting themselves and their own.

The man has been nothing but a blight on the Thai government I can only think of one individual who has managed to sink/slither below him in the cesspool of politics, and they have several common characteristics, none of which I suspest are treatable, as far as a cure is concerned.

In the UK they get "safe" seats, although accidents happen, and the victim is left waiting for a bye election to take place.

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