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Mathematics anyone?


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This might be of interest to Farangs, contemplating to run with Thai GF into the deepest corner of rural Thailand , with the purpose to leading a live in harmony and happiness

Initial cost: 2.5 Mil Bht for house, 500'000 Bht for new pick-up = 3 Million bht as a start-up price. Start-up cost 3 million bht.


Shock therapy: With this amount the humble Farang could enjoy nightly enjoyment and companionship for about 8,5 years. If reduced to 1 time per week enjoyment, it would probably surpass the live expectancy of the average Farang by far.

Will not sit well with 90% of Farangs here. They are here for the Temples and the Finnish-Sauna-Like Weather 9 months out of the year. AND: "How dare you, bringing "love" into a mathematical context". Well, I know a good number of Farangs, that wish they had looked at the "Thai-Love-Factor" beforehand, including the mathematics.smile.png


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3 mil thats not bad although I know I place where there are some good houses going for 600000 baht

I rent a very nice house a few years ago for 6000 Baht per month. If I didn't calculate wrong I could rent it for 400 years for 2.5 Millions.

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3 mil thats not bad although I know I place where there are some good houses going for 600000 baht

I rent a very nice house a few years ago for 6000 Baht per month. If I didn't calculate wrong I could rent it for 400 years for 2.5 Millions.

You calculated incorrectly. It's not up to you how long you can rent it for, nor for you to set the rent beyond your current contract.

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3 mil thats not bad although I know I place where there are some good houses going for 600000 baht

I rent a very nice house a few years ago for 6000 Baht per month. If I didn't calculate wrong I could rent it for 400 years for 2.5 Millions.


A clear a waste of money after 35years.

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Deepest corner or Rural Thailand should be very cheap. It's either a huge house on a massive plot of land or a rip off over priced house for the foreign market.

Are you building it yourself ?

Shoulda - Coulda but it's not. It's not just the size of the house but, method of construction. Materials don't get cheaper the furthur you go. You can spend 2 mil. or 500,000 baht - up to you.

But Swissie is right on with his thought. Cost of new pick-up is way low though - closer to 800,000 to 1 mil for nicer one.

Of course it's much cheaper to rent and I don't mean the house.

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So the OP gets his sums right, but fails the final test when he's laid in his own shit and piss in some Bht2000 a month flee pit because he thought it better to buy sex than build a relationship.

With all the money you've saved along the way being single - you could afford to rent all the company you'd like.

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your bill is not complete. You forgot to include that a farang running free will eventually end up in a barstool, and spending a fortune worth in booze. Don't tell me that living in LOS will make him any more disciplined than he used to be. A Thai wife who keeps reminding you that starting to drink at 8 in the morning will do you no good, is like a lottery ticket won !

i am of course now waiting for all the bashers to point that you don't need a Thai wife for all this wisdom. Yet you have to still give me a good explanation for all these free-of-time-and-wife hangers on who crowd the bars in world famous thai destinations . . . .

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3 mil thats not bad although I know I place where there are some good houses going for 600000 baht

I rent a very nice house a few years ago for 6000 Baht per month. If I didn't calculate wrong I could rent it for 400 years for 2.5 Millions.

You calculated incorrectly. It's not up to you how long you can rent it for, nor for you to set the rent beyond your current contract.

yeah but there aint any shortage of places to rent either and at current overcapacity, it would take at least another 34 year before a shortage would even start to look apparent. (real estate scammers abound)

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What a disappointment I was expecting a post on Fermat's Last Theorem or Alan Turing's last paper on Microgenesis perhaps..sigh...

There are too many posters that seem unable to deliver an OP that lives up to the title given it.

There's more to life than mathematics (and, Escher-like, vise versa, probably) and certainly more to life than money. Personally, I find that there are certain benefits that come with establishing roots in a community in a way that cannot be achieved when you are forever at the landlord's whim, and similarly with relationships. I don;'t think I would like a rental mother for my children, and I am fairly sure they would like it still less.


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What a disappointment I was expecting a post on Fermat's Last Theorem or Alan Turing's last paper on Microgenesis perhaps..sigh...

There are too many posters that seem unable to deliver an OP that lives up to the title given it.

There's more to life than mathematics (and, Escher-like, vise versa, probably) and certainly more to life than money. Personally, I find that there are certain benefits that come with establishing roots in a community in a way that cannot be achieved when you are forever at the landlord's whim, and similarly with relationships. I don;'t think I would like a rental mother for my children, and I am fairly sure they would like it still less.


you just dont understand do you!, you have to rent the children too. actually they are free and are more than willing to laugh and smile and whats more you dont have to change their dirty diapers or get up in the night to see to their problems, you farm this part out to the habitual possessors.

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House built in rural area = 500,000

Down payment for a pickup = 100,000

Total = 600,000, not 3 million.

You can't make a valid point if you grossly exaggerate figures.

That's exactly what I paid here in the rural area, we built a bungalow into a lush garden with a view to the mountains,sunrise and sunset, and it'd cost no more than 600,000. I now added a sports-venue with asnooker table and a selfmade concrete PingPong table, plus a two room guesthouse, we have spent a bit over a million and not 3 million, which of course would apply if the OP bought a townhouse in the next bigger village near his GF's farm.

You can't just have the same life on a farm with the family and friends, as opposed to life on your own, on a stretch of Thailand good enough to host a foreigner to hang loose and "rent" into everything he needs, including sex.

I am by far not a social drinker nor a bum staring into a glas but I am also not the saint as of whom the poster pinkie describes himself. I came here to get more relaxed as I have had to deal with people half of my lifetime, and I enjoy being enriched by a culture which got a different knick. and I haven't had to put 3 Million Baht into the parking meter for that . . . .

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clarification: it is you who attributes the word saint. me i don't consider myself any different to anybody else. the difference being that quite a long time ago now i decided that booze wasn't getting me to where i wanted to be and in fact was a hindrance. and that is still where i am today except i have achieved what i aspired too then and cant see any reason to rescind.

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Horses for courses. I have mates who drink a lot, play golf a bit a whoremonger some too. They are happy.

Me, I like crazygreg's scenario. A place made to suit your needs in a quiet spot.

My mates couldn't live like crazygreg or me and I have had enough of living like them although it was fun at the time.

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3 mil thats not bad although I know I place where there are some good houses going for 600000 baht

I rent a very nice house a few years ago for 6000 Baht per month. If I didn't calculate wrong I could rent it for 400 years for 2.5 Millions.

Yup, you calculated wrong. Little less than 35 years. And somehow I doubt you're gonna get the same 6000 thb per month rent in10,20,30 years from now. Not to mention if maintained what the house value might be in 10,20 or 30 years.....

..... Anyway, to each his own.

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So the OP gets his sums right, but fails the final test when he's laid in his own shit and piss in some Bht2000 a month flee pit because he thought it better to buy sex than build a relationship.

After having built up a relationship, this must be a guarantee to not end up in a flee pit after the relationship has hit the fan? Is this what you are saying?


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This might be of interest to Farangs, contemplating to run with Thai GF into the deepest corner of rural Thailand , with the purpose to leading a live in harmony and happiness

Initial cost: 2.5 Mil Bht for house, 500'000 Bht for new pick-up = 3 Million bht as a start-up price. Start-up cost 3 million bht.


Shock therapy: With this amount the humble Farang could enjoy nightly enjoyment and companionship for about 8,5 years. If reduced to 1 time per week enjoyment, it would probably surpass the live expectancy of the average Farang by far.

Will not sit well with 90% of Farangs here. They are here for the Temples and the Finnish-Sauna-Like Weather 9 months out of the year. AND: "How dare you, bringing "love" into a mathematical context". Well, I know a good number of Farangs, that wish they had looked at the "Thai-Love-Factor" beforehand, including the mathematics.smile.png


You forgot to include the 1,000,000 Baht to rebuild mums house in the village

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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3 mil thats not bad although I know I place where there are some good houses going for 600000 baht

I rent a very nice house a few years ago for 6000 Baht per month. If I didn't calculate wrong I could rent it for 400 years for 2.5 Millions.

Maths not your strong point, I think you mean approx 34 years, assuming no rent increase.

ups....yes you are right.....

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