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Bangkok Shutdown 'aims to involve Army'


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35,000 people is this really the voice of the majority?

A stupid comment. These are people being brought in. Others are there already. I think you'll find there are more than 35,000 people opposed to the PTP government. A lot of anti government protesters probably don't agree with Suthep but some will follow him as he seems the best chance of getting rid of PTP and Thaksin. In much the same way as some who didn't like Thaksin voted for his party because they didn't like the Democrats.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And then followed by an even sillier comment! Yes your right there are more opposed to the PTP, but there are a hell of a lot more opposed to the Democrats, by approximately 6 million voters going by the last count. So your point is what exactly what? "he seems the best chance"? oh my goodness, how naive some are....wai2.gif

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More scaremongering from an "intelligence source". I don't support the "shutdown", I think it's a stupid idea, however all these doomsday scenarios the govts is rolling out each day are not helping. All they are doing is creating a sense of fear, without actually doing anything to help those who will be caught up in this protest.

Think you have this arse about face.. Why would the government want to stir up fear, why would the government want to create a situation that might need the army to step in.

Its in the governments interests to downplay this, to make it seem manageable, to be fully under control

Its the PDRC's interest to make it seem like a chaotic problem needing military intervention.

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I thought the government already involved the army in it's preparations to monitor and control the anti-government protesters?

Indeed it have rubi and they have been trying very hard to get them involved for some time.

They were involved when they had to rescue the students because it was 'to dangerous' for the police.

Yingluck has denied attempting to get them to stage a coup, but then she has denied other truths as well.

The general made it very clear the other day that the army is there to serve the people and not the dictatorship aspirations of the coward in Dubai.

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The reality is that there exists - as of today - a score of possibilities that would precipitate the Yingluck administration stepping down. There are the protests of course, the police's key role in them, and the possible participation of the army. But then there is also the election itself. The election will unquestionably be deemed invalid as it will be at least 3 seats shy of the constitutional minimum to open parliament. This will create an immediate constitutional crisis. The most plausible scenario is that the army will peacefully fill in the ensuing constitutional vacuum and establish an interim-government arrangement until reforms and a new election take place. Outside of that, there are still other avenues which doubtless occupy Pheu Thai's concern, as there are the forthcoming judgments of the NACC and the Constitutional Court. It's very, very hard to imagine the Yingluck administration surviving all of these impediments.

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You see? suthep wants to get people killed again like 3 years ago. The man is mad. I hope he gets what he wants and get a free for all in Bangkok. If this goes 4 days you can bet that over 100 thousand red shirts will hit BBK fast to stop him and then the blood will flow. If that is what the people of Bangkok want they might just get it.

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I thought the government already involved the army in it's preparations to monitor and control the anti-government protesters?

Indeed it have rubi and they have been trying very hard to get them involved for some time.

They were involved when they had to rescue the students because it was 'to dangerous' for the police.

Yingluck has denied attempting to get them to stage a coup, but then she has denied other truths as well.

The general made it very clear the other day that the army is there to serve the people and not the dictatorship aspirations of the coward in Dubai.

Please dont forget the dictatorship aspirations of suthep also. OK????????????????

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35,000 people is this really the voice of the majority?

A stupid comment. These are people being brought in. Others are there already. I think you'll find there are more than 35,000 people opposed to the PTP government. A lot of anti government protesters probably don't agree with Suthep but some will follow him as he seems the best chance of getting rid of PTP and Thaksin. In much the same way as some who didn't like Thaksin voted for his party because they didn't like the Democrats.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yea and if they faloow him too far they will get killed in a big fight. If you have been here as long as I have you know what I mean.

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35,000 people is this really the voice of the majority?

A stupid comment. These are people being brought in. Others are there already. I think you'll find there are more than 35,000 people opposed to the PTP government. A lot of anti government protesters probably don't agree with Suthep but some will follow him as he seems the best chance of getting rid of PTP and Thaksin. In much the same way as some who didn't like Thaksin voted for his party because they didn't like the Democrats.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yea and if they faloow him too far they will get killed in a big fight. If you have been here as long as I have you know what I mean.

Tell us who's going to kill them? The police? They have no balls. The army? They're on the side of the protestors?

Only people left are the MIBs. And when that happens, the army will stage a coup to protect the people.

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You see? suthep wants to get people killed again like 3 years ago. The man is mad. I hope he gets what he wants and get a free for all in Bangkok. If this goes 4 days you can bet that over 100 thousand red shirts will hit BBK fast to stop him and then the blood will flow. If that is what the people of Bangkok want they might just get it.

Who's been watching too many Rambo movies then? 100,000 red shirts hitting BKK whistling.gif

So if we follow your logic;

'Suthep wants to get people killed' and he is mad.

And you say "I hope he gets what he wants and get a free for all", "then the blood will flow"

Therefore you must be admitting your own madness, correct?

Thaksin's Kool Aid?

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More scaremongering from an "intelligence source". I don't support the "shutdown", I think it's a stupid idea, however all these doomsday scenarios the govts is rolling out each day are not helping. All they are doing is creating a sense of fear, without actually doing anything to help those who will be caught up in this protest.

Think you have this arse about face.. Why would the government want to stir up fear, why would the government want to create a situation that might need the army to step in.

Its in the governments interests to downplay this, to make it seem manageable, to be fully under control

Its the PDRC's interest to make it seem like a chaotic problem needing military intervention.

The govt has poured out a stream if doomsday statements these last few days, they are creating a sense of fear. Why? Ask them but I would say they are running a negative campaign to possibly scare away suthep's more timid supporters and push those on the fence into their camp.

They are trying to ensure the army is onside, there have been a number of stories and govt statements calling on the army to help keep order and stop suthep. Any stories in the press that convince people that suthep is causing all this chaos will help later if things do turn violent and the army has to step in.

They are also keeping the suthep bogey man image as the cause of all these troubles alive rather than their corrupt, inept, one sided parliamentary behaviour over the past three years.

Don't get me wrong, I dislike suthep and have no time for his fascist thinking. I just don't think that this govts attempts to pass all the blame for the current crisis onto suthep should be bought into. If they had ruled in a legitimate, consensus based manner, none of this would have happened.

I do realise that this could be my paranoia, but I do not trust anything this govt does at present.

Edited by Bluespunk
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"The anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) plans to mobilise 35,000 people from seven southern provinces to shut down seven locations in the capital on Monday to paralyse Yingluck Shinawatra's caretaker administration, the sources said."

So does that mean the Southern Yala bombers that usually terrorize the Deep South will actually be ordered to bomb the capital??? Anyone????

This would be a good time for them to come up here.

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I doubt anyone really believes that the military hardware if for display purposes, it is there ready to stage a coup. It is almost certainly already in the pipeline. PTP should now start thinking about helicopter rental. Despite the Red shirts who are apparently hatching a contingency to whisk Yingluck to the north and establish an exiled government... Lol.

I can't see myself paying my taxes to Jatuporn and the rest of the Shin lot. Yes I am in the north, my tax will be sent down south.

She's already using a chopper on her fleeting visits to BKK.

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The military, the police and all other security organizations need to come down very, very hard on the hooligan protestors from day one. If they do so, they might disappear within a few days. The protestors will only stay if it is easy, social, and there is no threat to life and limb. The government cannot allow them to shut down any government agencies, nor any public transportation, nor any main boulevards. Once this happens, they have stepped over the line, and must be stopped at all costs. That is the only way for Yingluck to maintain control, short of negotiating something, and I do not think Suthep has the intelligence, nor the temperament to negotiate anything that is good for the nation.

Would be nice, but unlikely, if some heavy rainfalls started around the 13th.

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It says a lot that they need 35000 Southerners who made an incredible mess over the last 2 decades back home to shut down Bangkok. It is time to fence off the deep south, put a few thousand volt on the fence and let them merge with the Al Qaeda sympathisers in Northern Malaysia.

It says a lot that Suthep is using recruits people who kill women and children, burn down schools and block roads in the South. The elite should be careful what they are wicking for. Suthep is a anti democrat corrupt till the bone and will never leave. He is in the league with the Pinochets and Videla's of this world.

Not the same people - you really can't get this into your head can you despite it being pointed out on multiple occasions.

Southern Thailand is not the same as the Deep South.

The tourist hotbeds of Phuket, Krabi, Surat Thani and Phang Nga - South, but not the Deep South. In fact they are as far from it as Bangkok is from Cambodia, and we all know Bangkok is not in Cambodia.

NST, Trang, Phattalung - A little further South, but not the Deep South. Similar distance to that of Bangkok to Burma.

Satun and Songhkla - Very South! you're getting close, but still not in the Deep South.

Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat - congratulations, you have located the Deep South. You won't see (to use your words) 'Al Qaeda sympathisers' from here in Bangkok to fulfil your prejudicial expectations however, since:

A -They want independence from Thailand full stop, not just rid of Thaksin.

B - If for some reason they wished to get involved in ousting the head of the government they wish to not be governed by, on behalf of another group that they do not wish to be governed by, their ability to travel, particularly to attend any kind of protest, is severely curtailed with roadblocks all day every day on every road out of the three aforementioned provinces that constitute the Deep South.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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There should be question as to loyalty and so called "good men" here. I can only speak as a foreigner, be whoever supports His Majesty the King and his son, HRH Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn deserves the love and support of all Thai people ... no exceptions.

Long Live the King

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If 35,000 "southerners are the core of the operation" then what happened to the "six million" people who protested in Bangkok a couple of weeks ago?

They sobered up and decided to go home after all the free whiskey

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You see? suthep wants to get people killed again like 3 years ago. The man is mad. I hope he gets what he wants and get a free for all in Bangkok. If this goes 4 days you can bet that over 100 thousand red shirts will hit BBK fast to stop him and then the blood will flow. If that is what the people of Bangkok want they might just get it.

Boy, am sure glad a hot-head like you isn't in charge of any group of Thai people. Did you eat a bowl-full of hot peppers this morning?

Can't they all kiss and make up?

That's the solution: have a big marathon kissing contest for men women and 'others.' As for the 'make up' part of your question: All contestants get to pick a skin whitener lotion out of a grab bag of 387 types, ...and the winning couple gets to take a bath in skin whitener.
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This is exactly what I have have stated in a post about an hour ago, the Army cant stage a coup if the reds stay out of it and Yingluck exercises restraint, which she will do. The red think tank have so far been successful. The violence will eminate from paralysis within Bangkok and of course the Army will have to support the government and the police in maintaining law and order. Suthep looks to have arranged his own political death rites himself and thank goodness for that. Even the PDRC supporters will not put up with their livelyhoods and money being lost. Yep violence will come that is a certainty and very very unfortunate and who will be to blame? Suthep, pure and simple. I sincerely hope that he goes to Goal for all this trouble that he has created. Yes Governments make mistakes, and this obviously includes PTP on many grounds. BUT, at the end of the day they have been elected by the people. Let the courts and the elections sort this out. Suthep just wants his gravy train to carry on with thousands of Thais handing him wads of cash. Sorry, this time it is the so called elite of Bangkok and the middle class who have been duped. Bangkok is not Thailand, in fact who is Bangkoks bread and butter each day? Where does their food come from? Oh some fruit and vegies from the south? Yes, looking at the figures though, this only makes a small proportion of what sustains Bangkok. Again and again, this is a case of southerners and some sections of the Bangkok populace smashing a giant hammer against their own heads.

This post is right on the button. I hope the gov will do what you suggest, cricketn.

Agreed that this government has made several bad decisions (e.g. see 'Bangkok Post' today about the rice pledge scheme: bad economically, didn't help the poor, led to corruption) but the bottom line is that PT were ELECTED. Their mistakes should be dealt with through the ballot box and the courts and not by some 'so and so' like Suthep who could give lessons to General Phibul (former fascist leader of Thailand) in propaganda technique. I hope that Yingluck keeps calm and keeps focussed. She has made some monumental mistakes but if she pulls through this intimidation campaign on the streets of Bangkok then she will be due an award for political skill.

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I suspect that you are absolutely delighted and gloating at the prospect of Yingluck's possible fall.

But there are some poeple who hope and believe that it won't happen.

The reality is that there exists - as of today - a score of possibilities that would precipitate the Yingluck administration stepping down. There are the protests of course, the police's key role in them, and the possible participation of the army. But then there is also the election itself. The election will unquestionably be deemed invalid as it will be at least 3 seats shy of the constitutional minimum to open parliament. This will create an immediate constitutional crisis. The most plausible scenario is that the army will peacefully fill in the ensuing constitutional vacuum and establish an interim-government arrangement until reforms and a new election take place. Outside of that, there are still other avenues which doubtless occupy Pheu Thai's concern, as there are the forthcoming judgments of the NACC and the Constitutional Court. It's very, very hard to imagine the Yingluck administration surviving all of these impediments.

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I suspect that you are absolutely delighted and gloating at the prospect of Yingluck's possible fall.

But there are some poeple who hope and believe that it won't happen.

The reality is that there exists - as of today - a score of possibilities that would precipitate the Yingluck administration stepping down. There are the protests of course, the police's key role in them, and the possible participation of the army. But then there is also the election itself. The election will unquestionably be deemed invalid as it will be at least 3 seats shy of the constitutional minimum to open parliament. This will create an immediate constitutional crisis. The most plausible scenario is that the army will peacefully fill in the ensuing constitutional vacuum and establish an interim-government arrangement until reforms and a new election take place. Outside of that, there are still other avenues which doubtless occupy Pheu Thai's concern, as there are the forthcoming judgments of the NACC and the Constitutional Court. It's very, very hard to imagine the Yingluck administration surviving all of these impediments.

When the people tell the courts to bugger off and no longer respect or obey the courts then the whole of the system comes down in one big crash.

As it is, the Army's been neutralized, the media can't hold change back any longer, Suthep's feudal council won't ever be more than a secret list of names on a piece of scrap paper.

It's a matter of overcoming a succession of obstacles already long in place but which are decrepit and collapsing by themselves. The last obstacle is so antiquated it will fall over on just a light tap.

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I thought the government already involved the army in it's preparations to monitor and control the anti-government protesters?

Indeed it have rubi and they have been trying very hard to get them involved for some time.

They were involved when they had to rescue the students because it was 'to dangerous' for the police.

Yingluck has denied attempting to get them to stage a coup, but then she has denied other truths as well.

The general made it very clear the other day that the army is there to serve the people and not the dictatorship aspirations of the coward in Dubai.

Oi, and the so-called Minister of Defence has no control over the Army at all.

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More scaremongering from an "intelligence source". I don't support the "shutdown", I think it's a stupid idea, however all these doomsday scenarios the govts is rolling out each day are not helping. All they are doing is creating a sense of fear, without actually doing anything to help those who will be caught up in this protest.

Think you have this arse about face.. Why would the government want to stir up fear, why would the government want to create a situation that might need the army to step in.

Its in the governments interests to downplay this, to make it seem manageable, to be fully under control

Its the PDRC's interest to make it seem like a chaotic problem needing military intervention.

Without intervention and if PTP are re-elected,the Amnesty Bill will automatically pass, also the 2.2 Trillion loan. Those are what it'a all about.

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I suspect that you are absolutely delighted and gloating at the prospect of Yingluck's possible fall.

But there are some poeple who hope and believe that it won't happen.

The reality is that there exists - as of today - a score of possibilities that would precipitate the Yingluck administration stepping down. There are the protests of course, the police's key role in them, and the possible participation of the army. But then there is also the election itself. The election will unquestionably be deemed invalid as it will be at least 3 seats shy of the constitutional minimum to open parliament. This will create an immediate constitutional crisis. The most plausible scenario is that the army will peacefully fill in the ensuing constitutional vacuum and establish an interim-government arrangement until reforms and a new election take place. Outside of that, there are still other avenues which doubtless occupy Pheu Thai's concern, as there are the forthcoming judgments of the NACC and the Constitutional Court. It's very, very hard to imagine the Yingluck administration surviving all of these impediments.

When the people tell the courts to bugger off and no longer respect or obey the courts then the whole of the system comes down in one big crash.

As it is, the Army's been neutralized, the media can't hold change back any longer, Suthep's feudal council won't ever be more than a secret list of names on a piece of scrap paper.

It's a matter of overcoming a succession of obstacles already long in place but which are decrepit and collapsing by themselves. The last obstacle is so antiquated it will fall over on just a light tap.

"The last obstacle is so antiquated it will fall over on just a light tap."

That reference is about as oblique as you can get without consequences.whistling.gif

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